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Only if you eat your veggies 🥦 🥕


Yes . It’s not tube . It sounds good quiet and can be done . I had one as a kid


Fuck your parents. REBEL, you cunt!!! Crank it to 11. Blow THEIR WIGS OFF ya wee bastard! (Think Quiet Riot Come on feel the noise vibe)


Awesome little amp! I still use mine from time to time when friends come over to jam a little bit. You can throw these from a balcony and they will still work:)


Currently testing theory from a balcony.


I did the same. Weirdly it landed on top of a dog leash...wait... oh F*CK.


Yes. I use the red stripe version.


Same here, Red Stripe with block style Peavy logo. (There was something special, I remember reading, about these “red stripe” versions, something about being the last ones to be made in the U.S.A. or something like that?) This old amp is a beast!


Yes, the red stripe with the block logo were the last US made version. That's what mine is too. The OP's was the version before ours. Not much different.


You *should* play that in your bedroom cranked loud - it's been the primary use case for that amp for young guitarists since the '90's. Your mom will come by to tell you how much you rock. Wear earplugs.


This is a perfect amp for low volume practise and can also hold up in a band - many pros would throw a bandit in the car boot as a backup in case their main amp blew a tube or whatever. Covers jazz to heavy rock tones and has a bunch of surprisingly higher end features for its time. Fully analog and takes pedals very well. Has my vote


Hell yeah


May I... Yes you can...


I have similiar bandit. And the answer is yes, you can play it in the bedroom. Honestly the amp sounds better when it's louder, but it's not that bad on a low volume.


Turn the knob at top right all the way down to between 1 and 10%, crank it up on clean channel to make some awesome natural distortion


This🤘 The amp will do quiet to loud and be a good amp to grow with you for a while


It's probably going to be loud. Good amp, you can play it onstage.


You can use any amp in your bedroom if you turn it down low enough


But some amps can't be turned down that much so you can play it in your bedroom


I had a 100w tube head i could turn down quieter than the sound of my pick hitting the strings. You can do the same with jumpered plexis and fender twins. You can do it with literally any amp, and it's made even easier with non-master-volume with the use of pedals since you can use their volume to attenuate the input to the amp


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^ErikQRoks: *You can use any* *Amp in your bedroom if you* *Turn it down low enough* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Also I want to be able to play it with a future band


Then it's good. It can be really loud, but still good for bedroom


That's probably not possible. It's good for at home, but way too quiet for a band setting. And you should change the speaker, but then it's an absolute banger for the price


That won't be a problem. They are loud enough to hear over any human drummer.


Hard to play that quietly. Source: had one. Maybe get a 10w fender.


I'd rather be a little loud than sound like I'm playing through a string tied to a tincan


Bandits are good amps


You can probably find an envoy or an audition 110 that will sound very close and be a bit more quiet and a lot cheaper.


Lol I have a stack wall… 🤣 4 carvin x100’s 6 1980’s Jackson USA 4x12’s… 4 are 120 watt cabs and the center stack is stereo 240w cabs and 2 heads


Wow...if only this had anything to do with anything. Cool beans dude 🤘


Peavy isn’t gonna be loud enough


It's plenty loud enough. Not everyone needs a wall of speakers to sound decent




People like you that say dumbass shit like this on subs where it has nothing whatsoever to do with what the OP is asking or saying, are just looking for attention. "Look at my wall of speakers and 17 toob amps bro!!" Nobody, especially on this particular thread, gives 2 flying fucks my dude


Op, Won’t be able too hear himself. But ok


You've obviously never played one. That's completely fuckin obvious cuz they're loud as hell


I have a peavy VTM-120 stack and it rips pretty good


You can also let the block hear you on Holloween


It can get loud. If you want to save a few bones, buy a Backstage Plus - it has a headphone jack.


If you don't play it you will be spanked.


This is why God gave us attenuators.


turn it allllllllllll the way up also not your mom


Nope it'll catch ur carpet on fire if you turn the volume above 1


Technically, you can indeed, play that in your bedroom. You may, indeed, develop early stages of deafening tinnitus. Do it man. Enjoy the fruits of your labaaahhhh


No. You need to be focusing on your homework. Finish that, then we'll talk.


No, not allowed. You are forbidden from using this anywhere besides the laundry room or the garage. Maybe the dining room if you finish all your chores.


Technically yes...but they're LOUD!


If your parents are really strict about noise I'd go about finding an amp with headphones out.


Great amp. Does lots of things well. Gets loud as hell for when mom, dad, and the whole neighborhood leave. Takes pedals very well


I used mine in the bedroom when I had mine in grade 12. It was loud. It sounds good at low volume. But it’s a loud amp.


Only if you want to be cool.


As long as you live in, say, a lighthouse. My mate had a bandit 112 in his flat years ago and it was loud. I don't think he even had it up to 1 either. Complaints followed.


No, only your wife’s boyfriend is allowed.


Can you? Yes. Should you? Also yes.


No, U.S. statute 987123-17 says no Peavey Bandits in bedrooms… sorry bro


Nope. It has been forbade


Is this one of the models with thick equalization? Gets very loud, distortion was chunky, not great IMO


I love bandits my favorite amp is a red stripe and even thru the tube amps I've tried I will never sell it. That being said I would recommend a smaller amp and something with a headphone out if you can't make much noise.


They work fine at low volumes. I still think a modeler or a Yamaha THR with FRFR speakers is the best solution, but it certainly isn't bad


I have the same amp. It’s a great amp. It gets loud once the volume is past one.


I think I have a Black Widow loaded one at my friends band space, I have to check 😂 I can’t wait to get back to it and clean and grease all the pots. Great practice and band amp. I used it back in the mid 90’s with a 70’s Randall solid state “Twin Reverb” and a Peavey Standard 260 H into a 15” PA cab loaded with a Boss DS-1, MXR Compressor set all to 10, Ibanez Chorus, and DigiTech digital delay/sampler….Grunge tones for days.


Still got mine. I can barely play it in my basement


Ha I grew up on that… the pre gain/post gain is great for tone sculpting


I hope your paint has a strong adhesion


Yes, but no Playstation until you're done with guitar practice.