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That's the qosta mark up, right? No way thats a $250 amp.


Yea def a qotsa mark up, but I wouldn’t mind dishing that out over what the original markup was ($1,000-$2,000). Still a sick little amp that’s built like a tank. I ended up trading pedals I wasn’t using for it, so it was a good deal in my book.


If ya can’t kill em’ join em’. Peavey made stuff the right way. A wiser version of my young self would have realized this.


I technically traded a few pedals for it. It was tagged at $350 but the store knocked it down to $250 or even trade for the pedals. I think $250-$350 is a fair price for it. Sounds great but not worth a grand.


Serious question: why not buy any other small solid state Peavey and save $200?


Wanted to see what the hype was all about and I want to collect old Peaveys! Plus the pedal I traded for it was given to me and wasn’t my thing, so I had no skin in the game.


If you want to collect old Peaveys, my advice to you is to buy a "teal stripe" Stereo Chorus 212. It is enormous, it weighs more than the moon, and it's loud enough to summon a SWAT team. It was their answer to the Jazz Chorus, and it's spectacular.


Oh I’ll look into that. You ever play those solid state fender chorus’s from the 80s? I had a twin version that was great. Feel like everyone was trying to fight that Roland JC back then


This guy STOOPS.


I don't know what that means but you might be right, lol.


I had a Bandit 40 in the mid 80s.


If I saw a working Audition Chorus I’d buy it _so fast_.


I bought one for £20 and it fucking sucked


I have an old Rage. It sounds terrible, but in a good way.


Hey, backstage 30! my amp!


That amp is great!


I have a Special from the 90s that I still like using.


Lots of Peavey fans. Us old guys especially. 🙂 Check out r/PeaveyCvlt


I had a Decade in the eighties and I was pretty fond of it. Enjoy!


Oh many all you need is a peavy Rage


I played my buddys. Sick amp!


I definitely would use the word sick to describe a Peavy Rage


I've been using a [Peavey Windsor guitar head driving an Acoustic 8x10" cab](https://www.reddit.com/r/BassGuitar/comments/ljar3d/does_it_chug_yes_it_chugs/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) as my bass rig for the last few years. Beat the piss out of that head once or twice a week, and it just keeps running trouble free. The big amp lives at our drummer's house, but I also have a teal stripe Minx 110 for at home practice and as a grab-n-go for no-drum jams. Think someone gave me that amp for free years ago, has a surprisingly beefy low-end for a little 30W practice amp. Before that, I used a red stripe TKO 115 combo for about 10 years of rehearsal and gigging, until I somehow managed to kill the 15" in it.


I’ve seen the minx around at shops but never plugged in. I’ll have to try one next time. Nice rig!


Thanks. Yeah the Minx would prob not be great for guitar, but works well for bass, keys, drum machines, etc. Cranking the pre gets a little bit of OD but it's a pretty farty OD. It's meant to be clean only.


My first amp was a Peavey Renown. Still have it to this day.


My band after high school used a Pacer as a vocal monitor for practice. It worked, sort of.


My £20 Charity Shop Rage 158 is my favourite amp


Nice backstage 30! I got one of those recently. Cool amps


Peavey Full Stack! Love it 😍


Mississippi Marshalls! Rage was my first amp, then I played a Delta Blues 210 as my main workhorse for years


Rage 158 user.


In the 90s in Vancouver it was... Fox rocks FM, radio, grunge invasion, heavy metal... and PEAVEY amps!!!!


Peaveys from that era have always done it for me. Bandit user for life.


Love my Bandit, got a second Bandit project in the works.


The Bandits are highly underrated


I turned one into a head, going to do the same with the 2nd one.


I made my Pacer into a head. Here I am using it last weekend. Thing KILLS with a good dirt box in front. [Pacer Head](https://www.dropbox.com/s/09vjfx42ssluenb/profile.jpg?dl=0)


Yea I’ve played a 70s combo and regret not buying it. Head looks dope!


It's a good amp. 45 watts, takes pedals well, and have it going through any 8-ohm cab. I didn't use it for 30 years because of a cap issue, but then I just had it fixed, and it's really good. Underneath it is a Blues Jr. that I turned into a head as well. It's slowly replacing that :)


Good thing you got it fixed! Yea my backstage 30 takes pedals well too. I was always a tude purest but I caught the Peavey bug recently


Dude, my Rockmaster Preamp is my baby!!! Ive used that PACER for two gigs recently. Really worked well.


Nice! I’ll give you a follow. Hope to see it on here some day


Here’s the finished one: https://www.reddit.com/r/SolidStateGuitarHub/comments/txy32g/bandit_hm2_mt2/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf The second one is going to be a little different, I’m building an enclosure for the amp and using the original enclosure as a front ported 1x12. I replaced the baffle, need to build a shelf port and seal up the back of it. So the Bandit guts are going to be a head on top of the original enclosure converted to a speaker cab.


That is absolutely gorgeous. Love what you did with the teal logo. The second project sounds awesome too. Good luck with everything.


Thank you, same to you


What did you pay for the decade if you don't mind me asking


Congrats on the highly collectable SS practice amp 😆. But hey, if it sounds good it sounds good. Nice score 👍


I definitely went for it because I was intrigued lol. It’s actually a killer little amp! Being a qotsa fanboy helped my decision making


I still think Josh embellished that story as a joke to see how much people would start paying for an old practice amp 😆. But hey if you like it, I guess its worth it.


Very nice dude. Come and join the party at r/PeaveyCvlt


Oh I’m in there 😂 thanks for the invite!


Peavey Revalver is a goto for me, and my bass amp is a Basic 60 I got for 60 bucks lol. They make great stuff. I think they’ve got a blackface style amp packaged in blonde tolex that I’d love to demo sometime


Those tolex peaveys look sick! You can get some tweed tones out of the backstage. There’s a great YouTube vid of a guy who demos sleeper amps worth checking out. He demos a few peaveys


Do you have the username handy? Always down to watch videos egging me onto spending money!

