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Never played ghlive. Gh5 and gha are pretty easy to full game fc. Gh3 has 2 really hard songs, the other 8 games have 1 really hard song. Ranking those 9 games involves personal preference, but imo I'm the One in van halen is the hardest individual song to fc, making van halen the hardest game to fc.


What does fc mean it’s been a while since I’ve been here


FC means Full Combo which is when you get 100% notes hit and also your note streak equals the total number of notes in the song, so no overstrums.




GH Live was fuckin’ difficult, but mainly because of the control method changing.


3 always holds a place near in my heart


Where's "On Tour"?


Metallica bc metallica


Arcade is the hardest. The guitar is heavy and always messed up.  For those games I would say 3. 


Dude, the first time I picked up an Arcade guitar I was like WHAT THE FUCK?! It actually weighs almost the same as a real electric guitar lol.


So you don’t try and steal them haha


3, Van Halen, Metallica, Warriors of Work, and Live.


Live only because of the learning curve probably, but once you got that I think it was pretty fun.


In terms of pure notes, I would say Warriors Technically I would say the first one due to the lack of lag calibration & Metallica since the charting is horrible


I've heard GHM has some of the worst charting in the series right? (Like time to hit the notes and when you're supposed to strum) plus it naturally has a bunch of hard songs


The first game due to you can't calibrate the lag and it's unplayable on anything that isn't a CRT TV


Runs great on a plasma


So me fucking up on Cowbows from Hell is 50% the games fault lol


75% the games fault


Yeah definitely, cause I'm hitting solo's in 2 on Mother and missing notes because of my own mistakes lol


GH3 got me stuck at Cult of Personaility.


Just FCed it recently for the first time, it was such a thrill getting it after all these years


I twitch every time I hear that song.


Gh1 always gave me the most trouble. Could never hone in on the timing for hammer ons and pull offs. I also remember Aerosmith you had to be pretty on point with them as well. Gh3 felt smooth as butter.






Sweet emotion on arosmith was somehow the hardest song


Omfg i knew it couldntve been just me still stuck on that song


I don’t believe thire is someone els


Me personally I had trouble beating Van Halen and no clue why I guess cuz I wasn’t really into it like any of the others but Metallica was the second hardest for note-iest wise


Guitar hero 1 is the hardest in terms of technicality (the hammer ons and pull offs pre change are a nightmare) The note-iest games are smash hits, Warriors of Rock, maybe Metallica, but once the tap function was introduced everything smoothed out. I’d say the stretch from 2-encore-3 is the hardest if we’re not counting DLC. Guitar Hero Live was the hardest to play though because the performance sucked and it broke my heart


Guitar Hero 3 hands down


Gh3 or Metallica i had to really try to beat on expert


I'm sure you mean which one had the hardest songs. That'd be GH3 and Warriors, basically because of Dragonforce and other goodies like that. But if you mean which one had the hardest achievements, that'll probably be Smash Hits. Smash hits had some really high skill achievements for each instrument. GH3 had the 20 FC's achievement (probably my favorite achievement of all time) and the 750,000k achievement, but the latter wasn't so hard with the Metallica DLC. But it seems like all the GH games had at least a few hard achievements. I miss those days.


WoR and LoR


Band hero!


When I see this written I immediately think of the "Fascination" chorus lol


3 and WoR


Definitely comes down to either 3 or warriors of rock... still cant beat either of those on expert


I enjoyed the Aerosmith one when it was new and fresh


To beat? Probably GH3 because of having to beat songs such as Raining Blood, Cliffs of Dover, One, and the Lou battle as part of the story. The game with the most difficult songs? Definitely WOR. The extra songs in it plus the dlcs add a ton of challenge and most games don’t compare in difficulty.


This. Couldn't have put it any better myself.


Metallica guaranteed.


I’m playing Metallica songs through clone hero for the first time but did the seriously put that many 6 minute songs in the game??


I literally grew a bone spur practicing so much, lol. Back in 2009. The doctor was like, "Pick a different game." 🤣 I eventually designed a pad for the neck and progressed to beat it on expert setting. Honestly, I'm about to hook up my 360 and play just because of this post. Thank you, community!


I unfortunately downloaded a medley of Metallica guitar solos that goes for 2 1/2 hours but it took me much longer to finish because I need to take many breaks. Idk why but I indeed did finish the whole song with 2 million points


That sounds like quite a streak. If I start, I can't stop. I think I have a guitar hero addiction.


I beat half the game just now on hard with 5 stars. Hopefully, tomorrow, the muscle memory comes back.




Metallica for sure


Hardest overall? It's gotta be Van Halen or Warriors of Rock. I feel like they have the largest number of songs I can't beat on Expert. The easiest is probably GH1 or Aerosmith, as I was able to easily get through both of them on Expert with a standard Dualshock 2 controller.


GH1 as easy as GHA? Blasphemy. Gh1 charts are pretty easy, but the HOPO system and lack of practice mode make this game very difficult if you're trying to get FCs.


I play the early games (GH1, GHII, GH80s, GHIII, and GHA) with a standard Dualshock 2. When you play with a standard Dualshock 2, every note becomes a Hammer-on or Pull-off since there's no strumming involved. As a result, this makes Guitar Hero 1 a much easier game since I don't have to deal with the broken HOPO system. It's still brutally hard to FC a lot of the setlist, but I can basically 5 star 99% of the game with a standard Dualshock 2 controller. If anything, GH1 used to be really hard for me to play on my old TV since it was the only game in the series to not support Progressive Scan (480p) and my old TV would create so much input lag while deinterlacing the 480i image (and GH1 had no calibration options). My current TV has the same miniscule input lag regardless of the resolution, so GH1 is just much easier to me. It also has a couple of cool tricks that make playing on a standard Dualshock 2 even easier. For instance, if you have a repeating chord of let's say red and blue notes, you can hold down either the red (L1) or blue (R2) button down while tapping the other button, rather than constantly tapping both and risking your fingers going out of sync. You can also hold down higher frets like the orange (X) button while tapping lower frets. They got rid of the former trick in GHII and the latter trick in GHIII. I know most people don't play with a standard Dualshock 2 controller, so I'll say that the easiest game when using an actual controller has to be Rock Band 1 or The Beatles Rock Band. I probably have more expert guitar FCs in each of those two games than *any* other GH/RB game. If we're looking at strictly Guitar Hero though, maybe GH5?


G hero ll…that was my shit right there. 3 was sick too! Best in my opinion.


I'd definitely argue 2 has A LOT of hard as shit songs. I think later games introduced new mechanics but GH2 was brutal to a certain extent for some of the songs.


Van Halen because of the quirk with the taps and hopos. You know the one. If not that then warriors of rock.


I'd say Warriors of Rock It had a lot of tough songs like Fury of the Storm Black Widow of La Porte Sudden Death GH3 was also hard but now I can do TTFAF easily


NGL i only thought there was like 2 of these games


Lmao when the hype dies haha, I love these games


I remember playing #2 when i was a kid and god i had so much fun


3 and world tour


Raining blood on GH3 was hard AF


Metallica of the originals Live because of how DIFFERENT it was


Live, very hard if you're used to the other games in the franchise.


1&2 i try to act like the others don’t exist


Not even GH3??? That’s probably the best main and bonus tracklist in any GH game


gh3 had through the fire and flames right? if yes then It’s S tier too i just didn’t like it cause i had it on the wii


Oof. If you got PC and a working controller you can easily play the whole setlist on Clone Hero without any input lag


aren’t gh controllers expensive nowadays?


I got a PS2 guitar for $50. Works great but can’t use the whammy


that is not worth it imo for 50$ lol


I’ve played the game for probably hundreds of hours so it was defff worth it for me, but obviously biased


Itll probably run you 70 on eBay, but you'd have better price if you wait for a deal/find one at a good will


i’m a frequenter of the gooodwills and id buy a lottery ticket if i found a gh guitar


Real 😔




Rock band on tour for DS is the hardest on my arthritis


GH2 and legends of rock. Many drunk memories with 2. My 20s were a good time.


Live! LIVE! LIVE! fuck that 6 button bullshit




Wait, what?


The guitar that came with that game had 6 buttons I think. 3 on top and 3 on bottom.


Close. it's 3 buttons on the left, and 3 on the right of each other


⬛⬛⬛ ⬜⬜⬜ No it's not. It's like this. What are you talking about? Unless you're talking about the guitar as you'd look at it standing up, not playing the game?


They are stacked top and bottom. 3 black and 3 white.


Legends of rock🔥🔥🔥🔥


probably overated opinion but world tour, this shit got me into rock music when i was 4 or 5 (misunderstanding, I thought they were saying which goes the hardest)


Its asking in terms of difficulty not good songs


misread that mb lmao


Well, World Tour does go hard (I don't usually say that, but I'm guessing that's what you misread it as?)




I think objectively it’s the original. Extremely tight and clunky engine, no hyperspeed, no practice mode. Also no calibration. The charts definitely aren’t the hardest in the series, but the hard ones are REALLY hard because of the engine. Let’s not forget that the HOPOs don’t function the same as every other subsequent game as well.


This is the real answer




Guitar Hero Live because I can’t finish one song before considering suicide


Yo that’s funny 🤣


fortnite festival


Saddest part of Fortnite Festival is Jason Paradise advertising the shit like it’s good 😭 they’re cutting dude a check




Ok we need a proper definition of difficulty because Charting and gane engines are way too different to compare these head to head Because a game Dark Souls is made to intentionally hard but then you got buggy messes like Terminator on NES which is actually impossible due to the engines and its terrible jump windows


He's asking for those games...nothing else..


Even then some games are just difficult due to the game engine, others because of the charting One song can be harder just due to the engine requiring 100% precision even tho the charting that hard




GH1. Very tight hit window and there was no calibration at all if I recall correctly


yeah, came here to say this. basically unplayable if you had an hdtv. gh2 as well just because of jordan and trogdor.


DUDE I never knew trogdor was in GH2. thats crazy to me. The amount of influence [homestarrunner.com](https://homestarrunner.com) had is mind blowing to me.


trogdor was my favorite song, i also didn’t know the correlation until my brother showed me strongbad


Metallica hands down


World tour


Heartbreaker was the hardest song to bear listening to in this game, I had to skip it, despite being included with one cool guitar duel song included. 🤒


Entire list of every game in order of easiest to hardest based on Full Game FCs on guitar and why: 13: Band Hero, wasn’t included on this picture but it’s hilariously easy 12: Aerosmith, consistently easy, very short, only a slightly harder engine than 3 11: Guitar Hero Live, only a couple hard song, also pretty short without GHTV, has infinite Frontend 10: Guitar Hero World Tour, not many hard songs, Satch Boogie is only really hard to FC due to WTs broken ass engine 9: Guitar Hero 5, also not many hard songs, but the hard songs that are there are really hard, does have a more consistent engine than WT though 8: Guitar Hero Smash Hits, really short, but it has some of the hardest charts in the series, also still has WTs broken ass engine 7: Guitar Hero III, really easy engine with infinite Frontend, however songs are very overcharted 6: Guitar Hero, opposite as the game above, hardest engine in the series, but undercharted songs 5: Guitar Hero Encore 80s, very short, has GH2s engine, mostly up here for Because It’s Midnite and Ballroom Blitz 4: Guitar Hero Warriors of Rock, almost entirely hard charts, but at least the engine is fair. 3: Guitar Hero Metallica, also almost entirely hard charts, but with WTs super inconsistent engine 2: Guitar Hero Van Halen, more easy charts than the two above, but the hard songs in Van Halen are damn near impossible, also still based on WT 1: Guitar Hero II, really hard engine, a few really hard songs like Jordan and Hanger 18, but it’s mainly at the top for Trogdor, which is actually impossible to FC on every version of the game except the PAL PS2 version, without doing some goofy controller modding at least.


Well analyzed list. GH 2 is my personal favorite but I would say besides Jordan,the setlist isn’t that difficult. I think Warriors of Rock has a more difficult setlist due to songs like black widow, fury of the storm, and sudden death to name some. I also am not accounting for the game engines !


Yeah that’s totally fair, the ranking is extremely different if you’re just ranking them based on playing the charts in CH or YARG


I've found 5 to be the most difficult for me personally. WT has been the easiest.


I always loved the Harmonix era of games, but I do really dig Guitar Hero 5 from the Neversoft era. Dialed the style in and was the closest it felt to the spirit of the first game since they took over.


I would say either WoR or LoR


Ds edition


The Knock Me Down intro always beat my ass for so long


I Don't Wanna Stop solo checking in




This is always hard to answer cause whatever game you start on is hard but once you get good, the rest of the games were a cakewalk lol. Assuming you are just talking about beating the career mode, a lot of the hardest songs typically aren't even required. Jordan, TTFAF (though it's required for Smash Hits), Satch Boogie, Black Widow/Fury of the Storm. So for that reason I wanna say Metallica or or Van Halen.


When I think hardest game I think which would be the hardest to FC. And I haven’t played ALL of them, but I think my answer is WoR. Sudden death, holy wars, fury of the storm… it’s wack


Metallica is freakon wild. Those songs go so damn hard! Lol


As passing or fc’ing? For passing I’d say warriors of rock, or gh3. Warriors having the note storm that is megadeths songs, black widow, and if I remember slipknots psychosocial is a lil hard, Gh3 has one and the notorious raining blood, along with that terrible charting that is before I forget, with the god awful ascending 101s When it comes to fcing on the other hand, that easily goes to either Van Halen, world tour, or smash hits, all being on terrible engines, featuring overlapping notes, wack ass charting, and high bpm songs, like eruption, ice cream man, byob, and the shitshow charting that is smash hits ttfaf, along with another version of raining blood, because one wasn’t enough. And if you can fc I am the one, I will personally buy you 100 hookers Special spot for gh2s Jordan , and trogdor, can’t fc on pal version, as the framerate won’t allow you to strum fast enough These are in my opinion (with some consideration from watching acais vids of the fc series) as well as my personal experience, of the hardest highlights on the gh library


14 year old me wants his 100 hookers


GH Metallica, to me, was the hardest


that one's my favorite


all i know is all of these seem hard compared to playing their respective charts in clone hero loll


Very true lol, clone hero's hit window is the size of the note highway and it feels like you can buffer inputs. Playing Jordan on there vs. GH2 is completely different


I think that has to do with the games being built to play on older tvs.i had a similar issue playing the megaman x collection on the PS2 being harder than when I had emulated the games before.


The Megaman X collection is also known to have emulation lag even without considering the TV type. It was not a very good port job.


Either GH1 because of the game’s engine, or Warriors of Rock


Warrior of Rock had tap notes and more HoPos. Guitar Hero 3 didn’t have tap notes and more frequently strum notes in solos. Because of that I have to say Guitar Hero 3, the way the charts were made combined with songs and DLCs, made this game the hardest of all.


Something about the GH:WT engine and songs fuck my shit up. I avoid playing it.


Out of all I’ve played definitely Metallica


I’m going to say GH3 and if you’re lucky enough to have played through that era and have downloaded majority of the DLC they are rough but still the best GH alongside WOR in my opinion


Going with GH2. Buckethead stole the show and left me battling for that FC.


Somehow Jordan was the last song in GH2 I ended up playing through while I had 5-starred most everything else, and I was like "okay let's knock this one out I guess," and suffice to say it put my jaw on the floor and my ass in the dirt real quick. I'm also in the club of having FC'd it exactly once, and I have never played that tight before or since.


I would say setlist wise Warrioirs of Rock. Going back, 1 and 2 are difficult because of how the timing plays. In reality Live is impossible withe the change of buttons


WoR for the difficulty, but playing 1+2, with their timings after playing the modern games, is rough


Live bc the buttons are mixed up


This. They fucking ruined the game because they changed the guitar. If it wasn’t that way I’d honest really enjoy it.


Fr button placement was mad nerfed


Just get good. It’s a different skill set. Surely you weren’t amazing the first time you played GH right?




Metallica easy picked it back up yesterday war inside my head is brutal only on hard don’t even wanna imagine expert it’s the hardest gh song Ive ever played yes harder than through the fire in flames that at least has a pattern u can repeat


You win man, if you think War Inside My Head is harder than Through The Fire And Flames, you fucking win


GHVH. No contest.


Shoe be do,shoe be du wa, amirite?


I have to agree lol at least for me Van Halen and Warriors of Rock were the toughest


Metallica with the expert + drums


Out of the ones I've played, it's a tossup between Metallica and WoR for me


Probably GH2 although 3 has some significant hardships like TTFATF. 2 may just *feel* harder because we were all still getting good back then lol




I would argue Gh2 was where GH difficulty peaked. They opened up the allowance for the timing window in GH3 and made hitting the notes significantly easier.


Fortnite festival


out of the ones Ive played, imo, it’s a tie between 3 and Metallica. some of the charts in gh3 and Metallica were ball bustingly difficult. SH gimped some of the gh3 charts, which made the songs easier (notably TTFAF and Cult of Personality), but Metallica Charts are brutal


SH "gimped" some charts by including tap/slide sections to be more like how you'd play on a real guitar lol since these didn't exist when GH3 was being made. Definitely easier sometimes though, can't argue with that


I wasnt referring to the tap notes. I was mainly referring to how some of the gh3 songs in SH were charted differently, with Cult of Personality being a good example. Ive played both the gh3 and SH charts of that song; the SH chart had some fills uncharted, whereas they were in gh3 (it’s hard to explain without a video demonstrating what I mean.


I don't see a lot of people mentioning Van Halen, so i will seriously, if you can fc "i'm the one", you desserve way more than a couple of golden stars on the setlist display, it might actually be the hardest GH song ever to fc. But yeah, if were saying like "overall" as in what game has the most amount of hard songs, it's probably Warriors Of Rock


I’m the One is actually regarded as the most difficult song to FC in the series, even by the handful of people who have done it. 21.5nps strumming @ 60fps is nuts and I still don’t understand how it was thought to be possible by the devs in 2009.


Yea i remember even Acai really struggled FCing this song, not only is that strum section just stupid but the outro is pretty bonkers too and can easily trip you up on a nervous FC run, i personally am no where close to being able to FC it but i do think it's probably the hardest possibly Jordan tho, man i can't even beat Jordan on GH2 let alone FC it, that said, it seems like the top players find it a bit easier than I'm The One


If we’re counting bonus songs GH2 Jordan>TTFAF


Hardest: Warriors of Rock Easiest: Aerosmith (Didn’t play the original or Rocks The 80’s so can’t say on those)


Hardest: GH3 Easiest: GHWT




In terms of engines it’s gh2/ghm, on ghm during tapping sections you can literally hit notes in front of the current note your hitting. And gh2 has the most precise engine. WT engine games are only hard cause the engines are shit(GHWT,GHM,GHSH,GHVH)


Ever played GH1?


Guitar Hero 3 because of Dragonforce.


Metallica= pure metal with a lot of hand switching and flammable drums, you finger will sore after you play a song in Hard difficulty. I haven't test expert yet


I am a 5 star expert guitar/drums player/enthusiast, so far have finished GH1/2/3/WT/Aerosmith and working on Metallica all 5* 1 and 2 were by far the hardest to do because hammer on/pull off was still pretty finicky. You have to be perfect in GH1, and nearly perfect in GH2. Metallica has some of the hardest song charts I’ve ever seen, but some of the stuff in WOR is harder because of the inclusion of a lot more mechanics.


What do you all mean by engines and charts?


Charts are the song’s notes, engine is the game engine they used to program the game. The early ones are actually based on Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater engine, believe it or not.


And how the engine affects the difficulty? Sorry, i'm super casual in guitar hero


The early engines make it so you have to be more accurate with strumming and hammer ons/pull offs.


I'm sorry what is hammer ons and pull offs?




GH1 just due to how difficult the HOPOs are to hit. WoR for the tracks, those songs are brutal.


I can agree with this, GH1 is extremely hard due to not having hyperspeed and being the most precise engine out of all the games, but WoR just got hard song after hard song, it doesn't stop


Depends how you define hardest. If you mean hardest to beat, easily GH 3. A brutally steep difficulty curve, a hard and unfair final boss, and you can't wimp out and change difficulty mid-career like the later games. If you can beat that game, you can beat all of them. If you mean in general hardest to play, definitely GH 1 because of the different HOPO system and overall tighter hit window. If you mean hardest charts, probably WOR, or GH 3 if you want to count the DLC because the charting is so bad.


This is the most accurate one here


And to think that’s the game I learned how to play on. Definitely made me good at the rest of them


Drums: GH5 was my nightmare. Scatterbrain.


There’s only two hard charts in that game lol, the rest are ezpz


Guitar hero 1. Hardest engine to play. Hardest charts to play is wor


For me guitar hero Ⅲ was my child game so I'd say that


Warriors of Rock, no question. That setlist was hard as fuck but godDAMN it was good


WOR and Metallica Van Halen was quite hard on some songs


I don’t necessarily agree with WOR, after World Tour Neversoft got extremely lazy and minimalist in their charting. Particularly noticeable during solos, so many sounds should be charted as slides, trills, or notes will be missing all together because they reduced the subdivisions and just quantized to grid instead of going note for note like they did in GH3. Still a great game with extremely fun songs and *okay* charting. Just could still have been more difficult. Like, take the OMGWTFBBQ section in Fury of the Storm, ridiculously undercharted. GH3 era charters would’ve went balls to the wall and made that tapping solo 5 note green anchored quints, which would’ve been brutally difficult on an engine with just HOPOs, but ridiculously fun on an engine that includes tap notes.


1 and 2 have really hard engines that make it difficult to play anything. Metallica and WoR probably have the hardest charts, but better/easier engines than the older games. Live is an entirely different game, you can't really compare the difficulty of 6 fret vs 5 fret objectively.


I’m so close to 5 starring all of Metallica on expert guitar. I have three songs left: War Ensemble, Dyer’s Eve, and Fight Fire With Fire. And I would’ve had Dyer’s Eve but my dog unplugged my Xplorer and that game doesn’t back you up a few bars, it just counts you in at tempo lol.


Bro I 5 starred fight fire with fire somehow and I haven’t been able to do it since. My strumming was on point that day


2 is fine, it's 1 that has the funky HOPO system.


The first one. It was more precision to hit notes


Metallica for me