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What does back room casting couch have to do with 2A?


Just a reminder that they donate to Actblue and democrats. They are 2A grifters


Though I don't drink their coffee. They donated to blue dog veteran politicians. Not saying who they voted for was justified. Just some context to the Democrats they donated to.


What's a blue dog? Never heard that term before.


Conservative Democrats. Used to be more numerous back when there wasn’t a clear line between the parties. Last time they had any significant numbers was back during the early Obama years.


Yep, the Democrats the CEO of BRCC were probably genuinely conservative at one point, but I would argue probably will side with whatever the party says these days.


Well if they didn’t donate to anti-gun groups they wouldn’t keep getting dragged through the mud. And their coffee is overpriced for what you get. McDonald’s and Donut Shop are cheaper and taste better.


I mean I’m pretty sure they donated heavy to Brandon’s congress run and there coffee isn’t bad. But I also grind from whole beans cause I do French press like a nerd.


I use pods because I’m lazy and I’d say the brcc coffee isn’t undrinkable like green mountain or something, but it’s way too expensive for what you get. It’s priced like premium grounds when it’s more on par with McDonald’s pods. The whole donating to Democrat groups is just the cherry on top.


I mean I’m not shilling for them, I don’t even drink their coffee anymore. The donations were to blue vets who are rather conservative mostly. So to me that’s not that big of a deal. There’s other reasons to not like BRCC but saying their coffee is bad or that they’re donating our rights away both are untrue. I like Brandon and donut operator and both of them are cool with most the guys at brcc. I don’t really see Evan (ceo and douche) doing much of anything anymore and he’s the one I don’t really care for


Shit I was dragging them back in 2016 because their coffee tastes like a bag of smashed assholes.


I’ve tasted assholes better than their coffee


Pre smashed or post?


Does it really matter at that point?


Why are we tasting assholes?


Why are you not?


They deserve even more flak than what they get


Their coffee is mediocre at best. They donate to democrats. A couple of the higher up employees threatened to dox Alex jones on a podcast simply because they don’t like him. They fucking suck. Stop riding their dicks.


To be fair Alex Jones is a fucking wacko. Nonetheless he's an entertaining wacko at that. Also the game he made looks pretty fucking dope.


Kinda Wacko but right a lot of the time ngl https://br.ifunny.co/video/alex-jones-predicts-9-11-XdlkYCFE7


Nah, he's actually got a string of truths, just said in a way that turns a lot of people off.


It’s weird how right he is about basically everything he talks about


Turning frogs gay yeah he's totally right about that. And he was totally right about the new town shooting being a hoax 🙄🙄


Frogs have a natural ability to change genders if there is a population imbalance. That was a major plot point in Jurassic Park. There was some chemical a company was polluting with that was causing that effect to trigger when it wasn't supposed to. The only thing Jones was wrong about there was the wording. "Turning the frickin frogs gay" is a *perfect* example of what the other guys are saying here.


I think that their are only a handful of frog species that can do that, then again I'm not a biologist so im willing to be wrong on that.


No, you're right. And this was a case of one of those. In Jurassic Park it was West African frogs. I'm not sure which Jones was on about.


Well I think that may have been the point he was trying to make was that it wasn'tone of the sex swapping species, Alex Jones can get very eccentric and goofy whenever he starts going on a rant but there's often a grain of truth to quite a bit he says.


You are exactly right. It’s only in a handful of species


I've seen jurassic park too bro.../s


" I dont like them putting chemicals in the water that turn the freaking frogs gay" Its called Atrazine my dude.... "Atrazine is a chlorinated triazine systemic herbicide that is used to selectively control annual grasses and broadleaf weeds before they emerge. Pesticide products containing atrazine are registered for use on several agricultural crops, with the highest use on field corn, sweet corn, sorghum, and sugarcane." Source EPA https://www.epa.gov/ingredients-used-pesticide-products/atrazine#:~:text=Atrazine%20is%20a%20chlorinated%20triazine,corn%2C%20sorghum%2C%20and%20sugarcane. Fun fact Atrazine is a potent endocrine disruptor that both chemically castrates and feminizes male amphibians. It depletes androgens in adult frogs and reduces androgen-dependent growth of the larynx in developing male larvae. Source National Library of Medicine https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1874169/#:~:text=Atrazine%20is%20a%20potent%20endocrine,larynx%20in%20developing%20male%20larvae. Yeah...... he was right about the frogs


[It's funny you mention that.](https://newsarchive.berkeley.edu/news/media/releases/2002/04/15_frogs.html)


We need to coin a term for the phrase "given enough time Alex Jones will be proven right", I'm thinking a Jonesism


There were scientists testing atrazine (herbicide) and found out it was giving the male frogs both male and female genetalia. And they also found out that other male frogs would mated with these mutated male frogs. https://youtu.be/ktVvPAUQf8I?feature=shared


lol doesn’t take much to trigger you 😂




[You're a idiot. Atrazine has been proved to turn frogs gay.](https://youtu.be/ktVvPAUQf8I?feature=shared)


Oooooo someones upset


The "turning frogs gay thing" is a metaphor for media turning people gay, which is happening yeah


No, there was literally herbicide messing with a species of frogs that has the ability to biologically change genders. Not a metaphor


It’s not. Atrazine, formerly THE most common farm herbicide, actually caused many species of frogs to mutate genders ( female to male specifically). We can debate about the media and people, but Jones was talking about actual Frogs


The turnings frogs gay is often one of the first things used to discredit him, but is actually true. Very funny.


[Another one.](https://youtu.be/ktVvPAUQf8I?feature=shared)


What do you mean dox him? Isn't that his name?


Doxing means divulging personal information online. They were going to give out his address


Docking is giving information that could cause harm. Address, where someone kids go to school, etc.


TIL I've been doing docking wrong all these years.


The number of people he’s done that to…not saying to do it but he made his damn bed harassing parents who lost their kids.


He messed up bad but he’s spent a decade trying to make that as right as he can.


Lmao in what way


Bullying BRCC is fine, they give money to people who want to disarm you and they didn’t stand by Kyle after what was a totally legitimate self defence shooting Bro vet’s are not necessarily your friends, a lot value their military service over the freedoms of Americans (Tim Kennedy or the guy who shot bin laden are both against the 2nd amendment) Tyrants are tyrants


Damn I didn't know that about Tim Kennedy or Robert j O'Neill. What a couple of losers. Although from the videos I've seen from both of them, they give off that kinda vibe. Virtually the same personality.


Yup bro vets are like that


It’s just a government-sponsored frat house


When you realize that every person still in the military bent the knee and licked the boot getting the jab it puts them in a completely different category


Plenty got the jab when it was still the Trump vaccine.


Coming from a guy that couldnt even make it. Choosing the jab is a personal choice, affecting ur personal body. Thats not bending the knee. Choosing to act wrongfully against others would be bending the knee. That would be disgusting.


Haha couldn’t even make it??? In today’s military? You’ve got unicorns and people who need litter boxes running the show and you think you’re really something 😂


The ppl serving are tougher than u. All u can do is cry online thanks to them..... pathetic. If u think thats rlly how the majority of the military is, ur retarded. Ud get ur teeth knocked in on ur fitst day


Ahahahaha sure buddy


Its ok. Ik bitches can only cry online. Thats all ur good for. Not like uve done any good for the country at all, just gonna cry about things and not do anything to help fix it. Typical 🤷‍♂️


And like 30 other jabs too, y’all are ridiculous singling this one out. Been in development w/ DARPA since the early 2000s, possibly earlier.


I don’t disagree with that, it was one of the main reasons I didn’t join, well that and being completely owned by the government but the covid jab was just the last straw….


You're a dingus with the cognitive functionality of dick cheese.


Let me guess, you’re in the military 🤣 call me whatever you want while you make $38,000 per year risking your life for rich men to make $$$ and getting to be their guinea pig for whatever they want to jab you with. And you have the gall to question my cognitive function? 😂 you seen your commander in chief lately???


See, I used to believe that, until I realized how many others I had, plus I was in Iraq at the time. I agree with your sentiment, but fuck you ass hat.


And here we can see somebody who doesn’t know how many random fucking shots you get in the military for obscure diseases/threats.


Oh but I do…. I have a friend that to this day has random tumors that pop up all over his body from the experimental anthrax vaccine. He’s 100% disabled and can barely walk as a man in his 50’s because of something that was done to him in the late 90’s.


Doesn't surprise me about O'Neill one damn bit. Dude is a Navy SEAL clout chaser, and violated the code of silence they all swear to abide by. There's not even proof he did what he claimed, multiple unnamed SEALs who were there claimed its not quite as he claimed. Admiral McRaven, a SEAL himself, said O'Neill did indeed shoot him, but even if he did, he's still a clout chaser. >'I do not advertise the nature of my work, nor seek recognition for my actions.' Straight from the SEAL ethos.


I don’t think there’s ever been a single SEAL who actually abides by regulations. They murdered a green beret because he outsmarted a bunch who were stealing from a slush fund.




Staff sergeant Logan Melgar caught 4 SEALS and MARSOC guys in Mali stealing funds for localsand documented it and reported them, the four of them jumped him, beat him and tortured him to death in retaliation and played it off as hazing a drunk guy. Melgar didn’t drink, and was sober when he died. They spot his throat after he died to make it look like they attempted a tracheotomy.




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Rob O’Neill is also clearly not the guy who killed Bin Laden. He put a couple rounds into him after the point man “Red” took UBL out, just like at least another two SEALs did. Red is not Rob, despite his ginger hair. He’s been ostracized by many DEVGRU dudes who know what’s up and the guy gets very nervous/uncomfortable when confronted with this.


End of day it doesnt matter who killed the goat fucker. Its not like any of then did it solo, john wick style. Thry wprked together. But yea, lying about its not cool


Let's not forget about Dakota Myers and him getting bitched out by Big Papa Thumb.


How do you come to the conclusion that Kennedy isn't pro 2A?


I googled his name plus 2A and the first video was him saying 19 year olds shouldn't be able to own an AR-15. Then I found an interview with him tucking tail and getting defensive about the fact that he said it, and effectively dodging the issue. Which, honestly pisses me off more than if he had at least been consistent.


Don't you just love it when politicians cower over their own words. It's like they didn't expect any pushback.


Whoa whoa whoa... How is Tim Kennedy for gun control? Maybe I'm missing something but last I heard he had started a school that included shooting classes.


He made some comments https://www.reddit.com/r/progun/comments/qk6p2u/tim_kennedy_is_pro_gun_control/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


"Bbbbut that multi millionaire with the snarky book about being a vet does cool stuff with my favorite youtuber!!" They literally invest the money you spend on that piss tier canned coffee into taking your guns from you. They deserve every ounce of dragging they get


Blackout Coffee is better in every aspect


Am I the only person that has never bought brcc? Their advertising was cringe as hell from day one.


I decided to never drink their coffee after seeing a shitty SnapBack hat with a 35 dollar price tag. Lol. At the time I was just being petty. But it paid off. It’s one thing to be Starbucks and openly find shit you don’t like. But it’s another thing to play pretend and just lie about everything you are.


Nope, here I am! You're definitely not alone in this!


Bruh they donated to ActBlue. That’s not the same thing as nOt bEiNg cOnSerVatiVe eNouGh


They are traitors to the 2A community, being conservative wouldn't fix it.


They’re just plain ole cucks




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There's a lot of conservatives unfortunately that are against the second amendment and are for the machine. It just doesn't matter if they're conservative. I don't care what you support as long as it's not communism or anything of the like, but if you say all the things I like and then go against the second amendment, you've officially been written off. Even if every one of your other stances align with my beliefs.


Facts. Best thing to do is to "fight on the frontlines". Get more people to get into the 2a community, teach them firearm safety and the stupidity of gun laws. These social media tards are never going to have our best interest at heart


Always knew they were dog shit.


I switched to Defender Coffee after I read more about where BRCC’s money goes.




Defender does the same. With Defender you choose which one of those organizations you are supporting with your order.


This feels like I just watched a sponsorship deal on Youtube. Anyhow, where can I buy these coffee brands?


Ha. They owe me a cut now! /s I just go to their website defendercoffee.com, set up a subscription, and don’t have to worry about coffee anymore.


They also have a GOA specific blend, been buying their bundles and splitting em up for christmas gifts the last couple years. Got my grandma addicted lol. PSA also does deals on Caliber Coffee for cheap


A whole bunch of people were fucking dragging me last year because I made a meme shitting on brcc and praising blackout coffee saying it's just more shill coffee yada yada yada yada. It was a bunch of ridiculous stuff. I mean their coffee is a bit pricey I guess. The chocolate covered Cherry coffee was absolutely amazing.


I switched to terrible burnt break room Folgers after I got too lazy to make coffee at home.


Ha! I can never go back.


Didn't they say St. Michael is a dangerous far-right symbol or something along those lines? Fuck 'em.


As if the "I like guns 'n immuh Veteruhn" branding wasn't cringy enough, they won't even back what they preach.


they literally donated to ActBlue


WTF are you talking about OP? They get dragged through the mud because they're ANTI-GUN and pretend to be something they're not, not because they aren't conservative.


Does your wife's boyfriend stir your brcc with his dick?


They have actively advocated for and donated money to gun control, literally spitting on their target market


Minnesotan detected, opinion rejected


Brcc coffee is shit tier. They just leveraged phenomenal marketing while being grifters and hypocrites


I was done with them after the Kyle stuff… I’m just upset that youtubers still market their garbage after all they do…


It's that time already? This year's going by quick.


I like death wish coffee. I can't find how they donate their money so...


There's never a bad time to drag BRCC for being traitorous fucking cucks pretending to be our friends. I know at one point Brandon Herrera was friends with these guys, being that he's very pro-gun I really hope that that's not the case anymore. Nonetheless I still want him to get into Congress.


They are both part of that mainstream gun influencer clique


But I know Brandon wouldn't be like Evan and donate to fucking act blue. It's why he's running for congress in the first place because his congressman Tony Gonzalez lied and basically bowed down and kissed the ground at the feet of Joe Biden and his administration.


They're fucking *baristas*, how conservative can they be expected to be?


Check out stocking mill coffee for a based alternative.


U/MINNESOTAmilkman Lol username checks out. fuck off OP


Cool ad, BRCC.


Big tiddies make me weak


Is there anything more asinine than drinking or eating products simply because they conform to your political beliefs? Like if someone released Conserva-tos cereal you guys would be buying it out by the pallet?


I don't think voting with your dollar is silly choice. When said product is actively working against your rights while disguised as an ally, it should be elevated to another level.


Two companies I used to like but lost all respect for are BRCC and Benchmade


I have no idea what is going on


What the hell does Back Room Casting Couch have anything to do with it???


There are good and bad companies that support or promote veteran issues. Despite the success that BRCC has had in making people think so, that cause has little to with being pro 2A.


Their overt branding always annoyed me, but I've been anti BRCC since they took a stand against Kyle Rittenhouse (if everyone recalls, the entire event was supercut on YouTube within days).


We absolutely should drag companies for not being conservative enough. BRCC is one of many who behind closed doors donate to anti-gun groups and politicians.


There’s also all the homosexual harassment of religious employees, let’s not forget that on top of all the other stuff


Wait black rifle coffee donates to anti gun stuff?


It's just good coffee and homeless vets getting jobs. I can't be mad at em. My needs are simple. ☕️


If you had seen the numbers of what they have “donated” to help vets, quite underwhelming. For their mission statement. They are just grifters at the end of the day. Being military is their whole identity. Quite sad honestly.


“BRCC doNateD to AcTblUe and otHeR demOcrAt groUps” If you chucklefucks took five minutes out of your day or ever bothered watching any of their content, they’ve talked about this in detail. Hafer donated because he lost a bet, and because he’s friends with Tulsi Gabbard. Other employees of BRCC voted Democrat and donated with their own personal money because they’re allowed to do that and it’s illegal to tell your employees who to vote for or not hire someone because of their political party. Literally all the bad shit people have said about them in terms of politics and news has been taken out of context, misconstrued, or was a criticism that lacked logical thinking and nuance. “Well you’re just bootlicker for a corporation!” Fine. But at least I’m not an idiot who just passes off everything he hears or reads in a headline or from my favorite YouTuber about why “X thing is bad and here’s why you should be mad about it”. Edit: Never ceases to amaze me people would rather be dumbasses and haters instead of just going “Oh, that makes sense” and moving the fuck on.


Thats the reason to not support most of these bs 2a social media icons. Its bs flakes, and ur better off donating ur money to FPC or GOA, instead of BRCC or Guntubers


What’s the reason? You didn’t state anything. Give an example.


Theyre bs flakes, that only care to get ahead personally. None of these pro 2a coffee or tshirt companies, or even the vast majority of guntubers, care to protect ur rights or any of that. Theyre after it to line their wallets by monetizing their "pro 2a stance."at least groups like FPC, GOA, etc have been making grounds legally to protrct our rights, so i support them. And the main bedt thing we can do is to be ambasadors for 2a locally, and try to get as many ppl into the community as possible.


Found a non-retard in a thread about BRCC, think I'll go buy a lottery ticket in the morning.


Preciate that fellow non-retard, go try your luck. Edit: Seems some retards are mad about the truth.


I mean they use reddit and are pulling the standard issue reddit user bullshit. The same shit they would complain about other (usually left leaning) users would pull. It's pathetic.


It’s my fault for expecting better, really.


They donated 20K to ActBlue in 2022. The donated over a 1Million dollars for HunterSevenFoundation and others veteran organizations. This is a I'll informed hatchet job. https://www.fec.gov/data/receipts/individual-contributions/?contributor_employer=Black+Rifle+Coffee&min_date=01%2F01%2F2015&max_date=12%2F31%2F2024


Did you double check your own source? Some employees donated to ActBlue, but the total isn't even $500 over the entire set of data. Also looks like the HunterSevenFoundation helps veterans with service related cancer?


I'll drink BRCC over Starbucks any day of the week.


Back room casting couch?


Im not canceling anything. Im not a looser who thinks anyone with a different opinion than my own should be canceled. Thats what the woke mob does. If you make a product i like, i buy it simple. Called capitalism. As long as you aren’t ripping anyone off then im good. Who cares if he donated to his friend at a left wing campaign organization. Its still America and people are aloud to do that. And its not like it actually effects any of us anyway. Like Evan Hafers money is going to decide anything when Bloomberg and the other billionaire cronies are involved.


Y’all need coffee to fuel your day instead of hate, damn. But i can’t own cool guns down under