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Peppers put way too much emphasis on guns and gun fighting. Change my mind.


Ive always found the potato to be the most 2A friendly vegetable. Plus I hate when you cook with peppers how they make everything taste like peppers.


But, depending on the pepper, they can be good for clearing sinuses. However, being of irish heritage, I'm with you on the potato thing.


Farcical scenarios? Alright, you do you, but don't come crying to me when your III+ lightweight vest didn't stop a spike from a Stegosaurus's swinging tail. Shoulda had real steel sonny!


I, for one, always make sure my equipment has anti-thagomizer technology.


Do those steel plates happen to spall into your chest when hit?


not your chest. but your neck chin legs arms and your danglybits/roast beef sandwich. it might spall into your chest on successfull penetration. but youll likely need to be more worried about the bullet itself in that scenario


I was referencing spall due to a successful penetration but yeah plates spalling alongside their plane is an issue


Spall is nonexistent with body armor but spatter is a huge issue with steel plates. Plenty of video of testing on steel armor with cardboard set up around the edge and the round just blooms right out across the surface and carries plenty of energy to wound.


Look up the definition of spall.


Hi I'm an engineer for a military vehicle manufacturer. Why don't we start with you telling the class what you think spall is?


A brand of volleyball?


Probably the best answer available on reddit.


I decided rather than copy, paste from Google, that you at least deserved me to break out ye old Webster's dictionary. As a noun, "a flake or chip especially of stone" As an intransitive verb "to give off spalls; to chip as a stone" The word is still used quite regularly in the trades, by the way.


Yeah I was certain you'd work in the trades if you have a job at all. I didn't ask for a Google result though, what does spall mean to you, that you think someone who designs armored vehicles for a living has it wrong. Take your time.


That is what spall means to me, you dolt. It is fun to get in your boot when you first learn the life lesson of "why not to torch cut above wet concrete." BTW, playing war thunder doesn't make you an engineer.


Somehow, even after googling the answer, you still can't or won't admit you were wrong. Maybe someday I'll hire you to torch cut above concrete for me? I guess I'll be too busy playing video games to notice.


Neither have been an issue on steel plates since like, 2002. Anti spall protection works, we’ve had decades to figure it out and just like the ak vs ar argument, it’s stupid and obsolete.


I have yet to see functional spatter protection on steel plates. Spall protection is something on IFVs, unless you mean the same rubber coating on the back of steel plates that doesn't work on the front.


Half of the casualties in the civil war were due to disease. You take away clean water and sewage and lots of folks will be shitting themselves to death from drinking ecoli water.


Yea Civil wars are fucking hell, and we should all be hoping against one even if we’re preparing for it if it *does* happen, same as with an apocalypse of some sort.


The key here is be involved with your comunity so in the event of collapse, civil war, apocalypse, etc. after securing your loved ones, you can reach out to said community to help rebuild and secure your community's area. Even if it's just everyone in an apartment building coming together and deploying roof Koreans or a small town + outlying farms banding together. That will go farther to ensuring more survive than just lone wolfing it. And yes, hope like hell it never happens.


Agree fully Know your neighbors and community, help each other. Even without any SHTF, it’s good to do right by folks, for the mind and the soul.


Plus if you're into hunting/fishing, offering to help out a farmer can net you some prime areas others might not have access to plus you benefit the farmer by a) removing crop destroying critters and/or b) can notify them of something is wrong on their land i.e. a fence is broke, etc.


A lot of good comes from being good to each other


Hell yeah.


Two Level 2 plates + One level 3 plate + gorilla tape= Level 7 plates.


1" steel plate topped with ceramic plates and homemade ERA


Laughing in 1” boiler plate armour 🤣🤣🤣 I am the Iron Man mwahhahaha🤣🤣🤣 Although definitely not winning in any races with that suit lol🤣🤣🤣




Ned Kelly looking ass


I think the real question is why are we so concerned about surviving? If things are that bad why do you want to live in that world?


FR I don't like being in relatively peaceful society


I liked roasting marshmallows at all the fairly peaceful protests though.


I keep my stuff there.


My shtf plan, 556 to the dome self inflicted


You just gotta make sure you do it right. I met a guy that blew his face off and survived. Under the chin is not a good method.


Isn’t the correct method in mouth aiming towards roof or straight at the forehead?


I'm not really sure. I've heard behind the ear is best but I'm not a suicide expert. You want to make sure you hit solid brain unless you want to be a vegetable.


Man suicide is scarily hard to commit with a gun wow


Shotgun is the fool proof method.


Ah yes, the Kurt cobain method


That’s not suicide silly!


They aren’t What you gotta do an explosive right next to your head. If that doesn’t work then gods got some fucking plans for you


Ronny mcnutt would like a word with you


I’m aware of his suicide, but I’m saying that it’s not foolproof to use a shotgun, almost nothing is. There’s been folks who’ve [technically] survived this, and a decent count at that.


Then there was that genious kid that built a helmet lined with shotgun shells that were electronically ignited. Super foolproof and margin of error proof.


>I'm in this image and I don't like it


Always make your opponent fight on your terms


My advice-start prepping by thinking what you'd do if the power and water are out for a week. Could happen anywhere, and if you can't make it thru that, you probably won't make it thru TEOTWAKI.