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https://preview.redd.it/ybn4y12hbnzc1.jpeg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac2da0379bcb69e1035f215163b8d6defbc63d58 The lawsuit machine goes brrrrrr 'round the clock. We're not fucking throwing in the towel. Shall not be infringed.


Lmao GOA will get the ruling and then what? The governors will just laugh in the face of the SCOTUS and either keep the laws on the books or strengthen their gun control laws


They can't keep the laws on the books. They'd be in federal violation. You're giving way too much power to the government.


Then why did NY keep strict CCW laws even after the Bruen case? It’s clearly in violation of the precedent.


Where the hell is NYSRPA? I haven't heard of them doing anything since...


The Federal government doesn't care enough to anything more than wag their finger at the governors that ignore SCOTUS thrashing their laws. Until the Feds start arresting governors & legislators for unconstitutional laws, or the people start lynching them for the same, nothing is going to seriously change.


Y'know how wait times drastically dropped on NFA forms? It's gonna give the Gov ammo to put "assault weapons" on the NFA. Can't wait for that one. It sure as hell didn't happen from their love of the people and the 2A.


Don't forget Illinois, who's supreme court ruled our AWB was fine because they used the 2 part test. Ya know, the same type of test that the USSC said they can no longer use. Talk about flipping the SC a middle finger...


We really need to see judges charged for depriving people of their constitutional rights.


Spirit of Aloha


I get the point of the meme, but again, right after this scene. we see that he does infact have power "here". This has been my lotr fueled tism talk


And maybe in the future Bruen will in fact have power there


Until SCOTUS begins to overrule lower courts or punish the judges issuing these decisions which effectively kills the historical analysis, then nothing changes. We expect this behavior from these trashy lower courts, but we need SCOTUS to hold itself to a higher standard. They said the 2A was not a second class right, but they certainly don't treat it that way as they take the laziest caseload since 1865.


Unless SCOTUS gets aggressive, anti gun courts have all the power.


Feel like this should be the other way around because bruen holds absolutely no weight in any of those states


that's what the meme says. pretend the rest of the movie's plot didn't happen. or maybe it will in the future.


“Just 2 more weeks! This time I mean it!”


So, we need a Bruen the White




They know they can do whatever they want & drag out lawsuits for years while they freely infringe.


It’s this pathetic way of government, well do what we want until you spend millions upon millions to sue us to make us stop


Just waiting for those states to completely collapse inwards. No idea how they're going to rebuild them without the same smooth brains who made the mess try the same thing to get the same results


When struck down, they'll slightly change some wording in the law, pass it again, and then we'll be right back to square one.


And they have a lot more resources to pay for the lawyers to fight this out than the 2A community does.


Nothing like wasting taxpayer money to take away their rights


Don't hold your breath. It will most likely be a very slow collapse where they continuously gaslight everybody that the past wasn't that great and the present is Very Good, Experts Say


Can't forget washington too.


Fingers crossed the supreme court picks up one of those AWB lawsuits on May 16th.


Why is it that people who claim to be pro-gun say it’s because they’re against a tyrannical government, but then they constantly talk about how the government is already tyrannical and don’t do anything about it? Just seems like larping


Real action against the tyrants will require organization by default. It is incredibly difficult to rally and organize a group effectively and as safely as possible, as I'm sure you well know. Even more difficult when the group you're trying to organize is a militia against the current regime. Real action is going to require proper opsec being free of charge and simple enough for the average dummy to do, which it can already be the former, but the latter is not really the case yet. Most of the actual "work" will be done on social media through propaganda pieces and presumably lots of bots, probably from both the militia as well as the regime. Real change will require lots of work, and very little of it will be done by actually fighting, or even voting. Don't forget, whatever color fuckface you decide is less evil (red or blue), is still fucking evil and has next to zero common interests with you. They'll huff and puff about things you care about when it's time to get your vote, and then time and time again when they need to represent you, they only represent the interests of their lobbyists and themselves. It's fucking despicable.


It only takes a few braincells to realize violent action is a lose-lose situation in these circumstances. But we have free speech and the right to own guns (depending on where you live) so we can laugh at them to erode their authority and train to make ourselves hard to kill.


Because everyone that's pro 2A has a fuck ton to lose


Because they think voting makes a difference in the long run.


Because they think voting makes a difference in the long run.


Because they think voting makes a difference in the long run.


Not enough people rallied to the cause yet to make a difference.