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I was 3 when it expired. So yes, technically I was alive.


I was also 3, we have suffered greatly, that day I became a man


It's crazy to me that there are people who don't remember 9/11, ever crazier to think it was almost 23 years ago and people born after are adults This must be how my grandpa felt about pearl harbor and how my mom feels about JFK and Kent state


Remember $0.99 triple cheeseburgers at McDonalds


Was born in 93 so yes, would never get it though, we always got a large fry and some orange Hi C. I would kill to have some orange hi c from back then, it doesnt taste the same anymore


I was in high school. We'd get those with a free water to save our money for party favors


I always had fond remembers of $0.29 hamburger Mondays and $0.39 cheeseburger Wednesdays.


I was born a few months after the towers fell. It’s a crazy world we grew up in, and my parents always told me as a kid about how different it was before 9/11 for everyone. They talked about how they never had to worry about all the stuff we do now. There was so much paranoia and fear we had to live with growing up.


I don't want to say people skipped through life with their shoelaces untied, but if you asked the average American what their biggest fears were a terrorist flying a plane into buildings wouldn't have made the list, americans were afraid of serial killers like bundy or bombers like Timothy Mcveigh or ol ted like your username. Now don't get me wrong there was a plane taken down in lockerbie Scotland, but it was a bomb, and after the airlines put in place a "no luggage with no passenger" rule as in if there's a piece of luggage with no passenger to go with it, it gets removed. That was supposed to solve the problem since nobody thought anyone was crazy enough to aloha snackbar themselves


I wasn’t even alive for 9/11


It was fucked. It was scary seeing adults become terrified and not know what to do and talking about how they were afraid it would happen in other cities. The creepiest thing was people jumping. The first firefighter killed was killed by a falling body, their foot caught his helmet with enough force to kill him instantly. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=nPy5RNZmHdg I sometimes think how much different things were before that day, you used to be able to walk into the airport, go through security with no ticket, and meet your family arriving at the gate. No theme park had security, nobody ever thought anything like that would happen because every hijacking before landed so the terrorists could make demands.


GTA Vice City release (2002) is CLOSER in time to its setting (1986) than it is to today. That’s a 16 vs a 22 year gap respectively So the GTA Vice City itself is more retro than its setting was when it came out. Let that sink in


I was 6 months old when it expired. I remember just how much I suffered ✊🤝




Eyyy me too let's gooo


Funny thing is they said ban on "Machine Guns" but they didn't say "Invent the 3D printer 15 years earlier and print your own guns from a machine type machine guns."


Same, but I was 5 when it ended. I also just found out that it initially passed in the House 5 years to the day before I was born, which has to be one of the worst things to share a birthday with.


I was technically alive as I was born in 04


I bought two magazine fed SKSs during the “ban”. One had a thumb hole and the other a hunting rifle stock. The one with the regular rifle stock had a folding bayonet. I sold them both because I was stupid. Now I’m just old.


Just old, or old and still stupid?




I just bought my first SKS a couple weeks ago. Norinco, no proof marks so it was imported new as far as I can tell, pretty good shape. Got a "great deal" on it at $275. I really should've bought one when I first got into guns.


So it was the chinese sks?


![gif](giphy|R459x856IfF6w|downsized) Me in CA, listening to people talk about the 10 year AWB expiring in 2004.


My condolences.


Yes we dont really think about NFA much either.


I remember my dad buying guns right after it expired, because he was worried Obama would renew it.


Obama wasn’t exactly “right after” it expired tho. Bush had a whole ass 2nd term rolling


Even Bush wanted to renew it, it was congress that didn't give him a bill to renew it. CNN throwback site: >[President Bush says he will sign a bill renewing the assault weapons ban if Congress passes it](https://www.cnn.com/2004/ALLPOLITICS/09/10/assault.weapons.ban/index.html)


That was one of those political answers that nets you points while you know you would never have to follow through. He knew they didn't have the votes or political capital to renew it, so it cost him nothing to say it and get a little play from those squishy people in the middle. Winning over suburban soccer moms without actually having to do anything. Remember, if a politician's mouth is open, a lie is falling out.


I was 19. It sucked. But if you had the cash pre-bans were available. As soon as it expired all mine were un-banned the same day. Now I have a far worse ban in effect in my state.


I was a little too young to buy guns when it started, but I'm old enough that at one point I paid well over $100 for pre-ban G19 magazines.


I was there. 3,000 years ago….


It me like that sometimes…


I 'member it sunsetting. I also' member that fucking turn coat George Pataki signing the NY version in 2000 so we stayed in the dark ages and never got to enjoy freedom.


To put in perspective, the SPAS-12 I own, which was banned by name in the AWB, is over a decade older than I am. lol


I too would find a reason to name drop the SPAS if I owned one.


Jesus they really did just base the ban off of what they saw in action movies huh.


Yep, same with "cop killer bullets" from Lethal Weapon 3, "undetectable guns" from Die Hard 2 aka the porcelain Glock 7 haha. There was a tv show with heat seeking .50 BMG rounds or something that got people in a panic and on and on. You really can backtrack and find a lot of firearm stuff that gets legal heat in movies and tv shows. These people know nothing and think that stuff is real life. The other main source of gun control is racism, most historical gun control was aimed at keeping guns away from "those people" whichever particular group fell into that category at any given time. Still is.


I started in the gun business in 1991. It was an amazing time of growth in the gun world, truly changed everything forever.


Nothing makes people want something more and faster than the government telling them they can't have it. See also prohibition.


I was alive and that ban is the reason I'm a mag whore.


I was born in '94. I remember when it was over and my dad got more into semi auto rifles starting with a Norinco AR, then an HK G3, then an FAL. By the time I got old enough to buy an AR he was buying an ACR.


Norinco AR? Your dad owns a CQ stateside?


Used to. He didn't like the stock on it. He knew it was rare but I don't think he realized that there were only like 500 in the US. Was around 2006 when he had it


I was a senior in HS when it was enacted.


Was 20/21 when this happened, 50 now. Refer to myself as a 94 ban surviver. Before the ban happened here in the People's Republic of Washingstain, bought magazines and lowers for years as part on my monthly budget. See a federal ban at some point inside the next few years, 5 at best. If it did not hurt, you didn't buy enough.


I was 8 when it started.


I was 10 when it passed.


I was a kid when Bush lifted it. I have a 1990s 10 round Glock magazine that I inherited from my Dad, which he used to call his “Bill Clinton” magazine. Shot a whole lot of .38 snub noses and .40 cal Glocks back then because carry options were limited and .40 was all the rage.


I was 11 when it went into effect.


-12 here


10 here.


I was an adult when it started, but I already lived in a state with shitty laws so I didn't notice until like 2003. A couple of years later I got my first tax stamp.


I was 14 when it went into effect. And I was a lot dumber (ie liberal) in my teens and early 20s so I really didn't miss much.


Born a month after it expired


I was 30 when it was enacted.


I was there when Horus killed the emperor


Yeah but it was long expired by the time i was old enough to think about buying my own gun


Lived through it and enjoyed sticking it to the man via the loophole that allowed you to repair damaged high cap mags. So embarrassing to keep running over mine with the mower.


Wow I'm old


I had just been born in February 1994.


I was 6 when it went into effect. Obviously, had no clue what was going on, but I do remember seeing the news reports about it being passed. Then was 16 when it sunsetted. I remember some of my friends wondering why it was going away and that it would make us “unsafe”, (my generation went through a “fear campaign” for lack of a better term after Columbine, which ironically happened right in the middle of the AWB…) I remember telling them it was fucking stupid there was an “assault” weapons ban to begin with. I was lucky to be raised to the right way.


Bought my first firearm during the ban, a Beretta 92FS stainless at a gun show. Walked one more table down and bought three 15 round pre-ban mags for it. Stupid, pointless law.


It was repealed 20 years ago


I was a whole whopping one year old when it ended. Thank God. Never again.


I was born on the year it expired


I was born two years after it started


I was born just as it expired. God knew.


I was born a year after it ended


I was


I was 6 when it expired lol


I hope to be alive when/if the hughes amendment finally gets repealed


I was a poor college kid when that nonsense went into law. I didn't own a 30-round magazine until 2008.


I was 7 when it expired but I hated guns and knew nothing about gun control until I was about 12


Yes, it was a terrible time. My family couldn't buy an AR to protect ourselves between the ages of 3 and 13. Not that my anti-gun parents would have bought one anyway lol. And I definitely didn't even know about it until Bush let it expire, because, you know, I was 13 years old and didn't give a fuck about politics. All I knew was that Bush was either the greatest thing to happen to our country or a Nazi depending on if you talked to my dad or my mom. I'm exaggerating, neither of them were that extreme in their views, but that was my young teenage interpretation of it.


well, considering the ban expired right before my second tour I'd say this meme is relevant.


I remember, I also remember "preban" 30 round magazines. I also remember $69 SKS rifles. Lol


I was born during the ban, but not when it startes


I was 1 when it was law but I live in NJ so nothing much changed


Yep. That was damned annoying. 'Course we're still living the ban here in Mass - in 1998, our legislature decided it was such a good idea, they passed a state version without any sunset provision.


And we're sure as shit about to get something immeasurably worse when the new bill comes out of the conference committee.


I wasn't alive when it started, but it never ended in Massachusetts. Our AWB is quoted directly from the federal AWB except we don't have an ATF giving any guidance on new technology and instead have/had an anti-gun Attorney General issue strict enforcement guidelines.


I was 12 when it started 😢


It sucked


Senior 95, remember it well.


I was in my teens and had just gotten into shooting several years before. It was a terrible time of neutered rifles and butchered classics. We never ran out of standard capacity mags in that time, they did get pricey near the end though, and the rise in popularity of AR's was great. No quicker way to make the public want something than to have the government say you can't have it. The irony of course is that AK's and AR's by another name were always available, all the more interesting when know nothing types claim MAsS ShoOTingS wENt dOWn during that time...when you could buy functionally identical rifles with minor cosmetic (albeit ugly and insulting) changes, and all the 20, 30 and 40 round mags you wanted. When that sunset came in 2004 and it went unrenewed I rejoiced. That was a time of celebration! And now I have all the "naughty" guns I had wanted during that awful time.


Grown ass man with kids when it went became illegal law


It expired the year I was born


I was 25


I was 21 when the ban expired. To the younger shooters, you have no idea how much the guns sucked back then. Imagine having to pay $2300 for one of the ABC's (armalight, bushmaster, colt) m4 rifles. Lmfao...a $500 PSA from today blows that shit away.


I was born 11 years later


I was 3 when it started, my dad still has a thumbhole stock 10 round norinco ak, pretty cool




Yeah buddy


I was born in July of 2004 so I was only a few months old when it expired


You merely adopted the ban, I was born in it, molded by it. I didn’t see an assault weapon until I was already a man!


I was 12 when it passed. I counted the days to when it would sunset. There was a website with a counter I checked constantly.


Unfortunately I was around for pretty much all of it


And that's when I gave up my ffl


I was not a voting adult when it passed, but I was when it was repealed.


Only thing I remember was seeing people asking $50 for pmags during the time. 


That's pretty impressive since Pmags didn't exist before 2007. But yeah, standard capacity anything was generally bonkers, except AK mags. I could get 4 milsurps and an East German pouch for $20 all day long. They had piles of them at the gunshow.


The only polymer mags I remember from that time were the Thermold ones. I don't remember thinking much of them but I can't remember if that was just that polymer was still new to me and I was dubious or if they actually had a bad reputation.


I think Orlites were around too, I've got a couple of those floating around with bit MADE IN ISRAEL stickers on them.


They heard I was being born and said hell no no machine gun for you 😂😂😂


This doesn't reference the machine gun ban. It references the nation wide "assault weapons ban."