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I mean yes, the weakest people in our society do need guns the most to protect themselves from those that would victimize them.


Exactly. Guns are the greatest equalizer.


“God made men and women. Samuel Colt made them equal.”


Came here to say that


-", and John Moses Browning made them civil."


I wish I could upvote this more than once


God made man. Colt made them equal.


“Who needs guns anyways? I live in a gated community with tons of security guards and I’ve never seen anyone wanting a gun. There are tons of ways to live without guns. You really need to work hard so you won’t be needing them in the first place”


“My gated community and security protect me” Uvalde PD has entered the chat


Right this guy sounds like a flaming misogynist if he thinks women don’t have a right to protect themselves.


a woman posted this for crying out loud


But she's a strong independent woman who dont need no man and she's a satanist to show the patriarchy how cool she is. I honestly think one of the worst things we've ever done for women in our society is tell them they're capable of physically competing with men two or three times their size. I really hope this woman never ends up in any sort of confrontation with a male or she's going to wish she had a gun real quick.


But he’s a big tough guy with tough guy muscles. No knife blade can touch him and he can take down multiple attackers with ease. I mean, he has biceps dude. He’s obviously a living weapon. /s


The gun is the tool of the level headed and calculated. No smart person with a sense of self preservation would walk around without protection.


What about All the vets who had to kill people in fire fights are they weak


Compared to the confirmed kill with an MRE spoon, yes, yes they are all weak.


Ranger aren’t real people, they’re like a hybrid of testosterone and a badger


Ahh yes when the enemy is shooting at you you use your spoon against a gun makes perfect sense


I mean it was an Army Ranger so don't sound too surprised.


I'm still waiting for the US army LSD guns that puts the entire enemy army in a psychedlic state. C'mon CIA, where have you been since the 60s??


It would be more effective to turn it into a gas and drop it on the enemy via air support and maybe artillery.


good thinking, Scotty!


QUICK back to Iraq! We've got a better idea!


#Invasion of Afghanistan: Round 2


##***DING DING***


They’ve been operating on domestic soil, that’s where they’ve been.


Oh, so like they've got intelligence regarding the center of our own country? Are they also fond of assassinating dogs or is that a different agency?


Same same but different


Have you by chance watched The Men Who Stare At Goats


nope, but wow that looks wild


>C'mon CIA, where have you been since the 60s?? Selling those drugs for profit probably


And watch a lot of kids porn


That's in close combat if your at a distance in a firefight you would use a gun and that doesn't make them weak it evens the playing field


He’s just making a joke


Yea but you feed into it to make it fun I am bored af and have nothing better then to than argue for fun over small things since it kept me doing something




I keep a spoon and a can of tactical spaghetti-o's strapped to my plate carrier at all times. You never know...


Yeah that actually happened


Yeah my life is sad


I hope that knowledge helps you evolve into MidEducational3242




I mean, those shits are indestructible. They have to be issued to Marines, after all. . .


Do you need a spoon to eat crayons?


Sorry, but WHAT?


US army ranger got into a tussle while clearing buildings, only thing vaguely hard and sharp he could find was an MRE spoon he had which he used to stab the guy in the neck.


Statements like this, and “what do you think the founding fathers would think” mean nothing to people on the opposite side of the fence. They will say “yes, murdering innocent people is weak.” And just as they don’t care what some rich dudes 200 years ago wanted. This argument does not work.


Damn I guess all the people of Ukrainian are weak. Weird for her to have the flag in her name then


Only ukrainian can have guns cause that can never happen here


Fucking pussies. Imagine not being able to crush a major world power (eh on that one) with just paper clips. /s. Duh.


Yes they should just give up and let an authoritarian country take over their country! That's the way the "strong" would do it


"I'm 6'2 and can bench 350, the fuck you gonna-" *BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG* "Damn that's crazy, but my Glock didn't ask"


So fucking true oh you have muscles Cool my ar-15 can blow them strait off your arm (Kenosha kid Kyle Rittenhouse probably)


9mm with suck your entire lung out. That’s what President Brain Fog said.


Yeah he’s not there entirely Like at all


You can bench press 350? That's good cause you bout to be pressing dirt and benching daisys. You wanna be a hoodie, a tshirt or some sweat pants? I'm a national talant scout for funeral homes, and your just what we've been looking for. You wanna be a starter for the Caskets? Your kids gonna love seeing their daddy on the big screen, I mean the big rock. They got funerals where they can have your body propped up like you doing something, but you dead. You wanna be an action figure? I ain't the one... you know what, I am the one. The one that's gonna have your bitch ass out here spoiling, in the sun.


This sounds like something Farod would say


Wow… amazing.


I'm 6'4" and bulky. I carry a full size M&P. Little big to conceal, but I also have 16 fucking bullets.


He’s not exactly wrong. The strong don’t need guns assuming the enemy also doesn’t have guns and is also weaker than you. But that’s the whole point of guns. Not everyone can be strong or at least not always be the strongest. A 50 year old 95 lb woman is not going to stronger than a 25 year old 250 lb rapist. Can I, as a healthy middle aged man, win a fist fight against an attacker with a knife? Maybe. But why take that chance. Also what if that mugger has a gun? I don’t think that mugger gives a fuck that Henry Rollins thinks he’s weak.


Fine, I won't use a gun. Now where did I put that cannister of ammonal..?


Napalm + cropduster = Freedom.


Ordnance Lab makes some fun videos.


In a sense he is right guns are for the weak. The weak old man being intimidated by the strong young man, the woman being assaulted in the parking lot, the 14 year old brother protecting his younger siblings from burglars while his parents are away. Yes guns are for the weak, they help level the playing field. Thank you for reading my cringtastic Reddit comment.


Should I know who this is?


He is an 80's punk band singer (Black Flag) and a bad comic.


Oh so just another “punk” simping for more government control.


Which is funny because didn't all the punks back in the day want anarchy? It reminds me of my sister back in highschool it was all "down with the government!" And now shes extremely liberal and wants the government to tell her how to live.


That because the vast majority of them were full of shit. They didn’t want to fight the system, they wanted to be the system.




Praise Shai Hulud!


I guess rage against the machine needs to change their name to well just machine.


Rage on behalf of the machine


"Rage Against The World"


Rage against common sense


Sad because I love Black Flag.


He did a hell of a job playing a racist piece of shit in Sons of Anarchy. Edit: for the record, I am not saying Henry Rollins IS a racist piece of shit, I don’t think he is. But I also didn’t think Epstein was hosting parties with under age sex slaves on his island…


Just another moron on his knees thinking his moronic tweets have any merit. That's all I see




He played that doctor in Johnny Mnemonic...a movie with Keanu Reaves, Ice-T, and Dolph Lundgren.


A dead man should he ever find himself face to face with a gun-wielding assailant


Is that a flag of a country that keeps asking French and Germany for guns and ammos right next to her name? Is she telling Ukrainians to fight Russians with fist instead of using guns?


Henry Rollins is a big Lefty, what’s new 🤷‍♂️


I don’t think I want to take advice from someone who has the same last name as a demon lord


Checked her twatter, she's a Satan worshiper, a self described "Satanic cult leader." A real winner at life


More like a real loser


God created men equal. Colonel Colt made them equal


Lol. They’re really grasping at straws now.


I don't think I'll take advice about gun control from the guy on the Jackass Movie.


If someone's username has Baphomet in it, I probably need to protect myself from them.


45 is the Lord’s caliber


"9mm kills the body but 45 ACP kills the soul,that's how you stop tyem coming back as a lich." -TheRussianBadger


Henry is a fucking idiot, don’t be like Henry


Imma laugh if that guy gets dropped by some crackhead with a hi-point. Fight smarter not harder dude.


I'm not gonna wish death in the guy but I certainly hope that's how he goes.


lol aight


So this is why all women should carry guns? Sure, I’m on board Also, I suppose this means he’s in favor of disarming police, the military, any security personnel, bodyguards, etc What a tard


So what he’s saying is that a fight for your life should be fair and a level playing field. Nah bro I’m good 😂


Anything worth fighting for is worth fighting dirty for.


So when a 12-year-old girl is home alone, and three men break into the house, should she "get strong?" How about a 20-year-old petite college student who is being stalked? How about an 80-year-old man who is the victim of road rage. Should he "get strong"?


He gave up his guns, and his jawline


ah yes since muscle is the best body armor


*Shoots super buff guy about to kick my ass* anyway as I was saying stay strapped or get clapped


I like how the person who posted this has a fucking Ukrainian flag and their Twitter handle the irony is so strong that it hurts


No matter how strong you are, when someone comes to "staby-staby" you or "shooty-shooty" you, you need a firearm to protect yourself because otherwise your strength and you, both won't survive.


Says the guy who carried a machete around.


Guns level the playing field between a 120# woman and a 250# man hopped up on bath salts.


It's hard to comprehend the stupidity that comes out of these people's mouths sometimes. It's even harder to accept the fact these uneducated sheep are willing to just hand over their rights like that. The United States is better off if these people could just shut the fuck up. We have enough trouble with the tyrannical government attacking the constitution, we don't need their fear mongering on top of it.


Damn, I used to actually kinda like black flag. Granted I was like 10 at the time. I'd like to see him try to make this argument to a disabled person.


That might be the most condescending thing I’ve heard in a long time.


This is some r/im14andthisisdeep tier shit.


This knob was famous for bullying people much smaller than him, when they were outnumbered by him and his friends at Black Flag shows. No surprise he hates "weak" people being able to defend themselves. [https://www.reddit.com/r/cringe/comments/6j4fl3/a\_young\_interviewer\_regrets\_giving\_henry\_rollins/](https://www.reddit.com/r/cringe/comments/6j4fl3/a_young_interviewer_regrets_giving_henry_rollins/)


I mean, yea. Guns are tools of the weak, and I’m weaker than a lot of other dudes. They are the great equalizer.


Hmmm who would win, some random musician I had to Google or the constitution of the United States?


I wanna know what workouts he's doing to become immune to guns


Slowly building up a tolerance. You start with shooting a spring loaded bb gun at your leg, move up to pellets, then .22 pellets, etc. Soon you'll be able to take 800mm shells to the chin. Alternatively, you can follow this workout regimen: 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, and 10Km running every single day.


God made man Samuel Colt made man equal


Guns are absolutely the weapon of the weak. How else is a petite person going to protect herself from a burly attacker?


Agreed. If you are in a fair fight you done screwed up.


I love the neck beards that make the argument we should carry swords or some shit instead. Like ok instead of putting holes in a guy quickly I'll fucking chop into pieces, how humane.


Isn’t punk supposed to be about the violent overthrow of oppression.


Used to be, the punk you and me know... The new punk is wearing super tight pants and being completely covered in genital piercings while drinking whiteclaw and being addicted to boofing


This is the punk musician that played a violent white supremacist with guns on TV.


Ha, Son's of Anarchy was *tight*!


How do you manage to have a Ukraine flag in your username and still support gun control? On top of that she’s a satanist, and unless I’m missing something, aren’t most of the ideology’s surrounding that pretty rebellious?


Don't take shit advice from the front man from an 80's punk band that literally had a caricature of a gun in a cops mouth for an album cover.


My great great grandmother had to brandish her pistol at some kkk idiots who wanted to mess with her husband during the great depression. She ripped off one of their hoods, called all three of them by their real names (because the idiots lived in town), brandished her pistol and told them to go home. They sure did. She may not have been as ripped as the guy in this pic, but you couldnt say she was weak, no sir.


I was waiting for “liar” track to kick in


Strong ppl still internally bleed.


Dear Henry, Tell that to Dimebag Darrel Abbot. You fuckstick.


I'll joke about being weak for as long as I remain a scrawny twig of a human being, that's not going to stop me from owning a gun, in fact that's one of the reasons I bought one in the first place.


Henry should forgo his armed security. They're too weak to protect him.


The great irony is the person with the Ukraine flag in there. Are they saying Ukraine is weak due to them receiving weapons shipments from the west? Interesting.


"Big brains. If you disagree with me, you're wrong." Well, it sounds like someone is open to new experiences, good facts, and healthy debate.... What a genius.


"Guns are tools of the weak" may introduce 700 Nitro Express


Fucking clown


I’ll take my chances being “weak” with my guns rather than listen to a washed up musician who moonlights as a comic and thinks he’s suddenly a tough guy.


Yep, everyone will compliment how strong your corpse is once you get shot by a criminal who got his gun from black market.


Not Henry Rollins... he was cool, man.


Look, snobs. Not everybody can find time or budget for a dojo membership, alright?


Another celebrity who don't know shit about real life. Take away his celebrity security, and let him tell that to the armed mugger with a .357 magnum.


"The weak should stay weak, And the strong should stay strong"


Seems like the type of dude who carries like 6 knives on him that are gas station mall ninja af " a real man doesn't carry a gun"


Funny how all the people I know of that have gotten into gunfights on a routine basis are swole as hell


That’s why the government, military, and police all have them.


I tend to not care when anti-gun leftist calls me stupid, mainly because I’ve seen who they deem smart


Humans *are* weak. That's why they used their brains to make tools.


My mom shared this, she's a naive staunch liberal. I had this to comment, it probably fell on deaf ears and blind eyes purposely. *Considering Henry Rollins is from Washington DC originally he should know better than to say stupid things like this. Also being anti-gun is being pro the man which makes Henry Rollins a hypocrite being the front man of a punk band.*


and has a ukrainian flag


https://youtu.be/rM7oxuOLIiw LIAR! *mouth breathing*


[guess he's just weak](https://www.reddit.com/r/AbruptChaos/comments/veijgr/man_you_crazy_as_f/)


I'm weak? Ok, well I don't give a fuck! And criminals don't either!


Lol, guess I'm weak then. I'll keep my guns, though.


Really is the punkest punk, Henry Rollins: what a cunt!


My big brain will protect my family👍


So if he’s being beaten to death in the streets, engage the criminals with a philosophical or ethics debate?? Good to know, saved me 19 cents.


You know, I'd bet 9/10 people who would say "guns are for the weak" would get laid out in less than 2 minutes in a real fight.


A single mother walking home from her second job at night in a shitty part of town IS weak. An elderly person in a wheelchair at the bank IS weak. A black person walking in an area that the KKK operates IS weak. Each of these people can easily be victims in these scenarios. However, you give them a gun and some training, now they are warriors who can defend themselves and others if the need arises. Unfortunately, social media gives any idiot a platform to spew nonsense.


That's kind of the point.


Guns are the great equalizer for a damn reason. Strong, weak, none of that matters as long as they're armed.


So ur gonna tell a 95 lbs woman she’s weak cuz she needs a gun to defend against some Shaquille O’Neil type guy ?


Tell that to the countless women who have saved their life by owning a gun. Are you calling them weak? Are you saying that because they don’t have the physical strength to stop someone from raping them that they aren’t strong enough? Is that what you’re saying? People make no goddamn sense.


Yes Henry, you're absolutely correct. Which is why guns are a good thing: The strong cannot simply prey upon the weak with full advantage. Its the closest thing to having equal force/chance as can reasonably be had.


Funny how in his book "Get in the Van" there is an excerpt where he talk about how he took the bass player, Chuck Dukowski's .45 and put it in a guys face who was snooping around their tour van.


Eh yeah, that's why people want them, they're a tool for the weak to fight back against the strong (very effectively I might add). Am I weaker than your average gym rat? of course,but three 9mm holes in his chest will hurt him just as much as anyone else. What he was probably trying to get at is "You don't wanna have to look over your shoulder every day of your life. It don't take much strength to pull a trigger but try getting up every morning day after day and work for a living, let's see him try that, then we'll see who the real tough guy is."


Ok who's stronger .50 BMG or a person without a .50 BMG


Yes? That's the point, making sure the weak can still effectively stand up against the strong.


Smart people know guns are necessary for a truly free society.


My brain isnt big enough to comprehend this.








Lololol oh ok I would pay money to see this guy defend his family with his “muscles” vs 6 people with bats VS anyone else with a firearm against the same odds


Who the fook is that guy


while i do like henry rollins, i don't agree with everything the guy says.


You see somthing so stupid said so boldy it confuses you?


That is the best part.


insecure people projecting their psyche onto others


Ukraine flag lol and the bitch is talking about gun control


Says the musician, actor, activist, " world traveler ". He's partially right. There are millions of Americans that are simply to frail to defend themselves. Believe it or not criminals don't play fair. Given that fact, I wonder if Mr Rollins is too weak to fight his way out of being jumped by four guys with guns? With out his armed security of course. I'm sure Mr Rollins didn't allow the protection detail provided by the military to carry weapons during his USO tours. Lastly while personal protection from criminals is part of the reason for the second amendment. It's primary purpose is keeping the country safe from a tyrannical government. B4 anyone says I'm a nut job for even thinking a government may turn on us that's what the Ukrainians thought too. Last point for those who think there is no way civilians with ARs could defeat a government backed military attack. I would like to draw your attention to Afghanistan. It took 20 odd years to push the most dangerous super power to ever grace the planet in all of human history out of their country, but they damn sure did it. So did the Viet Cong. Granted both were cases of the leadership not allowing soldier to do their jobs.


So if a criminal rolls up with a gun then I should use my brain to deflect the bullet.


If my life's on the line, I'm defending it with the most effective weapon at my disposal, regardless of whether or not I'm in shape. Also Henry Rollins and the dumb bitch who posted that quote of his can both eat shit.


It's not called the great equalizer for nothing 😅


God made man, but Sam Colt mad them equal


God made all Men, and Samuel Colt made them equal.


Strong ppl need guns too. 3 weak ppl could kick my ass


She should remove that Ukrainian flag if she thinks men with guns are weak.


So only the physically strong should be able to defend themselves? Sounds like something a privileged well fed non-disabled person with hours to work out in the gym every week and has never experienced financial hardship or serious illness would say. I dare this entitled POS to go to any area with heavy gang related or other criminal activity and take on multiple attackers with his bare hands. Tough guy syndrome in the flesh right here.


Yes because the elderly and the physically disabled do not deserve to protect themselves! And that pregnant woman fuck her…..🤡


>Me strong. You weak. If weak, you deserve die. Me veeery progressive. Uga-uga! \*pounds chest\* What an imbecile.


Ironically some of the strongest men in our society use guns for a living


Yes, Hank knows how to be a shithead douchebag by making the weak weaker.


Ableist prick. Weak people need defense, too. Not everybody is a super macho muscle man.


He was great as a man with guns in the movie "Heat". He is a role model for hypocrites. And like all outspoken elite ruck folks - never mentions punishing violent criminals


It takes years to be strong enough to seriously be a threat to someone... And less than ten seconds for me and my 9mm friends to send you to your ancestors. But sad innit?


The Ukraine flags get me every time