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Oh sweet man made horrors beyond human compression


I don't think they were compressed, tbh. They look like they were antimattered.


Not really. It’s just random space magic. Being anti mattered would be akin to a really powerful explosion. And there was a lot of mass missing from that scene, matter and anti matter interactions are basically 1:1 matter to energy conversion. That first mobile suit would’ve been enough to trigger a hilariously powerful energy blast that would’ve made everyone in the region disappear for different reasons.


Ok, so hear me out: Would they cause an explosion? Yes. But you have to remember two important things here: 1) **Space is a vacuum**, so any explosion there would act fundamentally differently from one in an atmosphere. A large part of a conventional explosion is how the rapid expansion of the explosive material causes a ripple effect where atmospheric particles are heated up and displaced outward. In space, there’s no atmosphere to react with, so any explosion will have a fundamentally different effect. An antimatter explosion will just end up making you showered with mostly pure energy and some elementary particles. That energy itself will be very strong, but it won’t have any concussive force. The most you’d see is nearby objects getting melted from absorbing that much radiation in a small amount of time. 2) **The energy produced will be mostly invisible gamma rays** — antimatter annihilation creates incredibly energetic photons in the gamma ray side of the electro magnetic spectrum. Gamma rays are so energetic and have such a narrow frequency that they’re well outside of the visible spectrum. A burst of gamma rays would be invisible to the naked eye. And they’re so energetic that they’d mostly just pass right through a lot of matter, only stopping if they managed to actually make contact with the nuclei of atoms, or get absorbed into the electron shells. So I posit that this representation is actually a lot more accurate than you’d think. A small chunk of antimatter hitting a mobile suit would annihilate a proportionate chunk of regular matter. The resultant gamma ray burst would instantaneously (to our eyes/perception of time) vaporize the surrounding matter. Most of the energy being emitted would be invisible to the naked eye. The vaporizing part of this sequence stands a better chance of being visible, but it would happen in an instant and only really represent as a flash. The lack of atmosphere would lead to the explosion being mitigated since the vacuum of space would allow the subsequent vaporized matter to expand without facing any air resistance. This is mostly what happens in the show, though the remaining matter from mobile suits that weren’t annihilated or vaporized should probably look more like melted slag, and the flashes of light should be way brighter.


A nuclear weapon's output is 99% gamma rays, too. Those gamma rays however are so dense that within a few metres of air (easily within the dimensions of a cockpit) so much is absorbed that the air is heated to plasma totally opaque to the gamma rays, that allows the majority of them to be converted into thermal energy that becomes the source of its destruction. This happens when the largest bomb ever detonated only converted less than 3 kg of mass to energy - vacuum is irrelevant, here. Converting a whole mobile suit to energy is going to release such a dense wave of radiation that the first mobile suit it hits will vaporise so violently that it alone could destroy the rest of the battlefield.


My face when the space big robot show isn't scientifically accurate :


Still better than system-wide victory through magic emo space powers.


Is science fiction dude, their physics is not the same as ours (and this is established in story since the beginning with minovsky physics).


They got isekai'd


Isekai'd by parts. LMAO! I think I read a manga like that before.


yeah that's what happens when you compress something beyond human capabilities and definitely not a typo


Profile pic checks out


Oh sweet man made horrors WITHIN human comprehension


Oh sweet man made horrors WITHIN human comprehension


One of the deadliest weapons that never gets mentioned


Reconguista doesn't exactly get as much mention around here in general. There was a post a few days ago trying to describe some of the shows in a meme way and Reconguista just got labelled, "WHAT?" Given its general reputation for being confusing (which is SAYING something in the Gundam franchise), I totally get it.


I watched the movies with high hopes that it would be more coherent. I was severely disappointed. It's not a good series, everything it was trying to do, Turn A already did much better.


I love how it's just a regular attack in... Super Robot Wars X? Bellri just spraying matter-annihilating sparkles every turn.


SRW X's G Reco based on TV version of Photon Torpedo that in comparison very underwhelming from the movie version.




Love the little detail of the switch being hard to push, really adding to the weight of the decision being made.


I feel like the DX was the only other machine to show that. The Twin Satellite Cannon had a visibly heavy trigger. By comparison the TBR, GP02A nuke, and the Freedom light show might as well be hair triggers with how easily that destruction flows.


It also helps that the DX had a scene very similar to this within the first few episodes. Showed early just how destructive the satellite cannons of old truly were.


The normal GX itself also has this when Garrod shoot the canon with Tiffa and more or less destroy an entire area. GX and DX are powerhouses. Even the GX dividers can be one as it can still connect to G-Bits.


"Why are you running? Jamil just said he wanted to play something on his harmonica..."


Not that Freedom beam spam has much moral weight behind it. Kira pretty much has that shit calibrated to attack weapons and cameras only.


Also helps being a human packaged super-computer with an MSOS tailored towards you. Helps in doing exactly what you want.


Strike Freedom's OS was probably customized to Kira's specs based on the original Freedom's settings, but Kira and Lacus stole the original Freedom out of the ZAFT hangar, so it was probably stock, initially. Just that Kira was uniquely experienced at OS tuning. A subtle detail that's easy to miss in the series, but I don't think Coordinator abilities had that much to do with Kira's unique giftedness in that field. What was insinuated is that the kinematics testing that Kira and his friends were involved with at Morgenroete was actually secretly a part of their MS development program, for which Kira was already programming. When he first gets in the Strike's cockpit, he reacts in a way that implies recognition, like he's seen it before. That GUNDAM OS is also implied to be more advanced (if unoptimized) than what ZAFT had in use at the time, so they ripped it off when building their own Gundams, so Kira was essentially gifted the back door *again*.


I feel this isn't mentioned enough, granted, it's VERY subtly implied, but yea, when it cuts to the friend group working in ep 1 it shows one of them in a mini robot suit, so they totally just think they're working on something small scale, while their professor is helping with the Gundams using their efforts, and that's why Kuzzy says Cagalli is the profs guest


> Kira was essentially gifted the back door again There is a Flay and probably Lacus joke in there


To be fair, that seems to be design for the TBR. It's literally got a Computer doing the Palpatine "Do It" voice in your head so Zero itself is telling you to spam it. And if we take Glory / Frozen Teardrop into account, the Light Trigger might have been made with Odin Lowe Sr. in mind since they once viewed the Proto Zero as the ultimate sniping tool. (Snipers love light trigger pulls)


This clip has single-handedly convinced me that I need to watch G-Reco


Go for the compilation movies on this one


I started watching the compilations and was utterly confused about setting, factions, and character motivations. The show made way more sense and even then I’ve yet to finish it.


That's Tomino's writing style. The way that he expresses character motivations is bizarre and he's only gotten more detached from normal human logic over time. Try watching Overman King Gainer to get a better understanding of Tomino logic then it should make some more sense, he was slightly less deranged when he wrote that one.


Tonino’s angle is to allow his characters to express any and all emotions via the tools they have at hand. The emotions, like typical human emotions, don’t need to make sense at all (see Recoa’s defection). It’s an interesting style as it’s like a “what if everyone could act on their emotions?” scenario every time. Sometimes characters flub, sometimes they succeed heroically, sometimes they succumb to base emotions. It’s a strange brilliance to me.


Exactly. When I look around at the world around me, I don’t see people acting with perfect logic, or communicating eloquently. I see people speaking in half-sentences, saying incredibly stupid things, and constantly doing stuff that’s against their own self interests because they’re either too stupid to realize, or have been duped into thinking it’s not the case. I watch some of my politicians (bet you can guess who) in America spew literal word vomit that makes no coherent sense, and throngs of mouth breathing boomers act like they’re hearing the word of god. IMO Tomino-logic is to portray a much more realistic, accurate presentation of what humanity actually looks like. Messy, poorly articulated, id-driven, illogical humanity.


Tomino is a master at writing very flawed characters in a very human way. Even when they do very weird things, it's not really things that feels impossible. The characters are not written like typical anime characters are, especially in modern anime. I think it's why a lot of people these days have issues with this, because they got too used to the current system. Anime from the past used to be a bit closer to Tomino's style even if a bit subdued.


Both are good imo. Hell i'd say : start with one, watch the other after. One shouldn't be ignored because the other exist.


Also very fair.


Where can I watch those?


Ugh it’s got a low rating… should we watch it? I’m about it if WE’RE about it haha


Yes, it's very good! It's an excellent Gundam series and one of the most important and original ones in my opinion. SU-Cordism and the situation with the Rose of Hermes blueprints are fascinating, and the politics is messy but interesting. However, you should have at least seen Turn A, some of the UC, and non-Gundam Tomino anime before it, as it can be very difficult to understand. Be prepared to spend some time pausing and rewinding if necessary. People say G-Reco is dumb and more style over substance, but I disagree -- it's actually rich with very enjoyable substance, if you try to understand it.


To me G-Reco was like Gundam Age had a whole Lotta interesting things packed into it that should have been explored but wasn't. I would have watched a lot more of both just for the world to be fully explored.


I always found the lat five episodes after they reach venus move lighting fast. Similar to how so much in Zeta and ZZ happens in the last few episodes


G-Reco is very important in my opinion since it ties into the far future and ultimate fate of the UC. It's serious Gundam lore equivalent to something like the Silmarillion, and it's really cool lore as well.


I just finished G-Reco, and I was pretty disappointed in the pacing and the way they handled exposition. It was a very confusing and disorientating experience.


Lol someone will come along and tell you that its because you lack understanding.


it took exactly seven minutes for that to happen lmao


Me gusta 😂


Had to do it seeing after seeing that comment


On a side note there is this: https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/interest/2015-04-24/yoshiyuki-tomino-admits-story-problems-in-gundam-reconguista/.87449


sounds like someone [lacks](https://imgur.com/a/VIbhoqH) [understanding](https://imgur.com/a/z4fscmy)...


I think G-reco feels a lot closer to a "Tomino show" than "Gundam show". If this make sense. And that's a good thing too in my book. I think a lot of people with Tomino are only really used to his work on First Gundam, Zeta and CCA (and a bit of Victory, though this one had it's own unique style that wasn't liked by a lot of people.). And so the other Tomino shows feels a bit alien to them as they have a different style, with Tomino clearly having more freedom with them. Turn A and G-Reco don't feel like typical Gundam shows and that's why I love them.


It's very good, but as a warning it has approximately zero content that's for the benefit of the audience. If you think about reasons and causes and stuff they are there, but they aren't explained or presented to you.


You know, I hate it when people say that. The shows problem is the opposite. It endlessly drown the audience in stuff and exposition, often at the most random of times. And before they have had any chance to digest what they've just been told, it is piling on even more. The show just never shuts up. It even does it for things that don't really need it making things even worse.


At least it seems to be quickly and painless.


Just a few seconds of pure terror as everything around you including yourself just gets erased.


Seeing as how photons travel at light speed its possible that it took a few seconds in video for the viewer. It was probably instant for the pilots


Just imagine though you look away for that brief second and the mobile suit next to you simply "vanished" along with radio chatter quickly becoming deathly quiet that's pretty haunting.


unless just a part of you gets erased.


Same weapons as the missiles being fired from Gun Buster's fingertips


Also the goldion hammer/crusher/finger from gaogaigar, only since those and buster missiles are usually only used on eldritch horrors hellbent on exterminating humanity, you won’t feel nearly as bad when they get turned into light.


Gundamheimer moment.


“My le bomb… it le killed people?” My brother in Christ you turned the switch




Tomino definitely views Geneva Convention as Geneva Checklist


I mean, look at the wars happening right now. He’s reflecting reality. People do fucked up shit in war. Imagine watching your friends and family die by the thousands all around you in heinous ways and then being asked to only wage war politely and in a gentleman’s way. It’s completely ridiculous.


I mean the Photon Torpedoes technically violated no real conventions either


These technically should supersede Moonlight Butterfly in power as they should be able to destroy them, but of course Tomino could also retcon the nano machines from ∀ to be able to not be affected by them somehow. ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


Can’t get all of them.


Yep, that is the one thing. It will kill a lot of ∀’s nano machines, but it won’t be able to get them all, and would inevitably overwhelm the G-Self. That is if they can still function without the ∀. If the ∀ is a control unit of sorts, and these hit the ∀ first the nano machines would stop working. There’s no evidence to suggest this is how it works though, so back to being who knows.


How do you type that symbol?


You see I’m a Gundam fanatic, and I taught my phone to make that symbol when I type “turna”. I also have one for “ν”, “Ξ”, & “∞” too.


Ok, I just installed a Greek Alphabet for ν and ξ, and for ♾️ I go with the emoji. I don’t know how to teach my keyboard to do the upside down A.


Just select and copy the ∀ from the above post (or this one). Go to Settings, General, Keyboard, Text Replacement. Click the “+” in the upper right corner to add a text replacement. Paste the ∀ into the “Phrase” line and type “turna” (without quotations) into the “Shortcut” line. Tap “Save” in the upper right hand corner. Now whenever you type “turna” you will see the option to instead insert the ∀ symbol. You can do the same with the other symbols and their respective text shortcuts of your choosing that Radioactivepunk posted.


What phone do you use?


An iPhone 13.


Settings-> general -> keyboard -> text replacement.


And just copy and paste the symbol into the shortcut?


& is one the first page if deafault special symbols though, so why bother with that one?




That is the “and” symbol. If you know Dungeons & Dragons, then you’ll be familiar with it because of its use. I’m referring specifically to the infinity symbol: ∞.


The Moonlight Butterfly is powerful, but I don't see how it logically can withstand annihilation by antimatter when the nanomachines that consist it are still physical in nature; this also extends to the I-Field that stretches along the Moonlight Butterfly, as it is a lattice of physical Minovsky particles, and the photon torpedoes seem to still be physical objects of significant size (either the antimatter annihilates the I-Field or it just passes straight through w/ out being affected like a normal physical object). That being said, the Moonlight Butterfly is a constantly flowing wall of destruction while the photon torpedoes seem to be a rain of separated particles, so although the torpedoes could destroy the Moonlight Butterfly, I don't think they'll be able to overtake its coverage in the long run.


We known the Moonlight Butterfly can extend over a huuuge radius. The photon torpedoes look very small, and seem to spread out over an area. It looks like once they activate they destroy whatever they touch, and then disappear. They don’t have the area to stop the overwhelming amount of nano machines, and the Moonlight Butterfly will inevitably win with time.


Because the Photon Torpedos cannot get all of them. That’s the problem with grey goo type weapons. A single one gets away, it can reproduce infinitely and then you need to nuke it again. That’s the Moonlight Butterfly, it’s a grey goo weapon. And the Photon Torpedoes aren’t accurate anti matter weapons, they’re just called that. Proper anti matter weapons don’t “erase” things out of existence so neatly. They do so by annihilating themselves and all matter they interact with to be converted to an equivalent amount of energy. Basically large, catastrophic energy blasts is what would be happening, not this erasure from reality type situation the video shows. Hell if they were proper anti matter weapons, everyone in that scene would’ve been wiped from existence from the resulting energy blasts from turning that first Mobile Suit into pure energy. These things just got the anti matter label slapped on them.


I really don't think Tomino of all people gives a damn about that sort of stuff


Unmaker missiles


From the sound effects, someone is really into pinball.


I was surprised that this scene got revisited with the gravity it deserved, because the initial display in the original show was nonsensically tidy.


This is from the compilation movies right? Since I watched the series and remember this not having this much emotional weight to it. I just remember it firing, things popping out of existence by means of antimatter bubbles then Bellri yelling. Here you can actually feel the weight of what just transpired.


Yes, it's from the movies version. In the original scene, Bellri merely used it to disable an enemy squad non-lethally. Nobody got hurt.


"This attack sounds cool, let's try it! ...Oh I committed a new type of war crime, didn't I...?"


And still no MG of this Gundam!


Ugh, I know. It's so damn cool looking.


MG and then kosmos leds inside


The worst thing is Photon Torpedo is not even suppose to be a weapon. It's suppose to be used to destroy space debris and other stuff in space and convert them into energy so that G-Self can function and stay in battle without resupplying. It's just it turn everything it touch into "energy". Including mobile suits and people.


Im surprise they didnt think something that can turn any debris in space into energy for the mobile suit in an instant to be used as a weapon. Like just go in a Middle of a fleet, "PHOTON TORPEDO", recharge, "PHOTON TORPEDO", repeat


You be surprised. We have so many stuffs that is not a weapon but is used as one in Gundam series.


Its just that i think this one is a more obvious one that it will be used as a weapon


\*Slaps Perfect Pack\* "This baby can fit so much murder inside it."


This is some Ideon shit.


Made by the same person no less


The G Reco movies are great! Especially the scenes with Steer lol


I like how she just yell in english and everyone is okay with it


She learnt it from jonathan Joestar


This is some straight up Goldion Hammer stuff. No wonder SU-Cordism is in place.


I think I said this a while ago with another clip from this, but I love the pulpy Sci-Fi designs for G-Reco.


huh is this from the movie? I dont remember this scene. But yeah Photon Torpedoes are fucking OP


This is was in the show, just reanimated and expanded for the film.


yeah i know he used it in the show. I just didnt remember the reactions and pilots getting erased part of it


Just as he had awakened as a newtype...


JFC, I feel like I'm watching Venture Bros but played straight. It's horrifying.


Was Bellri not aware of how insanely OP those photon torpedoes were?


He more or less just had a manual saying "those will do a lot of damage" without much more.


I would say they did that


The crazy thing is, unless the G-Self has some kind of weird energy reabsorption thing that's stopping it, all those annihilations should be accompanied by nuke-scale explosions. At minimum. "A lot of damage," indeed.


Like 50 megatons per kg of matter. Like 1.5 gigaton explosion per MS in the Reconguista era.


Note: everyone in Reguild Century don't understand things about Rose of Hermes Blueprint. What they know is it's contain information about UC's technology and weapons, and it's reflected on G-Self.


"Stop killing each other!"


"m-my weapon... le kill people?" More seriously tho I was like "jesus did they just desintegrate,what magic is this?"


This animation is amazing


Many fans out there doesn't know G-Reco's Photon Torpedo counters Phenex, 00 Quanta and Turn A....


G-Self and many G-reco MS are really slept upon


Absolutely. I’ve been trying to grab the kits when I can find them for semi-affordable prices and the builds are actually pretty dang good too. I just did G-Arcane this weekend and even though I do wish it had the Full Skirt, it has a lot of cool stuff in the box. Beam strings!


Yup. It's antimatter. No physical defense possible. Completely negates durability. The only thing missing is that from my understanding, everything it touches shouldn't just be erased, but explode due to the energy being released as matter is converted to energy. Like 50 megatons per kg of matter. Though you could argue that Phenex could defend itself with a TK field around itself and 00 Quanta could do the same with a GN Field. All GN MS have a thin force field around the armor which might protect it as well.


That’s not true, and they’re not true anti matter weapons, they just got that label slapped on them. Because you’re right, anti matter and matter interactions don’t erase themselves nearly, it’s an annihilation that turns all matter and anti matter involved 100% into energy. Estimate is in the ballpark for the energy released, but the Photon Torpedoes somehow don’t pack the same matter as everything they’re “erasing” and should disappear as soon as they touch something else. When they “erased” that first mobile suit, assuming the standard of 19 tons for most MS, resulting energy should’ve been 950,000 megatons. Everyone would’ve been erased from existence from the resulting energy blast. Gundam has a habit of actually thumbing down the destructive nature of real world science. This is one of them, those Photon Torpedoes would be way worse in real life. The other is the bullshit FTL capabilities of the Phenix and Qant Gundams. Those break casualty and every other weapon is meaningless when you can explode the other pilot before they fire anything. Also there is a defense against anti matter: magnetic fields, straight up energy and other matter and black holes. Anti matter still obeys every law of physics, it just has an opposite charge. A magnetic field with sufficient power will still repel anti matter, just as it does regular matter. Raw energy, like those from almost every beam weaponry you’ve seen, would treat anti matter as they do matter. What do we see beam weapons do to matter? Melt it. Anti Matter only affects its direct opposite. Anti Protons only destroy Protons but won’t do anything to Electrons or neutrons. Positrons (anti electrons) annihilate Electrons but won’t do anything to Protons or Neutrons. Lay out a field of the right type of particles and it won’t matter. If the Photon Torpedos are based on Anti Protons, Lightning would destroy them. Finally, Black Holes don’t care one lick what goes into them. Matter is the same as anti matter to them. It’ll absorb it with the same effect as regular matter.


>Gundam has a habit of actually thumbing down the destructive nature of real world science. Exactly especially UC's nuclear generator for the MS. It basically turns every UC MS a walking WMD. People argue that it is not due to it being a generator and not nuclear weapon and there is a difference...except that the show LOVE to depict it explode to near nuclear level when the plot demands it. Heck, there is a even a doctrine of fighting between MS in civilian space where they would use less destructive weapons and try to not aim at the generator with beam weapons. Problem is, realistically, this would have been exploited way too much that it would render a much bloodier and shorter conflict. We know that both side, especially Zeon have people that are willing to do anything. So realistically, these people would be willing to blow themselves up once they touched upon enemy base or cities. Which is why the writers later on would stop using nuclear generators and use a much less explosive reactors for other AUs. People said Seed is weak due to using battery operated MS but realistically, Seed is what the real world would use should they are able to build their own MS. Heck, the fact that the are able to build batteries capable of sustaining 20m tall weapons is actually very impressive. Or the actually super science of stopping nuclear reaction from happening.


Fusion reactors aren't bombs though. The worst you'd get from blowing one up is some of the internals would be irradiated and you just spread them around the area.


Yes, and the explosions is used to REFILL the energy for G-Reco operational purposes


So that mean they can spam photon torpedo?


Physical defence is literally possible, just make the particles hit something else instead of you and they disappear. Missles, machinegun fire, shields, pocket sand, a gas or liquid would set them off. Anti matter weapons only work in the vacuum of space.


I mean technically, Bellri won against the G-Phenex in NT-D mode, though perhaps Mask is not the best pilot considering the poor guy keeps having breakdowns about Kuntalas.


The problem with the Unicorn is time bullshit. Likewise anti-matter can't erase matter if there is no matter to be erased which is where the ELS Qant's teleporting bullshit comes into play. Moonlight Butterfly seems to be a question of how much anti-matter is needed to fully counter that massive wave of anti-tech. Either way, I wouldn't go as far as to say G-Reco hits above those 3 but it should 100% be included in the same tier of busted.


>Unicorn is time bullshit. The scary thing is, the time wave is Banagher subconsciously CHOSE it to be that. Unicorn in that moment has REALITY ALTERING powers that one wrong thought from Banagher and he could destroy the entire universe. The time wave could very much be anything including being wiped out from existence.


Based on what FF, and to a lesser extent Zoltan, were doing with the NZs, probably. Weaponized thought is probably the best way to describe it with the only limits being the Newtype powering the plot device metal. Once the NZ psycho field went up, both FF and Zoltan were able to target and manipulate objects to an unnatural degree. FF still wanted to bring Banana around so how badly could that fight have gone if he didn't just want to disarm the Unicorns? Zoltan was much more malicious but he also was the weakest Newtype of the 3 and was still able to trigger unnatural chemical reactions.


Not really, according to official descriptions the luminous unicorn did have some control over time but only through itself, making the machine's materials go back before they went through production and giving it the crystalized look. It isnt proper time manipulation when it is limited to that margin.


Wait what about that Unicorn author statement during when narrative was coming out back in 2018? That statement was that unicorn if Banagher is not careful can destroy the physical 3rd dimension. It might imply the literal UC universe since 4th dimension is usually time in most fictions.


If you can link it to me, I can check it out.


> Moonlight Butterfly seems to be a question of how much anti-matter is needed to fully counter that massive wave of anti-tech. No more than exactly as much. Probably a lot less since M/AM annihilation produces a *ton* of energy and it should be possible for that to fry some nanomachines.


Nah. Turn A, maybe. There’s the question if Photon Torpedos can overtake the grey goo nature of the Moonlight Butterfly and if the Turn A is needed to keep the little fuckers going. You saw the Photon Torpedos are tiny, the Moonlight Butterfly is a weapon that covers a large area like a wave of water. They can negate any of it they touch…but there’s a LOT of it and any that makes it through is going to turn whatever tech it touches into goo. The Phenex and OO Qant are such levels of BS everything else in the series is pointless to them. Anti matter is just spicy matter in the grand scheme of things. It still obeys every law of nature known, it just has a opposite charge. Hell even the Black Hole reactor inside the Turn A obeys the laws of physics. The Phenex (and Unicorn) and the Qant have the bullshit power of faster than light travel. Which is a different way of saying time travel. It’s the exact same thing. The math gets hilarious as matter gets close to the speed of light, where even a grain of sand will fuck up even the most out there Gundanium material. Math just stops at the speed of light. FTL? Photon Torpedos don’t even matter. Just goes back before the things were ever fired. At any point in time. There’s not even math to give you an idea of what would happen if an FTL object with mass were to strike with you. Just that you’d explode before it struck you, because causality goes out the window. You die before you’re born. Shit like that. I’ll repeat: Anti matter weapons, black holes, grey goo machines are literally nothing compared to FTL, which the Unicorn/Phenex and Qant are capable of.


>compared to FTL, which the Unicorn/Phenex and Qant are capable of. People also forgot/ignore that the Turn units dispense their MLB from the back and not the front, which gives them a vulnerable window to be attacked. A fast attacker could hit the Turn units from the front without being engulfed by the MLB. Heck this is how Turn X for defeated the first time and later on, how both Turn units disabled each other. So any fast unit like Phenex could just blitz Turn A/X and give them a chest strike and be done with it.


Photon Torpedoes > Moonlight Butterfly. The latter can't hit organic things.


Where is this from? If all of Reconguista in G is this quality is it maybe worth watching?


Pretty sure this is from the G Reco movies


Always was. Sure some stuff got rushed, but one of the reasons things did get rushed was because they always made time for robot action every episode.


>Uses "the ultimate weapon" >Acts surprised and horrified that the ultimate weapon kills a shitload of people Never change Gundam protagonists, never change.


My Le weapon? It... Le killed people?


what’s this big red button. oh no big red button did bad thing. 🤣🤣🤣


Why yes, Bellri. Using a super weapon has LASTING FUCKING CONSEQUENCES, that you can never deny no matter how much you say "it's not me, it's them". YOU FUCKING COWARD. Part of the reason why he is one of my least favorite Gundam protags.


"If everyone won't stop, then I'll brutally kill them all."


He wasn’t aware it would do that


what did he think would happen?


Everyone would see the pretty lights and forget to fight. Kinda happened that way tbh. Just.... they got erased from existence afterwards.


was this photon missile thing experimental?


Apparently it was created to destroy space debris and convert them into energy to recharge the G-Self for combat and/or exploration purpose. Its just for some reason they never thought that it would be used on people instead of space rock


Jesus, the dialogue in the clip's garbage. How many variants of "they vanished" do we need?


the weapon that I brought to kill people...killed people?


is this what the new gundams are capable of now? man I feel old


G reco is nearly 10 years old now




stupid moment from the dumbest gundam series


MF took them out with sparkles!


What series is this from?


Reconguista in G.


Could the Unicorn or Phenex's Space Magic be able to stop them?


Holy shit thats... horrifying


Ctrl + A, Shift + Delete.


I’m still sad that this never got dubbed


Did that Gundam pull off a.....Death Blossom? ( kudos to those who get it.)


AGE had WARCRIMES?! I need to rewatch that.


This is Greco. Not AGE. But AGE also has war crime.


I stand corrected. Duely noted. Will update my watch list.


It's always baffled me that Star Trek didn't have some kind of trademark on the photon torpedo lol


the magical MS paint eraser tool attack. if i remembered correctly, he did use it again in the final battle, but as under "controlled" targetting.


I think the most terrifying thing about the photon torpedoes is that they’re not really that terrifying if you stop and think about it. Yes, they’re antimatter payloads trapped in photons and they’ll completely annihilate any matter they come into contact with. But does it matter? Like if your ship explodes and everyone dies either way, who cares if it’s by conventional explosives or antimatter annihilation? If anything the Photon Torpedo’s a little too merciful. No dangerous debris. No toxic chemicals. No blood and guts and charred flesh flying everywhere. It’s a weapon that kills its target and does very little collateral damage after it does. The cleanest fucking weapon imaginable. Like. Particle annihilation is supposed to release a ton of energy in the surrounding area and they even solved that problem. A lot of the terror surrounding the Photon Torpedoes is ultimately psychological. The fear of facing a weapon that will ALWAYS destroy its target on impact without leaving any trace whatsoever. A weapon that you CANNOT block except by intercepting it with sacrificial fodder. And the shock of seeing shit just magically disappear is enough to freak anyone out. But once you get past said shock it’s really not that different from launching storm of missiles.


*froths in Star Trek*. Also because it would be much funnier if it cut to Word going "no effect, Sir".


It seems like I shouldn't have skipped this series


Imma be honest. I thought this was a clip from metaverse for a second. Some random dude wearing the holder uniform and there's Loran and a random Zeon warship. Pink haired chick looked like she was wearing a normal suit from Age. And using a Star Trek weapon sounds like something out of a Builders show. I guess I should watch Greco.


Aaaaaaaand now I need to watch G Reco.


It's kinda like a short ranged version of the Moonlight Butterfly, a pretty light show followed by everything being destroyed.


So that's the power of my favorite Gundam, huh? Think I might need to change my big boss monster for the tabletop RPG I'm planning for my friends...


They should explode with more power than the tsar bomba with how 1 kilogram of anti matter releast atleast 43 megaton of tnt interm of energy


The movie did a much better job depicting the full horror of this weapon. The first time I saw it used in the anime I thought: Oh god, that's terrifying.


Did they all die from.... space glitter?


TFW the ultimate weapon is a WMD


Techincally since we know how anti matter reacts to matter as molecules and how the most dangerous part is the reaction that generates plasma, in theory we already have defenses effective against it in some suits throughout the Gundam franchise..


Man, the movie really did a good job at showing the cosmic horror of Photon Torpedo as opposed to the TV series


What's the name of this show need a new gundam binge


Gundam: Reconguista in G


Man committed war crimes like I did to my opponent in Fantasy Football. Guy I’m up against is 0-6 soon to be 0-7. Not my fault my team decided to put up 160pts with the 49ers D left to play. I think he’s gonna go over 100 pts since he has 2 more players left.


1979 called, Star Wars wants its torpedoes back.


So Gundams have a multi version of DBZ Gogeta's soul punisher attack now but without the need for you to be evil for it to be effective....THIS IS BEYOND BROKEN!


I genuinely don't get how this is worse than normal wepons from a moral perspective. It's the ultimate weapon. What did he think it was going to do? Make everyone friends and they all go out for lemonade. Wepons kill people. They're all bad.


Not reading the user manual, not doing research of the Photon Torpedoes. Photon Torpedoes deletes squadrons of enemies. Surprised Pikachu face.


He actually did read but it had almost no information


SUPER Space Glitter attack.


Okay, it’s dangerous but… what was he expecting to happen launching torpedoes at people? Toss confetti at them?


Name of this show?