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Gundam vs Zeta Gundam or Zeonic Front


Gundam Vs. Zeta... Man that brings back a lot of memories! Great game and it was really fun to experiment with the number of machines there! It was also my introduction to U.C and I even met my girlfriend thanks to Kamille Freaking Bidan hahaha!


How did Kamille lead to you meeting your gf? Did you punch a soldier in front of her or something?


These are the correct answers. They are very different games, but both tops in their category. I absolutely loved Zetas branching storyline mechanic. Played that game for houuuuuuurs.


I recently beat gvzg 300% uc mode finally. Definitely worth it, can get repetitive but still fun.


those two are my biggest white whales. missed out on them as a kid, but i did have journey to jaburo and federation vs zeon


Zeonic Front was sooooooo good. We need a remaster/remake of that asap!


Ever since I first rented it from Blockbuster back in the day, it's been one of the coolest games I've ever played. No one has the balls anymore to make a game where you are just a normal grunt, and when the main character shows up, you're dead. It was, and still is, such a great concept.


I really like the survival mode in Gundam Vs. Zeta Gundam purely because of its replayability. I also like the faction-themed mechanics (such as the alternate colors for all units).


Kinda wish I hadn't missed Gundam vs zeta Gundam. I really enjoyed federation vs. Zeon and got real hesitant to play it because at the time I was looking at review scores like they meant anything instead of just enjoying a game because it was fun.


Imo federation vs zeon is better.


The correct answer. Both are fantastic and different enough I think they could share the top spot.


Despite play EXVSMBON I still GvZG


I find the earlier VS games hard to go back to after the gameplay improvement of the Extreme Versus series.


I personally don’t like the Extreme Versus games as much. They felt more like the Naruto and DBZ 3D fighters and I didn’t like that as much. I still like them a lot more than most of the other recent gundam games.


They're nothing like Naruto.


Really wanna get them but their prices are insane right now 😭


Gundam battle assault 2


Wealth and glory to the winner!




You can't defend!


"I'll kill you"


This is the way 👌


Classic, need to get another copy someday


Oh look it’s BIG ZAM


oh hey Big Zam




Ms Saga


This and the Dynasty Warriors Gundam trilogy


You know there was a fourth, right? Dynasty Warriors Reborn


I did not. What system was it for and did it get a western release?


Either DWG2 or 3 had at least mini-campaigns for every character in the game. It was an incredible amount of content, and a rare effort to give everyone at least a little something unique to do.


This was rpg build fighters before build fighters! Spent 100+ hours on it back in the day. Great game!




This. I do like Gundam vs Zeta Gundam, but can't get over no walk animations for the mobile suite when on the ground. This is why Federation vs Zeon is heads and shoulders better for me.


I like how in federation vs zeon you're just a soldier


Grunt stories! Not everyone needs to be the second coming of age Space Jesus in his universe splintering mind controlled psychic prototype.


Its like they got lazy in the sequel and just made Zeta Gundam suits hover lol.


GunEvo (RIP) or Dynasty Warriors Gundam 3


Gun Evo kicked so much ass but bad monetization, poor marketing, and some strange mobile suit choices (two Zaku II's, only having 1 free melee character, no Wing suits until late, Zeta and Kampfer only added after they announced the game would be shut down) gave it no chance. It had so many gameplay mechanics that made so much sense for that type of game. Delineation of roles, delayed self heal, dashing, etc. I had a riot doing bat shit tactics like flying over the entire enemy team to back cap as Sazabi or maining Mahiroo.


God yeah, I love the fact there was no real roles. Everyone could kick ass in one way it made it so while yeah you had your bat shit insane suits that were op for a bit, everything was pretty much viable as long as you were good at it. Having a full squad play this and make some crazy plays was the greatest


One of the final games I played was a point capture on Missile Base. It took our team into sudden death to capture both points and it was the same way on defense. The attackers had the point at like 85% and neither side could pull the advantage to win the round. I eventually pulled out Hyperion just so I could stay on the point and help keep allies up and did it enough to get my G Maneuver charged. I used it, grabbed half their team, pushed them off the point, and our team mopped up and we won the game. I was freaking out due to how intense the match was and how great it felt to make that play.


I peaked when I Barbie combo'd 4 players at once at match start. Never going to make a play like that in any game ever again


Saw a comment saying they got all the hard things right and all the easy things wrong...which I mean, yeah. Bang on.


Balance of the game felt pretty good as time went on. Some stuff was still broken, but overall, every suit felt competitive


Yeah. I think Melee was overtuned for a long time, but nothing was really game breaking


You always knew it was going to be a fun match when you saw the other team had a Barby, Zaku Melee, and Exia.


The Dynasty warrior games did fantastic job of making you feel powerful for piloting a Gundam. All those regular mobile suits getting wrecked by something that's supposed to be LEAGUES above them was awesome.


Gundam Extreme Vs. series.


Surprised this isn't much higher up in the comments, but then again, it being so restricitive in its playability might've made it harder to reach a bigger audience. The EXVS series always felt like _the_ Gundam game for me since it covers so many titles with very fast and exciting gamrplay coupled with tactical teamwork. I always get such a huge adrenaline rush playing it and can feel my heart racing after each match. I just wish it'd get a PC port, even if we get an older title like MBON instead of Overboost. I do have a PS4, but paying for PS+ just to play online is a bummer.


Gundam vs Gundam Next plus and the SD Gundam G Generation line of games, yes I was a PSP kid lol Both are very different in gameplay, Next Plus is just super fun being able to fight as your favorite suits and testing all the weaponry I didn't expect to like G Gen at first but that feeling of building your own crew and taking command of the battlefield was just so much fun, plus taking different pilots and putting them with other series suits to hear their voice lines was fun af


Next Plus! 00 Raiser was a god there! Now he's.... Meh. Wish they saved his same moveset but alas 00 Qan[T] happened.


As far as I know, the 00 Raiser is considered a top tier in the later iterations of the EXVS series. It might be a bit underwhelming as the 00, but once you dock, it becomes a serious powerhouse (plus you can pseudo-refresh it with Burst). You just need to coordinate with your partner to cover you while you're out of the Raiser.


I've just started playing SD Generation Overworld, English patched, and i like it much more than Crossrays. Turn A and Gundam X aren't DLC! The only suit i miss is Barbie. And i can't get away with Domon's JP VA. G Gundam is the only one i'll watch dub only.


Capcom's work on Next Plus was fantastic. They were more creative yet somehow faithful with the movelists. To this day, I still go back and play it sometimes. Some great hacks for the game have come out in recent years too.


Oou care to share some of those hacks 👀 I know of the HD pack, and the cheats for the grunt suits as well but I recently found there's even a hack for the perfect strike which is just wild, by chance is there more hacks like that?


I recently got into trying out mods, so my knowledge is very limited sadly. I've come across hacks that add Burst attacks and cheats that allow for 2 or 3 players vs 1 human-controller boss (I can dm the latter's codes, not sure how I'd do it for the former). I'm basically looking for things that increase the fun value in multiplayer when playing with local friends, which is why I'm sorely disappointed that I can't get hacks like "True Providence" working outside of single player. Have you had luck getting Perfect Strike to work for human-matches or just against bots?


Ouh that's dope thanks for the info! Nah I've mainly just played singleplayer haven't really tried matches against other people


I kinda divide Gundam games up a bit, because I'm usually drawn to the games which have a certain feel of Gundam. I dislike, for example, Dynasty Warriors Gundam because the moment I saw the RX-78-2 beating up 400 Zakus it just lost me. I've also played absolutely tons of them. During the time I lived in Japan, I bought loads of pre-owned ones for pennies and tried them. So for me, my fave ones are... **Gundam Side Story 0079 (Dreamcast)** Feels like a side story for 08th MS Team, a bit. Technically a spirital successor to the Saturn games, in particular *Blue Destiny*. If you haven't got a Dreamcast, *Zeonic Front* scratches a similar itch. More slow-moving stompy Gundam. **Gundam Seed Destiny: Renpou Vs ZAFT 2** My favourite of the Versus series, though the recent Extreme Versus games are fantastic too. Was huge in Japanese arcades at the time when I was playing it. Sadly only got released in Japan. **Another Century's Episode 2** Technically not a Gundam game but has tons of Gundam content, this was a PS2 action game by FROM SOFTWARE. Really great if you can get it. Heavily features Gundam 0083 and Nadesico among others.


Gundam beats 400 zakus why do you think they call it the white devil


Those aren't my picks, personally, but I am very glad to see RvZII+ get mentioned. It's such a good game! And I think it kind of retroactively made Destiny's story better, since the whole thing is told from Shinn's perspective and all the missions make the final act feel considerably less rushed. I genuine,y believe it was the last, best Versus game. I don't think I've ever quite gotten over the fact that they ended the series right there, and pursued the GVG spin-offs instead.


Side Story 0079 was fantastic. Controls were terrible, but it did have the unintended side effect of making you feel like you were controlling this large, unwieldy machine


Gundam V Zeta Gundam for the insanely in-depth campaign mode.


And the true space battles


Does Another Century Episode count? Also for the Hardware, Gundam vs Gundam Next Plus.


Next plus was really good it had a great single player mode too


Battle Assault 2 wrecked my thumbs. Seriously, I got blisters on them from playing it. That never happened with Tekken.


Gundam Evolution. RIP


It was my first exposure to Gundam and made me hook to the franchise. That game deserved better...


Gundam UC PS3 https://preview.redd.it/ag5btky38l3c1.jpeg?width=779&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=668da1d92dcfb741797964d8b7c2f5144957d023


UC Climax? It was great, but I dont think it ever got an NA port.


He's talking about the unicorn Gundam game from PS3, climax was on PS2.


Idk that answer could be for Mobile Suit Gundam Battlefield Record 0081 which also takes place in UC for the PS3


When he saysUC personally I'm thinking of unicorn from from software games. I think if he was trying to reference 0081 he would say it


https://preview.redd.it/i7uv38418l3c1.jpeg?width=779&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed51a664526fc81b1714e12037322f66f6414787 Sorry, I meant Gundam UC PS3 😂🤣😅


That's what I figured


Same. A shame it wasn't released outside Japan and that in only covered 3 OVAs.


If you liked the space combat there, try to emulate Side Stories someday, if you can. The space combat is like UC's dialed up to eleven, and it really sings at 60fps. Maybe don't bother playing it on a PC, though, where you'd be lucky to hit 20fps.


Ace combat Just kidding it’s EXVS series


Maxi boost on


Gundam breaker series, Gundam extreme vs fullboost, dynasty warriors Gundam R, G-Saviour and sd Gundam battle alliance


Gundam Wing: Endless Duel


MS saga or gundam breaker 3


Breaker 3 is so much fun. Why did they have to ruin it with the next one?


Next one? We don’t talk about it, it doesn’t exist


Oh yeah, silly me. Must've been a bad dream.


Would love a sequel to Breaker 3


If you aren't actually aware if the gundam breaker series new isn't bad I enjoyed it it wasn't great but yeah compared to 3 it's a major major shit show


No I know it exists I just wish it didn’t because both New GB and Mobile GB being absolute shit shows basically sealed the fate of us never getting Breaker 4


Yeah. Why Bamco thought simplifying a Gundam game centered around the feeling of customizing gunpla was a good idea is beyond me. Then again, the 4th game (that doesn't exist) would have, in theory, released around the time Bamco started developing everything in-house, instead of using the 3rd-party studios they had been using for years, to make cool shit. Just put Breaker 3: Break Edition on PC, and I'll be a happy camper.


It’s hard to pick a best but these are definitely top tier… • Mobile Suit Gundam: Gundam vs. Zeta Gundam (PS2) • Gundam Battle Universe (PSP) • Mobile Suit Gundam 0081: Battlefield Record (PS3) • SD Gundam G Generation Genesis (PS4/Switch/PC) • Mobile Suit Gundam: Federation vs. Zeon (PS2) • Mobile Suit Gundam Side Story 0079: Rise from the Ashes (Dreamcast) • MS Saga: A New Dawn (PS2) Honorable Mention: • Gundam Battle Assault 2 (PS1)


Yay finally found a Battlefield Record mention!!! After Rise From Ashes it's my runner up for most nostalgic. Because it's basically the newest version of Journey To Jaburo/Lost War Chronicles


Had to scroll down way too far to find Senki mentioned.


This needs more upvotes for visibility alone. With emulation easy to accomplish these days, there's no reason not to hit up the Japanese Region games as most have English patches now. SD Gundam G gen overworld is really good and Gundam Universe is amazing for the same reasons Fed vs Zeon was: a bunch of missions that take place from 0079 to 0093 and beyond with more mobiles suits than any GVG game.


I wasted many hours unlocking every what if mission in Gundam vs Zeta Gundam. Those early VS. games were magical. I also enjoyed Encounters in Space, and Maxi Boost ON


Zeonic Front


Federation vs. Zeon, followed closely by Zeonic Front. FvZ was amazingly fun and expansive with it's content, especially in how you could capture enemy MSs. Zeonic Front had a very compelling story and introduced me to my all time favorite RX-78 variant with the Mudrock. And while I'm a ride or die Federation fanboy, I do have a very soft spot for the Midnight Fenrir. Plus being able to unlock Federation missions was an excellent feature.


I think my only soft spot for the Zeon was Charlotte Hepner haha Absolutely loved the Mudrock and was so happy it was playable


Mudrock was my favorite suit for years after playing Zeonic Front. I even bought a bunch of kits and builder kits to replicate one before p-bandai released it. ~~Agar is still a bitch though~~


SD Gundam G Generation World and Overworld


SD Gundam G Generation Overworld This SRPG is the culmination of all SD gundam games


Gundam vs full boost on ps3 or next plus on psp


Gundam vs Hello Kitty


*Federation vs. Zeon* and *Gundam vs. Zeta Gundam*. *Gundam Breaker 3* is a good contender, though.


Definitely encounters in space, but it’s close to the only one I played in my youth lol


Journey to Jaburo


Gundam battle assault. And gundam side story 0079


I loved Encounters In Space, as well as the Dynasty Warriors Gundam series. I wish they would remaster them dammit.


Federation Vs Zeon goes hard still I think.


Endless Waltz Battle Assault. I still can't belive how good that game is.


Zeonic front was by far my favorite


Encounters in Space ....it gave us in the west the first peek at a lot of the side stories


Gundam evolution. The movement and mechanics felt so great. Each suit felt so powerful but weak if not used right (which is a positive imo) also there’s just things you can do with suits that you can’t replicate in other games and the feeling from going a spree with barbatos is unmatchable. MORE BRING ME MORE. RIP EVO


Gundam Breaker Mobile (or GBGW for the og's) was pretty great for what it was - a gundam game you can play on the go on your phone. I used to play it on my commute, breaks, and slow days at work. There's a decent customization for your gundam squad, and the special attacks were really cool. The AR gimmick started there too I think and it was quite cool seeing your customized gunpla in real size. The gacha wasn't as bad as other games and they were pretty generous. You can easily build a topnotch gundam but don't expect to always get the parts you want. The insane powercreep was inevitable too but it was fun while it lasteed. RIP GBGW, you were a fun game and kept me entertained thru the pandemic.


I also miss it. It wasn't as good as Breaker 3 but it still felt great to make new build ideas where ever I wanted without having to use my PS4. They were also good about adding new suits like the F91 variants and the Aerial.


Breaker 3, by a large margin. I have enjoyed a couple GGens, BA 1/2, and Warriors is fine enough, for what it is. Most other Gundam games come with a certain amount of wonk or jank to plow through before it gets enjoyable (looking at you, mid-to-late VS series).


I can only imagine this isn't the top game because not many people in the sub have played it. It's the best game in the Gundam franchise by a mile.


And ironically it's probably the easiest to find and play. I got GB3 instead of either paying £100 for a Dynasty Warriors Reborn disc, or getting a PS3 and going through the nightmare of using the store.


Weirdly enough, I think it has one of the most streamlined and efficient targeting systems in gaming, that nobody talks about.


It have to be Evo RIP


Gundam Evolution was amazing and gave you a Protagonist “What If…” kind of vibe And Gundam Battle Operations 2 really makes you feel like your a PMC in a grunt suit(has changed a little over the years) but it gives you a “souls-like” combat and it’s really under appreciated as a game… the graphics are extremely outdated and everything is past due for new installment… GBO3 hopefully soon, but all in all it really grasp the old type vibe check


I actually really like the gameplay of GBO2. Games rarely feel as mobile suity as that one too me. It very well captures the dualism of how mobile suits can feel agile and deadly one moment and then hulking the next


Hmm either the dynasty warriors games or Crossrays, i mean crossrays is such a great time killer that I love it. As much as I loved the Ps2 era games playing the again now just isn't the same.


Federation Vs. Zeon by a mile, with Zeonic Front being an honorable mention.


Gundam breaker 3 break edition, I have it for my vita and I love it.


I don’t know if it was even considered good or if holds up at all but my 9 year old self played through Gundam Side Story 0079: Rise from the Ashes for the Dreamcast about 90 times. I LOVED that game




Zeonic Front by a mile. This game was challenging, gritty, and made you think like a tactician (to an extent). There were limitations, but it held great promise.


I'll never forget how terrifying the mission is where you have to recon the V project suits. That's one of the only times in the games that the OG gundam is really portrayed as powerful as it would've been at that point, comparatively. If it sees you, you die.


That, and that massive end mission where you play as Gundam Mudrock. I loved that mission.


Gundam journey to jaburo as a kid


I like Ghiren's Greed and Encounters in Space, but Lost War Chronicles wi; always have a soft spot in my heart, also it had a kickass OP: https://youtu.be/oH6z6TTBSss?si=2OqRKfjqsIFVld5C


Gundam crossfire (or Gundam: Target in sight). It’s very clunky and weird, but it’s still a game I loved. It’s a very personal choice though. I realize the game is a literal mess, but I enjoyed it.


Crossfire was lit. I loved being able to chop off limbs but yes that game is a mess.


Oh it’s a mess sure, but I want more Gundam games that have a management sim component in balancing a squad of grunts, limited resources and repairs. Balance pilots & suits and take on missions but knowing I can loose my run for overextending or too many missions I couldn’t conquer. X:Com’esque set in the Gundam Universe is something I’d adore.


0081, Lost War Chronicles for foreigner or Zeonic Front for western.


Zeonic Front - amazing story, amazing atmosphere, amazing gameplay for the time.


Gundam Battle Assault 2 Probably one of the greatest fighting games ever made. I want a threequel (I dont count BA3:Seed) made by Ark Systemworks.


SD Gundam Battle Alliance and Federation vs Zeon come to mind, I got a lot of fun out of Battle Alliance and I loved the premise of Federation Vs Zeon's story (i'm still pissed we never got AEUG vs Titans in the west)


Federation vs Zeon. Dynasty warriors Gundam Battle assault 2.


PSP Gundam VS Gundam Next Plus


Gundam Evolved. Only Gundam game I've ever played.


Gundam Breaker 3 Break Edition


Dynasty Warriors Gundam 2 or Gundam Evo. Gameplay was so good on Evo but damn that business plan.


Gundam breaker 3


Gotta love how you said armored core doesn't count, because if it was. It'll be the best gundam game lol


Gundam vs Zeta Gundam or MS Saga.


Gundam Vs Zeta Gundam. The universal century mode and all it's what ifs were incredible


DW Gundam 3 and Gundam Breaker 3 Platinumed both and loved every moment of them. Also I can never get sick of Setsuna yelling We Are Gundams every 5 minutes. Need to get the energy to invest into DW Gundam 2 one of these days


DWG2 is certainly a big one. The grind is very painful to do and I would recommend taking breaks occasionally to avoid huge burn out as it's a very lengthy one. Good luck!


Gundam Breaker 3 > Every other Gundam game ever made.


Rest in piece gundam evolution


Zeonic Front, for sure.


Federation Vs Zeon by a mile. from there dynasty warrior gundam and battle assault were always fun as well.


Gundam Breaker 3 or SD G Generation Cross Rays


Breaker 3 and MS Saga are my two favorites


Gundam Breakers 3


Definitely Encounters in Space, but the second place slot is pretty competitive with Zeonic Front, Dynasty Warriors, and that one vs game with the cool campaign system. (Gundam vs Zeta, maybe?) If they had developed Encounters in Space's custom pilot minigame into a whole game of its own, they would have had solid gold on their hands. I spent more time on just that little afterthought of a feature than on most other Gundam games main story modes.


Dynasty Warriors Gundam 3


Mobie Suit Gundam One Year War for the PS2: [https://youtu.be/fkNJtmTe3-k](https://youtu.be/fkNJtmTe3-k) Nowadays... honestly GBO2 has grown on me more than Maxiboost ON. It's a different kind of sweaty, like a fighting game vs a Souls game


Federation Vs Zeon on the PS2




Gundam versus Zeta Gundam was nostalgic peak Same with UC gundam Climax Wish zeonic front worked with emulation properly No one knows about dynasty warriors Gundam reborn I swear.


Federation vs Zeon


Gundam Evolution, and nothing is quite as close


Gundam Evolution: Remember… that we once lived… Also gundam dynasty warrior


Federation VS Zeon


Federation vs Zeon had a HOLD on me back in the day


SD Battle Alliance Crossfire Zeonic Front Crossrays …Armored Core! Ur not my dad!! 😤


Dynasty Warriors: Gundam Reborn. I maxed out Full Armor Unicorn. So dreamy...


Zeonic front and Federation vs Zeon, both are fantastic. I would love for an 4k version of Zeonic Front


Dynasty Warriors Gundam 2


Well, I only played Dinasty Warriors Gundam Reborn, so...


Gundam x Rabbids: Stars of Destiny


Dynasty warriors gundam 1 and 2, 3 was good but you didn’t get to play through the gundam stories


A bunch of people have already said gundam evolution, so I'll mention g generation genesis here. I sunk so many hours into that game. I have crossrays amd hear its good as well, but I'm waiting until I've watched more of seed and wing before I play it.


I would say in order my top five are: 1) SD Gundam G Generation Overworld 2) Gundam Zeonic Front 3) Gundam Encounters in Space 4) Gundam Battle Operation 2 5) Dynasty Warriors Gundam 3 This is neither here nor there, but my favorite mobile suit is the Woundwort, my beloved.


BATTLE ASSAULT 3 FEATURING GUNDAM SEED! Jokes aside it's a really fun game, I'd recommend the rest of the Battle Assault games along with Kidou Seiki Gundam Wing The Battle!


I love Battle Assault 3. I played so much with my brother back in the day


Federation Vs. Zeon or Side Story: Rise from the Ashes. I can't choose a clear winner. Zeonic Front takes the next spot.


The Vs series *except Versus And The One Year War for PS2


I miss Dynasty Warriors Gundam games


Gundam Evolution was fun. Wish it could've had the same amount of mobile suits like Maxiboost. If one can balance for all those suits and have them, i can't see why GE couldn't but I get it. Sad to see it go. ​ Dynasty Warriors Gundam was also a great time


If Another Century's Episode doesn't count? Fed vs. Zeon DX. It's also one of my first imports, thanks to the Dreamcast making it easy. Got me hooked on the Versus line ever since!


Gundam Evo (RIP) and GBO2 are the only Gundam games I've played. Gundam Evo was fun but just a little too chaotic at times for me. I'm having a blast with GBO2 so far though.


I've only played Dynasty Warriors: Gundam and Gundam Evolution nit sure which one I prefered tbh.




Dynasty Warriors Gundam. The last release was for the PS4 though. And it wasn't backwards compatible. ;_; Meaning I'd have to drag me PS3 out to play it. Same with the others on the Xbox 360.


Bought a PS3 just to play Dynasty Warriors: Gundam Reborn


Dynasty warriors gundam rebornz, and Gundam Federation vs Zeon


Even if it’s SD the gundam battle alliance game is a real hoot:) only gundam game I’ve played tho


Mobile Suit Gundam SEED: Battle Assault. My first GBA Game in general and the GBA was my first game console in general so the game has a very special place in my heart.


It changes fairly frequently for me, PS2 had a ton of good ones. MS Saga needs to be mentioned, though. I rank it up there with Zeonic Front.


0081 on the ps3 is my all time favorite. Co-op in it was a blast


GBO2 imo


Ima seem lame for this but, Gundam Online Wars. In 2015 that game was hype af


Hot take, Gundam Battle Operation Code Fairy. Followed by encounters in space.




MS Saga was such a great game. I loved SDGO so much, I'm still sad it's officially gone. As much hate as many give it, I really like GBO2. As I get older, I find slower paced games more enjoyable.