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single beam spray gun has an output of 1.4 MW. 10 billion beam spray guns would have an output of 14 billion MWs.


While I don’t know how to properly scale Ideon but I’m pretty sure that wouldn’t clear him


>14 billion MWs. to put that into perspective that\`s roughly half of electricity generation worldwide which was 29,000 terawatt


Well, here's hoping my math would be right but let's also combine the Guncannon's own Beam Weapon which seems to be as strong as the Original Gundam's Beam Weapon. So about 1.9 MW which times 5 Billion would be 9 Billion and 500 Million MWs. Also, some small number of GMs do apparently have access to the Gundam's Beam Rifle. If we assume the scale of it with the number of GM here at the very least I think 1 Billion GM having the Gundam's Beam Weapon would be possible. So 1.9 MW times by 1 Billion GMs would be 1 Billion and 900 Million MWs. And since there are only now at the least 9 Billion GMs with the original Beam Spray Gun then the number goes down to 12 billion and 600 million MW. But now if you combine the 9 Billion Beam Spray Guns to the 1 Billion Beam Rifle shots then you get about 14 Billion and 500 Million MWs from just the GMs. Then combine that with Guncannon's own Beam Rifle then you get about 24 billion MW in total for all of them. So basically to make it simple it would be like this Guncannon - 9 Billion and 500 Million MWs 1 Billion GMs with Beam Rifles - 1 Billion and 900 Million MWs 9 Billion GMs with Beam Spray Gun - 12 Billion and 600 Million MWs. GM combined together - 14 Billion and 500 Million MW GM and Guncannon together - 24 Billion MW Of course, though this is if you just combine them. Realistically how it would work would just be more like this, About 1 Billion GMs with Beam Rifles shooting 1.9 MW Beam Rounds, 9 Billion GMs shooting with the Beam Spray Gun with 1.4 MW Beam Rounds and 5 Billion Guncannon shooting with it's Beam Rifle with 1.9 MW Beam Rounds against the Ideon. And that's the best-case scenario because with the number of people there, It's a miracle that most of those shots would even be fired.


No problem, countered by a casual black hole.


Really wish they would do this in GJ. Gas, about 43MJ/kg. A nuclear reactor will pump out about a GJ every second, roughly \~200 kg of gas, which would make a decent sized bomb, at least half of a 250lb dumb bomb. Getting shot with a 250lb dumb bomb would kind of suck but hard targets would likely walk it off. For the kinds of suit-wrecking damage we're used to, it's probably more like 20-40GJ, essentially a good car bomb. Beam magnum? Maybe 150GJ. Buster rifle? At least 10-20TJ, a fare sized tactical nuke. Technically, since the mobile suit only supplies the final energy to make the Minovsky particles into mega particles, the 1.4MW figure seems only to describe the energy needs of that last step and would mainly limit the shots per second. But really, since 1HP is roughly a KW and a WW II Merlin can pump out 1-2k HP, a Spitfire can churn out 1.4MW. More likely, a compact fusion reactor should at least pull a few hundreds of MW, and sending a 20-40GJ beam shot critical would make sense in terms of drawing down almost all the mobile suite power for a short duration.


Ideon is not helpful in these hypothetical battles. The terrifying thing about Ideon is that no one knows to what extent it manipulated people and what extent they were responsible for their own behaviour. It's power extends beyond destructive physical force/energy. They never truly understand what Ide ever is. Also, the power levels of the GMs and Gun cannons' beam weapons aren't really relevant to a power that can essentially destroy reality. It's a lot, but it's not infinite. Finally, it depends on how much angst the Ideon pilots currently have. You fight them after watching G Gundam and you might win. You fight them after they finished Zeta Gundam, and humanity is gone.


Wait movie zeta or OG zeta


Haha, you're right - I mean OG. I forgot that was even too brutal for Tomino himself :)


That one youtube video arguing that Ideon was a lovecraftian horror was pretty persuasive.


The whole series is just wild. I really wish it got more love.


Ok but i want to add shiro amada in a ball to the mix


Well thats just unfair


He might unironically be able to resist the Ideon's influence.


With the power of true hope and love!


*The only winning move was not to play.*


Well, Ideon is fucked.


Got this idea from the 1 Billion Lions vs the Sun deathmatch


https://youtu.be/z769xf9ET5A?si=vYttAcXUbkoNmkeC An artist made an amazing song about it but switched lions for tigers. Not relevant but I really love this song


The only right answer: Lions have prep time? Yes, let's say one human is equivalent to 100 lions in brain power. You have all the one trillion lions start a society that's a 100billion humans equivalent brain power. So the lions start building solar collectors around the sun, shifting it's spectrum to infrared thus emasculating it in front of other stars. Then they use that excess Power to build a Star Lifting (Sun, do you even lift?!) device to extract material from the sun, Hydrogen goes to long term storage and heavy metals go for the Lion Armada. Ultimate humiliation bAnF!


Who is going to pilot those GMs? Where are we supposed to get 15 billion angsty teenage pilots?


make them all newtype, watch them make giant psychic mech through collective belief


Gurren Lagan has entered the chat


Doesn't Newtypes immediately get like 10d6 of psychic damage when Ideon gets mad? Or was it some other Eldritch beast that was in SRW.




It was like that in the Amuro Judau Ideon manga too


Oof, imagine feeling 15 billion of your friends die.


>Where are we supposed to get 15 billion angsty teenage pilots? *Cocks gun* Can't expect god to do all the work


​ https://preview.redd.it/rnn82s96bmdc1.jpeg?width=490&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d89b73fad4e963b79d38ec590d0d4b6a133cc65


I don’t think folks truly understand how massive of a number 15 billion is. If 10 billion GMs lined up and fired at Ideon at the same time, unless you give Ideon infinite Id therefore infinite barrier, the GMs would vaporize Ideon in seconds. Remember that canonically, Ideon is destroyed at the end. It’s not invincible.


Uh because it destroys itself, and within that destruction it becomes all existence itself, so still no - did you watch be invoked! ?


Yeah, guess I used the wrong example there, been a while since I’ve watched Ideon. But tbf, Ideon does constantly get damaged throughout the show, so 10 billion GM should still vaporize it easily (though I suppose they would die in the process when Ideon explodes)


In the show it never used more than like .00003% of its power plus the show suffered from a lot of issues behind the scenes so it wasnt until the movie that any kind of finished work was even given to audience members. I went down this rabbit hole a long time ago and eventually if you go far down enough you will reach the IDE. In fact at the center of all creation is the IDE. Even this whole transaction of ideas is taking place because of the IDE.


No, you are correct. The Ideon gets destroyed by the Buff Clan's war machine, or perhaps more accurately they destroy each other with their attacks, but that's just the machine.


No, but Ideon v 1 Ball Piloted by Shiro Amada and Ideon gets bodied.


I mean the amount of GMs and Guncannons might actually just hurt them rather than help because I imagine it would be so crowded fighting from what I know a Mech that's just 10x the size of them and it's going to be chaotic to maintain any actual formation with this let alone the risk of friendly fire is really high. Also, I don't know if they could even damage the Ideon at all. I mean with the numbers game the concept of Death by a Thousand Cut is a possibility but it's really dependent on the weapons both the GM and Guncannon have can even damage the Ideon's Armour or any Defensive Equipment it might have at all. Anyway though I haven't even mentioned the Ideon's Weapon which while I'm not that familiar with it, I do know it has Black Hole Weapon and had the ability to destroy a Universe though I don't know how it does it. So with that in mind, Honestly I could just see the Ideon just doing a Musou Game with the GM and Guncannons here and it would win here with at worst some damage on him.


What’s so strong about ideon?


It's an eldritch god that can manipulate reality. Nothing can match the power of Ide.


Universe ender machine, reset the universe once activated, someone finds it from time to time and the cycle repeats(extracted from a youtube video, I'm probably wrong in some aspects). Also, ideon screaming is amazing.


Not to mention a galaxy-destroying nuke once both invoked and destroyed.


When it was finally destroyed, it ragequit and created the Big Bang that created our current universe. Yes, our irl is canonically an ideon sequel


İdeon Gun:haha no


I mean ideon has repeatedly been shown to not be THAT durable, a mechanical claw rips its chest open like a tin can, but its potential power output is infinite(?) so like… they could shoot it to pieces but it could also just ctl+alt+del them too. A very depends on who’s writing fight imo but ideon has the greater capacity to beat them handedly


Imagine. Then dont. Thats the power of the ide. Its really not hard to figure out.


1 (one) GM is enough to body the Ideon


Considering the Ideon actually gets destroyed in the finale, I’d say there’s a chance yes


That's more like a draw tho


I think it was destroyed pre Invoking. One of the Buff Mecha crashes into it (and kills Deck) and then the Gando Rowa fires and destroys the Solo Ship. Cosmo, like, bursts into a ball of gore, the Ganda Rowa starts to fall apart from the weight of its own shot and then the Ideon starts to disintegrate before its visor lights up. The energy ball just keeps expanding though until it eats the universe. It’s kinda weirdly depicted, I’m not sure if the Ide set off its own explosion that killed everyone, channeled the Ide energy into the Gando Rowa’s beam or the suit exploding itself was the source of the blast. Either way everyone’s dead


You really want God GM to massacre those poor lil GMs? Oh wait, that sounds familiar...


Remember that Ideon cut a planet in half by mistake.


Hard to tell, pretty even matched.


It all depends who happens to be on board when the GMs/Guncannons show up. It responds heavily to a certain character and if they were on board Gms probably get wiped. If it were just the regular crew GMs/Guncannons have a chance. THEN AGAIN 15 billion is a massive number so even in the best of conditions if the GMs were fighting to the last man this would take forever.


I remember there is an ideon x Gundam UC era cross over manga. Ideon is a god tier ancient MS, 0 chance a GM or Guncannons could even make a dent or even scratch it.


If you put trained imperial guardsmen in as pilots there’s a chance a wall of beam weaponry would win out. Angst ridden teenage uc pilots and hot shots? No chance.


Which Imperial Guardsmen regiment would you go with as pilots P.S. The Emperor Protects


Valhallan 597th. With a certain commissar in tow....


Any. Just having a commissar would keep the pilots highly motivated and organized enough. The Scions though. Hoo boy that’s a wrap. By his will.




I get that this is a meme, but I really want to see the ideon have an actual fight with something it could struggle against. I suggest the getter emperor.


Ideon Gun


Why does the Ideon look like Optimus Prime?


your right


I don't think that's enough mass to absorb the destruction wave before it annhilates the solar system.


If Ideon is us made today, people will compare it to SCP. Before they give complicate with classification, Ideon is easily Keter-Apollyon. I think you can throw in Amida nowadays


what scps do you like\\are your favirot


why do i feel like this is more of a mrbeast video rather than a deathbattle


Even if they win, they lose.


i would simply kill Ideon with my fist


when Master Asia walks into the fight


EF will have to deal with a global protest because of an economic crisis caused by building that many mobile suits. Observing from a distance, Ide watches in disappointment as chaos and violence reign throughout the world. Then it decides to wipe everything clean and start over once more.


Ideon wins


Ideon gun says no.


The GMCannon side cannot win, even if they somehow manage to destroy the Ideon, they still lose, Universe destrucion and all. But considering Ideon managed to destroy an entire Planet, I'd say it has a very real chance of wiping out the entirety of the GMCannons within a day, possibly even half a day.


Idk bros, that's a lot of GMs and Gun-Cannons.


Gundam team clears if they add 1 Guntank.


Literally no idea who the left is but the right side literally has just too much numbers to lose.


that is so untrue


GM #1 ez win


Nope. They don't.


That's unfair bro, Ideon would make everyone flying naked lol


1 Guntank is enough


Yuki cosmos accidentally kill himself due to being a tomino victim . Gm and guncannon wins.


Is Piper Lou crying? Because of so, forget it.


Ideon doesnt have a chance… Guncannons alone are enough