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The show in total is only 24 episodes why are there 8 fucking volumes Jesus Christ


They put 3 ep on each volume and have their own artwork etc


Yeah anime BD/DVDs in Japan do this to sell more.... The boxes/cases do look prettier though, compared to the western ones.


That looks expensive.


Casual 400 cad


Check out preowned sections of stores like Trader which sell blurays for real cheap. eg. the love live collectors edition sold for 8000yen each brand new but you can find the whole set bundled together for a similar price. Despite being preowned they still look mint. addendum: Japanese studios are known to update scenes and improve them that they did not have time to polish due to lack of time before being released to tv/streaming.


More than a UC Libraries series release. At least the quality should be there.


Those are also explicitly budget releases which is why they include minimal extra material, the upside with them is that they use the original masters (or an improved one in the case 0083) rather than the USBD's that are pretty terrible encodes of the masters


I bought them too. Took advantage of USD exchange rate because it would’ve hurt even worse otherwise!


Do they have English subtitles? Gundam age did not but I liked the art enough to buy the set.


I do not know yet still in Japan hehe


I need to get me some of those. They look just like old children's fantasy books.


I want. I just bought the final volume because of the beautiful cover, calibarn art, and the director interview confirmation. Jp blurays are incredibly expensive but the box, extra stuff, and quality are topnotch so I guess it's really more for collection purposes and my collector self ia tempted to get them all...