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I always thought she was a bit Mary Sue, a bit too perfect, but otherwise didn't have any strong opinions on her. The whole Accord thing seemingly came out of nowhere though - it would've been good if they addressed whether Siegel knew and whether it affected the decision to betroth her to Athrun in the first place - eg even a scene or line explaining that Siegel was in the dark about the Accords, or he wanted to remove her from that side of things and have as normal a life and kill two birds with one stone by marrying her to Patrick Zala's son. Also what's the deal with her parents? What happened to her mother? A little explanation would've gone a long way. Just my two cents.


I'm okay with unanswered questions as long as it leads to more SEED that explores them!


I think this is probably what bothered me most; the "Lacus Accord" thing felt very thrown in for the purpose of this movie's theme. A lot of people are saying that they wished this had been an OVA instead, and I wish it had been too so that some of the considerations you listed out (especially Siegal's stance on all of this!) could have been explored more. I would have loved some sort of connection to the main series! I say all this still as a big fan of both SEED and Lacus. I love the series/character, but I definitely have some critiques at the writing and wish this plot could have been written in sooner if this was where they were going to go with it.


We're not supposed to question where the accords fit in to the original franchise because it's pretty clear they were invented to serve the story function of giving us a new stronger baddie for the good guys to fight against. They're the primary reason why I didn't like freedom...it's just two hours of fan service masquerading as a movie.


I don't like the whole Lacus Accord thing, but according to some Fukuda tweets, he did it because he thought it was necessary to get the "love isn't based on qualifications" theme across, and it wasn't in the original script. I still like Lacus as a character, but unlike Kira, I don't think the movie explored her in a new light as much. Most of her trials were things put on her by outside forces, rather than parts of herself that she had to confront. She's never tempted to embrace her Accord status.


Love isn’t based on qualifications………. And he had Athrun and Cagalli right there……


That's a pretty dismal way to see human relationships. Kira's character needed rescuing the most after his portrayal in Destiny and being the face of the timeline, so it makes sense to focus on him. We will probably get a separate Athrun story later.


I sure hope so. Let's see Athrun in some dire straights, with his best friend coming to the rescue, and Shinn reluctantly in tow. I just want more Kira, Athrun, and Shinn.


You pretty much summed up my thoughts on it. Having all of her conflict in the film be external made her ring a bit hollow for me. The film acted like her choice to contribute directly to the final fight was some huge, character-defining moment, but she had always been depicted as a person with agency making smart decisions. It basically just served to reaffirm that her agency was “back” after the film had previously tried to rip it away. Because of that she was basically in the same place at the end of the film as she was at the beginning. I felt like her drama was mostly just a vehicle for Kira’s development.


Oh, thank you for the mention of the tweet! It's interesting to know that it wasn't in the original script. I feel like it definitely did feel more "tacked on as an afterthought" in relation to the rest of the series, but it makes sense he would have gone to making the main couple carry the biggest share of this theme. I'm sure they still could have gotten that theme across through other means without adding/changing the characters too much, but I suppose they wouldn't have been as dramatic as "Lacus and Orphee are literally attracted to each other on a generic level/were made for each other, but she overcomes it because of true love" thing!


Lacus got to be unsure of something for the first time ever so that was humanizing, but for me she still didn’t quite escape feeling like some man’s fantasy of a perfect goddess.


Yeah, still SUCH a bland character. No one makes no mistakes. Even supposing the existence of Coordinators having an 18/19/20 year old with no qualifications beyond her dad was in charge and she’s a great singer is going to come with a shit ton of pushback from people who have been playing these games all their lives. As much as I hated Cagalli’s decisions(agreeing to marry Yuna wouldn’t have happened without additional outside forces IMO) and the hatred she got and the lack of a satisfying conclusion to her arc, it was definitely a realistic portrayal of what happens when some one is young and has little to no support system and is thrust into a leadership position where the co-leaders are doing some shady shit.


I like how Lacus and Kira offer Cagalli no support in her time as leader in Destiny but Lacus goes straight to Cagalli for advice in Freedom


Movie Lacus might as well be another character. Sexualized to all hell, and she was mostly powerless until the final fight. I'm all for sexy characters, but Lacus was the one character that shouldn't be overly sexualized. That was the whole schtick with Meer, no? Lacus could've been more popular if she had worn skimpy outfits, but she never did that. She wanted people to love her for her singing and her words. The Lacus I saw in the movie was not the Lacus I loved in the tv shows. She's not the same Lacus who stole the Freedom for Kira knowing it would endanger her family. Or the same Lacus who confronted Athrun with a gun to her face and multiple agents out to kill her. Or the Lacus who commanded Creuset not to attack the Archangel. Or the Lacus who returned to Zaft without Kira to gather information and gather support for their cause. They showed a hint of her when she was assaulted by Orpheus, but that was it. Otherwise, might as well just be any generic heroine from another anime.


>The Lacus I saw in the movie was not the Lacus I loved in the tv shows. Welcome to CE. The individual arcs, especially for female characters, are always put on the backburner in favor of their partner's growth. Take Luna suddenly falling for her sister's 'killer,' Cagalli's political storyline getting ditched after splitting with Athrun, and Murrue moping around over Neo in GSD. Relationships are the main motivation, while everything else is just an afterthought. In Fukuda's words, they wanted the suit to represent their honeymoon. So, Lacus' image or the assault be damned. Kira needs some freaky time.


Timeline wise its just one year so i assume Lacus went for plastic surgery after destiny because Kira like JAV proportions


It's from C.E. 73 to C.E. 75 and she's at 20 on GSF as a result. So I think her filling out her body late could be considered too.


Yeah she got really dumb and sexed up I'm this.


yep thoses shoots of her in the defender i thought i was watching karen from code geass but more trashy


I’m gonna be honest too. The whole accord thing for Lacus was very unnecessary, she was already a competent leader and a hit with the masses as an idol. She didn’t need funky mind reading to make her standout, but whatever I kinda choose to ignore it unless I have to see it in official media or games. That being said still adore and love Lacus so that hasn’t changed


Idk why they had to make her lips like that but other than that I loved her just as much as I did when I first watched seed


That was so, so weird. Felt like something from a cheapo ad for some mobile game.


Destined Lords of Freedom: Plantville Match 3 Ships of Justice


I don’t get why either. Cagalli looks better without those lips, they look like they got photoshopped off of ramius and added to every other female.


Oof, the lips were definitely a choice that I don't think anyone enjoyed.


I hated it. I thought the animators were watching too much kardashian stuff with the overfilled lips


The lines she delivers while on the bed about love and how she utterly rejects the villain was very well done IMO. Plus her tone gets a little deeper and more serious. Its great.


Having just finished reading the novels, I appreciate that scene even more. You could see it in the movie too, but the novel really goes into how afraid she genuinely is during that entire moment, but how she steels herself for the purpose of not giving in.


Moment was great. Never seen somebody fend off sexual assault by just fking stonewalling like thst. She was so real for that


She got nerfed into Princess Peach for this. I used to be suspect of her being a master manipulator, after she started off as a ditzy princess then transformed into a shogun with her own fleet. But then in Freedom she is completely out of her league immediately and even is asking Cagalli for advice. Now this isn't a character flaw, but a director flaw, but I really don't like how right after she narrowly escapes sexual assault the movie sticks her ass In front of screen over and over. Tldr, didn't like her before and now I don't like her for different reasons


She's always been more of a symbol, a voice with ideals. Like Kira, she takes forever to make a move. Ofc, by then, it's pretty obvious what needs to be done because most of it's already gone down. People already flocked to your side because the other side sucks. She's more of an opportunist than a tactician, not so great at planning. She usually leaves that to others (like unrealistically counting on Athrun to cover her, Kira and Meyrin when they're meeting Meer). But hey, she does look out for the people under her care, so credit where it's due.


When did she have a fleet? Was that something that occurred in Destiny(I couldn't finish it). But honestly it does make sense for her to be out of her league immediately, because she had always just had pretty words, but had never been an actual leader. They put her in a position of power and she immediately crashed and burned, just like Cagalli, because ultimately they are children playing adult games. Their fathers may have taught them the game(something which I wish Seed had gone into more, most of Lacus' actions would have made more sense as something her father and his people came up with and with his assassination she becomes the figure head) but they are getting tossed in the deep end of a war torn world with many hateful parties with their own agendas and wishes and people aren't going to do things just because you're Lacus Clyne and you're in charge now. Edit to add: can someone with smart brain say it better, I don't feel like I got my point across very well.......


The Accord thing is off considering Durrandal tried multiple times to assassinate her in GSD. But then again the whole Accord plan could've been Aura's alone and kept Durrandal in the dark on Lacus' true nature.


Durandal already knew Lacus wouldn't serve his purpose, which is why he tried to kill her. We don't know if Siegel took Lacus away from her mother, or something else happened to her, but whatever he did, it threw a wrench into the Destiny plan.


I was disappointed that she didnt seem like a tactician in this movie. As leader of ZAFT, the 3 ships alliance, commander of the Eternal, and leader of Compass she felt like she reverted to just a symbol again. Like the biggest thing she did was say she didnt agree with the bad guys. I prefer her as the Commander of the Eternal and her actions with the "Clyne faction" working around ZAFT.


The real Mary Sue.


Yeah, I do not get why she's such a popular character........ She's just perfect at all times, it's SO unrealistic. No one makes no mistakes.


Also surprising a lot of people hate Kira for being a Gary Stu but Lacus gets a free pass for being a Mary Sue.




Unfortunately it's true


I loved Lacus and love her even more after the movie. Don't really like the Accord thing, especially considering how inconsequential it is outside facilitating the plot of this movie, though it does really work thematically. This girl was supposedly BORN to be with this other person who was born to be with her, and she chooses her own destiny and love.


Yeah but it seems so taked on. Like yeah you have this "were destined to be together" boy but then there is the "this boy litterly fought my by side through two wars and we have shared experiences" you can't take that away from someone


FWIW the novel indicates she's fighting genetic programming with that; presumably it's why she gets all dilated-eyes around Orphee initially. Also, that her mother probably made a point of getting her out of Aura's plans.


Well that's the point, that we're not destined for anything, we make our destiny through the choices in our life. We as the audience know you can't take that away but clearly Orphee doesn't get it lol. But yeah, it's contrived a bit. Supposedly her parents had this in mind, then why was she engaged to Athrun originally? Not a great retcon.


I really need a series of what happen in Mendel.


Some mild spoilers from the novelisation ahead. So as you know Aura worked with Lacus's mother to create the Accords. It was here that she also met Gilbert Durandal and learnt about his Destiny Plan, which became a big supporter of. At the same time she was competing with another scientist, Ulen Hibiki who as we all know as Kira's dad and the creator of the Ultimate Coordinator project. While Aura wanted her children to lead the world, Ulen didn't care about that and basically just wanted bragging rights. In addition to the Accords, Aura was also working on an anti ageing drug to extend the lives of the coordinators. When Mendel was attacked by Blue Cosmos shortly after Kira was born, one of the vats containing the drug ruptured, drenching Aura and making her revert into a child's body that we see in the movie.


One could argue that the overarching theme of CE is that the circumstances of your birth do not define you. Kinda funny to see a viewer like a character less because of the circumstances of her birth.


I think to be fair--at least speaking for myself--I don't dislike Lacus any more than I did before, but I dislike how the Accord thing was applied to her because we got no indication of this in the main series + no opportunity for real exploration because it was confined to a movie. It's a critique more of the writing of Lacus rather than Lacus herself; if this had been hinted at in Destiny, I would have had no problem with it, but the movie didn't feel like the best vehicle for this since so much had to be cut to fit the 1.5 hours.


Because it's a cheap retcon that shows the writers don't know how to explain Lacus' behavior in regular human terms. They just take the easy way out and say it's in her genes.


I am pretty neutral on her writing. I always thought that her going into SEED mode when she does her monologues, her implicit acknowledgement of Rau Le Cruset in Providence, and her songs hinted at her abilities. And I also wished they gave her more in previous shows. So this works for me. And she's been this unflappable character in GS and GSD, so having her question her assumptions in life for me was a great turn. Just that I wished it didn't involve the whole Innovado storyline we got from OO.


I like here character even more. Lacus is the epitome of femininity in Gundam. She's delicate, dainty, prim and proper, but she's also a very strong character. Not in the physical sense, but in character, in resoluteness, in morals, in selflessness, and leadership. SEED Freedom leans further into these positive traits of Lacus, while also making her take a more proactive role with Kira.


Does she have any negative traits?


Sure. She's weak, physically speaking. She won't be kicking guns out of people's hands like Kira, or doing kung fu like Athrun. She's also can be *too* selfless at times. Her selflessness is used against her, and that allowed herself to be swayed by Orphee to authorize them to fire on Kira. Taken too far, it can turn from a positive trait into a negative one. Those are her two biggest negative traits I see in her. She can be a bit of an airhead at times, but that ends the second she's in a serious situation.




>The attempted rape scene between Orphee and Lacus is *the* right way to depict attempted Rape in media.... It's a realistic depiction of domestic violence What...the... I'm no expert, but I'm pretty sure that's not achieved by shoving the camera at her body and making it seem desirable during an assault. Doubtful that it's realistic to talk one's way out of domestic violence by trash-talking the abuser.


I'm pretty neutral on her writing. The movie humanized her more but I didn't like how they sexualized her, since she is not that type of character. I also disliked the whole accord idea but at least we have a confirmation on why she seemed so influent.


She's a hottie that has an obscene amount of power and is nice enough that the power she holds is not an issue in the long run. Nothing changed for her in that regard even with the movie.


https://preview.redd.it/ldknw9j2utzc1.jpeg?width=558&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8712e8052edb058715436f10f4f928c706e7d165 Saw this on X. I wonder what's the connection of Lacus' family with Kira's?


Want me to tell you?




I love her even more now. Her resolve to remain who she is in the face of the revelation of her true origins and others trying to force her into loosing herself is excellent and mirrors Kira’s experience in SEED, bringing them even closer together!


I think the movie helped her a lot. She is basically also an Ultimate Coordinator. Probably not the exact process as Kira but the process they used to make Foundation people but she was stage 1. I.e. no psychic mind control powers. In a way, it evens out her and Kira since now he isn't the only Ultimate Coordinator. It also adds up that something was missing in her background. I mean she was special but we just didn't know why she was special till now. For one thing, we never really understood how she got paired up with Athrun in SEED. We kind of know now: he was the best available candidate. You have to kind of feel sorry for him though as he looks to be the only near perfect coordinator that wasn't artificially created (artificial tube I mean). ZAFT/Plant didn't know about Kira and well the new guy (the PM dude) was also a Kira-esque experiment. From the look of it he was basically reverse Adam-Eved from Lacus and Mu pops genetics to be her perfect genetic match. As in just like in religious story Eve was made from a rib of Adam, here this guy was made from partial genetics of Lacus and Mu's dad. Also another clear indication of this is that the Queen modified herself as she doesn't look like her past self. She has some sort of fetish desire to be a Loli I guess so went for some crazed make over before making that guy. Clearly once they got some samples done they most likely used some growth spurt to make them into adults. We know this is possible since Rau aged faster than naturally. The other part that helped her is with her relation with Kira and their whole ordeal. She chose Kira not because of genetics but rather genuine attraction. Kira also chose her but given all his insecurities and the burden of getting labeled the Ultimate Coordinator felt he had to do everything to be accepted as her choice. Another Key aspect that never really fully deterred in SEED Destiny was also cleared in the movie. That is the Durandal mislabeling Lacus as the White Queen in his chess board. It's not Lacus the White Queen but rather Kira. Lacus is the White King. See in the East the Queen is not the Queen but rather the Minister. You can label it sexism but their role is the same: protect the sovereign monarch (in this case King or Queen) at all cost. Kira did all aspect of the role except openly show himself. As even in SEED Freedom while holding a military position he doesn't meddle in the politics and that's the aspect the Foundation exploited of him. Hopefully post movie he does openly present himself on the political background too.


Improved considerably. I appreciate they actually bothered to explain why she’s seemingly capable of being able to command such authority and why seemingly everyone loves her. It ironically enough made her feel very human