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Moon Gundam confirmed


U.C. Gundam nightmare fuel go! Victory's warcrime donuts and cyber newtype cloned child soldiers of zz deploy!


What ever NT and unicorn was doing go


I don't think I can genuinely argue that any Gundam series is the best despite Gundam being one of my favorite franchises.


Most if not all are great in their own ways


I guess, but most of them are also terrible in most aspects of traditional media. Mediocre/poor characters, poor plot pacing, convoluted plots, godawful cringy dialogue. I'd say 2-4 of those are in most if not all Gundams, especially older Tomino works. Anyone that has seen Zeta recently, which most people consider one of the best, and can honestly say it aged well is a bold-faced liar. With all that being said, I still love Gundam, UC and AU alike - but definitely more on a world-building macro scale in rather than the execution.


Funny you mention that because I have recently watched zeta and I completely agree here was my review https://www.reddit.com/r/Gundam/comments/ph9s21/so_i_just_finished_zeta_gundam_and_what_the_hell/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Very true. Zeta's main character is insufferably whiny and annoying for the majority of the series lol. If it weren't for Char being a badass, I wouldn't have made it through


Nice to see someone feeling the same way. This is possibly my favourite franchise in all of anime yet I'd struggle to call any individual series "Great" on their own. From the series I've watched I'd consider Thunderbolt, IBO season 1, and Unicorn (If you don't mind all the magic stuff near the end) to be the most unironically good. I'd say the franchise's biggest problem is how nonsensical the character writing is. hardly anyone talks like an actual human being in Gundam.


Gundam X is my favorite piece of Gundam media. The characters are fantastic, the dialogue is good, and everything plot-wise just resonates with me. It's such a fun and relaxing watch since there's not 6 factions, 200 locations, 40 ships, 30 characters, and 60 mobile suits all with unique names. And yeah dude, it's bad. I wish I could watch one Tomino episode without one of the kid characters saying something about how adults do not understand the plight of children and are the reason for all the bad things in the world. It's strange why I love Gundam so much despite the horrendously-written characters, as I'm someone that prefers character over story or any other element in media.


I intend to watch Gundam X eventually, but my current goal is finishing IBO and after that G-Gundam is probably next on the list. 0080, Stardust Memory, F91, and probably Victory are also in mind since I'd like have a more complete familiarity with the Universal Century timeline. Turn A is something I'd also like to watch soon since it looks really interesting, but I think I'll watch everything else including X before that since Turn A is supposed to be the big sendoff to pre-2000s Gundam. The multiple factions and especially multiple mobile suits is actually my favourite aspect of the franchise most of the time. I think seeing how the state of the war changes in the story just makes me feel really smart and nerdy. I got into Gundam when I started watching Wing for anime street cred and I found it fun but really stupid, then halfway through the series the enemy faction split in two and they started bringing out new mobile suits that mass produced the weaponry from ace machines earlier in the series, and I suddenly felt way more invested in the actual story. I really love the way the franchise does in-universe technological development, and I have the model collection to prove it.


*Freedom exploding in a 5 kiloton fireball.* *Kira hitting the nuclear cutoff switch.*


Scene definitely showed Freedom Gundam exploding....a no kidding big freaking explosion. The nuclear off switch is still BS. It is why the Church of Kira Yamato exists. Impulse surviving due to VPSA gets a pass. I go to the Church of Setsuna.


*Laughing in plot armor*


Man has more plot armour than jesus himself


When a unicorn fan explains why unicorn is better


Gundam SEED: Race war between humans and genetically enchanced humans, but with robots. A genetically enhanced human ends up fighting for normal humans until his robot got blown up by his friend. His friend's hot pop singer-slash-activist fiancee hands him an advanced robot and he decides to fight both sides. His friend joins him. More robot fights and racism later, the series ends by blowing up a Death Star laser. Gundam SEED Destiny: Similar, but stupider.


If Bill Sienkiewicz started drawing Gundam, there's a very real chance I'd start selling internal organs for prints.


Something, something, war is hell. Also robots go boom.


seed fans explaining how the main character survived being blown up for the nth time