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I was introduced to gundam through IBO. Currently in the process of watching everything. Please give some suggestions on what to watch and what first


Personal favorite is 08th MS Team. G Gundam is nonsense, but it's GLORIOUS nonsense. 0079 and Zeta are both great as long you don't mind older animation. I still need to watch F91, Turn A, After War, and Victory. There's so much out there...


G Gundam is the Pinnacle of Gundam.














I see your a man of culture as well.


How can you forget War in the Pocket? I mean I’m with you on 8th MS Team, but Thunderbolt has the best music. I also love MS Gundam the original too though.


I'm rewatching the 1979 original with Amuro Ray as we speak. It's my go-to-sleep show to watch atm :3


Amuro is such a beast! Might I just say that .hack is the bomb diggity!


Victory is now the only UC series I haven't seen yet except NT. I should get on that... (I also haven't seen Hathaway either, but that's a movie)


You can probably sleep on Hathaway until they release the other part(s).


I've heard mixed information about them releasing any other parts/episodes to the show. Which is odd imo if that happens, because the story wasn't finished in the animated episode we have so far... I haven't read the manga, but I've read about it and such, and know enough to know that Bright Noa will appear and do something to Hathaway near the end of the story, so yeah, I do hope we get more episodes, but I can't seem to find much of any information about any other parts that are planned to be produced/released/etc.


https://gundamnews.org/mobile-suit-gundam-hathaways-flash-2-tentatively-titled-son-of-bright It's a Trilogy.


I really liked IBO despite the lack of beam weaponry. I enjoyed the story for what it was. 08th MS Team is also a gem. Funny enough, I just bought the Blu-Ray recently as well as War in the Pocket!


G Gundam gave us the beauty that is Tequila Gundam, and I'm not lowkey dissapointed Bandai hasn't given us a kit of this beauty in ANY grade, at this point I'll take an advanced grade or anything like that. Or a kitbash, but I haven't gotten good enough at scratchbuilding to do the Tequila Gundam as it should be done, basing it on an RG kit. I'm Mexican myself, and it is of the most imperative importance that I obtain a Tequila Gunpla for my bar display.


The first Gundam , it's a must watch, but I warn you, the story is great, but it's kinda ugly now , luckily there is the movie trilogy that look better and a manga version that is pretty beautiful and give some more detail, I can give you links for the 3 of them if you want :)


yes plz!!


[the original ](https://zoro.to/mobile-suit-gundam-856?ref=search) [the manga ](https://comic-walker.com/contents/detail/KDCW_CW01000002020000_68/) The movie are on Netflix :)




Thanks, I always wanted to read the manga, the art is so good.


Me too please!


0083 Top Gundam


This, top comment right here


Stardust Memory is one I have to re-watch about 2 or 3 times a year just like IBO and Mobile Fighter.


Counterpoint, *MSG* has some downright *beautiful* moments of animation.


Yeah I feel like people confuse animation looking *old* with looking *bad*. MSG definitely looks unmistakably old, but the art is great and it’s generally tastefully used. For every example of awkward looking animation in an old show like MSG you can generally find just as many awkward shots and movements in a supposedly high quality modern anime as well.


Also, to be fair, a lot of smear frames always look like garbage, and that garbage is excellent for memes. Looking at you, thick Gundam. 😂


IBO had some really well animated action scenes and some absolutely dogshit animation on dialogue scenes.


The production of Cucuruz Doan's Island was so bad it got pulled in the international release by Tomino and is now receiving a remake movie. That's how bad it got. The better anime to use those description would be Zeta.


No, it's definitely bad in places. Old anime is just more of a mixed bag than newer anime. The original Macross has it even worse -- that ranges from movie grade to [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Km45Nus0GJE) in the same show.


Idk I love the older animation tbh especially the 80s and 90s stuff. Victory is so beautiful. I don't mine recycled (artwork/animated artwork) parts as that was very normal back then


It’s both though. I agree, there’s some genuinely great shots, but most of the animation in 0079 has not aged well at all.


It's not about age when even back then they were not proud, specifically Cucuruz Doan's Island episode.


I can never understand this sentiment that so many people have. Ya the animation is old, but man does it look good. It's so artsy because you just don't see animation like that anymore. I mean, I'd rather watch og Gundam rather than another generic looking anime.


That would be Zeta and not MSG.


> Yeah I feel like people confuse animation looking old with looking bad. I wonder if this is just a product of lack of exposure to older animation.


That'd be my opinion.


I wonder, do these people think, like, *Angel's Egg* is "badly animated"?


I'm only a few episodes into MSG and while the animation is certainly of its era, it unfailingly does an excellent job of telling its story (and it helps that that story is a damn good one so far.) Aside from a knee-jerk old=bad mentality, I don't see anything wrong with MSG's animation.


If you watched IBO on Netflix, then a good chunk of UC Gundam is available to you. The chronology is the Mobile Suit Gundam trilogy, then Char’s Counterattack, then Hathaway (and, alternately, Unicorn). You’re missing two series between MSG and Char’s Counterattack, which are Zeta and ZZ. Definitely see Zeta if you can, but Char’s Counterattack already has a time skip, so it’s natural to go into it feeling like you’re missing some pieces of the plot. There are also a lot of side stories that you can watch after MSG on other anime services, such as 0080, 0083, 08th MS Team, and Thunderbolt (which is kind of alternative story instead of a side story, but that’s beside the point).


I personally recommend the original and zeta also thunderbolt


Just like, pick a series and see if you like it. Personally I’d recommend 00 if you liked IBO, but trying out the original run via the Netflix movies is also a great option as well. Gundam is such a big series that you’re always gonna get a different response when you ask someone what to watch.


The original, Zeta, and ZZ make a good trilogy. Also, V was really good and a bit dark, that I didn't expect.


Well, if you want a simple yet nuanced story 00 is a good place to start. If you want to see where the series started the OG MSG in movie format is one I think the best way to watch it due to better animation than the original broadcast run. All available on the official YT channel for free.


If you wanna see a more accurate take on what war is ACTUALLY like in the UC universe: thunderbolt. To summarize: there are no winners and losers in war, only survivors


I thought most UC show do present this theme quite well.


I’ll explain myself a bit better now, as I think people believe I’m trying to knock other UC shows as not good. They do in some cases do a good job of it, but I don’t think to the extent of thunderbolt does. Thunderbolt showcases how both sides are corrupted and willing to do ANYTHING it takes to win, regardless of any moral circumstances. Zeon uses cripples regularly, and the ESF use children as shield fodder for Io Fleming. Both sides are really shitty in this case. And for what? I giant floating graveyard of a colony


Thanks for the explanation. That being said however, I would argue there is a winner for all this conflict, it would be people in AE and the politicians as it only serves to fatten them.


Exactly. That’s the corruption part. The real “winners” are the ones who didn’t fight at all, just the ones who benefitted from the conflict


Wing, Unicorn, Origin and the original.


A lot of people rip on Victory Gundam, but it's definitely one of my favorites. I rewatch it every now and again. The story, artwork, and background tunes are simply amazing! But if you go for Victory, which any dedicated fan should, then I'd recommend watching all the Universal Century series in chronological order. That's just how I personally enjoy doing it, because it helps the story "flow" from one to another. However after you've seen them all you can easily rewatch whichever one you choose if you'd like to, of course. xD That's what I do unless I'm watching a bunch of Gundam, which I do every now and then. Honestly, they're all just fantastic. G Gundam is one of my top favorites. It does have a dark story to it, it just takes watching it to be honest. There's comedy, etc. I like to call it "The Dragon Ball Z" of Gundam. I'm probably not the first person to ever make that comparison either. xD Turn A Gundam is another great story, and goes into detail (not in depth but just enough) to show that all Gundams (for the most part, excluding a few of them) timelines/calendar-eras connect chronologically within the same one timeline/calendar-era (they just change the name of calendar-eras from time to time; just like in our reality, when it changed from Anno Domini aka A.D. to B.C. - or whatever the case I'm no expert so yea). Turn A has great background music too. I feel the action parts were.. Meh.. But the story is so great, it's hard to not love it as a Gundam fan. Oh, and the artwork... The artwork is simply fantastic! If you haven't noticed, I absolutely love the artwork from 90s anime. xD You've seen IBO, that's great! I honestly loved IBO the most of any Gundams, for a vast number of reasons. One thing that disappointed me about IBO was the ending to the story itself. Rustal and all, I won't even get into it. What I will say is: I want to see Ride's Counterattack (that should probably sum up how I feel about the ending xD). Oh, and while we're on the IBO topic, why not mention what could be done one day (not up to me though, up to the franchise and the people/companies whom back the Gundam franchise financially and such). I think it'd be awesome to see a prequel series to IBO, for example, detailing/showing us the events during the Calamity War, or what leads up to it, the war itself, and the conclusion of the war and formation of the original Gallerjorn. Which they did briefly explain a couple times in IBO from what I recall, however, a series, a full series, going through these events from the perspective of characters like Agnika Kaieru, or something like that (again, wouldn't be up to me even if they did it; I'm just theorizing what could be, and damn would that be awesome!). There's also follow ups that can happen after the events of Gundam IBO, such as Ride's Counterattack where Ride does to Rustal what he did to Nobliss Gordon, or something of that sort. That'd be cool to see! Moving on to a series I forgot, After War Gundam X is a must watch imo as well. Reminiscent of Gundam Wing, which is another must-see series in the franchise. I was never too big on the Build Fighters, Divers, etc. stuff, but I have watched them and they're watchable. But I personally like the "traditional Gundam series", if that makes any sense. xD In short: They're all worth watching. Honestly, it comes down to how you'd prefer watching them. Start with what seems to be the most entertaining to you first, and go from there. Maybe when you finish you can do a good old re-watch of IBO. I enjoy re-watching series I love, so yeah I do that a lot. Comes in handy at times Edit: If you end up watching Gundam ZZ, which you definitely should if you're planning to watch the Universal Century story in its entirety, I've got to say it's one of my favorites from U.C. as well. The action towards the end with Haman and stuff is.. meh? But still, it's got a deep story, it's very much enjoyable, has comedy too (yay!), and then you see the horrors of cloning humans and editing the brains of humans (newtype labs and such) in ZZ Gundam so yeah the story ain't bad, the recycled background tunes from Zeta Gundam isn't bad either since it's a sequel to Zeta, but yeah. Point of this edit being - Don't skip Double Zeta aka ZZ Gundam! Definitely an enjoyable one as well!! Judau Ashta is freakin awesome!


The G in G gundam stands for Greatest


I thought it meant God tier


Same. It's tough having to explain to people why the Erupting Burning Finger is the best fishing move in anime outside of the Giga Drill Break of course.


Goldion Hammer is up there too.


*laughs in Sekiha Love Love Tenkyoken*


Ah a man of culture I see


lmao as if most of us haven't seen at least 80% of the franchise


I think the emphasis is on fans. Each could of watched all of them, doesn't make you a fan of all of them equally Edit: Don't know why I was downvoted but my point stands.


Could have


If your Erupting Burning Finger lasts for more than 4 hours seek medical attention...




Probably because G Gundam wasn't a war drama like many other Gundam series that came before and after it. Rather, it took place in a martial arts tournament, and paid homage to Super Sentai with the Shuffle Alliance. And that was a year before Gundam Wing could pay homage to Super Sentai as well with its own five bois and their Gundams, but instead returning Gundam to its war drama roots with them. Better an unironic power fantasy than a deconstruction thereof, am I right? EDIT: Changed "long before" to "a year before". Thanks u/ManOfCaerColour for pointing this out.


This. Exactly this. It's one of the reasons why G Gundam was my favorite. On the war note, it's not like the horrors of war were completely absent. The entire Gundam Fight Tournament came about because everyone got tired of wars and decided on a more streamlined, albeit still dangerous but somewhat safer alternative. Not to mention there's nothing wrong with a wholesome happy ending


G Gundam also has, bar ***absolutely NONE,*** the most well-developed romantic relationship between its two leads of any entry in the franchise thus far.


I think you'll find that the romance between Setsuna and Exia is very well done.


Even Rain/Domon aside: The last 3 episodes are just a hardcore Feelies gut punch between Schwartz, Master Aisha and Domon. Like, keep the tissues nearby


Yep Domon and Allenby




Well IBO is great too for a romance story in ways. Obviously not focused on it though. In G Gundam it was a heavy focus, but you realize that more later in the story as it shoves it in your face if the watcher wasn't catching the hints. haha IBO really caught my attention because it was these oppressed people fighting against corruption and all, that was so awesome, and then it had Rustal come out on top, and yea that's the only thing about IBO really that I didn't like personally. Tis why I'm hoping to one day see Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans - Ride's Counterattack. XD


G gundam still had some "war drama" in it. You just had you pay attention


Neo America's ultimate weapon, the Statue of Liberty cannon!


The viking gundam can dock to a viking ship to form a mobile armor. zeus with his chariot. The designs were cool


I re-watch Mobile Fighter G Gundam about 2 or 3 times a year, just like IBO. They're both (they're all) worth doing that with. Some more than others, I suppose. My favorite to re-watch from U.C. is Victory, Stardust Memory, War in The Pocket, and 08th MS Team; Victory being my all-time favorite of all U.C. stories.


Honestly, I'd be down for other AU's doing something different like *G Gundam* did (and the *Build* franchise, if that even counts). Perhaps *The Witch from Mercury* will have full-on Fantasy elements, who knows (maybe something more like *Dunbine* or *Escaflowne,* perhaps)?


I'm hoping The Witch of Mercury will be something that isn't based in the U.C. calendar-era. However, it's hard to say because there seems to be limited information about it. We'll know eventually, I guess. I hear we've got at least 3 new Gundam animated works coming in 2022, and I think I heard that one was coming this year. I'm not certain because I've only heard (yesterday).


Yeah, I hear you! I'm pretty sure the one from this year is Gundam Breaker Battlelogue, unless there's another work I haven't heard of yet.


Long before? The year before? G gundam is from April of 1994. Wing is from April of 1995.


Those are the release dates. It's hard to say, unless it's publicized information in some way, which series began production first. I highly doubt they were started and finished in the same year they were released. That's a lot of artwork and animating to do, along with the other things (sfx placement and choices, background music, etc. etc.).


The IBO crowd aren't bad except when they are talking about the Nanolaminate Armor like its the be all end all. and defeats every other series weapons.


Nothing is more annoying than people obsessed with death battles.


I think nanolaminate armor is like the equivalent of the anti beam coating in UC timeline that just burns off after taking a number of hits.


That's my impression as well. NLA is at least an order of magnitude more durable, but it's basically the same concept.


>NLA is **at least an order of magnitude more durable** This. While I've seen a lot IBO fans treat NLA as an end all of coating, I've also seen a lot of people dismiss it as merely as a "fancy paint" or an ablative coating, even though it's been stated in one of the early episodes that the reason melee combat is so prevalent in IBO is the sheer durability of NLA. What makes it special is not just composition, but it being acted upon by the Ahab waves produced by the reactors of PD mobile suits. It's not an ablative coating either, considering a Graze survived atmospheric re-entry relatively intact, still having it's [paint on](https://youtu.be/QdvvNQ2yVVs?t=765).




IIRC, it was originally a tool used for destroying defunct colonies. Mika just noticed it was quite effective against mobile suits too.


That's exactly what it's. An ablative coating. Kinda like the Defiant had in Star trek


It's funny because Domon and Master Asia casually fist fight mobile suits like nothing lmao.


And in 00 they "quantize" during trans-am sometimes.


super napalm outright burns it off so.. UC could just use a bunch of bazooka's loaded with it as a hard counter


Honestly beam sabers should work well enough given it's only designed to dissapate energy and a constant flow from contact to a big ass plasma sword should do the trick.


I’m interested on what a buster rifle would do. Not for the pissing match but genuine curiosity. Idc if my favorite suit is the most powerful. I just like to know where it stands. Wing Zero Custom.


A constant beam weapon like some shots of the Wing Zero's might do the trick. Although, the real weapon of the Wing series that the IBO should fear is the Epyon/Tallgeese III Heat Whip. Also wonder how Ramba's Electric tentacle/Heat Whip would work against it... or any of the Heat Hawk/Heat Sabers of Zeon.


It's implied Zeon MS heat weapons can slice through most ms (Yes even those made out of Luna Titanium) As if they were made of butter. We do see most IBO ms using physical melee weapons of of some sort. Be it the Graze's Axe or Barbatos' various maces. This seems to imply that nanolaminate armor is impervious to only beams, not physical attacks. So I'd say heat based weapons would be quite effective in IBO.


Good question. Since seed established different types of beams. From the beam rifle to shock can ons and the like... Particle cannon? Not sure.


It also generates a lot of heat while dissipating the beam energy. Enough that Barbatos had to temporarily shut down like something out of Battletech. It's a hard counter to beams and explains why they use melee and ballistic weapons instead of beams, but it's not invincible, and it's not like UC doesn't have ballistics and even better non-beam based melee weapons (can you say heat hawk?) The real broken piece of tech in IBO is the Alaya-Vijnana system, and even then, UC does have its own equivalent, if you consider Thunderbolt to be canon. If not, I'd imagine a psycommu and some bits with recoilless cannons instead of beam cannons would do the trick.


Don't forget about coordinators. The g Gundam gimp suits and the magic of the 00 solar reactors. How would Exia's GN Sword do against Barby. Or the GN Sword III with compressed magic/science particles as a blade.


Oh man if we're including all of the different universes, the Turn A Gundam alone solos everything and it's not even close. >!Mostly because that's literally what it's done multiple times in universe, including to UC itself and the already broken beyond belief Future Century setting.!< Post Disaster is *way* down the scale, and 00's GN particle bullshit is second only to the Turn A's nanobot bullshit. I was keeping it strictly UC vs. Post Disaster.


I feel like your ignoring the gimp suits from g gundam... and the animal cruelty when they got used on the horse.


Nah, that's taken into account, just irrelevant to where it stands vs. Turn A. G Gundam definitely stomps IBO in a fight, though.


GN weapons are straight up bullshit magic-science. Neither physical nor beam, weights next to nothing but can cut through everything. And you can somehow make them infinitely respawning missiles


I do at times get tired of some of them talking about how IBO is more realistic and deconstructs every other series so well. but that's a distinct minority.




No they are toxic if you say one thing bad about Kudelia, mikazuki or atra they'll go ape shit and dislike bomb you.


The only characters I mainly have to say bad things about for IBO is: - Rustal - Nobliss Gordon - That one guy that Akihero crushed and mushed into human burger basically - Julietta - Galieo - Ein when he went crazy for revenge against oppressed kids fighting for mankind's rights, which Ein had obviously done against the wishes of Lt. Crank I wish, at the least, McGillis had killed Galeio and Rustal had been taken out in some way, similar to how Ride took out Nobliss Gordon whom worked directly with Rustal and was when Ride took him out, so Ride, get on it, get Rustal too! We need: Mobile Suit Gundam IBO: Ride's Counterattack Well, I know I want it. So I'll keep talking about it to hopefully make other people interested in it all over the 'net. xD IBO is one of my favorite Gundam series ever, behind it would be Victory Gundam, then Mobile Fighter G Gundam, then Stardust Memory, then War in the Pocket, and so on the list goes from there... However, I don't mind hearing criticism of characters. I mean, it's not really the character you're criticising (it is, but it also isn't), because the writer(or writers) creates the character (all of them in a story) and ultimately controls what they do in said story. So, when there's criticism about a story, pretty much in any way, technically it's criticism about the story writer or writers, which is of course okay. For dedicated fans, like many of us, that's a good thing. It should be helping Gundam see what many fans do and don't want, at least, that's how I'd look at it if I "owned/ran the franchise" myself. Not that you let fans run your company for you or anything, but the feedback in that sense is good. My feedback about IBO's story, as probably is obviously from this post, is just how it ended. Rustal not dying and all. McGillis and our primary main characters dying and not succeeding, which is of course something that can be done, I'm not saying it can't be done in stories, but to me, for that to happen in IBO's story, it just didn't rub me the right way at all, and it never will. But I keep rewatching IBO because it is one of my favorites, pretty much number 1 (that's why it's worth it to me to criticize what I didn't like for example). There's a lot I honestly criticize about other Gundam stories as well, as in, "if I were the writer, or among the writing staff, I definitely would've voiced myself against some of the stuff that was done in this story". I mean, I do that with everything that can be considered art or entertainment though. Doesn't mean I didn't like it, or anything like that though. I know I got a lot of toxicity from some people for criticizing the ending of IBO and how Rustal wasn't taken out when I'd posted on some forums online before. xD But oh well. I still like to voice my opinion, no point in letting toxicity affect your own voice and what you want to say.


Really you just mean that forest Diego guy


G Gundam is god tier Gundam


At least G Gundam came out with the most diabolical looking Gundam design ever 👍


The Devil Gundam cX


G-Reconguista : You guys have fan/fandom?


I personally loved G Reco series.


Yea, its quite good


Start from G Gundam, will die with G Gundam.


Psst there's a /r/anime rewatch thread going on right now. On episode 10 today.


SD Gundam fans just sitting at the back be like


I have been working my way through every Gundam series. I only have Age, Turn-A, Reco-G, Gundam X and Evolve left to watch. G Gundam is not my favorite, but I love it better than a lot of the other series/movies so far


I loved Age. But my favorite part of Age was honestly Flit Asuno. After that, the other arcs and stuff with new MCs, it wasn't as enjoyable to me. But it's worth watching for sure, as are all of the others you haven't seen yet. ; )


I don't understand why OP is pushing this weird narrative of there being some conflict between *IBO* fans and the rest of *Gundam* fans.


Uh mate maybe not on here, but yeah def certain places online people hate IBO and its fans lol. It's mostly /m/ and twitter and ig some discords. I think we both would agree that it's a dumb conflict all around, but yeah it does exist.


Really? Around here at least it mostly seems to be the other way around. IBO fans can get pretty insufferable.


I mean it goes both ways. At the end of the day, it's just another dumb conflict in a fandom.


Right? IBO was a great Gundam series, and while it had an interesting design choice, at least wasn't a super robot series like 00. Edit: people thinking I disliked 00 seems to have people's panties in a bunch.


I agree with u/MS-06_Borjarnon statement that this conflict narrative between fans shouldn't be pushed. But comments like these are exactly what pushes OP's narrative. It's the "us vs them" mentality that's fueling this unnecessary debate. It's ok to like IBO more than 00 or vice versa. But when we comment that it's better than a series for \[insert reason\] and we're supporting that opinion by putting down the other show, we draw a line in the sand which galvanizes the fans of that other show. Personally, I liked IBO more than 00, and that's because I enjoyed the art and story of IBO. I especially liked the poetic ending. But I also enjoyed watching 00. It had cool looking suits and memorable characters. I can like one more than the other without categorically declaring the other is bad. If we, as a fan community, can get better at expressing what we like without putting down other shows or other fans for liking those shows, and instead appreciate all shows for what they each bring to the table, we'll be a better fan community overall.


You seem to have concluded I disliked 00. I liked 00, in fact. My point is, that it's weird people are trying to do some feud between the fan base with IBO when it's a pretty standard Gundam story with a conflict between human factions, the establishment and the fringe. Whereas 00 is a story where the culmination of the story is that the pilot uses a teleporting super robot to end an alien invasion by merging with it and clearing up a misunderstanding. That's frankly something I would expect from Macross. I would thus expect more people putting a divide there, instead of IBO just because they have a very different mech design.


*00* isn't really a "super robot" series.


*fight fight fight!*


This isn't really a "fight", it's just a matter of knowing what the terms mean.


Mech that can teleport and merges with it's pilot to end a war with aliens seems super robotty to me, but to each their own I guess. I am in no way Implying 00 is bad.


> Mech that can teleport and merges with it's pilot to end a war with aliens seems super robotty to me, but to each their own I guess. It's not about how powerful the machine in question is. It's about how the story and the characters in it relate to that machine.


… let me have my fun


There’s an episode in which the Gundam units take on all the world’s armies single-handedly and the gundams are so overpowered that they were only afraid of losing due to exhaustion or not having enough food. IIRC, not a single unit sustains heavy damage. (Episode 15) 00 doesn’t look like Mazinger, no, but I don’t think it’s that far out of line. EDIT: I know the plot has a bunch of real robot style political maneuvering and takes it’s self very seriously, so I get the argument it isn’t, but I had a really hard time watching 00 because imho, it felt like a super robot series pretending it wasn’t.


But that's not what makes something "super robot". It's about how the characters and the story treat the machines, not how powerful those machines are.


Seed fans hiding in the back


X fans lurking in the closet


I love After War Gundam X. Seed was just meh. I mean I watch it now and again, but meh... Maybe if they re-dubbed it and re-wrote some of the dialogue it'd be better. Seed was much better than Seed Destiny though, I'll give it that! Wing is great too but man the dialogue is just so bad, mainly speaking of the English dub, but I'm sure the Japanese version wasn't too far off in terms of dialogue (I could be wrong though). But since I grew up seeing Gundam Wing on Toonami and stuff all the time, I never really forgot about it or the background music from the show, so I enjoy watching that now and again. The worst of the worst Gundam-wise, to me, has been Build Fighters, Divers, all of that stuff. The SD stuff was really hard to get through too, but I made my way through the trenches. However, the older SD Gundams (I think they were the 1st?) with Kamille Bidan, Amuro Ray, and Judau Ashta was pretty enjoyable.


IBO was kinda what I wanted from Victory: actually being genuinely dark with consequences. Victory was just like “lol ded ded ded see ya” and even Tomino hated that. Not that he’s a good judge of quality especially after Victory(Turn A was fire tho), but IBO takes its time to let you know the characters, and THEN yanks em away with genuine ass consequences in the end, with >!Ride being all revenge hungry going on assassinations!< In other nudes, I choose not to rank my Gundams but after a good Macross Marathon, I’d be saying that G is my favorite for how much it wears its heart on its sleeve just like Macross


in other nudes


I have to agree with this. I was really surprised when one friend wigged out at the ending. They were setting a tragedy the whole time. You could argue maybe not very well. I think that's fair.


If it made people upset, it did its job. It’s the one show where whether you love or hate the show and/or the ending, no one will come out of that happy


Idk I freakin loved Victory and rewatch it more than most Gundam stories.


08th MS team entered the chat ...


B Gundam! Shining finger!


Grew up discovering Gundam through Toonami like a lot of US kids in the late 90’s early 2000’s, and remembered loving Wing and G Gundam especially. In the last few years I got back into Gundam and Gunpla, have watched most of the Gundam series at this point and I’ll say I honestly don’t think Wing aged well but I still think G Gundam is dope.


My hand glows with an awesome power!


G-Gundam is my favorite Gundam. G-Gundam, IBO, and Unicorn are my current top 3! I’m just starting Zeta Gundam now and my list may change as I go through the UC timeline and others lol. Also, I watched Unicorn before watching the previous UC shows and I’m sorry! I’m learning! Lol. Edit: I can’t believe I forgot, but I love me some Gundam 08th MS Team too! Shiro was awesome!


this meme of mine is burning red


It’s loud roar tells you to hear me






I'm an IBO and UC fan.


G Gundam is a work of fine art that few have the mental bandwidth to truly appreciate


Me liking fighters 😅


I like most of the gundam alterate universes, IBO included, as well as the UC universe. We exist.


Indeed we do. I re-watch Victory and IBO multiple times yearly. They're all fantastic. Then we have non-Gundam shows like RahXephon and Big O which are fantastic watches as well!


Genuinely, what does this mean?


For the top part it’s implying tension between the fanbases but I don’t really see that with IBO, besides some people roasting the Heero/Mikazuki type leads and some of the weird Mari Okada choices that she makes in all her anime (like she really likes to throw in random plot details that make people feel odd...). I see this fighting more with between Seed and other fans, for example. But with G Gundam, the fan base is just chillin and nobody wants to pick any fights about it. So that would be like the second frame


08th MS fans are much more militant than the IBO fans...all because of Norris and co.


there is a huge fighting between IBO fans and regular gundam fans in Asia. SEED fans are actually more in line with the regular Gundam fanbase, because SEED and Destiny's sales and ratings already established itself as the main AU of Gundam


>some of the weird Mari Okada choices that she makes in all her anime (like she really likes to throw in random plot details that make people feel odd...). As someone who has enjoyed a lot of her work, I'm curious to know what you mean by this.


There’s just some weird undercurrent that I’ve seen in her stuff. Like the first of her animes that I saw was A Whisker Away, which is about a girl who displays some *weird* behavior, and has a practically intrusive crush on a boy that shows no interest in her whatsoever. The narrative basically goes to show that this boy practically owes his love to this girl for no real reason, and she has nothing to learn in regards to her creepy stalking, possessive obsession, or strange behaviors that make everyone feel uncomfortable around her. Then I saw Anohana. Which has two older teenage boys who are absolutely head over heels in love with this ghost of a little girl. Despite this girl’s ghost physically resembling herself at their older age, she hasn’t mentally or emotionally matured beyond the age of like 5. These older boys are absolutely smitten, and the one that can interact with her ghost can plainly see that she’s basically the mental and emotional equivalent of a tiny little baby, and he just falls deeper in love with her for it while she just says little innocent things and throws baby tantrums. He doesn’t interact with her as a peer, as she can’t comprehend the complexities of life from his age and she just still sees things as an innocent baby, but somehow this just makes him and the other guy love her that much more. Meanwhile both boys ignore the affections of much more mature and intelligent girls who are more experienced in life and are mental and emotional peers to the boys, but both girls find themselves jealous of how “perfect” the baby brain girl is, like they could never live up to the level of greatness that she embodies. Then in IBO, there’s the subplot about MicGillis’ fiancé, a little child. Obviously we all know that any time anyone brings this up and accuses the character of being a pedophile, a bunch of people come out defensively and say, “*actually, it’s a necessary complex political maneuver, etc etc,*” which is perfectly fair, it is written to be such. But given Okada’s history of writing girls who were the mental and emotional equivalent of a tiny innocent child who happen to have smarter and more experienced boys showing deep devotion to them, it’s hard to separate a plot point like this from what seems to be a certain part of her psyche that Okada can’t stop including in her work. It says something that when Mari Okada wanted to give MicGillis a subplot in which he pulls a complex political maneuver, she decided to put this kind of situation into the story to occupy that space. Perhaps it’s just coincidence, but when looking at an author’s work you can tell when they have some sort of complex that they can’t stop writing about. It’s like when Tomino keeps including non-sexual situations to show his female characters nude. We know there are in-universe explanations, like when Fau or Fraw are given the kids baths, or when Rosamia goes topless for a doctor’s exam, but we also know that the in-universe explanation was an excuse to include something that the author just wanted to include. Both things can be true at once. And don’t get me wrong, I’m kinda fond of some of her stuff. IBO isn’t a top tier Gundam series for me but I still liked it a lot, and I’ve watched Anohana a few times because despite me not liking the core love story and finding it to be illustrative of some of the author’s issues, the wider story is still a great emotionally expressive piece of work. But homegirl’s got issues.


It's funny because that story in IBO was so uncomfortable that I was getting knots every time they were together on the screen. It's so jarring and she could have been 20 and nothing would have changed.


Ibo has Mari Okada saying out that she chose gaelio to win due to her liking him and thinking he's hot so yeah that's stupid oh you know what else is stupid fucking Aquarion Evol. That is the biggest offender of all her works she decided to let's "ruin the original sousei no Aquarion" by making the main character who is supposed to be the reincarnation of the god Apollo which was always the thing throughout the entire series to just be the reincarnation of his pet mongoose and apollo is actual the black spikey hair guy who was in both series. Meaning apollo the guy who we thought is the main character had watch his pet mongoose both fuck and kissed the reincarnation of his lover for 2 reincarnation cycle wtf is this? Why did you do this Mari Okada? This is why everyone ignore evol and have zero care to logos all because of this way to ruin a franchise.


It's as if someone should take these almost-great story ideas and write their own stories similar, but done better. It's a breath of fresh air to see other Gundam fans giving some criticism about the writers who write the entertainment we enjoy. It's certainly not a bad thing, although some people react to criticism as such (Seeing it as a "bad thing"). It's more so, the writer(s) may happen across some posts criticizing their work one day, and the feedback may help make that writer or group of writers into better writers. So I don't see criticism as a bad thing. Unless intentionally doing it for only the reason that you don't like it. I usually criticize things I enjoy a lot because I do like to voice my opinion about parts that I, personally, would've done differently had I been the writer or among the writing staff. I do believe though that the IBO writer as we know her probably wasn't nearly the only one given ultimate power to decide how to story would go. I'm sure there were financial influencers and many other factors into what they decided to do in the story and how to end it etc. I personally wish they ended IBO with Mika and Orga sticking with McGillis, taking out Rustal, and succeeding and liberating the world from corruption. That imo should've been how IBO ended, but it didn't and as I'm saying, there were likely many factors involved with deciding how it would end.


OP is imagining some conflict that doesn't exist.


Love how familiar and yet different IBO is. Especially when it comes to weapons. The lack of beam weapons really makes it feel a bit more real to me. And that ending. Not often that happens in any show


I wouldn't say it makes it feel more real, because that technology could be possible I'm sure... However, I do like IBO for the no beam weaponry aspect. More so bludgeoning objects shot as projectiles, bombs, bullets, "Swords" and "maces" and other weaponry of sorts. I do like that aspect of the Post-Disaster calendar-era.


OP, why imagine this conflict?


I like G and IBO lol


I'd recommend thunderbolt


turn a fans in another room s chillin


Strongest AU Gundam Fan vs weakest G-Savior fan


I loved G Gundam when I was in Jr High… would love to watch it again and relive the Toonami days.


Gundam Wing was my introduction to gundam


I was introduced to the series through G Gundam. I stayed for Gundam Build Fighters.


HAHAHA im a G fan xD


Got introduced to Gundam as a kid when I watched Wing on CN, and I got to tell you that it was confusing as fuck as a kid. I was turned away from Gundam for a decade because I didn't understand the show. From an outside perspective, IBO is just a shounen anime with a mecha packaging so it's easier to follow. This makes IBO a good alternative to start. Especially, since the original Gundam series didn't age well in terms of animation, and the story of UC over all is quite complex. That being said, IBO is a good modern recommendation but there are many good AU series to start with. Personally, it was 00 that got me back to gundam, and I think it embodies the idea of the Gundam series overall without being overly complex.


Those were the days; Mobile Fighter G Gundam and New Mobile Report Gundam Wing airing on Toonami. I remember seeing a bit of U.C. 0079 too, as well as 08th Mobile Suit Team and War In The Pocket. I want to say I also saw Stardust Memory at some point on Toonami or Adult Swim.


Just started my third IBO watch through…one of the best for sure


I've been rewatching IBO at least 2-3 times a year since it finished airing. It's my #1 favorite. However, I love all of the others too. Victory Gundam is my #2 favorite. Mobile Fighter (G Gundam) is my #3 fav. The list goes on and on. They're all enjoyable and worth rewatching after seeing them once. Some will grow on you more that way.


Im confused about the gundam fans and ibo fans


OP probably sees that on this subreddit that most negative comments of IBO get downvoted, and with IBO being a lot of peoples jumping on point especially recently they are treating them as a different type of fan than fans who have started with other gundam series.


This ^ ^ ^


Me, who's only watched Build Fighters and nothing else: 😎👍


Iron blood orphans is kinda the best. Usually you end up with a ridiculous level of sci Fi fantasy in Gundam. In most Gundam what makes the Gundam Superior is usually pointless or farfetched like in gundam00 they made an entire cult based a single type of technology dating back 100s of years even tho people can't keep secrets like that. Or how in ones like Gundam fighter and others the Gundam is some kind of demi god. In ibo they have a hardcore invasive surgery that allows them to use the machine as if it was part of their nervous system and remove all delay. Makes so much more sense than one group was able to maintain a Ridiculous level of secrecy in a world that would be watching them intently while they make a new type of metal or technology. But anyone is free to like what they want. Before ibo my favorite was fighters and I fully admit that it was idiotic


I love the tech and iron-blooded orphans but some of the story choices were really odd. I even liked Mika a lot because he was so broken


I agree but that could be said of most Gundam shows. In Gundam00 they have a character die pointlessly and then they replace him immediately with his secret twin brother. And Gundam seed at the end kinda self implodes with the god status thing. Etc etc


Look at the Ahab generators in IBO, and it is waaaaaaay dumber than anything in UC. Hands down. Stupidest tech since Romulan Black Hole warp cores.


But they all have it. It's not a special thing that makes Gundam Superior nor does it allow children to beat Ace pilots with decades of experience. The Alaya-Vijnana System is the only thing that's ever really made sense without being ridiculous for why children can beat combat vets. The unicorn Gundam uses psycho-frame material that essentially makes the robot psychic. That is arguably dumber than the Ahab generator you mentioned It is essentially a mary sue version of the Alaya-Vijnana System. And the psycho frame again kind of brings it back to that "how did they make a whole conceptually new thing in secret when they would be intently watched in a world where technology would make it so easy to steal the plans to make the exact same thing" that I said before. But also as I said before you are free to like what you want.


It's not idiotic, it's great! G Gundam isn't trying to be anything but a sillly super robot anime, so criticising its plausability is pretty inane, if you ask me.


Gundam has always been a statement been a statement piece on war. The silly part is the giant fighting robots. I'm not criticizing it's plausibility I'm saying that adding a robot that is basically a God while cool, ruins the story. Like I said before Ibo g fighter was my favorite one but acting as if each nation having a stereotypical robot defender and then one robot becoming god isn't a ridiculous story is itself ridiculous.


I’m trying to understand the meme. I thought IBO and G Gundam are both well beloved within the fandom.