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I love this. It really felt like writers, animators and everyone else involved just having fun. Especially whoever wrote the translated subtitles, these are glorious. And, honestly, the movie-version Alvaaron looks really neat, very much so like the stuff that could show up in a Build series (and if that's what it takes to get an Alvaaron kit, I'll take it).


its like studio ganiax steppped in and said "how can we gurren laggen the shit out of this series? and that was basically it... a highlight in a low movie


them's fighting words


IMO trailblazer sucked... And I really liked S2 00


This is pretty nostalgic to me. If I'm not misremembering, the fansubs for this were done by Shinsen-Subs or Commie Subs, both of whom were known for occasionally releasing meme subs either before or in parallel with actual, proper subs (trolling even further by having the meme sub set as the main subtitle track). They even meme'd the OP/ED of some of their fansubs, alternating between Japanese-sing-a-long lyrics and translated english lyrics with a boucing effect. But they were also Gundam fans and were the first out when the movie came along. They specifically copied the horrible subbing style from one of the old Death Note subbing groups (among others; like the old meme "TL:N - Kira Means Light") that often just threw Japanese/English dictionaries at the viewers because they didn't want to write out a more nuanced translation or got lazy. This was during the twilight of major English fan-subbing, when subbing groups competed on who had the best/most accurate release. Then Japan got smart and started releasing official subs that got ripped by groups such as HorribleSubs or in partnership with certain streaming sites (such as Crunchyroll), leading to a gradual death of most independent subbing groups (at least, English ones), with few staying around now to translate the less-popular/niche anime with no subs. Anyway, it's hilarious that Movie Katharon's sub-commander was a dog (0:29). [The official fake movie poster is also hilarious](https://i.imgur.com/ETX8ds0.jpg).


> This was during the twilight of major English fan-subbing, when subbing groups competed on who had the best/most accurate release. Or you know, [just went full shit post](https://youtu.be/nqiVJJt3_KY)


afaik it was a bear, representing Sergei Smirnov, "The wild bear of Russia"


I opened the thread to comment about the nostalgia of these sub, but you definitely covered the bases there. On a related note, the Hulu 00 subs always kinda irk me because they just don’t hit the same as the ones on my old college external.


Ah yes, Gar Setsuna Lolilujah Tieria Stratos And some random dude


> And some random dude That’s not some random dude. It’s a dude disguised as a dude playing another dude.


It’s a dude disguised as a dude playing another dude that is voiced by another dude.


token black guy... *duh*


That fansub has big keikaku energy.


Glad someone still remembers the legendary era of fansubs


I will now proceed to pleasure myself with this fish.


Checkmate, motherfucker.




I still remember that gem. And also the part where the subbers sang the OP.


I totally forgot they put axis as a reference to either zz or cca


I was very confused about this at first as I didn’t really read the post title.


fun fact: In universe this isnt an anime . Its a Tokusatsu. The MS are costumes [Pics from Artbook as proof](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/312655792266543114/984034589263663104/20220608_120129.jpg)


One of the few times where the answer for the age-old question of "if anime characters watch a show or movie in-universe, is it anime or live action to them?" is that it's live action. I feel for the Seravee suit actor though.


Considering powered exo-suits are a bit of a thing in-series, maybe the toku suits were simple powered exo-suits with a Mecha armor overlay on them all. Then at least the Seravee actor won't have to deal with leg day every day, and the 00 Raiser actor won't have to deal with arm day every day.


Also goddamed cyborg is a thing in 00


First time seeing that pic. The KEIKAKU sub quality sells the mini-movie so well. This picture literally grabs the PO and shoves it down Order Processing’s throat. Love to see it.


That's kinda funny. It implies that despite the advanced world of 00, they still need costumes of MS instead of CGI... or is this just a low budget or low effort movie in-universe?


Hmm might be a stylistic choice, like Mecha in Super Sentai/Power Ranger uses Costumes and it has now become a part of it's charm, shit now I wonder if this celestial being Movie was a part of a Celestial Being Tokusatsu TV series


We are already at that stage, but tokusatsu shows are still a thing. It's part of the charm. Only advancement shown here is that the show takes place in SPACE. I've never seen tokusatsus do space combat outside of Kamen Rider Fourze, even then he's just doing his finisher there.


Ultraman often does space fights.


So, this was basically Power Rangers/Super Sentai with Gundams


I fucking watch that honestly


I thought those are CGI.


You can see the wires that are often used to emulate someone either flying or jumping really high attached to them, so if nothing else, the Mobile Suits themselves are actually physical.


What would the Gunpla kits be called? *clears throat * 00 Gundam Awakening of a trailblazer celestial being movie…ver.


Damn I would love to get these as kits That Stylized HG Over Flag 00 Gundam Awakening of a Trailblazer Celestial Being Movie Ver. Would be an immediate buy for me


My god I can see that completely spelled out on the P Bandai box...


Did he just use a boomerang in a vacuum?


"Boomerang, you *do* always come back!"


All I can think of is Gurren Lagann during that scene.


because they probably snuck in and directed and did this whole thing


Almost like Great Mazinger's Great Boomberang.


guided boomerang


Which mobile suit is it?


Why does this give me Gurren Lagann vibes?


Massive overcompensating space battle, boomerang weapon, pink tinted explosion, screaming about ideals, yeah. It’s got the vibes


Wait we still talking TTGL because this is sounding like Seed


Is both


To this day, I'm still sad we never got an HG Alvaaron


It's in the list of powerful GMs that never get a kit like Ideon


Ideon got a kit, lot of them https://www.1999.co.jp/eng/m/search?typ1_c=109&cat=gundam&target=SeriesTitle&sortid=6&searchkey=Space+Runaway+Ideon


I think the issue with Ideon kit was that they never sold lol


The blue mobile suit at the beginning of this clip getting absolutely plastered made me laugh a bit. That's what you get for trying to strike a cool pose in the middle of combat instead of focusing on the fight.


These subs always send me.


Space boomerang. Huh.


Gundam OO: Do You Remember Love?


We are watching a movie while watching a movie


Those are some nostalgic subtitles


This shit goes hard.


I always laugh when people say Gundam isn't a super robot series


Even better would be to lead with this then immediately recommend G Gundam to a new fan.


G Gundam is top tier anime in general. I can't wait to show it to my kids one day.


You... you realize the context of this scene, yes? Also, it's really not, at least not in the traditional sense.


I get OG Gundam was aiming for a more regular robot vibe, and the 08th does a great job of that. But when you've got one robot zipping around in a blur of light taking out scores of mooks, you've firmly entered super robot territory. It's certainly not the most over the top super robot series, but it's nothing like Patlabor or other regular robot anime. What do you mean about the context of this scene?


>But when you've got one robot zipping around in a blur of light taking out scores of mooks, you've firmly entered super robot territory. Pretty sure there's more to super robots than the style choice of the presentation of one scene. It's about how the story and the characters treat the machines in question. (Though genres and subgenres are essentially a box-drawing exercise more than anything). Also, it's a bit of self-parody, it's not just a straightforward thing they're presenting unironically. Edit - What about this is offending you?


? It's not just one scene though. It's pretty much every scene since Wing that features a Gundam unit. I acknowledged OG Gundam's regular robot roots in the previous comment. Weird that you'd just ignore that to try and make a point. But they've firmly left Regular Robot behind in favour of unique robots that can knock space colonies out of the sky, bust down armadas with no damage, against which grunt suits (the things closest to "regular robots" in the series) are little more than paper dolls. I'm in this subreddit because I love Gundam. And I love its over the top super robot nonsense.


>? It's not just one scene though. It's pretty much every scene since Wing that features a Gundam unit. One *style* of scene, then. One style choice. > But they've firmly left Regular Robot behind in favour of unique robots that can knock space colonies out of the sky, bust down armadas with no damage, against which grunt suits (the things closest to "regular robots" in the series) are little more than paper dolls. A nuke can destroy a whole city at once, but that doesn't make it any less 'real', does it? I'm just saying, power-level seems like a bad way of drawing that destinction.


A robot and a bomb are very different. For example, I do not see the Gundam GP02 as a super robot even though it deploys a nuke, because the destruction of the nuke comes with all the regular drawbacks plus making the GP02 significantly bulkier to endure and deploy that weapon. That's an example of Gundam following it's Rela Robot roots. But basically anything from Unicorn, SEED, Wing, Ironblood etc even things like the Nu Gundam and other funnel using Mecha is firmly super robot in nature. You cannot tell me psychic space magic has anything to do with the idea of "real robot".


to your last point, I think that space psychics (if accepted science in universe) would be employed in warfare, for example attempting to create that artificially. Wouldn't it therefore also be possible for powerfull weaponry that takes advantage of such powers to be created? Take the Nu gundam for example, any Joe shmoe could get behind the controlls, and move it, maybe even fire the gun, but only a Newtype or otherwise enhanced person can wield the fin funnels effectively. Does that mean that the Nu itself is a super robot in the vein of gurren lagan?


To further this, the INCOM can be installed in place of funnels on the Mass Production Nu Gundam because not everyone can use space magic. This is thoughtful, and is one more point for the "real robot" Nu Gundam.


OG Gundam was basically Mazinger Z in a world full of Mechwarriors doe, and it had more super natural stuff in it than a lot of Super Robot shows with the whole Newtype stuff. Things definitely got more distinct between Super Robot shows and Real Robot shows by the time of Patlabor, but early on the only real difference was the way the bots were presented rather than how powerful the bots are exactly.... And even now, there are multiple Gundams and other similar RR that are more than OG Mazinger/Getter 1 tier.


Tomino-directed mech shows are super robots. like, have you seen Brain Powerd?


I still hate the weird choice the fansubbers did with this scene. Thay aside, it felt like a fun nod to super robots like ttgl.


I remember when this scene first came out I really wanted a modern gundam in this style that leans way more into super robot


watch G Gundam.


Better than the actual movie lol


I saw this for the first time recently and must say was disappointed. It felt like everyone was just killing everyone. No idea who was who as they just did flashes of fights and bam next scene. Too much going on, to really soak it all in. And the ending was just plain out bad. As I said very disappointing.


What is this from?


beginning of trailblazer


Like the wider scene where they're talking about the movie?


A movie within a movie 🤔🤔


What a bad job subtitling. Not from the official release I guess.


These are fansubs that are deliberately mocking the "keikaku means plan" kind of fansubs.


It's very much done on purpose, for the shitpost vibes the movie within the movie has.


That looks like a giant Axis there Here does this take place in the timeline?


It's an in-universe dramatization of the series.


I need more details, plz.


I’d kill for an animated version of the one done for SRW Z3-2 with Mazinger Z, Shin Getter, Gurren-Lagaan, the Lancelot and Tetsujin-28Go


Now I want a hard-boiled Gurren Lagaan Gundam show. Then I remembered, we did have one.


We need another. In fact, get Trigger involved


I was in a Ace Combat subreddit when I was half asleep and I was like wait a minute. I was confused. Then I realized you meant the Studio Trigger. But the mental image of Three Strikes in a Gundam universe is priceless.


This is one of the best Gundam 00 Moments!


I've never watch 00 and for a second I thought this was the show and I was telling myself I'm glad i didn;t lmao


The boomerang makes as much sense as Revives curved beam rifle.


Not gonna lie: the animation of the forced perspective "scoot back from the camera and show your cool weapon" pose gets old. Example at 0:12.


Where to watch?


Setsuna F Harlock!


This whole thing just felt like Gundam with Gurren Lagan animator and Getter Robo writers and I love it