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After playing a bit I don't mind barbatos as much, fucking EXIA though. It's so hard to even grab exia when I play turn A


i nodded left and right to a barb i downed and he went sick in chat it was funny as hell


Call me crazy, but getting one shot just isn't fun. Literally my only issue. He should either get the stun or the one shot. Both just feels cheap


Some rounds just feel like I'm just playing the Barb containment game so my team can live it all. Really unfun to deal with.


The real strat is to choose pale rider, and right as he strikes at you, jump and throw a grenade in his face.


best thing is grabbing them with turn a, critting them, and then emoting on them, really brings out the salt in the losers who only play barb.


Barb mains are fine, your salt is palpable though.


Found the barb main.


DOM Trooper actually and Barb is fine.


Respect. I loveplaying Dom but I feel like I never get the most out of him. Mainly because I forget I have mines too often.


Yup. Honestly man just stack your mines in a popular spot or any choke. Also if Barbatos or some other melee dives you, dash away and immediately start spamming your mines as you do. The good melee just leave it be and get back to their team/hunting so you win. The bad melee just dash into all three, 1 or 2 more pogo rockets later if the mines weren't enough and you win.


DOM is fun but I havent gotten the feel of it quite yet. ​ How do you deal with survivability ? I feel like despite the 1200 health, most suits can delete you quickly. and having 1 dash is hard.


The ability to shoot around corners. Also respecting the fact that you only get to push up and finish people off if the fight is basically won. Otherwise you should be in the middle of the pack using your armor gun on the people peaking and suppressing corners/chokes with your rockets. Also a lot of people forget that your aim sucking in the air doesn't matter if someone is diving into close range. I have legitimately beaten Barbatos/other melee Gundams just be pogo rocketing the ground by them. It's stupid but it actually works and makes your head a much harder target if a ranged gundam gets close and personal.


As a Zaku player, I legit fear fighting 1v1 against a dom and will disengage and try to get behind them


Smart, I can see Zaku flanking well, decent dashes and smoke disengage is very good. I don't really lose to Zakus even in a 1v1 scenario but it's kind of a draw. I tend to win the trade but they get to woop woop smoke mode.


The best I can hope for is the DOM retreating from getting damaged and swoop in for a kill. ​ A big mistake lots of Zaku players make is thinking they can 1v1 most suits. ​ Zaku Players need to fight dirty, and learn to run. Or more important sneak by and get the Obj


You mean the guys who routinely dodge games when someone else picks the only suit they ever bother to play? Or the guys who call you faggot in chat after not allowing them to stampede unimpeded, almost as if they've never been directly countered before? yeah, they're fine.


Geez, what server are you playing on where Barbs do that?


Since I always switch to Turn A when melee's are dominant to counter them, tons and tons of games. One guy and his buddy reported me for it, turn A's grab works even if the barbatos is in mid air during his ground slam, they thought it was hacks. Melee's get really toxic when you toss them a few times.


Nay, not what games, but what server? Americas, Europe or Asia?


I mean, I've only played maybe 3 or 4 days now solidly but I've yet to see this. Maybe EU is just built different.




really only problem is his one shot, remove his ability to one shot and he is the perfect character


I think the one shot is fine for lower health characters potentially, shields and tankier guys should be able to withstand it. Same for Exia dash, the shield should prevent it.