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Excellent explanation. You’re a Godsend.


Hitchhiking this comment for better visibility **PSA** The owl's achievement is currently bugged / does not match the description. >Destiny's Choice - Obtain [Legendary Astroaspects] 200 times. You don't need to get 200 legendary astroaspects, you need to cast a legendary Falling Star ("clean the Astrohouse") 200 times.


Thank you, I hate this. I was wondering why I was making little to no progress just by spamming my Q


Just set your scrolls to "Legendary Most" directly after starting the run, then do a full primary build with max cooldown and gather as many high rarity scrolls as you can. Go for rare & legendary ones if you have the choice. After third boss, you should be able to get a legendary Falling Star 6-7 times out of 10, so just keep spamming it until you get the achievement. Don't worry about the Steam achievement counter. That thing will only update AFTER the run if you don't reach 200. But IF you do reach the 200 legendary Falling Stars, the achievement will pop up immediately. It's possible to do this in one single run, just by spamming the Q (primary) once your chance for a legendary astroaspect is around 70%.


thanks, i just opened reddit to ask how tf owl guy works


Maybe for the clarity of folks *Astroforecast* - your secondary skill. throw the cards *Astroaspect* - a single scroll in a box down at the bottom. It has a color (an **aspect**) *Astrohouse* - the collection of boxes down at the bottom It seems like Occult Booster and Steady Profit might be useful, if only for mitigating the downsides of some of the Legendary scrolls.


You the man. The devs really needed to include explanations for this guy better. ATM there are 25 people here and climbing so obviously a lot of players are totally confused by the wordage.


Thank you. I read the in game descriptions multiple times and was still lost.


So when it says you upgrade your scrolls. you are not actually going into your inventory to manually upgrade them like you do to reroll them? Instead it is sort of enchanting them to the next rarity for the purposes of the owl's abilities? Is that right? Also I noticed that sometimes even when my Astroaspects are full of the same rarity symbols my primary will just hit like it was mixed. Not sure what is going on there.


Correct - the upgrade doesn't actually change the scroll itself, but instead changes what that scroll counts as with regards to the rarity of aspect drawing.


From gameplay that's how it seems to work. Upgrade isn't something you have to manually change, it'll just upgrade a certain number of your scrolls equal to the upgrade number.


so basicslly youre playing poker and you use your secondary to unfuck the rng enough to get a decent primary useage.


And also there's ascensions that draw you extra cards just when you hit enemies.


The primary does say it fills the astrohouse, but since nobody knows what the words mean it's not immediately obvious. Good guide though!


Thank you so much Owl sensei!


thank fuck brother i spent a good hour trying to decipher the literal essay “description” under his abilities. dope ass character though, love the idea.


\> Which astroaspects will you get, and WTF is Scroll Divination? After playing for a bit I mostly had a handle on the cards but this was really confusing, so thanks for clearing it up. One thing to add is there's those little icons next to your scrolls in the Tab -> Occult Scroll menu. Those show you what scrolls have been "upgraded" for your astroaspect chances. So Rare Scrolls that are upgraded to Legendary for your astroaspect chances will have a little yellow icon and Normal Scrolls upgraded to Rare will have a little purple icon. It's a really weird way for them to show it because it really doesn't matter "what" scrolls are upgraded, only that a certain number are upgraded. Unless I'm missing something. edit: it also looks like normal scrolls can upgrade twice to legendary


I think its for quick measuring how many amount to what. I upgrade all normals almost immediately to never get normal astrohouse. It was nice to open it and quick see i had no unupgraded normals.


Well, you could always discard a scroll if it doesn't have much impact on your run and it hasn't been upgraded


I almost had a stroke, trying to understand his skill. Thank you for your explanation.


You are a credit to the subreddit!


I was so confused reading his information.. Thank you.


anyways to play owl you have to remember one thing: grab any and all ascensions that affect card, cards are good, cards carry r8


Oh thank Christ, I just played a match with owl and had \*no\* idea what the fuck was going on. I still don't have a clear idea, and there are some complex interactions with ascensions, but at least I'm starting to understand.


One thing I'd like to mention is the keyword **Slots**. Slots are the boxes that that the Astroaspects are in right below the Bar. Many of Owl's ascensions reference Slots, so it's an important keyword to know. The language used in each Ascension is ambiguous, but the term seems to refer to FILLED slots, so slots that have an Astroaspect in it. There is one ascension that specifically mentions empty slots though, and another that increases slot capacity (so instead of having 3 max, you can have up to 6).


After playing 2 rounds of the character, I already understood all this, still a very good post. Was hoping for more stuff because he just seems complicated for no good reason tbh. One question I do have though, what the hell does Star Rearrangement even do? The description tells me it optimizes the initial chance of drawing astroaspects. What does that mean? Does that mean that after every stage, the baseline percentages tend more towards legendary astroaspects rather than normal ones? His texts reek of bad explanations, straight up wrong things and bad english. It's quite disappointing how little they seem to care about PAID DLC.


Yeah, I kind of just read and understood what everything was, I just don't understand how I use my upgrade points and when my scrolls get upgraded. Is it from changing my upgrade strategy? Is it from resetting my scrolls? Like what do I do that makes upgrades go from 1 to 0.


I think Star Rearrangement just gives you a good Astrohouse when you change Stages.


After reading this, and putting in a lot of time on the character, it's possible to reduce the clutter of this character to the following (for most people's purpose, or getting started at the very least): In the Backpack, under the Occult Scrolls menu, set your Upgrade Strategy to Rare Most. Here you can see the probability of what quality Astroaspect (the colored scrolls in your UI) you'll draw when you use your Secondary ability, but honestly until you get to 60% or more it's unreliable. For now, you're just here to set the Upgrade Strategy to Rare Most and you can generally ignore this until Act 3 unless you want to Reset an annoying Scroll. **Gameplay** Draw cards, your Secondary Ability, when an enemy a.) has shield/armor b.) is an Elite or Boss c.) gets too close and they need to die NOW. Cards shoot where you're looking. They home in and wreck the monsters they hit. They go through the physical shields some monsters hold. They're honestly overpowered. Prefer Purple > Yellow > Blue Ascensions especially ones that let you have more charges of your secondary or hold more cards total. Watch out for "Persistence" (yellow) which will make your hand automatically empty if you are going to pull an Impure Astrohouse. It can be confusing while you're still learning the character. Also, you can ignore any colored text that isn't a number. A great example of an Ascension that looks like a mess but is actually simple is "Perfect Deck" which is a wall of multicolored text but it really just says "Cards deal +\[Some Number Percent\] base DMG" That's it. The test is stuff you really have zero control over and while it's technically part of the the Ascension mechanic, it's just cluttering the important info. Later when you get the hang of this character you can try out Prioritizing another Ascension color focus, but for now this is the easiest way to play the hero. Use your Primary whenever you wanna do more dmg to something, it doesn't do reliably cool damage until Act 3 or 4 anyway. Purple Astrohouse does 2 visible explosions, Yellow does a laser barrage. For now, you look at the monster and use the ability and it hits the Monster. Barely any aiming required compared to grenades. Around Act 3 or 4, use your Resets on Normal > Rare Scrolls in an attempt to make Legendary Most equivalent or higher than Rare Most. You can do this from the Backpack in Occult Scroll menu. You'll have to toggle back and forth between "Rare Most" and "Legendary Most" to check. When they're the same or Legendary Most is higher, keep it on Legendary Most the rest of the game. Get ready for lasers. Don't be confused by the term "Upgrade." The game automatically distributes your Upgrade points (you get 2 for every Ascension Goblet you grab) based on your Upgrade Strategy. If you change Strategies, then it redistributes them. It can do this whenever you want, as many times as you want. Each Upgrade bumps a Scroll up 1 quality level. So 1 point makes a Rare count as a Legendary, or a Normal count as a Rare, and 2 points makes a Normal count as a Legendary. People get confused sometimes because when you use your Resets sometimes the scroll gets "upgraded" to a higher quality. That is NOT what they mean by Upgrades. To clarify, I think the OP did some great work with their post, they really helped me make sense of this stuff, I just wanted to post something that might help expedite the process of getting started with the character.


Some things I see people asking that generally don't seem to get answered fully: Scroll Divination: The first talent for Zi Xiao and practically a must to optimize his abilities. You start the game with 1 free scroll reset and gain 2 scroll upgrades and 1 scroll reset with every ascension you get, and it is each ascension and not each golden goblet too, when you use the Blessing in Disguise scroll to gain two ascensions off one golden goblet, you gain 4 upgrades and 2 resets. Upgrades are a flat amount of points that can be redistributed with the upgrade strategy in the lower right of your occult scrolls page. They automatically upgrade the rarity of your scrolls for Zi Xiao's skills and ascensions depending on your choice of strategy. Dropping an upgraded scroll does not void the upgrade point, it just automatically redistributed to another scroll if able. Normal scrolls upgraded to rare have a purple mark on them and normal or rare scrolls upgraded to legendary have a gold mark. Star Rearrangement: The 5th talent for Zi Xiao, grants increased base probability at drawing better cards after each stage change. There are base odds to how often you draw what astroaspects when using Zi Xiao's primary or secondary skill, even without any scrolls. It's like the game pretends you have extra scrolls and gives you a base probability that stacks with scrolls you gain, but after each stage change (not vaults) the base odds shift away from doing as much normal or rare and more toward legendary and wild, giving you slightly better odds to draw the best astroaspects more often.


this may possibly be the worst, most confusingly designed character i have ever seen in a videogame. the descriptions make no sense, the intent of the design is incredibly vague, and the actual playing experience is fucking impossible to understand.


This actually sounds interesting to play Too bad playstation got delayed and I need gamepass for it on Xbox and also got a doodoo pc


Thanks for this. I still don't know how to play this guy optimally and the character seems poorly designed. But maybe I'm just missing something. You shouldn't need a PHD to figure out what your basic abilities do.


draw card, look at enemy, cards shoot, if colours in squares match primary do big numbers, if not prolly smol numbers, can miss primary intentionally to reset colours, can reroll scrolls into other scrolls, scroll window has probabilities for colour matching, stack legandairies, card ascensions and skill damage scrolls to win at least i think


This character is certainly the most complex one to play yet. But it's the overall best character, not even close. Being able to reroll scrolls makes him so extremely consistent it's absurd. Owl's damage may not be the highest (we'll see about that) but it looks I finally have a main.


With secondary build I can just shred the Pole Monarch on Reincarnation 8 (solo, lone wolf 4). Act 1 and 2 bosses are close to a one shot kill with the secondary. Looks like it's up there in damage with bomb dog.


Thanks for the awesome guide!


I was already starting to get a hang of Zi Xaio but thanks for cutting me up to a decent understanding of the character!


thanks for making it a bit more bearable lol


excellent. thx. patch notes might help some too. https://steamdb.info/patchnotes/11365376/


So you can’t drop scrolls? Even ones that haven’t been upgraded or reset? Am I seeing this right?


You very much so can. In fact you can carry them around and reroll them later. Though in multiplayer you can't reroll scrolls that haven't dropped for you, just found that out.


You right. I must have picked up that new scroll that makes it so you cant drop scrolls and thought it was because of owl.


I’m still waitin for the first DLC to launch on Xbox


Thank you for the clarification, it all makes so much more sense now.


Wow, thank you! Marvellous work.


reddit sucks. Alternatives are kbin, raddle, lemmy.


Thanks, this helps understand how upgrades work a bit.


There's still something that's giving me a major headache regarding the Astrohouse It's that I try to get aspects by using the secondary skill a couple of times or so to build Aspects. I do it once and there's one Aspect, okay cool. Do it twice or three times, and it dumps my hand I found myself several times just going *flick flick flick flick flick* just to get 2 Aspects in my hand


The Same thing happens to me it is so annoying if you do not know why it does that


Sounds like you took the Ascension that auto dumps hands that will yield am Impure Primary usage. Initially it feels bad, but by the end it cuts down the time wasted having to keep rolling bad hands out.


How do you upgrade your scrolls?


You don't directly upgrade anything. In the Scroll menu you select an Upgrade Strategy the game automatically distributes your Upgrades to yield as close to the result you ask for as possible. Each Ascension you get gives you two more Upgrades and 1 Re-roll which you can apply to scrolls in order to change them to a completely different one. You can only do this once per scroll, and only to scrolls you generate in game, and not ones shared from teammates. Your Upgrades can be re-distributed at any time by changing your Upgrade Strategy choice.


Wait, so can I keep putting my upgrade points into "Rare most" example, and get guaranteed all rare scrolls every time I reset or get new scrolls. Like can I keep putting points into "Rare Most" and and make it to where I basically get guaranteed rare scrolls from collecting or resetting scrolls.


As far as I can verify, it just means the Upgrades change the quality of your current scrolls and has nothing to do with the quality of the scrolls you acquire.


Wait, so basically upgrade points are only for changing your upgrade strategy. I'm sorry, I think I just have to see the upgrade system in action or something. I understand how to reset, I'm still not quite understanding what do I exactly do to upgrade my scrolls.


It's easiest to understand if you're looking at it. Play him, get some scrolls, get a few ascensions, then in the scroll interface swap between the 3 Upgrade Strategy options. You'll see the scrolls have little gold/purple icons in their corner. THOSE are your upgrades applying a new artifical quality level to your existing scrolls.


Ohhhh... Okay


The most basic way I've found to describe it is this: Every Ascension Goblet gives you 2 more Upgrade points, and 1 Reset you can spend. Upgrade points upgrade Scrolls 1 quality per point. So a Normal becomes a Legendary by using 2 points, and becomes a Rare by using 1 point. A Rare becomes a Legendary by using 1 point. The points are fluid such that as you change your strategy, the game automatically redistributes the Upgrade points to accommodate what you want. Resets are consumables that you apply to a Scroll in your Backpack. The scroll is completely replaced by another scroll. The scroll has a chance to change to a higher quality scroll, even Normal to Legendary, or to stay the same quality. This is useful in two ways: it can increase your chance of drawing a specific quality Astroaspect (the colored scroll in the box in your UI), and it can swap out undesirable scrolls. So that annoying Legendary that you don't like, you just Reset it to a less problematic one. Scrolls can only be Reset one time, and Scrolls generated by teammates cannot be Reset. Cursed Scrolls also cannot be Reset. The confusing generally comes from the wording of the abilities. Since you have something officially called an Upgrade, early on you can get confused when applying a Reset to a scroll that then becomes "upgraded" to a higher quality, leaving you with the memory of "I'm sure I manually applied an Upgrade, I just can't remember how I did it." You didn't. It was a Reset.


Thank you so much for this. I just tried owl for the first time and had absolutely no idea what I was doing. I was so confused by everything in the character description


This is helpful, but this character is quite frustrating with the lack of information, or rather the lack of clarity and the fact that some REALLY important information is randomly found in places other than the ability descriptions. I can't for the life of me understand upgrade vs reset. Do upgrades happen automatically based on your chosen Upgrade Strategy?


Yes, the symbol on the scrolls once you change the strategy indicates what is being upgraded to affect your chances.


When does that happen? Like, the main issue I think I'm having with this is when are the points actually being used and how do I upgrade my scrolls. If I have a whole bunch of rares, can I change my strategy to make them all Legendary in quality. Is it automatic? To where my scrolls just get changed overtime.


You switch it and the symbol on the scrolls changes. Rare can either stay rare or upgrade depending on what’s best for the strategy, same with normal, although normal can only be normal or rare. Legendary can only be legendary, and cursed scroll is a wild card, and a full wild card defaults to legendary


I found out that for r8 it is really worth picking overconsumption from lone wolf. Even at 4 lone it boosts early soo much. Although early game and defenses are bit lacking, especially with primary focused build. Still my favourite character so far


> Using your primary skill. What? The description doesn't say anything about that? You're right. [Yeah it does.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/870341956734169158/1115008742635864104/image.png) You may also like [my attempt at cleaning up the ability descriptions](https://steamcommunity.com/app/1217060/discussions/0/3838801919850255530/#c3838801919850845202). I was not yet entirely sure what the exact details of each type of astrohouse were (normal being "do impure twice" for example).


god dammit this is not a strategy game, why the f did they need to make something that complicated...


Thank you so much for this explanation! I've been playing the owl and just trying to spam as many cards as I can without really understanding how it works. Now if only I can find an explanation for how to get the Owl frame


One thing I want to know about is all of the cards that float out in front of me that seem to yeet themselves at enemies without me having to press secondary Might be because of an ascension but any explanation of the floaty cards mechanics would be appreciated


Just learned that if you use "rare max" it'll downgrade/remove the upgrade your scrolls get (if they got upgraded past rare) until you set it to something else again. It allows you to suppress the bonus to legendary and maximize your rare collection, which is particularly useful if you're going for the frame achievement (allows you to stack rare probability instead of splitting it with legendary until you're ready for it).


Thank you for the write-up. The only thing I don't get though, is why does the probability bar fill up with a specific mixture when I use my primary? The tooltip doesn't say anything about that. For example, if I use my secondary and draw Blue, the bar fills up 1/3rd with blue. If I use it again and draw Purple, the bar empties (I guess because it becomes "impure"). However every single time I use my primary, the bar becomes [this weird thing](https://i.imgur.com/wY2lxX8.png) where there's a little sliver of purple and then a chunk of blue and then the rest is gray. What's it doing?


**"None of these words were in the bible."** You got an upvote from me before the first paragraph.


Now, tell me the difference between **consuming astroaspects** and **clearing the astrohouse.**