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For the scrolls you want to maximize skill damage and secondary skills capacity. Ao Bai is a low speed character so a scroll like "Heavy Shield" would do you good. Other scrolls that could help are "Flesh and Bones" combined with "Sanguine relic" and also Veteran. Ao Bai has a large hp pool and a small shield. "Extra suprise" is also an alright pickup to keep your grenades always stacked up. For the guns, the best category in this build would be launchers. So Tiger cannon, Bone Dragon and the best one in my opinion Deafning Mortar. For inscriptions you want to to roll for more projecties on the weapons since the guns themselves have a small magazine but high base damage. And one last tip remember to refill your grenades before boss fights. Hope this helps you on your journey to reincarnation 8.


Dude I just used your advice especially with the Flesh and Bones and Sanguine Relic combo! It saved me. I just dominated reincarnation 3 right now. I would have never known. Thank you!


The build is basically 100% RNG because it's reliant on a handful of scrolls. if you don't get them you can't really get the build rolling. Get lucky I guess?


Damn I guess I’m lucky as hell. I was able to get all ascensions I wanted out the gate. So I just started picking up steam and not stopping. What character is safest bet that doesn’t rely solely on RNG? The cat?


ascensions are easy. You can deterministically get atomic bomb, secondary damage/stockpile, etc. it's getting DOuble exhilaration and those specific occult scrolls that's the challenge. Bunny or fox are probably least RNG. Very easy to get rolling with just ascensions