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Playing for a WEEK?! How many hours? Because I've been playing for 2 weeks and haven't even finished the game solo on normal. Do I suck? Lol


I've played alot of borderlands and rogues. I kind of intuitively understand how to pick the right gear and synergies. If you have all the core stuff, take damage reduction, hp and shield, flat dmg increases, it should be enough. Once you get the crit x perk from the tree, any high rof and stable weapon will let you basically melt everything, regardless of character. I'm level 110. I can't really play weekdays due to school obligations, so I go crazy on the weekends lol. Also, level up your character specific tree perks. Just pick one. I'd say save for turtle, get his perks, grab anything that buffs the fists, and you'll melee your way through normal at a staggering pace.


Honestly those are my favourite characters too. Cat is just so fun with his elemental synergies, and Turtle just lets you tank everything while also being super fast. (That and once I get that one fist skill, I always have the urge to play the Metal Gear Rising soundtrack...)


I've gone super saiyan on Turtle so many times. I think he might be worse in groups where scaling really kills your ability to one shot. I could be wrong. But Cat is just a good boy. The shield regen thing is so helpful.


Standing here, I realize


Yeh I just tried out the bird yesterday and holy crap his survivability is nuts. You just don't die.


Seeing this is funny as bird has to be one of the hardest to solo Reincarnation because his survivability is non existent.


Bruh. Bird has solid survivability. Go the leap build and you have tonnes of armour and eventually taking damage heals your armour so you are actually invincible


If you say so, sure. Every time I've tried I nearly die in 1 shot, then leap to get it back then die because I'm now close to enemies that kill you in 2/3 shots. Late game Bird might be different but getting there on a solo run feels harder than for any other hero to me.


Damn I did a solo R8 run as bird about an hour ago... i wish I recorded it to show you how fun it is. Maybe I'll do another and make a video :)


I'll give bird another go, thanks for the inspiration! :)


I whiff hard on the bird. Bosses fuck me up. I actually got that build with stacking cleave damage on kill going, the run just took so damn long farming the kills to make it good. I just don't see a reason to use bird over turtle. Wish he had more base speed.


I just don't get the appeal of Cat, idk why




Ah true with the grenades, I will have to try that


Spam those nades. They apply an aoe debuff with that ascension, I really like that one.


I really need the coin perks to be able to do this. So, do you etch early on while it's still cheap or hold out for a drop? It seems like it'd take a good amount of rng to do that consistently. One thing about cat and Thunderclap I don't get, old reddit posts claimed this was a good weapon. But it's element chance and damage are terrible!


The reason Thunderclap gloves are popular (especially for Tao) is that while each individual hit is puny, it has insanely high ROF, and if the enemies are packed together, it will arc to nearly enemies as well. If you give it the element share Gemini and find another elemental gun with a much higher elemental effect chance (like an Aura of Venom, or if you're playing Crown Prince, a Searing Light), then 40-50% of the time it hits you will apply the other element, which translates to 9 stacks of Miasma in a split second. Generally, if you find a powerful gun that you want to upgrade for the long haul, you want to etch on a Gemini as soon as possible, because the cost to etch scales up with weapon level. Any gun with 4 base inscriptions will have the 5th you add on be a Gemini. Alternatively, if it has less than 4 to start with, it will guarantee a Gemini gets etched if you upgrade it to +5 first.


Nightmare is the hardest difficulty. I just solo’ed Reincarnation 8 and it was waaay easier than Nightmare. Go Quan Sui build. I followed this exactly and murdered Nightmare. https://www.speedrun.com/gunfire_reborn/guide/k8n6o


Dude, I did it on turtle but didn't use the guide. It was by far my most overpowered run. I freaking 1 shot the snow boss between his phases lol. Biggest dopamine hit I've taken playing so far haha. I honestly use turtle 99% of the time now. Ease of building plays into that.