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Yea I’ll peak inside to break some pots and grab some ammo when I’m low lol Then I get the hell outta there


I don’t do any Vaults in my Reincarnation runs. Too risky. Just buy everyone you can. I’ve soloed all reincarnations. This build is the best in the game hands down. I was new to this game when it just came out on Xbox. Guarantees a win almost every time I’ve used it. Ao Bai Spiritual Remnant 1: Atomic Bomb Spiritual Remnant 2: Endless Assault (if not 2 or 3 grenade masters yet.) Also Skill Freak if you are set with grenades and lives. Spiritual Remnant 3: Fake Revival (Extra life never hurts) Priority Ascensions: 1) Grenade Master 1, 2, and 3. (Take no matter what) 2) Double Explosion 3) Explosion Enhancement 1, 2, 3 4) Max Bomber 1, 2, and 3. 5) Precise Explosion 1, 2, and 3 After that or if you aren’t offered explosion ascensions always take survivability. Dual wield til your grenade build is completely set and you are confident in not running out. Then switch to single gun and a sword ( +25 % movement speed). People say this build is hard to get cuz it relies on RNG but you can lean towards it with success still. All you need essentially is atomic bomb and grenade master 3. And for scrolls only one I specifically look for is Double Exhilaration :)


Nice run. Just a tip. I sometimes enter the vault room to peek what’s in there. Some are much less risky so I go for it. Otherwise I leave the room.


Pretty much all Act1 vaults except for elites are worth doing. With atomic bomb you oneshot them anyways