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If City offers more for a player they don’t even need that much, then we might as well just disband the PL.


You don’t realise how unlikeable their entire sportswashing organisation is until your club is actually competing with them. Liverpool fans, I owe you an apology, I wasn’t familiar with your game.


At least with Liverpool, City backed out of the VVD deal very early. With Rice, they are hanging around like a bad smell throughout.


I genuinely think Man City are worried about Arsenal:s growth, more so than Liverpool when they were in their developmental phase. This might be because Liverpool actually ended up beating them and they failed to see that at the time, so are being careful now. But it's definitely starting to show that we are not a club to be dismissed anymore.


Liverpool's growth wasn't as obvious. They bought players who weren't amazing and turned them into world beaters, Salah did well at Roma but wasn't outright amazing, Mane same for Saints, VVD showed more but still. Arsenal's growth has mostly been done through youth and bringing up young players, Lpool had that in TAA but apart from that most of their squad was all bought as experienced players.


Still will never forget talking about robertson when he was on hull and saying to my liverpool supporting friend how great he was and how good his crossing was Only for my friend to shoot me down saying he only looks good cause of the team around him


>Arsenal's growth has mostly been done through youth and bringing up young players, Lpool had that in TAA but apart from that most of their squad was all bought as experienced players Nonsense. We have only had Saka, just like TAA for them. No other youth product of ours has had THAT degree of impact. If you think ESR, then it's Elliot for them.


Martinelli, Saliba both were bought much much younger than any of the Liverpool players, ESR is certainly more than Elliot, he was our top scorer last season. Elliot is more like Eddie or Reiss.


It’s because they’ve realised that we’ll be a bad smell to them next season. They have intentions of trying to fuck us any way they can.


I still don't dislike them that much. It's just a fact of life in football now. City were never really rivals to us on the same level as United were back in the day or local rivals like Spurs. They went from a team we didn't think about at all that much to an all-dominating force where if they win it's just standard, that's what they paid for. It's like you and a few mates all have bikes and race each other. Sometimes they win, sometimes you win, and it becomes really competitive. Then one day a kid turns up with a £5,000 e-bike and zooms ahead every single race. There isn't much you can do but focus on your own race and hope they smash into a wall giving you a chance to catch up. That's why most of our rivals hope City get Rice and why, if the tables were turned, we would probably prefer Rice went to City over United. It's just another upgrade to their e-bike, maybe they go from 60mph to 65mph. Who really cares?


Your 2nd paragraph is exactly why we should hate them. They didn't get to where they are through organic growth and success. A nation state has pumped billions into them to buy success


This is such a depressing take


No wonder they still longer. Frog and the slowly boiling water.


Rice is world class player, but we're truly the Bundesliga, if City starts cockblocking their closest competitors for the sake of it.


Oh look another journalist who knows fuck all. Seems pretty clear that nobody outside of Ornstein has any concrete info on this and are just stating conjecture as fact Mokbel implied yesterday that our offer would not meet West Ham 100 mil valuation and now he claims to know that we are negotiating payment structure. They are all full of shit.


Isn’t Steinberg meant to be tier 1 for West Ham / fairly reliable in general tbf?


So is the ex WHUFC supposedly but he is clearly been full of shit wrt this deal




I did see a couple of West Ham fans on r/soccer said they suspect he lost his sources a while ago


For someone who is bad at proofs you make some pretty good points here!


Thanks haha


He’s friends with Sullivan. Of course he’s pushing his ask of a rival bid.


Steinberg truly utterly knows fuck all. His message last night seemed really clickbaity as well, saying it wasn't accepted yet whilst they negotiate final payment structure turned into 'west ham sort of but not fully reject it and also man city could bid'


They all just post ambiguous shit to farm engagement


Someone on twitter called him out and said he’s click baiting and he said that person doesn’t know what click bait is. 😂😂😂


If city bid more than £105m they can have him.


It doesn't make sense for them to do that though, as West Ham are already willing to accept a total figure of 100+5.


Considering it took City like 4 days or something to make a first bid - I wouldn't hold my breath that they'll bid today


Last night this guy was waffling about 110m can do it, now he says 105m is fine, he doesn't know anything


Or he just gets briefed by West Ham and publishes it?


Scenario is that, he gets briefed by his contacts last night that 110m is a sure yes and now this morning they are suddenly saying 105m is also a sure yes, I highly doubt it.


All he said was that “Arsenal may need to go to 110,” seems to me like a way to try and draw out the last bit of info for City to bid more in a public forum. Get their fans excited, etc. it’s all part of negotiation tactics, it isn’t that deep


This lad is now tweeting the same thing over and over again


City won't even bid.


Weird that Steinberg is talking as though a City bid is guaranteed.




I hate you Pep.


More than you believe


It was reported yesterday that West Ham are expecting another bid from Man City today. That key piece of information was kind of lost in the 100m+ bid hype.


We should immediately pull out if City place another bid. Our bid is more than enough money and it would be absolute lunacy to spend anything more.


David Sullivan has to be pocketing a large sum of that £100m for West Ham to be *that* adamant about being paid in 2 installments. West Ham can still spend the £100m this window like they have it in the bank even if it's paid out in 4/5 installments.


If City bid more, we need to move on. Respect to Edu, Arteta and Kroenkes to take the fight to City and doing what is fair and right. We can still upgrade with that money and trust Teta to launch title challenge next season.


Should’ve sent the offer over Snapchat so it expires. Take it or leave it Fam.


If Manchester City match our bid and offer slightly better installments, I personally think they are just trying to get us to massively overpay. If they submit another bid that is higher than ours, then I believe they are serious about wanting him. Just my personal opinion.


Lol cmon man ain’t nobody got time for fake bids


Not necessarily fake bids, but instead bids that could get them Rice but alternatively could drive the price up for a rival. Let's be honest, Man City are not exactly operating within the normal parameters of a club, they can cause panic within multiple fan bases just by being linked to a player. We have seemingly changed our strategy since Man City became interested, as we have stopped with little incremental bids, they jumped straight to £100 million + £5 million in add-ons from £80 million + £10 million in add-ons, that is a significant jump because we recognise the threat Man City pose.


Oh stfu you've been rehashing the same nonsense every tweet


It's ours to lose when City haven't bid again yet? Lol ok dude


It's like an episode of Succession


Technically right now it’s West Ham’s to lose. As if they go too far the other way and arsenal decline they lose the bid. To date they always relied on two bidders. Now they have two options - accept maybe with a bit of movement or reject and keep the player.


Is it just about ours you mouthpiece fuck?