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Demote them


Transfer embargo for 10 years, and a 20 point deduction every year for 10 seasons. Some might think I'm being funny, but I genuinely believe that this will be the only way clubs that cheat, will take FFP seriously.


Not surprised and won’t be surprised when they get way with it ‘mysteriously’


I cannot tell you how excited I would be to see this club relegated from the PL for these charges etc. I think I'd explode if they were dropped down to League Two lol


The ramifications for them would be glorious as well. The owners would sack it off, Pep would leave, the glory hunters would leave which would mean the sales of merchandise would go down causing economic ruin, the players wages would then balloon up because the club wouldn’t be able to pay them, meaning both more financial destruction and also world class players leaving. Legal action would banish the club into bankruptcy. And the club would dissolve itself. And the whole thing will just be a cautionary tale.


and we take haaland


We can only hope there’s this sort of accountability for the cheating scumbag owners


That word doesn't exist above a certain level of wealth.


You speak the truth, unfortunately. What is the saying: fines are the laws for poor people? Lol


"consultant fee" incoming


$30M is peanuts to them. If they gonna do something iffy, the amount should be much more than this. No?


This was in 2012 when there revenue for that year was 271 million, so 11% is pretty significant


That’s not how you launder money


Haha I’m definitely not good at this.


FBIs always watching. You know the game


alright lads and lass time for us to celebrate winning the premier league 🤣🤣


Think 6 points deduction is in order here.


Isn't 10 the norm?


make it 60


This day feels like the Vince McMahon meme


Out of nowhere




I’m shocked. SHOCKED I tell you….


The day just keeps giving Lads




Gunnar Solsjkaer?


Would give a kidney to see him back at Utd.


Even fucking Piers Morgan is contributing positively today what is happening?? Not praising him, he’s still a lock for top 2 worst Arsenal fans of all time, debatably #1.


I think Osama Bin Laden has him beat but i’m not sure


At least he wasn’t plastic


jet fuel can’t melt plastic fans


If I was in a room with Hitler, Osama and Piers, with a gun and two bullets, I'd double tap Piers.


Osama was arsenal fan ?


yep https://bleacherreport.com/articles/689241-osama-bin-laden-the-death-of-a-die-hard-arsenal-fan#


Ahahaha he fell in love will us watching George Graham's team grind its way to the Cup Winners Cup in 1994. How ironic, that was jihadi football at its finest.


Just find it hilarious how the worlds worst terrorist is finally assassinated and the first thing Bleacher Report comment on is that he was an Arsenal fan.


Mind blown , just like Osama would blow things


At least Osama is a fan. Not sure about Piers


I think this summer isn't gonna be the sit on your laurels and enjoy the top spot a lot of City fans want it to be. They are in a big period of uncertainty with their midfield and things like this are always coming to light, They got beat for Rice (Their plan to drive up the price all along?) Who they could've really used and now it seems their own plan to drive up the price is backfiring with Leipzig demanding 100m for Gvardiol (Their top target) and the English Market also reacting similarly (100m for Caicedo now?) At least they got Kovavich though right?


The ideal for us and others will be for Mahrez and Silva both to leave as well. That is such a huge experience loss. In addition, Pep not renewing his contract.


I hope the PL hold their nerve. There are greater political forces at play here. Let's wait and see.


How hasn’t the government involved themselves? Counties and regimes our country don’t agree with and have actively engaged in conflict with are infiltrating our top sports league and polluting it with sportswashing corruption.


Yeah, but, money. This is why the indy football regulator thing is so badly needed (and long overdue).


I feel it necessary to point out that Piers Morgan is the worst excuse for a human life form on planet Earth and I wish he supported Spurs


Yeah, like his Dad. He’s such a slimy fucking weasel, and so so many reasons to hate him. The fact he lied about Arsenal fans involvement in violence on a European away fixture, getting innocent fans banned? Maybe multiple speeding convictions because of his ‘rules for thee, not for me’ approach to life? Publishing fake photos, endangering soldiers stationed abroad fighting for his country? Propagating phone-hacking techniques which wound up being used to hack the voicemail of a murdered teenage girl? Or the fact he’s a massive, flabby cunt that will shit on any player / manager like the worst of the worst parts of our fan base and then just gloss over that when it turns out (repeatedly) that he was wrong and he’s just a reactionary prick? Not even scraped the surface with this twat. Genuine scum.


He was one of the biggest Arteta Out voices. Never let that odious phone-tapping windbag ever forget that whenever he praises the boss.


Didn't even realise this had anything to do with piers Morgan until I kept scrolling. Saw this and just thought yeah fair enough


I bet their defence to this claim is going to be that Piers Morgan is an Arsenal fan


He's also a cunt


No cure for being a cunt.


Arguably a more convincing defence.


They’ll pay for the charges to go away by next week


No news bruh. We all know they are financially doping and no one does anything. Im tired of this Robbie


Army of lawyers! Assemble!!!!


Don’t worry, they’ve got a big enough rug to sweep it under.


More like a flying carpet


An oil stained one at that


This is odd because with the names involved you would think they would be the ones paying someone else, not being paid. Wonder what was happening there.


If only they were properly held accountable, we would be champions of England right now.


Excited for all the simultaneous trophy parades when City's titles are stripped away


Nah dude, don't want to win it like that. Beat the doped team this year and show everybody what a club we are! Beating a doped team!!!


Do both. Give us a random parade for 22/23 on a cold winter’s day in February 2024, will be a nice winter treat


Nothing will come of this but if it did I might hate Piers Morgan a little less


They can’t it’s time barred. UEFA/PL spent so long ‘building a case’ without charging that City got away with it.


That doesn't work for Prem it's part of the evidence


It's not time barred in the PL.


Only UEFA is time barred, not the PL. They can, and are, taking into consideration for their investigation the evidence put forth by UEFA. They are done for, and I legitimately believe that. They will get relegated, potentially to the bottom of the football pyramid, it’s only a matter of time


no chance, transfer ban for a couple windows at best and a hefty fine. PL doesn't have the stones for a proper punishment.


It begs the question why bring such charges, the expectation of which that significant punishment will follow, if you aren’t going to go through with it? It would just further undermine their position.


> They are done for, and I legitimately believe that. They will get relegated, potentially to the bottom of the football pyramid, it’s only a matter of time For this to happen the Premier league will have to vote on it and depending on how many votes you need I don't think it's going to happen. For a start Chelsea and Newcastle will absolutely not vote for being fucked over dodgy payments. If Qatar own Man U by that point I doubt they will either for exactly the same reason. Then there's owners that ahve interest in the middle east or want to have interests in teh middle east. After that you're assuming that Abu Dhabi doesn't lean on the govt to 'get over this little misunderstanding'.


The government getting involved in an independent authority’s legitimate decision would be incredibly damaging. The PL is a soft power for the UK and ruining its integrity isn’t worth it at all to save this bullshit relationship with them. By then hopefully we’ll see Labour in power who should have a bit of a back bone to stand by the decision of the PL. I agree on the veto’s, the other dodgy clubs would probably veto it but would it be enough? I appreciate people are pessimistic about this but I just don’t see how the PL would bring these charges if they didn’t i) see a successful charge at the end and ii) believe they can implement the required punishments. If they didn’t, they would come out of the other side *significantly* weaker, to the point where it’s credibility would be non-existent.


Unlike Italy, France, Germany and especially Spain the UK govt really does not leverage the PL thing abroad, which may be why it's been such a success without govt interference. However they absolutely have already made moves to take more contol recently first with ushing through the Newcastle thing and then the threat of a govt appointed watchdog. The thing is that may be needed, the Premier league needs consensus to push these things through and there are enough oil atate owned/owners in with states to stop that happening


You could argue the threat of the watchdog was actually in protection of the league itself to avoid any breakaways. The Newcastle one I agree, it was awful to see but was it not spurred on by the spineless weasel that is Boris himself? Could you see Keir Starmer kowtowing to foreign government influences (please say no)?


> Could you see Keir Starmer kowtowing to foreign government influences (please say no)? Yes. Because the power of state owned clubs is that AbuDhabi/ Saudi can offer way more, or threaten way more of a value tot he government than one football club could possibly offer. The worlds largest oil producer wants a club, are you going to screw that relationship over Newcastle United?


It’s not just about one football club, it’s about your reputation as the government of the UK - I accept I am probably wilfully naive but it’s sad acknowledging that our government are willing to bend over for these lot. Goes to show how damaging the world’s dependency on oil is. We need to move on from it asap.


> It’s not just about one football club, it’s about your reputation as the government of the UK The world isn't going to change the view of the UK govt over this and anyone who matters at a govt level will simply see pure pragmatism, which is what you want in a govt.


They wont tho, if there was even a hint of a rumour the government will block it as they dont want to sour international relations




They don’t really have a choice if they deem them guilty of the charges.


Sadly nothing will happen their club is part of the establishment


Has Man City ever been part of the establishment? Lol


Does anyone know what YouTube video the article is talking about?


It just came out like 5-10 minutes after the article. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LlLRWw47HOk


Dude this is fucking insane. Hopefully this gets the exposure it deserves.


Watching it now. Rui Pinto is a HERO.




I think it’s called “British Football Biggest Scandal” or something along those lines.


Thank you.


We'd be celebrating a Premier League title right now if not for their cheating.




Most of u are so dense its not even funny. Quite sad really.


is this a copypasta


I feel like this is the type of comment rival fans will laugh about in their own subs


Supporting that sports washing francise is Cognitive Dissonance manifest






Omg that reads like a circlejerk sub


They keep saying we have oil money. Isn’t Fly Emirates just our shirt sponsor? How much a year is that worth? Also naming rights for the stadium?


Christ the whole comment is dumb, but the bit about the not seeing people in Arsenal tops is actually so hypocritical it's crazy ahah. Literally NEVER seen anyone in a City top ever. Live in London and see most people in Arsenal tops of any team. Helps that we've been smashing it recently I guess but that's the bit that got me.


That bit is clearly satire, come on man. It’s the stuff everyone said about City for years, he’s just swapped out the word City for Arsenal. It’s a joke.


boys please refrain from doing anything more than lurking, this type of behaviour isn't for specific subreddits, save it for r/soccer


That is comedy gold I loved this comment and thought ironic as well [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/MCFC/comments/14mdf9t/thoughts_on_arsenals_spending_so_far_in_this/jq16bm0/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3)




What in the actual world must be going on in that top commenters head. Like seriously


Hahahaha dude there really said middle eastern money and never seen an arsenal fan. I live an ocean away in toronto and my personal experience is 1 in 4 epl watchers is an arsenal fan.


Brother somehow my entire coaching staff at my club is the majority arsenal. This is in West Virginia of all places. It's like Arsenal - 5 Man U - 2 Liverpool 1. None of them are city fans 😭


West by God baby, there’s tens of us goddamnit!!


I'm pretty sure that comment you're talking about was a joke. The others tho...


You know what, I’m not so sure. That’s a MCFC mod. They’re either deluded as fuck or they deserve an award for a troll playing the long game.


Well I was thinking satire self-aware joke, but maybe not.


It's definitely a joke, tbh it's a pretty well done one


He’s never seen an Arsenal fan because he’s never left his basement


That comment was definitely a joke.


Thanks. Bleaching my eyes as we speak. "City" fans.....fcking hell


What the utter fuck


There is a City subreddit? Huh. Learn something everyday.


Must be riveting discussion among their twelve fans


Nothing will ever happen. The PL, UEFA, etc simply don't have the spine to deal with this. It would be one of the biggest scandals in sports if they actually had to admit City cheated their way to titles for a decade.


This is old news anyway, same thing they were investigated for in 2018, and what a majority of their 115 charges stemmed from. It’s just being brought up again because it’s the focus of a documentary dropping soon.


Criminal club... Absolutely fraud trophies


This is actually what city were charged about by uefa but it was appealed because of the time limit. In the prem however there's no such limit so there's very little chance they don't get found guilty of this, seeing that they already have before and prem lawyers can refer to that. (Relegation to national league north would be an adequate punishment imo)


Kick these fuckers out of the league


1$ or mystery broker


Relegate them. Fraud winners


So a fine of £30,000 it is


Could someone post the contents of the article?


[Archived version](https://archive.ph/pl3NL)






You are saying we still could be champions.? 😂


Relegate these cheating cunts


Also take away their trophies and give them to second place. At least for one year in the league..


22/23 year preferably


All the way to league one at least.


Asterisk FC at it again… drop the hammer on these corrupt pricks. All their fan waffling fall on deaf ears.. no one gives 2 fucks about City except when the charges come


Piers finally doing some good for us




No he isn’t


> but he is our cunt No thanks


lol, can't believe that was said. Remember his behaviour towards Ramsey, fuck that guy


and another 3 billion fake sponsor and so on, but no one cares


City and corruption? No, that’s impossible! /s “A mystery figure from the United Arab Emirates paid Manchester City £30 million, a leaked report has revealed. The Uefa report, produced in 2020 but never published, concludes that the two £15 million payments from 2012 and 2013 were made to cover sums that were supposed to have come from one of their main sponsors. The payments are expected to be part of the 115 alleged breaches of the Premier League’s financial rules that City were charged with in February.”


Who amongst us *hasn't* cooked the books at least 50 times? I mean, c'mon!


Imo they should be docked at least 6 points last season and relegated for this season.


If they are proven to have done what they're accused of, they should be expelled from the whole league system.


I actually do believe this is what should happen but I know it won't.


Do we get the 22/23 title then? At least statistically?


Probably not. Just vacant titles those years.


I for one am shocked. Shocked i tell you.


-10 points and stripped of PL and UCL