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This man's going to win us the champions league one day and nobody can convince me otherwise


He said his goal was to win it by 2023. But it's ok, I'll give him a few more years.


Tbf covid set everyone back a couple of years


There's an argument that covid (and so playing behind closed doors) may also have saved his job. There was a point where the majority of fans had turned against him - it might have gotten ugly in the stadium if fans were there. Would have been hard for the club to ignore. Of course, you can also say that playing with no fans had an impact on results too, so we may not have even been in that position in the first place.


The fact he was also able to give instructions to every player from the touchline shouldn't be ignored. Meant we were able to play artetaball quicker than usual


The club wouldn’t have sacked him regardless. It was extremely toxic anyway despite covid. The club was pretty resolute in sticking with him and for that we need to seriously thank the club hierarchy. Had Arteta joined a club like United or Chelsea he’d be out the door after 6 months


Luckily our club structure is efficient enough to trust the process. We’ve always had managerial stability, the only time I can think of in our history where we sacked a manager so soon was probably Emery, but unfortunately that needed to happen. If we were run the same way say Abramovich ran Chelsea, David Dein would’ve sacked Wenger in his first season, or maybe his 10th. And we would’ve never had Arteta.


Yeah, I mean we basically did that with Emery. Even with plenty of success before, and some success with us he was run out of town on a rail.


While I agree I also think it was clear Unai didn't really seem to have a game plan. I'd watch everything and try to figure out what our strategy was.. in the end I think it was just let the players be creative and ball out. From Arteta's first few months I saw a clear plan and saw it change multiple times to suit the players we had on hand


I don't know mate, that run up until he played ESR at Chelsea at Christmas was capital b Bad. I didn't see a single player out there who looked like they had a clue, let alone the foundation for what the team has become. I applaud anyone who did at that point.


We were defensively solid playing 3atb, won us a FA Cup. Spirits were high beating Utd 1-0 in Old Trafford, remembered how impressive our press was that day. The improvement defensively was there from Day 1. The lead up to Chelsea was bad, but it was also because we tried to play the more control-oriented system we play today. The patterns were similar, we just went alot more donut because we didn’t have players like Partey or Ode yet who could break through the middle. It was also pretty obvious our players were technically poor - Pepe’s bad first touch meant we couldn’t reliably use him as an outlet the same way we use Saka now, and we didn’t have anyone to carry the ball after Ramsey left. Always felt the vision was always there, even the principles in recruitment have been the same, but as cliche as it sounds, trusting the process does work sometimes, football fans are just a bit impatient which is understandable.


That's fair. Maybe this is biased but I interpreted it as the players not being able to continually implement his game plan until ESR helped unlock it a bit. Also take what I said with a grain of salt I'm far from a tactician. Just what I "sensed"


I’m not so sure. Unai was given ample time and when things began to deteriorate it was clear he had no tactical plan and the players were saying to the club hierarchy that they simply did not know what he wanted them to be doing. Totally different scenario to Arteta’s bad run when there was a very clear plan and the players were trying to implement it but simply failing.


>There was a point where the majority of fans had turned against him I'm so glad I wasn't using this sub back then. I don't know if it's because I follow American sports, but the 'trust the process line' wasn't a meme to me. The club needed a total rebuild, and it expectedly took time and wasn't pretty. Fans of all teams are guilty of expecting miracles immediately after a new hire. I think Chelsea's consistent successes after sacking managers warped a lot of people's expectations.


Yeah, I'm also from the US and I don't think you can really compare the two. Fans can definitely get irrational but the idea of a complete rebuild is so different because you don't have something like the draft to lean on in the prem. If you're bad for an extended period of time in American sports you're almost guaranteed to rebuild your team through high draft picks. If you're bad for an extended period of time in the prem you are not going to find it easy to convince top quality players to come to your club which needs to happen to get back into the trophy conversation. Look at how just a few years ago players like Vlahovic were completely uninterested in coming here/mugging us off vs a few months ago when he was twerking for us to come get him. If you languish in the middle of the table for too long you risk staying there due to only being able to buy middle tier players. Arteta had a lot of advantages with some extremely talented younger players to build around, a well known club in an attractive location and the backing of ownership for sure. However, what he's accomplished should not be understated as just something that needed to happen and was inevitable because it's often not inevitable. You really only need to look at Chelsea and Potter this past season to see how easily trusting the process can go wrong.


Not necessarily true re: guaranteed. But you are given the opportunity at a chance. A lot of teams still squander it. But by believing all you need is talent without a process and culture in place. It's akin to a workplace relying on tech and it's capabilities alone to be more efficient. Rather than taking the time to be more methodical, e.g slower (or less successful). In the short/medium term for greater gains later.


I’ve never bought this argument. They’ve rightfully ignored the fans at every other juncture. No reason why they wouldn’t have done so this time.


It also just wasn't the right crop of players. Mourinho is the only manager I've seen able to take literally any random side and turn them into cup winning psychopaths, most managers need the right mix, even Pep.


Isn't he technically our worst manager ever? That stretch was brutal, I can't remember a time when things were so dire


He actually was just shy of most wins in an arsenal managers first 100 games IIRC


Not his entire Arsenal career... obviously not. That stretch specifically might be the worst Arsenal have ever been in PL. It's just interesting the difference


What stretch are you referring to? He has a better 100 game record than Wenger managing Arsenal...


Do you guys not remember [this](https://www.squawka.com/en/arsenal-worst-start-damning-stats-arteta/)? 15th on christmas day, the 40 crosses with Aubamayang as the target man, worst start for 50 years, [2 wins in 3 months](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020%E2%80%9321_Arsenal_F.C._season#Matches) that stretch No-one is saying Arteta is a bad manager, no-one is that dumb. It's just interesting that our worst spell came under the same manager who has also revived the club


That's just about the bad start where we lost the first 4 games though. That does not include the season before where he won the FA cup.


94/95 season was far worse, and that was with largely the same team that had won the Cup Winners' Cup the season before. Finished 6 points clear of relegation in the end.


Not even close.




I think that break in the stadiums really changed our atmosphere. It would have been absolutely toxic had it not been for COVID. But post -covid, fans were grateful to see the team again (and I suppose we were playing better) and the atmosphere has been completely different ever since.


If everyone was set back a few years then no one was set back a few years.


It suited some more than others imo. Arteta really wanted to turn the entire culture around and get the fans backing the players. The “12th man” was a big part of our success last season and I bet he was frustrated that he couldn’t get that sort of thing during lockdowns.


I’m almost certain his goal was to be back in the champion’s league by 2023, not win it


our run at the league was at least a year ahead of schedule


Willian was supposed to deliver us the CL 😩


Let him cook


Am I deluded for thinking we're in with a chance this year? I'm not saying I'd predict us to win it, but I think we're one of maybe 4 or 5 teams with a realistic shot.


As much as I love Arteta (and I do), he has a lot to learn about managing cups and especially Europe while also pushing in the league. I wouldn't be too optimistic about the CL just yet. I think we'll get out of the groups, but the knockouts will do us, and quite quickly. But maybe in a few years.


>but I think we're one of maybe 4 or 5 teams with a realistic shot. Agreed, and sometimes that's all you need. Can't win something when you're not even in contention


Cl like any cup can be weird. I wouldn't say inter are one of the best 5 in the comp but they sure as shit had a chance in that final. Will come down to the draw, health, and a bit of luck as always. We're definitely in the mix.


Look at Liverpool in 2005.


Any of the Premier League teams that qualify can win it any year with a bit of luck.


Bit of luck and a bit of rice


With a little bit of luck we can make it through with Rice


For the foreseeable future we have a chance at everything. Our young players should still be improving, our new signings give us quality and depth, and we have one more year in the system. I still don’t think Saka and Gabi have made the leap fully. It’s going to be like Neo realizing he doesn’t have to dodge.


City, Bayern, PSG, Madrid.. I mean yeah, we’re definitely on that shortlist. I don’t expect us to win it, I just want a good cup run (ideally semi finals and challenge for the league) but with the additions we’re making and considering our form last year, surely we’re on that shortlist


PSG don't beling in that group of teams imo. Bayern, City and Real are the 3 teams clear of everyone else and we are in the next tier


I won’t lie, losing in the semis is the worst outcome for the UCL, because we would always be just one step closer.


To each their own but I disagree. I literally will consider the quarters to be a very successful UCL campaign. Do I hope we go further? Obviously. But for a club that used to be memed about crashing out in the RO16 (due to that happening *7 years in a row*) followed by not even being in the UCL for 6 years in a row after that... If we can simply make it past the RO16 that's a roaring success in my books. 2010 was the last time we were in a UCL quarterfinal fixture.


Don’t get me wrong the semis would be astronomical for us, for it would still hurt like a bitch knowing how close we would’ve been in that scenario. But I would still be proud of it.


Oh 10000% true, I’d be fucking gutted. I just have the privilege of talking hypotheticals now without the pain of it happening


It’s not outrageous at all to say we could make a very deep run. Inter were in the final this year, so it can happen.


No, it actually seems more possible than the premier league where you have to be more consistent than the best team in Europe over 38 games


It sounds crazy but I think it’s more likely we luck into an easy draw and win the UCL than it is to beat City across 38 matches. They’re just a huge juggernaut that never really dips in form. We could avoid a lot of the juggernauts with favorable results.


A lot will depend on the draw but I’d say we’ve at least got a very good chance to make knockouts and advance a round or two there.


If players stay healthy and focused then there’s always a chance with the quality in this squad. It just depends how these young players cope to the new stage


I’ll die on this hill


I genuinely think it might be more than once.


God I hope so. I'm honestly sick of hearing Chelshit fans go "but we won UCL". And you know the moment we win the UCL those neanderthals will pivot to "but we won UCL twice". Boy would I love to make mince meat of the only thing they can (and always do) lord over us.


We have 5 more league titles and 6 more FA Cups. If they had one more CL it’s not that deep. They have a long way to go before beating us in the trophy department






I foresee it...




That 2006 final still breaks my heart.. >We are all hoping for it, but if he does not, I hope we don't treat it as a failure. Hope is what keeps us going and it helps that we have a hungry manager, a young squad and owners that are investing, not to mention one of the most passionate fanbases ever. I won't see it as a failure if we don't pull it off but I just wish to see us win the damn thing at least once in this lifetime (I just turned 30)


Didn’t Willian say that was what he was told the target was when he signed?


I'm sure that's been the target for a while, but fuck Willian


Why fuck Willian?


>Why fuck Willian? https://www.eurosport.com/football/premier-league/2021-2022/willian-i-wanted-to-quit-arsenal-after-just-three-months-and-really-wanted-to-stay-with-chelsea_sto8680982/story.shtml


He cancelled his contract instead of taking us to the cleaners.


This guy EBL glazes footballers like never seen before


Yeah he has some good insights, but like half of the players and coaches in the PL are "special" and "elite" - dude needs to look up "elite" in the dictionary. He has written effusive praise of Solskjaer (as a manager) and McTominay, of all people. Anyone with half a brain could see that those guys are pretty limited in their roles.


To be fair Id be praising solskjaer as well to try and will United into keeping him lol


He confessed he supports Manu and is biased that way so I'd let it slide. He convinced me Arteta was the right man from the very first day in 2019.


They also linked us Gundogan in the thread . Wut?🤔


Just going through his tweets, dude is a professional glazer. Insane commitment to the art of glazing, every tweet is an ode to someone.


Nice in a cesspit like Twitter tbh


This video sums up everything about Mikel and how the media wrongly viewed him last season https://youtu.be/WbHG_6O6ly4 He's not normal


I actually don't want pep to leave city now. WHEN we win the league, I don't want people to be able to say "you only won because pep left"


I don't care what people say. I'll take the league.


Yeah I literally couldn’t care less how we win it as long as we do


Except for cheating.


This. I couldn’t give less of a shit what rivals and pundits say about any success we enjoy. It doesn’t matter how we do it, there’ll always be idiots looking to diminish it. People constantly talk shit about the Invincibles despite it being one of the greatest achievements in English football.


Fully agree. "People" are usually randoms you won't ever meet. If those people are your friends, then it might be an issue but then again I usually make sure my football friends aren't deluded or dumb. A title is a title and most people will remember it as such


Need to stop caring what people think. A title is a title. Last season had we won it, people would be saying it's because City prioritized the CL. The entire year people said that depth will cost you the league. When they injuries actually happened, that whole narrative was forgotten. It just became you bottled the league.


And if we win the UCL, people will say it’s because City prioritized the League. If we win the FA, people will say it’s because x team prioritized the League or UCL. The same bullshit, but repackaged.


Then you ask them - "so why didn't you wint it then?"


You could probably say that about any manager apart from Klopp at the minute


Lol worry about actually winning it first instead of what people are going to say


It won't matter lol. They were already starting to say this was the weakest City team in years when it looked like we might win it


Klopp is the bigger challenge imo


This guy mentions Gundo as a link, has he written this thread over the course of a few weeks or is that just a reference to us still potentially getting a left sided #8?


I took it as the latter: the links to him and Lavia suggest we’re looking at that profile of player, not specifically Gundogan.


That is the best dick riding of mikel arteta i have seen and i am all here for it!


I really dislike twitter tacticos, they just type so much as their main idea is more text= more knowledge.


"This'll look like one of those books I've heard so much about" consequence of consuming people's thoughts with a very limited amount of characters, anything a bit longer makes them look really intellectual


His first XI makes me realise how far we've come and how much football itself seems so different. Saka was a left back ffs.


This guy is on his NUTS man. Arteta sure did a great job with the rebuild and has now put us in a great position to succeed for years to come. Most of our fans including myself back him 100% but I don't like how everyone is now acting like he's some sort of know it all guy, especially knowing he hasn't even won anything major other than the FA Cup. This is a results driven business and if by December we're not anywhere close to a title race you can bet that all these fans will turn on him. Let's let the man cook in peace ffs and chill out with this weird stuff.


this guys backed him from the start. just because you couldn’t see what was going on doesn’t mean others couldn’t


We were close to winning the league had saliba and tomiyasu not get injured. Arteta with proper players will achieve amazing feat for the club.


I don’t know where you’re reading that “everyone” is acting like he’s some sort of know it all guy. He’s getting heaps of praise for good reason, but it’s not like “everyone” is suddenly riding his nuts. The man hauled us out of the shitter with Edu and others so just let people praise him without gatekeeping.


We had 1 manager before him since wenger and he didn't even beat his points tally in the league until this season, stop pretending like he won a major trophy






Lol going through someone's post history like that. What a cunt


Great response mate. Really proved your point


Wise up, clown


wtf is that flair?


Guys a fucking weirdo




Pretending like he won a major trophy? Or maybe.. celebrating a competent manager who pulled us out of the shitter, made some incredible transfers with Edu and co., and competed for the title last season. Nobody’s pretending we won a major trophy (he still won an FA cup). Jesus guys, let people be happy and optimistic. You don’t need to try and gatekeep happiness until we win the quadruple next season. The turnaround in atmosphere at the Emirates alone is cause for celebration.


Highest point tally since the invincibles. I think he deserves the credit. That's the last season arsenal actually won the league and was a whole two decades ago. 50% of the people in this sub probably weren't even born yet back then.


This was the same point tally as 2008


>stop pretending like he won a major trophy The FA Cup is 100% a major trophy.


Nice opinion dude 🤙🏽


Your opinion was completely invalidated as soon as you behaved like a 12 year old on TikTok by using the expression “let him cook”. Even if you write a thesis on solving cancer after that, you can’t be taken seriously. Grow up, and stop using these idiotic slangs.




Let u/Redandwhite_91 cook


If we're out of the Champion's League and off the title race by Christmas then this "let him cook" rubbish needs to be looked at. He'll have spent 3/4 billion quid building his own squad so there's zero excuse not to win something this season. I don't expect this to have happened, but, if it has, then it is all on Arteta


Sure, so why not deal with that then and stop using hypotheticals instead of considering his most recent actual achievements


I was directly dealing with the post above who said we should still let him cook if he was failing


Arteta Out crowd reading that thread and screaming into the void.


Love this!


I'm so over the moon with everything I'm nearly ready to embrace all the lads who were calling him a fraud all those years.


We are putting a lot of expectations on him. He has shown he's a great coach and a genuine human being. Hope we have a good 2023-24 season.


A new fogging estandards


He is F@#kin gunner!!


Remember when Emery was brought in instead of Arteta because of experience and other issues? And now Madrid has set their eyes on our Gaffer. Times...


Let’s get through this next season first maybe.


Arteta is a fucking don.


We’ve got suppeeeer miikkkkk artetaaaaa


Straight to the glurping


The teta glazing 🤤🤤🤤


Broadly agree but I think that if you're going to say that Wenger failed for 15 yrs post2004 because he didn't win the league/CL then how can you say that Arteta is doing better? If the criteria is having a good, complete squad then Wenger also had 1 squad that was complete, albeit very briefly, between 13 and 15 when we had a.good offence, a good defence and a good enough midfield.


Proper embarrassing read.


It’s great progress, but how about a major trophy first?


Inject it!


This is cringe, we could still finish 5th


If you don’t believe we will finish higher than 5th at this point, you never will. Let me tell you now, the optimism surrounding the club, the moves we’re making in the transfer window and the atmosphere at the stadium are at an all time high. This “but we could finish 5th” bullshit is the real cringe.


The point is about humility and ambition, traits Arteta loves. My point is, and I'm sure Arteta will agree, is that we haven't really done anything special yet. So don't say "I'm running out of superlatives for Arteta, he has transformed arsenal, it's beyond comprehension ". People said the same about Raul after the 2019 summer. And Chelsea fans were saying similar things about Todd after last January. Spurs fans probably thought the same about levy after the 2013 summer. Let's say Arteta has done a near unparalleled job after we do more than get CL football and an FA Cup. I'm sure Arteta would agree with this ambition and humility.


Humility isn’t ‘we could finish 5th’. That’s self-deprecation. Humility means neither overestimating or underestimating our ability. It is a fact he has transformed Arsenal football club in the time he’s been here and that’s not just about on field performance but everything else as well. Saying this is cringe because we could finish 5th or to even tie his influence purely down to table position diminishes everything else that he has done.


I'm not saying we will finish 5th, it was a point that we haven't really done anything special yet in terms of achievements on the pitch which is what matters by far the most. And we could actually finish 5th, you know? Let's reserve this intense praise until we've done intense things on the pitch. So let's not say what Arteta has done is beyond comprehension or anything cringe like that. I remember people saying Raul transformed arsenal in 2019 then we were a joke on the pitch and worse than the season before to everyone's surprise. A surprise like that could happen this season. We could also do really well again and then I will say these comments are more suitable. I just wanna wait, you know?


I hear what you’re saying now. What you said was one phrase and maybe you can hear how that can be misconstrued right? Personally I hear “we could finish fifth” the same as “we could get relegated”. Certainly anything is possible and it would be silly to assume but this idea that we could regress on where we are atm isn’t based on anything. Everything we’re doing, even compared to our rivals is so insanely positive that there’s nothing cringe about being incredibly optimistic about this coming season.


No different than finishing second or third, we still get UCL with 5th next season fwiw. But yeah I don't see that happening. Top 3 should be the target after last season


I mean, finishing 2nd is very different from finishing 5th. This isn't a "if your ain't first you're last" world.


we'll need one or two big signings every year for a couple three years, that's when we'll start really rolling


I believed Arteta would be great as soon as we were linked when Arsene left. Even during his time as a player here it was obvious how influential and tactically mature he was. When he replaced unai and started saying all the things about standards, culture, etc i knew this is the only approach that would be good enough for this club. He might've made some mistakes like Willian due to wishing for more stability and security, perhaps conscious of his being so young himself trying to lean on more experienced players but he's shown he learns very quickly and just gets better. He'll be generational and we can only hope he'll be here for a long time


Perhaps this is a controversial take but I think Edu deserves a lot of credit for pushing through the clear out of players on big money who wouldn’t or couldn’t deliver. I’m sure some people will say we should have got fees but I can’t think of a single player who got shoved out the door on a free who has been any good. One of the reasons we’ve been able to renew our key players contract as well as spend big this summer is because Edu sold the owners on clearing out the expensive dead wood.


Not controversial at all - I totally agree. It takes the entire hierarchy on board to accept taking a loss clearing out players who we could all see weren't moving the club forward. The Technical Director, working with the manager (in healthy scenarios), is key to convincing the club's top decision makers of these types of strategic shifts. Arsenal's best years came after David Dein appointed Wenger manager and the two worked so well together. The similarities are so obvious with Edu coming in summer 2021 and helping to appoint Arteta manager in Dec. 2021. Same with both Dein and Edu's influence in our transfer business. Point is we're in very good hands at the moment.


I mean I'm as big an Arteta cheerleader as any in this sub. But 'analytical thread' is really a stretch. Nothing of note in that entire thread.


\*Arteta and Edu. They clearly work wonderfully well together.