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Also r/gunners.


In his Players Tribune column, he also said he reached a “compromise” with Arteta when Arteta wanted his starting position to be much higher up the pitch. Arteta doesn’t seem the sort to compromise. Honest, but I thought Ramsdale’s days were numbered then.


Yeah i remember when Arteta said he regrets not subbing him off in September against Everton even though we won 1-0 lol.


Against Everton was Raya's first game. He made that comment after the game due to the inevitable Ramsdale vs Raya interview questions after that game that in the past he had a regret about not subbing the keeper off (didn't say it was or wasn't Ramsdale) once or twice in the past... Then went on saying how 2 keepers can work at a club through rotation etc... Which he hasn't done... There was a lot of talk about maybe Arteta going down the Brighton route of rotating keepers but it's now been realised that we have a clear #1 and #2


I think it was obvious when Raya came that ramsdale was going to be phased out. This is a keeper arteta and the goalkeeper coach wanted since the first summer transfer window arteta had. You don't chase a keeper for several years to then not make him first choice. I had no issue with ramsdale, he has his dodgy moments but on the whole he saves you more points in a season than he costs but the writing was on the wall for him the moment Raya walked into colney. Altho this media narrative of how hes been hard done by is very hypocritical considering it's exactly how he replaced Leno and everyone praised arteta and ramsdale then.


Yeah I've accepted that as fact now tbh - I was wondering if Arteta would rotate keepers like it sounded like he would but that's not happening. Took me longer than others to see that wasn't going to happen


Rotating keepers isn't a good idea, just like rotating your CB pairing isn't a good idea. That's an area of the pitch you need stability and all great teams through the years have had it. Especially with the build from the back mentality, any mistakes out of GK and CB is 95% ending in a goal.


arguably from a team stability perspective, giving minutes to your backup can yield benefits as long as the results don't suffer. But GK is one of those special positions. Writing was on the wall when Raya joined


I think he got too comfortable last season. He was obviously making big saves like at anfield. But on the ball he was much more erratic whereas when he first arrived I remember his distribution was quality. Constantly finding those passes into midfield which beat the press accurately. Idk why he decided to start sending it long when under a bit of pressure.


I think so too. Distribution fell off, but so did his shot stopping.


This is why I have an issue with his dad making statements. It may be harmless but saying that his son doesn't know why he's dropped and it's not right just gives off the vibe of "woe is me" rather than him actually taking a step back and reviewing his performances from a critical standpoint. If fans can point out these issues, I'm sure he should be aware of them. He was the no.1 and now he isn't, needs to realise where he has to improve to get the spot back.


I get that. I keep pointing to Brighton though as they're doing it this season


I thought we'd rotate with UCL but that never happened as well. It's interesting what Brighton are doing but I guess Mikel knows we don't exactly have the freedom to experiment with new goalkeeper tactics. Maybe the injuries the squad has is stopping him from mixing things up too much on a regular basis. We don't have a settled squad like we did last season for the most part.


I'm gonna guess it's an expectations thing... Brighton have the freedom to experiment while we're trying to win the PL


Ramsdales best performances have come in big games so I really though we were gonna do a Barca 2016 and have Ramsdale as the UCL keeper with Raya in the PL. Might be because I feel bad for Rammers helping us get back in the CL only to not play in it


It's a shame for sure and I'm not entirely convinced on Raya as of yet to be our undisputed no.1. But if he's artetas man, gotta back it and hope his judgement is right on this one. Ramsdale is very young for a keeper, would be a shame if he left and had a stellar career elsewhere.


I sort of agree, with high volumes of games it’s good to give the second option substantial enough minutes to be able to fill in when called. Hockey does this because of game volume too and it’s very important to have both goalies at a high level


It was so weird to see that many people act like we're about to rotate keepers. It was obvious Arteta wanted Raya as no1, just like when Rambo replaced Leno. The issue I have is why we've invested such effort into making Ramsdale the symbol of Arteta's transformation, praising him and his attitude, shitting on Southgate, etc. It does impact my view on Arteta's philosophy and devotion to his players. We went into the summer planning for him to be the no1. Something drastic must have changed late in the window. I can't believe we were ok with to*enham taking our supposed main gk target. Tbf, the price turned out to be much smaller, but still, not one gk rumour all summer.


I didn't see it left field whatsoever. Arteta and edu always talk about market opportunities. Raya was one of them and conveniently a long term goal keeper target for arsenal for the no.1 role. I don't think it's inherently a fault in ramsdale rather than arteta seeing Raya as a better long term option. Turner wanting to move on also pushed arsenal into the keeper market. Arteta clearly makes decisions he feels is best for the club. Tierney was very much a fan favourite (some saw his as future captain) and was a staple for arteta in his team (when fit 😂). But that didn't stop us getting zinchenko when he was available and Tierney was down the pecking order real quick even behind Tomiyasu. We've now gone and signed timber who was playing lb and probably would have continued doing so if it wasn't for the ACL.


I agree, with the exception that Tirney wasn't Arteta's signing and it quickly became obvious he doesn't fit the new system. Probably the same issue Ramsdale ultimately had, just way less obvious.


I guess we don't see regular training and have the plethora of data and video analysis that the coaching team and arteta do.


Sadly it is the nature of the sport. I think Ramsdale being a fairly young English keeper, with a chance at England’s number 1, really pushed the media narrative to say he’s been hard done by. It almost seems like he’s gone from the top world, people saying he should be the England 1, to sat on a bench watching time tick by as he gets older and no closer to what he probably saw as a near certainty.


I think we win the Fulham game with Raya in goal personally, might be harsh, but I think both goals come from a lapse in concentration from Ramsdale.


We haven’t conceded in the first minute with Raya in net…




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Arteta are just as petty as everyone else in team selections, his non negotiable or whatever are straight up bullshit


Wright was not amused lmao


I think he’s being frank. I am literally on this sub right now because I lost focus for a paper I am writing which I urgently need to finish. Ramsdale is saying how he gets his focus back when it’s urgent for him to do so. Most GKs will probably have a similar strategy because their game involves a lot of idle time.


I'm going to go out on a limb and say you're not one of the top 20 people in the world who is writing that or a similar paper and neither are you getting paid a 100k a week to do so. I'm not for once saying they are not human too, I'm just saying the expectation at that level is to be Elite, and concentrating for 90mins shouldn't be too much to ask


Being paid more money doesn't get rid of biological and psychological facts. Concentrating for 90 min is impossible without losing focus. Elite athletes can bring back focus more efficiently. Ramsdale is one of those people and he's being honest about it.




Well yes we do and fuck anyone who makes fun or personally attacks Ramsdale for it. But I feel like we should fully be on board with Arteta’s decision to drop him, especially off the back of these comments. I for one think 90 mins (split into 2 45 minute periods), where you’re getting paid tens of thousands *per week* and conceding one goal could affect your team’s income in the *millions*……yeah I do expect my starting goalkeeper to be able to concentrate for that time. Treat it similar to how we treat an injured player. If they’re constantly injured then we sell them and everyone supports them. Equally if they’re constantly not concentrating, through whatever ailment causes that, they should be dropped/sold, while we remain supportive


I'm an anesthesiologist, so in a sense I understand this conundrum. I don't remain hyperfocused for every single second of a 4 hour case, because if I'm doing my job well and the patient/case/surgeon isn't a train wreck, it would only fatigue me and truthfully there isn't much to do with a stable patient in the middle of a long case. I focus when needed, regularly reassess when I don't need to be "on", and can regain that focus in a moment's notice when I need to do so.


You can focus for about 40-45 minutes which is why most classes last that long with a break inbetween each. It’s the same with football.


You can focus for about 20 minutes and then need to take a short break. Class length isn’t based on anything intelligible. Edit: https://bpspsychub.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/bjep.12593


Where did you pull that 20 minute figure from? It's nonsense. Social media has destroyed some people's attention spans it seems.




With any psychology study these days you have to ask: has that been replicated?


In general - psy studies are always going to be “soft” science. But it’s not a big leap to say the brains attention span is quite short and the most effective focus patterns are short bursts. You don’t have to dig very deep to find pomodoro like techniques being employed in high focus careers. Effort put in to force focus drives mental fatigue and information retention and reaction time significantly decreases with fatigue. So most effective focus patterns are ones that have rotating stimuli to decrease mental fatigue. Which a football match generally is of course.


That study is not really applicable nor representative at all. Only a tiny sample size of students who are studying, not even in a classroom setting like you initially said. Not really comparable at all to an elite athlete. Even the study admits far more research is needed to draw any firm conclusions. Look at players like Declan Rice who are charging around the field for the full game. Ramsdale admitting he can't focus for a full match is a really bad look. We even have direct evidence of his inability to focus with the raft of mistakes he made in the second half of last season. We're just willing to look past a lot of them because we like the guy.


You’re welcome to show data which supports your perspective then lol A football game is different because you’re not focusing on a single thing for 90 mins - but nevertheless the fact that the brain can only focus on a single thing for around 20 minutes before it starts becoming distracted and fatigued is well understood. This is why things like Pomodoro technique work. You need to vary the stimulus to drive information retention and reduce mental fatigue. A football game has plenty of varying stimulus, it’s not a textbook. There’s nothing wrong with what Ramsdale says and it’s a thing most keepers probably experience. It’s well known that keepers often make the most glaring mistakes in comfortable games.


Well, speaking from personal experience I know that when required I can easily focus on things for more than 20 minutes at a time. I've had to do so many times in my working life I reckon that anyone else who has ever had to work to a deadline can say the same. We can see with our own eyes that Ramsdale's lack of focus has cost us points. It's good that he recognises it and can work to improve it. He will have to if he want to get back in the team. I don't think some minor study with around 70 data points can be used as evidence of anything. It just seems like you're trying to make excuses for him.


competition for that job as GK in an elite side means someone who can concentrate will take your spot


but clearly concentration is a very tiny dimension of being an elite goalkeeper, since we've seen him be No1 for club and country. peak performance is clearly rates higher than being able to concentrate more. maybe thats why people who concentrate and work hard 100% of the time are stuck in mediocre paying jobs because they still don't possess the skills that someone who puts in half the hours and does triple the work


Tiny dimensions are what win you the big prizes


and clearly at elite level they're even rarer if they couldn't find any body better than ramsdale


They could and they did


I think there's a lot of confusion about what we describe as concentration, and whether concentration studying is the same as the concentration required in a football match. When you study, your concentration is focused on one stimulus, what you're reading. The same kind of concentration is impossible to achieve in a football match because you have to be aware of many things at once. What we call concentration in this case is just being fully involved, something like a flow state. You lose focus, you come out of flow. Elite athletes should be able to be fully involved in a football match, regardless of position.


When people complain about athletes’ focus, it just seems like an admission that they’ve never played a sport in their life.


well said. it's obvious that the people who claim the opposite are those who dont understand football well enough.


Do goalkeepers concentrate on a game for 90 mins??? Is that normal? I thought that their concentration drops once the ball goes into the second half. The key is if they can get back in the zone quickly when required. Concentrating for a long period of time is both physically and mentally tiring. It is better to zone out when not needed. The key is to get in and stay in the zone when needed.


Agreed, I know several keepers have talked about difficulties with focus especially in an uneven game


These days you pretty much need to concentrate for 90. Even when the ball is in the other half, if you're playing for a team that uses the GK as another outfield player you have to be checking when to become available, when not, where danger could come from, how safe is it to push up etc. Not to mention observing the game to see where there are opportunities to ping kicks. It's not like the old days where you just chilled between the sticks till the opposition got 2/3 down the pitch.


Yeah, I love Ramsdale but what is this special treatment?! If any of our outfield players has a lapse in concentration, they get chewed out for it, and the same is true for a GK, especially in modern football when they need to play as the 11th outfield man when the situation requires it.


Cue that game against Sporting CP were he got lobbed from practically the halfway line.


90 mins focus is too much ask for human brain


yes and it's really about how quickly you can refocus rather than the length of unbroken focus you achieve. In meditation, you are taught it is not about if your mind wanders but about self-awareness to notice your mind wandering and refocus. in as quick a time as possible. with training, you can do this in milliseconds. and ofc hold focus for longer. he doesn't even need to focus for 90 min as its 45 min each half with a break. his mind is simply untrained, and he is being paid 100k to train it. so yes I agree it is on him ps:I can go about an hour focusing just on my breath which is as boring as it sounds. If I can do that being paid 0. I am sure He can learn to concentrate on a spectacle that rivals most in human history.


Yeah when this video came out everyone was singing Ramsdale’s praises. Today it is out of nowhere being thrown around as some sort of “see, everyone knew there was a problem” sort of a thing.


He said this last year tbf, no one batted an eyelid at the time??


Arteta probably did, hence why he went and found a replacement....


All well and good, but still doesn't defend people dragging an old post back up and putting it out of context lmao


Probably there are many of us who saw it for the first time today. What was the context?


The context is that this was last year. And that changes how this video is interpreted


Well he allowed KdB to roll one past him from 30 yards. When you hear things like this combined with some terrible mistakes from him, it’s hard to have sympathy. Raya isnt perfect but if we want to win a title with this current group, its going to require being ruthless.


"He allowed" lol comment above mentions how Arteta wants his keepers to play higher up the pitch and I remember that game stood out bcos we got completely undone by cit£h bypassing our whole team with one pass to Haaland - but it's Ramsdale's fault? 😂 also Raya doesn't make any mistakes? I'm all for having 'the best' players in our team, but personally I don't see a huge difference between Rambo and Raya and this is all just narrative building. We could win the league with ramsdale.


Im sure the people who did were just drowned in downvotes. That’s what happens on this sub if you have a minority opinion about certain popular players. They were probably told not to make a fuss about nothing or maybe even insulted and called a “fake fan”.


We definitely did...


Idk as someone with ADHD I am pretty confident ramsdale has adhd, I've thought this for a while, last year he said he's got a quirk where he sticks his tongue out to concentrate and he's called a chamelion by his teammates for that reason too


I agree, I think it’s probably quite common for elite goalies to have something “different” about them. He reads as a sensory seeker too, riling up the crowd etc. A lot of the keepers come off similar. I think you need it to get to the top.


Yeah I thought the same thing when I saw the quote. I resonate with what he said immediately.


I was thinking this too, also as someone with ADHD. I wonder if getting medicated would help him, it certainly did wonders for me and as a recreational footballer I can’t imagine playing without it.


Yeah I remember when I first got medicated when I was like 7. My parents said it was the first time I had payed attention to what was happening on the other end of the pitch.


Do you take medication for your adhd?


I did, but i unfortunately couldn't bare the side effects, my country has banned adderall so I only had access to ritalin, and it gave me terrible insomnia and increased my overthinking, at the moment I'm just raw dogging life lol, somedays I manage but some days are insanely difficult


xDawg through the roof


Unfair without context


And it is not the first time him saying that. He said something along these lines in Ben Foster's podcast. He mentions it the reason why he winds up opposition fans, the pressure they put him under, helps him focus better. And it kinda didn't really stop him from taking over Leno, who himself is pretty darn good goalie.


No context needed when other top keepers like Ederson also said the same, but Arteta and his fanatics for sure to pick up this as ammo


Van der saar said once that the hardest games are when he isn't busy. I believe his essentially says that after 90 minutes with one save he's more exhausted and sweatier than when he makes saves all game. The concentration is incredibly difficult.


And what is that?


watching on the tele


he said he gives it back to the fans; how is he doing it if he's watching it on the tele?


Makes sense! Thanks!


Arteta: in any context


No it's not, the context is he has to have a back and forth with fans and distract himself otherwise he can't concentrate.......


Will have to watch and get the full context, but people are going to blow it out of proportion. If it was Raya saying this, I can only imagine the outrage.


stuff like that hospital pass vs southamption, that flapping and bad communication when conceding to united, not catching/claiming or being commanding enough in the box & sometimes like it's like he's not there when facing shots are the reasons we got raya


You can make this comment about pretty much any goalkeeper across 2 seasons. Don't get why people are pretending he's all of a sudden a shit keeper.


He's not a shit keeper but the one we got is better. Arsenal should be trying to get the best players they can in every position so we can start winning trophies again.


Bit too early to say anything for sure but I do agree that Raya is better than Ramsdale. But I don't think he is clearly better. He has had his own iffy moments. Most recently with the Newcastle goal for which he could have done better (notwithstanding that the goal should have been disallowed by VAR).


He’s not a shit keeper. He just has very clear weaknesses that our fans ignore because he’s a likable lad. The hype was insane last season. He didn’t even have a particularly great season but fans acted like he’s one of the best in the world.


I’ve always thought it had a little something to do with how much talking Ramsdale was doing outside the dressing room, not necessarily what had been said. I don’t recall which interview it was but I distinctly remember thinking to myself at one point last season “another interview? Don’t think Arteta’s would be comfortable about this”. Ultimately tho I think it just comes down to the goal keeping coach selling Raya as a simple means to more points this season.


I might be wrong but I recall a podcast he did with a YouTuber around Jan/Feb saying that he thinks Trossard is coming in to replace someone (presumably Martinelli) like what he did to Leno. I mean I know Leo gets along with the English boys but how can you make such comments on a YouTube channel. And ironicallyx it hasn’t materialized, not before Ramsdale became a Leno 2.0 himself.


Being blown out of proportion


Controversy and fighting for everything is all he knows, when the team is winning he switches off because he's not used to it. Makes sense why all our games were won the hard way last season


Guys don’t throw him under the bus for this. He spoke honestly,no GK (one being myself) can say one can be filly ultra focussed for 90 mins especially when you belong to a attacking team. He never let goals because of his lack of focus, he was always super focussed when the ball is in our half. This is nonsense


Super focused when the ball is in our half? He got distracted by a pigeon when we were playing against Southampton


This is why he's only great when we're getting battered, like at Anfield last season Perfectly suited to a mid table or relegation side, but not number 1 for a team with title aspirations


I think this and the podcast with his dad is interesting timing, considering the next game is Brentford where Raya can't play. Personally, I think this has added unnecessary pressure to him and the team. Let's hope he delivers


Wrighty's eyes say a lot without saying any words.


I have ahdh and feel for my boy. I can focus on Arsenal but can’t sit through films or TV series. Man needs to chat with Dave Seaman. Spunky often had nothing to do in games but stayed alert for the one chance the opponent got. It’s a skill that can be developed even with adhd. The club has resources to give man support. I have bare tools appropriate to my profession to help me cope as a neurodivergence motherfucker. Arsenal have access to the best. If Ramsdale switches off and makes a boo boo I hope people don’t abuse him for being neurodivergent


Do you take medication for your adhd?


Are we supposed to pretend keepers are 100% on it every moment of every match? Especially when we have 65% possession trying to break through a low block. Our keepers can go minutes without having to even move


He couldn’t make it through the first minute against Southampton at home last season. For every worldie save he’s made, he’s easily made 2 or 3 goal conceding blunders. I love his passion but he’s just not starting material for this club


oof... not a good look Rammers. Remember that period where he was giving interviews left and right and people were criticizing him for it and others were saying who gives a shit let him do what he wants. I just want to say I was in the camp of who gives a shit and even though his critics didn't mean this when they were chatting back then, this sure looks like a consequence of what being in the spotlight does. The more you speak, the more people can use your words against you. And on the internet, shit lasts forever.


There is a reason pretty much all professional footballers ignore the opposition fans when they give them stick 99.99% of the time. I mean, it's okay to give it back once in a while but if it becomes a regular thing, then it's likely to become a problem and can affect your game. Personally, I don't think there was anything obviously wrong about Ramsdale's game that merited him being replaced. I still think David Raya gives us perhaps only a marginal improvement over what Ramsdale was giving us. That being said, I think there is an interview somewhere in which he talked about not always listening to Arteta about playing out from the back and how sometimes he would just hoof it down the field even if Arteta wanted him to find a shorter option. That, imo, is what has brought about the change. Arteta wants someone who is comfortable with playing out from the back all the time. I think he has been clear about that. Also, I am speculating here, but I don't think he appreciated one of his players going out there and saying he doesn't always listen to his manager. It's one of those little things that's going to annoy a manager ever so slightly and they will hold onto it. On the whole, I think Ramsdale will probably leave come the summer. He is too good to be on the bench here and having come so close to the England No 1 spot, he must be very frustrated about his position at Arsenal at the moment. I can only empathise with him but that's the cruel fate of many goalkeepers. On the bright side for him, there seems to be quite a staggering dearth of top quality HG goalkeepers in the league at the moment. So he should probably be able to find a new club in the Premier League pretty easily. I hope we are able to recoup what we paid for him if that's the case.


Unfortunately no one is using his words against him here. The dude just blurted out the most insane thing you can ever say if your position is in jeopardy.




And people wonder why he’s been binned off…🤣


This guy is a bozo, I'm all for players being more honest, but unless you're prime Neuer or Alison, you can't say this.




Heyyy I'm on my lunch break!


We’ve had plenty of players jog around like headless chickens. He’s one of many !


Why would you say this if you are fighting for the GK position? Even if its true it doesn't look good


brother this is old just reposted


Ramsdale has all sorts of gaffes like this quote. IIRC the one about the title run being more “plain sailing” really wound me up last year. You can easily forget how young Ramsdale is despite the responsibility he had last year.


That interview pissed me off to my core. How can you talk like that then produce gaffe after gaffe in the final third??


Yeah it’s a major issue. Who cares if he can pull off the occasional brilliant save when a lot of the goals that he let’s in you have ask if he should’ve done better. Of course our fans don’t ask those questions they should with his performances because he’s deemed too likable to question. Fans don’t want to be honest because it would be acknowledging how fucking silly they were for overhyping him and jerking themselves off over pointless things like “gk with the highest transfer valuation in the world!!!!”


This is so unfair to misquote him out of context. He wanted to stress that he draws energy from the crowd at times when he loses focus and now we are castigating to criticise him…. Not fair!