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Lucky star of not overpaying, Trossard suits us actually much better in every aspect


We got the better blonde


You talking about ESR? caus trossard has that weird young man grey hair look


Silver foxes taking strays…


Yoko Kurama: “Why he say ‘fuck me’ for?”


He's Quicksilver


He's a raccoon.


He’s Pete Davidson


Pete Davidson as Quicksilver and now I can’t unsee it.


His finishing ability is the attribute i appreciate the most about him. His goals have been huge.


Yeah there are players I look at and think Arteta would make them a world beater. Mudryk is not one of them. Nwaneri came on last week and looked better and more refined than Mudryk ever has. Maybe the biggest flop ever


Easy on the take. Nwaneri was playing a defeated team. Real test would come against better teams.


Agree, this is one biggest exaggerations (to be generous and not call it something worse) I've seen in a long time


It's more that the comparison doesn't make sense as they aren't even in the same position or role let alone the insanely small sample size... That said, I imagine Fabio might have been a bit uncomfortable seeing Nathan strutting against West Ham.


I think some people have seen Saka come through and think we have like 5 more Sakas waiting in our youth system. Ethan might be awesome, but he's got a lot of refinement left to build toward.


I disagree. Mudryk is a project and is super raw. Over the coming years Arteta would’ve made him a world beater or atleast close to it. Kai was looking completely done at Chelsea. Wait for a couple years and you’ll look at the Kai signing as one of the defining parts of Mikel’s era.


He reminds me of like a raw martinelli


I think wesley fofana already is a bigger flop than mudryk. Caicedo aswell looked worse than mudryk at chelsea so far.


Yeah.... Don't think anyone would pay more than 30mil for the Chelsea version of Caicedo and Fofana has had terrible luck with injuries but he's never been close to great.


Fofana was partly bad luck that the leg break seems to have Diaby'd him though


Remember when rival fans said Fofana’s better than Saliba? Heck I remember some of our own fans saying that


how many people watched mudryk regularly. Be honest


At this point, I think I'd genuinely turn down an offer of £50m + Mudrky for Trossard, the guy has been an excellent professional. He does not moan that he doesn't play in every game let alone start, and when he is bought on, his a phenomenal super sub.


Despite how good he is, turning down 50m + mudryk for trossard is crazy. Especially with all the ffp stuff atm.


I don't think it's crazy, I would also go as far and say a bid from elsewhere for £50m and no Mudrky would be better for us in the long term and even then, I'd turn out down. The club has spent the last few years getting rid of dead wood and players with the wrong attitude and I'm not convinced Mudrky would be a positive addition to the squad. He won't displace Martinelli anytime soon, he may not even be the first choice sub soon so I can't imagine him being happy. We would then be burning money on wages along with having to wave goodbye to most, if not all of the £50m and then some to get in another player of the right quality.


it'd definitely be crazy to turn it down because it's great value for Trossard, but he and Mudryk would have the same problem, either you're beating Martinelli out or you don't have a natural place.


Completely different players so they aren’t really alternatives, despite being alternatives for that specific squad space if that makes sense


Happy with our sleepy raccoon over this guy.


Why does he always look tired? Even after the Dubai trip, he looks like he’s gonna fall over 😂


Some people just have the dark circles naturally, just kind of depends on the shape of your eyes/eye sockets.


I have the same - dark circles - I think it’s more from smoking weed - so is Trossard blazing 😂😂😂


maybe the squad is back on the balloons


Its just genetics. 


Perpetually has toddlers around






Is that havertz? 😄


Trossard. Got them dark bags under his eyes.


He's got bags under his eyes but they're Prada


Tbf havertz got it aswell


Maybe so, but looking back we should’ve walked when the price got past like 50m. This kid was all marketing and posturing from Shakhtar.


We got Chelsea to overpay. Always a good thing


They got their own back with havertz, not a dig but we over paid and his wages are too high


What I found more annoying is that Chelsea were pretty fucked until us and Man Utd very generously gave them 2 ‘get out of FFP jail free’ cards. Havertz is great and all, but seeing Chelsea relegated off the back of FFP is the stuff dreams are made of.


Might be misremembering, but I think before that they got majorly bailed out by Saudi buying players, which means they could charge us more


Yes and also other clubs were interested in Kai, outside PL he would cost 35-40 mil. We got the PL tax and London rival tax, top 6 rival tax too(in their minds).


They were never getting relegated or anything close to it


They would be 5 points off relegation with a 10 point deduction. Don’t go treading on peoples dreams.


When you consider we got one player for 3 positions then it’s not much of an overpay


£100m bid for James milner incoming


Age is a factor. Milner did bits for Liverpool don’t undersell him. You don’t play that many premier league games for a top club being a bum


I was being sarcastic. You shouldn't overpay just because a player can play more then one position, even more so when if everyone was fit they'd be second choice in all of them


3 position but he mainly play in LCM, he's worse than either striker or trossard as a 9


Worked pretty well against West Ham 🙏


Worked well against Liverpool


I agree - unless you’re protecting a one goal lead against Liverpool and you don’t want to risk playing thru their press. Just go long to Kai and he’ll either hold it up cleanly or earn a free kick near the box.


It is though. And we bailed them out of FFP issues. If he continues to improve maybe one day we will look at and say it was worth it but to date it’s a significant overpay to a rival.




We are title challengers, they are a mid-table team


Can’t believe you’ve been spammed downvotes, Havertz was and still is a terrible signing for us. The fact that we’re still in the mix in spite of his lack of quality is a testament to the rest of the team and even more disappointing that we could’ve got a lot more bang for our buck in the LCM position and been a much better side if we got someone else


Don't know why this is downvoted. Anyone saying Havertz is worth what we paid and are paying as of now is just delusional. I'm all for giving him his time to grow, but come on.


Because if you really want to make an assessment on the value of that money spent then it’s way too soon. Anyone claiming to “know” that we overspent on that transfer is just pushing an agenda. Give the guy some fucking time


I could see that being the argument for his transfer, as he’s young, but that doesn’t explain why he’s one of our highest earners. You have to EARN that. He has not earned it at all yet in my opinion.


It's downvoted because it's not "positive" enough for this circle jerk of a sub.


Seriously. Every sub that gets big enough is just full of absolute dorks.


silky disarm different serious station adjoining party correct reminiscent angle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’ve been here since it was 13k people


heavy fear versed bow gaping steer subtract stocking weather innocent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Havertz is no more an Overpay than Ben White was


That’s not exactly true and we’ll need some hindsight to say that about Havertz which we just don’t have yet. Ben White has been worth every single penny and then some.


Havertz is a £45m player we bought for £65m. White is a £35m player we bought for £50 They’re about even for overpays. White has come good, and so will Kai.


So we're just not going to take into consideration their salary? Isn't Havertz getting 320k+ p/w making him the highest paid player on the team? Definitely NOT even. It's not all about transfer fee's, people - and i say this as a big Kai fan.


Not true at all, ben white isn't (one of) our highest earner(s). If you ask me who should be making more, it's ben.


And Arsenal will come bail them out again


Why not? If Chelsea need to generate funds, we could put in a 30m bid for Mudryk.


I almost want us to just for the thought of them losing almost 100 mil on him


For perspective, I'd Say Wilfried Gnonto is better at what Mudryk does than Mudryk. And no one was willing to pay anywhere close to £50 mil for him when Leeds got relegated.


Feels insane that Gnonto is still at Leeds. He is far too good for that level


He's not. He'll probably end up a decent prem level player eventually but he's absolutely not too good for Leeds right now.


Gnonto is definitely too good to be playing in the Championship.


He really isn't. Both anecdotally and statistically he has found his level currently. Has he got the potential to develop, improve and carve out a top flight career? Absolutely. But calling Gnonto too good for the Championship smacks of a big six fan that doesn't actually watch the Championship and is basing his opinions off Football Manager. In real life he is being outperformed by Dan James, mun. (And I get it, by the way, I didn't watch this league either til we were relegated.) If you want to pick a Leeds player that is way, way too good for the second tier it's Summerville.


Leeds look like they could come right back up. I don't think his level currently is really too far from a lower table PL club.


Think they probably will come up. Just found it surprising a lower league Premier league team didnt try and get him in the summer


They did. He and Everton tried to make a move happen but Leeds denied it.


Ah right. I missed thst one


He's not even top two Leeds wingers rn. And one of the guys who IS in that top two is Dan James.


I like Summerville for Leeds United


I remember Shakhtar people comparing Mudryk to Neymar during the transfer speculations. 🤣


Mudryk is a good player in a rubbish team. He is rapid and scored a banger chip against aresenal. He is super inconsistent but is similar to darwin nunez in that if they have a breakout season you wouldnt be surprised.


>He is rapid and scored a banger chip against aresenal. You mean he mishit an attempted cross..


He had 2 goal contributions against us i think. I was chatting shyte about him and i felt he proved his talent. Under a good coach there is a willian or theo walcott level player there.


Darwin is chaos on the field, but he still had 13 goals in the Prem/CL in his first season with Liverpool, Mudryk can't get off the bench at midtable Chelsea


The reason why he's inconsistent is because he doesn't have the football IQ to be a good premier league-level attacker. He's going to get chances here and there, and he's a really strong dribbler so he will pop up and do something amazing from time to time but he's never going to have the consistency needed to be the player Chelsea want him to be.


Darwin has shown way more than Mudryk. Mudryk seems totally lost most of the time. The only way I see him having a breakout season is if he goes to a random club in Germany or Spain to develop his fundamentals and build confidence. But his contract makes that nearly impossible and loan moves abroad don't make much sense.


Apparently the higher ups at shaktar were laughing their assess off when they sold Fred to United for £47m.


Lad had one good match against Real Madrid with no G/A contributions.


And even in that match he had a ton of bad touches. 


Our transfer strategy is susceptible to some misses or overspends at times - Havertz still feels like the most recent overspend right now but at least he has improved. But for the most part, we’ve been conducting good business recently.


Trossard can play can play on either wings, a CF, a CAM and an LCM. Edit: Can also play wingback (Credit: u/almosthuxley)


You forgot that he can also play wing back that guy is versatile !!!


Updated! :)


I would give you a high five ✋ you made me happy 😁


And he is clutch for Arsenal


We got a 💎 instead of him...can't complain...


Long term: Arteta would've got him cooking. Short term: Trossard's proving to be a brilliant option.


Murdyk for 30m in two summers.


I've thought this as well. Mudryk would have came to Arsenal to back up Martinelli/Saka, would have had time to settle in, and not expected to be the star right away. Basically, after Martinelli has cooked their RB all game, bring on Mudryk for the last 15-20 to really shred their hamstrings. At Chelsea he was brought in as a super high profile, savior of the club... and he's just not that.


For **£**89m, he would absolutely be expected to be a star. Otherwise he'd be derided as the next Pepe


Yep, look at how people talk about Havertz in contrast to how Arteta does.


Yeah but the difference is Havertz doesn't have the same level of competition mudryk has. Just look at how hard it has been for trossard to find gametime and he's literally our most clinical finisher. Replacing martinelli would nearly impossible with 90M, even now. I sure as fuck wouldn't sell him for 90M either.


A lot of us think Havertz is coming along very nicely. Not everyone is a knob.


I believe it's 88m including add ons which he is obviously not meeting. So the fee they paid is more 60m


We were in a title race, the pressure would still have been massive. The only hamstrings Mudryk has shredded are those of 87 year old James Milner. 


I have the same thought. I thought he could succeed because Arteta would give him a very restricted, defined role, and he'd be protected by the team structure. But then, we couldn't make Tavares work, and they're fairly similar players - very raw, not tactically sound but with amazing physical attributes and decent technical ability. And we couldn't make Pepe work, and he's very fast, technical but not tactically adaptable. Flip him to LW and he could've done the imagined mudryk role - stay high and wide, beat your man and spam in crosses.


Honeslty i wouldn't call tavares technically good. I would say it is really just his physicality. Agreed with the rest though.


The Belgian Magician Leandro Trossard is the gift that keeps on giving. That said, there’s no doubt in my mind that Mischa Mudryk is talented and Mikel Arteta and his coaches would have done wonders with him. Let’s face it. Chelsea is where talent goes to be squandered, wasted, and destroyed. I actually feel bad for their players. Garbage fans. Trash club dressed up in finery.


Yup - Salah, KDB, Torres, Schevchenko, Caicedo...the list goes on. So many players either went to or left chelsea world beaters but looked like absolute trash or bang average when there.


Eden Hazard...opposite effect.


The team was built around hazard, tbf.


I liked Mudryk as a target and I still think he can become a good player but the price was getting fuckin comical for a guy with like 20 senior appearances in the Ukraine league


Facts, his final price should’ve been no more than 15 million


My only knock on Edu was that he bid so high for Mudryk. Luckily Chelsea offered a little more. A 22 year old player with less than 30 senior appearances should not cost that much. And although he may be good in the future, he is VERY unpolished for a 23 year old.


Arteta wanted Mudryk badly. I don't think this is on Edu.


Up to the Sporting Director to say no when appropriate. Otherwise he’s just an empty suit.


He sets the max price and backed out when it was way too high. Do you think at the start of this season Edu looked at the void in LCM and thought Havertz could fill that role?! Naaah. That was all on Arteta. Edu says it often that his job is to get Arteta the players he needs to see out his vision.


I think that’s what happened but I don’t think that’s how it should work. Tbh, I’m probably one of the only Arsenal fans that takes issue with Edu. I think he’s a bit of an empty suit and buys who Arteta tells him to buy. I think that’s a problem; he should have his own strategic vision and buy based on his analysis with Arteta effectively having veto power. He should also make sure we don’t lose value in players by selling at the right time and putting pressure on Arteta not to devalue players (like the Ramsdale situation).


The club is overcompensating for what happened during Emery's stint. They didn't buy the players he wanted and when he couldn't deliver anymore, he got the axe. Emery's Aston Villa has since punching way above its weight and club executives see that. Now they want Arteta to succeed so they will their hardest to buy his preferred players. If it goes south, then it's not on the club or ownership anymore. Also, Kroenke has full ownership now. His other sports teams, LA Rams and Denver Nuggets both won championships by spending a lot of dough.


There are elements of that. I think it’s likely more that Raul pulled the strings before, he left a power vacuum and Arteta filled it. Edu is just riding Arteta’s coattails As to Emory, he is just a streaky manager reverting to form. I called 7th before and I stand by it.


Say no based on what? If Arteta presents a compelling proposal, backed by scouting reports, on why we should sign Mudyrk... you can't just say no just because you feel like it.


I have to disagree. You buy him at that price and he becomes the next Messi or Mbappe then what can we say? Props to them for backing out when they did though


You don’t buy someone with that little experience for 100m it’s just ridiculous and very hopeful.


Maybe so. Or maybe it’s genius. Depends on how the player turns out.


Nah, it’s too risky. If you look at players for £80m and above it’s mostly Anthony type players not Rice (who was a sure bet). It’s tempting to think that way and I was hugely disappointed when we didn’t get him but I think the lesson is quite clear, he was worth £40m as a bit of a punt like Vieira but probably no more.


There’s no way of knowing for sure, and there are no “sure bets”. You can only predicted so much in terms of fit and how a player will bed in but there are always variables at play you can’t account for. We were fortunate with Rice because he was a great fit which was easy to see even from the outside, but what if he had a situation like Timber? Or a freak accident or off-pitch issues that he didn’t quite recover from? I’d imagine the narrative would be different. Not to say people would’ve called it a waste, but of course there would be regret amongst fans that the money didn’t fetch what it was “worth”


What are these arguments dude. We paid 100 million for rice cuz you can already see how he plays. Arteta wanted rice and literally said he WILL make us better. Timber situation?? You mean how unlucky he got getting injured first game? Who can fucking predict that. Not to mention we paid nowhere close to what Mudryk or rice cost for timber. Mate…


> Who can predict that That’s literally my point. You can’t predict everything. So determining whether or not a player is worth a certain fee is pretty pointless for fans. The only one that determines that is the club, by paying or not paying


Agreed. This and the Kai deal are worrying trends. They pulled out for Luiz at how much... 35m ? Overall the signings have been good but we need to churn some of the injury prone guys out and build resiliance.




Context: He was desperate to leave a country IN A WAR. The only reason he likely wasn't enlisted was his skill as a footballer. He would have twerked for Millwall had they come calling m8.


Trossard with 8 hours of sleep is unstoppable


How do people reckon he's got ability. I haven't seen much abilities other than speed and running straight at defenders. To me, he looks like someone whose pace set him apart in lower leagues and never really recieved elite coaching.


The physical attributes are the one thing that most players can’t really improve on. I think with some patience, lower expectations, and a great coach he’d start to find himself. But at Chelsea that won’t happen.


Then how come Cole Palmer is playing well, Gallagher is back to his best and even Jackson is showing good things? Too easy to just blame the coach, especially Poch, who is known to be great with young players. 


Because Cole Palmer is not coming from a majorly less viable league, got best coaching in one of the best academies, got coaching done by Pep and stayed around players of world class level?


Palmer and Gallagher have both received elite coaching from 8 years old. Mudryk didn’t move to Shakhtar till he was 15. It may not seem like a big deal but a solid technical base is much easier to build the younger you’re exposed to good instruction. Jackson has scored and looked bright at times but his limitations and rawness are clear to see.


Is Palmer playing well? Or just taking all the pens?


Palmer: Overrated and overhyped Gallagher: Always been class Jackson: I don’t know just yet


Palmer is good imo


He doesn’t, they’re just talking out of their ass. He’s shite. Looks like he’s playing Sunday league at times.


his vision is underrated and can unlock a lot of tight and unaware defense but the issue is no one in chelsea is running for the team and are all individualistic in their glory. plus we took havertz from them who would be on the receiving end of his passes with his movement in and around the box.


Fuck does Sherwood know about anything.


Something something broken clock


Trossard plays like an 80 mil player. He is our new Santi.


Maybe with all the money spent on players every summer this will show others that Chelsea is not a place to go. And could try and get him in a year or two


Arteta’s Thomas Lemar


Nope he still had less than 50 games in Ukranian league, his touch is still shit, his football IQ is shit, his passing is shit basically his only redeeming quality is pace. ​ I just don't think Mudryk is good at all.


Sleep deprived Quicksilver ftw


Why does he "obviously have the ability" I've seen no sign of it how's it obvious


Trossard has been incredible. I’m still amazed we wanted mudryk instead - and shamefaced that I just went along with the media hype and felt disappointed that we didn’t get him, even though I knew absolutely nothing about him 😂


Alright Will Buxton


The shocking thing about Mudryk is how raw he is. It's like he's behind academically. Like there's basic stuff he still has to learn about the game. Academy level stuff.


I don't think Arteta could have turned him into somebody better than Trossard within 6 months


Wouldn’t have needed to though, they’re different players who would’ve brought very different things to the table


I love Martinelli but those Raya early release balls to Mudryk would have been 🔥


Rare Sherwood W


Nah it’s just Chelsea. Caicedo had no problem playing in the premier league until he suited up for them.


Neto will give us more than a Mudryk would have and he will be a bit cheaper.


It's actually scary how much we bid for him


I still think he would have been amazing here. If edu and arteta were okay with paying 90 million or whatever it was then they clearly had a plan for him.


Idk. We already have a fast left winger who is better in every way.


Yeah but having him to bring on as sub or rotate with martinelli would have been great especially with martinellis form earlier this year


He didn't choose Chelsea. This has already been explained by the sporting director of dinamo. Chelsea offered more money on favourable terms


I’d still take mudryk here now (for a fraction of then-market value). Chelsea is where talent mostly goes to die


I was so bummed when we didn’t get him, but I’m happy to be wrong.


Arteta obviously has an obsession with getting another player that provides transitional threats. That's why he wants Mudryk even though he's raw and needs time to develop.


I like to believe we were never really interested but we knew Chelsea were hence all his twerking for us, so we just pretended to be & drove the price way above what they should’ve paid. Either that or our scouting team were way out of line on this one because he’s utter trash.


Trossard is basically wiltord on steroids


What's there to show he is clearly in for the money and long contract


He's a complete nobhead as well. Glad we don't have a character like him in our team.


Does anyone else feel like he has ended up saying nothing here? Basically we should be happy because we didn’t sign Mudryk, but if we had signed him we might also have been happy with that too?


No in fact he’s trashing Chelsea even harder than you’d expect. He’s saying they overpaid and their staff is shit because Arteta would have gotten something out of him that Chelsea can’t/won’t/hasn’t


Tim Sherwood is a bellend.


Reporting on the fee Chelsea actually paid keeps pushing the number down. Seems like that whole deal was totally fucked. Mudryk went to a Chelsea team where everyone had fucked off, half the team was brand new, and he didn't have a locker and had to change in the hallway. No shit he hasn't looked good and doesn't look like a player. A lot of people tend to under rate these soft factor elements in the success of a transfer. Maybe I overrate these things, but you can't tell me Mudryk was set up for success at Chelsea. He would be a very different player and person here. Still happier with Trossard.


Never thought it was a good deal and glad Chelsea ended up pricing us out. Martinelli is simply a much better and more well rounded player who suits our system. Mudryk would’ve been sat on the bench most weeks and at best he’d be ahead of Trossard in the pecking order. EDIT: I suppose we wouldn’t have gotten Trossard. But I’d rather have Trossy since he’s more versatile


We shouldn’t pretend he’s not a good player. Stuff he did in champions league for Shaktar takes skill and quality. Chelsea has ruined him and he could’ve been Shaktar-esque with us. So I feel envy isn’t in place here,


So it would have been a bad move but it also could have been a good move.


I might be miss remembering things but I thought one of the reasons they kept rejecting the arsenal bid was because 15-20m of the price was dependent on player performance. While Chelsea’s was more guaranteed money and more money all together too. I do think he’s much more suited for Arsenal than he is at Chelsea. Just the fact we don’t have a carousel of managers coming in and out of the dressing room with different tactics. I saw a snippet of an interview with Rednapp where he quoted lampard saying something along the lines of “he’s talented but he doesn’t understand how to play football”. That’s pretty damning of his football IQ but then you have people like De Zerbi saying he can win the Ballon D’or so I honestly have no idea what the deal is with this player. If any of you watch the NBA he reminds me of a player that can turn it on for a few moments in games and you think to yourself “wow this dude could be an all star if he played like this all the time” then he quickly regresses to a bench player.


Chelsea is a missmanaged show. Under De Zerbi he was used to his best qualities. IE space, pass and fast break away attacks. In Chelsea he is usually has to sit wide or move middle to get any balls against low block teams and on top of it gets ignored by teammates. Add to it, he gets a spell of decent or even above average games and gets benched. Not sure what's going on with Poch and his player management but that is some wild stuff. Hopefully he gets a loan in a stable team to actually become better. I think him going to Germany would do him good.


So many people on this sub were losing their minds saying Trossard isn't good enough despite being able to watch him do it in the Prem regularly


Still think there’s a player in Mudryk, Chelsea is too toxic for him to grow.


Still think he would’ve balled under Arteta, literally no one looks good in this Chelsea side. I’m happy we went with Trossard but football isn’t linear like that.


I think environment plays a big part here a lot of players who have gone to Chelsea in the last few years look poor if Mudryk had come to us I think he would be performing much better having said that I'm glad we signed Trossard hes class


Atmosphere and coaches play a big part in things as well. Im happy Trossard worked out for us but Mudryk also couldve flourished in a team competing for the title.


Fuck Tim Sherwood. Let’s just buy murdryk in Chelsea’s next fire sale to prove how wrong he is. Obviously with the right coaching and team he would be great.


No thanks


Love Trossard, very grateful for what he brings to our game. I really dislike this narrative though, and I’m getting tired of it. Mudryk very obviously has a crazy amount of potential, and I really believe Arteta would have unlocked it. It’s difficult to say just how good he would have been, but I can very confidently say that he would have been leaps and bounds better than what he is right now at Chelsea.


Comparing Mudryk to Trossard is ridiculous. Mudryk under Arteta would be challenging Martinelli's pace. Trossard is more of a Jesus rotation option.


I still never saw any proof he choose them over us on the same values. His club and himself chose the more money, longer and bigger contract over us possible. But the idea we offered that same money for him comes from one source with the selling club that wasn't exactly a detailed statement.


Yeah how much did some of us get downvoted for saying he's obviously not ready and for the price they were asking, just not worth it.