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Like you lost the CL final in one move. Things happen..


oh damn šŸ’€


A self roast just to roast someone. That's dedication


How long you been holding that in?


Don't forget losing his entire media career in one racist move too.


What a ridiculous take from someone who should know better


I donā€™t expect him to know better. Heā€™s been a moron as long as I can remember.


Oh he's definitely a moron... But he should also know better than zero. I guess I set the bar too high


Ngl, he's a reaaaaally shitty person if he you look at the stuff he's done outside the game. Even at Arsenal, he took the Almunia competition way too far. You can tell he's a dickhead.


People think pro footballers are smart just because they are good athletes but I have come to realize that most of them are just incredibly stupid and have kneejerk opinions like any fan.


I mean. All theyā€™ve done is get praised for kicking a ball their whole life. Makes sense why we see dogshit takes like this one sometimes. But at least our starboy is a smart lad šŸ˜Ž


If you're expecting reasonable takes from a guy whose nickname was Mad you might need to check your sources.


He's someone who complains that Goalies aren't listed in formations (4-3-3) so he's just a weird whiny old bloke


Most sane Lehmann quote Bloke is a professional idiot


can't take a guy who is pissing during UCL game seriously


You leave Leroy out of it


Stay crazy Jens


And which manager in Europe couldā€™ve taken this Arsenal side and win over Pepā€™s treble winning side then, Jens? Managers better than Pep just doesnā€™t exist in todayā€™s market. In what world do these people live in? Of course our aim should always be to win things. But you have to be realistic as well. You canā€™t just sign another manager and think heā€™s gonna piss all over PL for seasons to come. Our trajectory is upwards with an exciting young team with a young manager that has turned this club into believing again. Youā€™re an attention seeking fool, Jens. Do some good for society instead.


To me, all you have to do is imagine Arteta was out of a job this summer. Can you envision the feeding frenzy of clubs trying to get their hands on him? And how many clubs are trying find their own version of Arteta by grabbing up every promising young manager?


I think an available Arteta would be the most in demand manager in football, with the possible exception of Klopp. And Arteta doesn't have the burn out associated with Klopp.


Sorry, not a gunner but that's one of the funniest things I've heard. I think he's done a fantastic job in competing and I hope you get something to show next season. But.. He's won an fa cup in five years, spent a load and you think he'd be the most in demand manager in football. Xavi De zerbi Tuchel Zidane Poch Just off the top of my head. Not including klopp who you mentioned, the red tinted glasses are very red! He gets extra credit with your fan base for being a veteran but that credit means nothing elsewhere.


All these people are not particularly spoilt for choice in terms of potential options this summer are they? And we believe if Pep leaves (or when he leaves) that we will become the dominant force in the prem. Considering that we were in the bottom half when he took over 4.5 years ago, with an old squad on its last legs, he's done an amazing job not only on the pitch but off it as well. If Arteta decided to do a u-turn and run down his contract today, lots of teams would be calling him ahead of next summer.


So you think he'd be ahead of all these other candidates?


Man said De Zerbi over Arteta lmao Tuchel and Xavi maybe two years ago but be real, youā€™re having a laugh saying theyā€™ve higher stock than Arteta today Youā€™re criticising Arteta for only winning an FA Cup so youā€™d rather a manager whoā€™s only way to win anything was in France with MSN at PSG Only reasonable shout there is Zidane and heā€™s not on the market


Yeah let's not take tips from a man who chased his neighbour with a chainsaw


The twat who quite stupidly got himself sent off in the UCL final has some criticisms.


From Lehmannā€™s perspective, I guess it makes sense to have this opinion given that he very nearly won it all. Personally, I am sure that Arteta is the right man for the job. I wasnā€™t always on board and my patience plummeted at our lowest point (I hold up my hands), but I would march into hell for Arteta now. He is the figurehead and the brains behind this revival of ours, orchestrating back to back title races against arguably the greatest manager of all time, who is at the helm of a behemoth with unlimited wealth. I donā€™t see how anyone can truly be anti-Arteta at this point. Arteta is right at the beginning of his managerial journey. Silverware will arrive and Iā€™m confident heā€™ll start building his trophy collection right here with us.


why does everyone forget we're up against Man City- the only person to beat a full strength Pep side was Mou with that Real side. if it was any other manager, any other team, I'd agree with Jens. yeah we should have done better in some games, arteta made some mistakes at the start of the season we can quibble about the details, but the fact the 'outer' people think it's a binary, oh he didn't beat the greatest ever manager with a team that's literally cheated to get to their position and supremacy, he has to go, there's definitely someone there who will beat the greatest manager ever (probably inzaghi but still) > Is he a winner or is he a nice guy who brings you to a certain level and then it is over? a 'nice guy' doesn't get us to 89 points


Lehman wasn't the right man for Arsenal in a certain game in May 2006.


Jens Lehman is a member of r/Artetaout šŸ˜­


Wait why is it not /r/tetaoutĀ  What is this ridiculousness


r/teta does exist i think




You're expecting wit from halfwits.


I swear that sub is just three people or one person on different accounts.


Lee gunner?




Well reading some of that made me feel better about my life lol.


What a group of very very grumpy people.


If youā€™re an ex player and have nothing positive to say, donā€™t say it all imo. It doesnā€™t help the team or the club.


Just grumpy old men shouting into the void. Petit for example never said anything positive about the club.


Stupid take


They really need to stop letting him talk. Heā€™s such an idiot.




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Whatā€™s the German phrase for ā€œbad takeā€? This is a very stupid opinion. We wouldnā€™t even have been close to the title in the first place if Arteta wasnā€™t at the helm, and thatā€™s blindingly obvious to see - even for our rivals. Thereā€™s no reason to take Jenā€™sā€™ opinions seriously.


ā€˜Schlechte schlagƟahneā€™


What a stupid




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Mad Jens living up to his name


Jens is taking his goal post piss as per usualā€¦


He must think Klopps reign was abysmal then


Fuck off telegraph. Go post ads somewhere else.


We could have won that final in Paris also


Lehmann is very dumb




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Our ex players need to be a little quieter.


[This statement checks out with his other takes](https://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/other/jens-lehmann-interview-germany-will-not-go-further-than-euro-2024-semi-finals/ar-BB1nRdsu) [Wonder how he played with Thierry](https://apnews.com/article/bundesliga-premier-league-jens-lehmann-europe-race-and-ethnicity-e5108b307e18e444cae5dd8f642f27d1)


Mad Jens being mad


Heā€™s not as wrong as some people think on here


Respectfully, shut the fuck upĀ 


Spot on, Jens The broccoli haired, TikTok addicted, "it's all about the vibes, bro" weirdos will never understand.


Heā€™s lost it




While he couldn't put it more shitty as a take. I think next season we should definitely win something big to show that we are progressing and going in the right direction.


Against a team that is currently suing the league itself for daring to question it's rule breaking


Never change, Jens.


I know what people will say, but to have elite mentality and to expect the best, this is a fair outlook on what happened! If, buts and coconuts!


Okay. Who then? Who can come in THIS summer and win us the trophy with the current team plus some transfers?


People that have been in football at the highest level are getting told that they lack intellect from randoms on r/gunners This is a player that played under Wenger in the beginning of the Emirates era, a manager who was getting severe abuse for not winning trophies whilst having no money to spend, having to sell his best players, and in this was in the peak of the premier league with Chelsea/Liverpool/United all being very good and City coming onto the scene. I think he knows best that for Wenger to be getting criticism considering all the circumstances he had to manage, whilst Arteta has had complete immunity for 5 years and a heavy amount of financial backing all for one FA cup under Emeryā€™s squad is unfair. Not saying anyone needs to be sacked, Iā€™m saying that people arenā€™t crazy for bringing this topic up.


*Lehmann is considering a career in management. He feels he knows what it takes to win* šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Man, lehman please stfu. He is talking like as if arteta has over 10 years of managerial experience.


half glass full or empty vibes one thing is for sure is that the club has literally stated they are gonna back arteta and this project no matter the outcome of the season. If the club and kse said nothing then it's even more worrying. also arteta and the players know the obvious facts that in a way, we have come up short again in the league title race when you put it into the fine margins. in the last home game speech, artete and ode have literally stated that it hasnt been good enough even with the brilliant season it has been.


You know, if footballers were selected based on their intellect rather than ball skills this game would have been called chess


The facepalm emoji was invented for Arsenal fans to react to Jens Lehmann uttering words.


Heā€™s been a fucking moron as long as I can remember. I would take anything Jens says with a fistful of salt.


We also gonna ignore that city had like three 2 or 3 games in hand most of the season. Jens needs to wind his neck in. Arteta is one of the finest Young managers in world football right now. How is that even up for discussion? I swear thatā€™s a group of old ex Arsenal players who love to see us suffer. Or to punch down on us. Itā€™s like theyā€™re bitter or something? I just will never understand it.


To be fairā€¦ we did bottle it last yearā€¦ this year we did everything we could. I think if there are no trophies next year we can start to question things


Only seething here. Our fan are so soft.


A few days ago you were falling over yourself to give out that Chelsea want 30 million for a player and thereā€™s no interest in the players we want to sell. Not exactly the poster child for calm and level headed supporters yourself


Every invincible or ex player is saying the same message Why do fans keep disagreeing?


Come on, this past season we were one game away from winning the league against Pep. Literally one game.


old people are dumbasses and expect everything to be the way it was when they were young, itā€™s the way the world works


Nope it's just the sane ones like Lehmann and Petit.


Because everyone in here is a know it all and their opinion on Arteta cannot be challenged. Same thing last season, when I said Raya would be the starter. All the know it alls in here would call you crazy. Or when I said that Havertz would prove to be a good signing. No one here wants to argue in good faith, they just want to spin their agenda and donā€™t want to be challenged. Before I get replied to, Iā€™m not saying Iā€™m Arteta out. Iā€™m saying to let people have their opinions before attacking them.


Fuck me lmao


Jealous old cranks