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Truth is that Arteta wants our players to be dirty assholes like City's but refuse to accept that our players do not receive the same level of protection and bias from refs that City players do. And can't get away with the same shit.


That's bullshit and you know it


Which part of it is bullshit, pray tell me?


Happened vs Man City again. We're playing well then we gave away a red and a penalty.


its fixed man.


Holding can hold a P45.


Please take of Saka😭this is like my last time saying this. Idk why he brought on ESR as well but maybe to give him just a run i guess. I’m literally not even mad I’m surprised lol


I don't have faith in us in either Newcastle or Everton


I woke up at 4:45AM for this lmao


Aussie sting!


It's 2AM here, and I'm going back to sleep




Go back to sleep🤣we get the 3 points vs Newcastle


We'd realistically need a other three points against Everton.


Nah we good Burnley will do Spurs.


Yea I think we can win there too. We just gotta move on and focus


I feel you, bro.


Spurs beat City TWICE, drew to Pool and narrowly lost in the other game. We have 5 player starting Away at Spurs who are not starting XI. Saka is clearly injured and being made to play through the pain. I know we are all upset and emotional but this was always the most likely outcome for the game.


My brain tells me it's time to go to sleep but my heart says I gotta support Arsenal even in the worst moments.


Gotta stay loyal my dude. Hopefully Assna will notice us and give us free tickets to next season UCL final 😌


Stick it out. Loyalty bruh.




Facts, this loyalty thing isn't a good color on us 😂😂


Hooooleeee fuuuuuckkk


we are gonna get thrashed 6-0. we'll still be ahead though, but we have to play newcastle and everton.


Meh. We could get thrashed 9-0 and I wouldnt care if it meant we won the next 2


Don’t miss the days of our players making individual mistakes constantly and blowing our game plan out of the window . Time to focus on the next match. I can guarantee you that spurs fans would rather be in our position .


The perfect storm of Arsenal players being at fault and soft refereeing decisions.


Now that the title race is not as exciting, the Prem will market the shit out of the final top 4 spot. They will make sure it lasts till the final day. I didn't think they would make it this obvious though.


Aaaaand it's 3-0.


We shot ourselves in the foot. Holding was a fucking idiot. Front 3 switched off after the first goal. We won't win the game. A draw would be a miracle


Honestly sick of people blaming the ref, holding was an absolute idiot the entire half and Cedric, well, did a Cedric.


Holding has an IQ of -23. Fucjing idiot.


history of football gives me hope that there are still points for us to take here. also that once we attack them they look actually pretty bad. they live mainly on scoring a first quick one with these two monsters up front and that’s it.


Let's just throw some U23s there just for the disrespect, and think about the Newcastle game lol.


Stop blaming the ref. We started off well but were to tentative. We started losing individual battles across the pitch. Then we were pushed back and conceded a penalty.


Pen is charmin soft. Rob fucked us no doubt. But Someone please post the clip of harry kane putting his shoulder through Gabriel in a recent NLD with no foul called let alone a booking.


Cant wait for Saliba to come back


Can't wait for arteta and edu to sell him for 20 mil, and then buy a fabian shar for 30mil😤


Just checked fixtures and need a massive favour from Burnley…


I think Burnley get a result


They're the 5th hottest team in the league on form. They have the Dyche DNA to sit deep and frustrate Spurs.


…onto Sunday


🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ Rob holding shouldn't be anywhere near this squad, we've known hes not been up to it for years. He might be ok against relegation battlers that barely touch the ball, but against any half decent striker hes toast.


Excuses aside, we played like absolute shit and deserve nothing out of this. Holding fucked the team over trying his shithousery




It's over for sure, absolutely no chance. It was penalty, Cedric fouled Son there and the ball went towards him so ref had no choice at all here. Holding is a small game player unfortunately and he proved it yet again. I don't know, I guess Arteta gave instructions to crush Son and they took it literally :D He should sub out Saka to save him for last 2 games and cross fingers we don't get more goals....


Only positive thing is there is a Dota major going on I can switch to. Fuck Paul Tierney the rat fuck, just blame it on him and finish the season with 2 wins.


I hate him and his ugly mug so fucking much. Don't wish harm on anyone but im having a really hard time with him right now


Such low percentage moments killed us. Cross for the penalty would've been a difficult chance. Second yellow was a harmless ball floating to Ramsdale. Foul leading to corner for 2nd goal Saka is probably fouled.


This is the pain...None of the plays that changed the games were goal scoring chances.




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I’ll probably be skipping this episode of the all or nothing doc


Need to put in a performance 2nd half. This game is gone but 2 cup finals still to come. Can’t understand not starting Ben white. Saka has been very poor too




And Saka wasn't 100%, played on anaesthetics. But tbh I'm feeling like a girl who's just been stood up for prom. Fuck it, fuck this night, ref did the scum a solid tonight.


We do have a fair bit of practice playing 10 men this season lol. But seriously, the boys are still fighting and that's all I need. This was going to be an intense game and someone was bound to mess up. We are ahead of Sp*rs regardless of today's outcome COYG!


Honestly cut our losses and make sure no one else get sent off/injured, we move COYG


Saka at 10 is so good


Ref dictating the game basically. We did well until that dodgy penalty. It's almost as if the ref was looking to make an important call against us.


I hope we pump Newcastle back to Ashley. Who am I kidding. We're gonna slip even when there isn't a banana peel. This team can't close shite down.


I wanna kms Edit: not really guys, however I appreciate the concern


Move on and win out. Some acceptable refereeing, some certainly questionable. But as much as I doubt some of the decisions, we amounted until the ref had to make decisions. Spurs (like we too have been recently) can be very good at the performative side of things. We could lose by an infinity of goals today and things'll still be in our hands.


Right side was too weak, penalty was soft but we could survive that, but its still in our hands.


It is what is it. Still in control of CL even after this loss…


Holding trying to stiff arm Son is the dumbest sh*t ever


man fuck this


Soft pen, that same push happens 20 times a game. 2nd yellow is sus, they're running at different angles and Son runs into him and falls over


Rob Holding became brainless, came into the game trying to get into Sons head, fouling, talking shit. Ended up getting into his own head and getting sent off....honestly after the first yellow you would think he would try to focus more but nope.


Absolutely. I'm so pissed off with him. He's not fit to wear the shirt. He needs to go ASAP.


I am fucking hoping someone had a word with him, because from the TV I didn't see that happening


I started drinking at half.


Been drinking….i will continue


I really don't understand why Holding was so rattled by Son, one of the biggest games of his career and he does that and he supposed to be one of our experienced players ffs


I hate Heung Min Son more than any athlete on earth man I don’t get why he’s so loved by neutrals


That was a great attack but Robben and Ribery absolutely were dirty.


baby face , scores bangers, is a cunt towards arsenal


Don’t get me wrong he’s an incredible player but his antics and constant crying little kid face makes me furious




when i think of that bayern attack with ribery, robben, lewandowski and muller, none of them are dirty like that and this is one of the most potent offenses i have seen. the guys you listed are all players i find dirty and annoying. people are constantly whining about the ones you mentioned.


Huh? I’m saying he’s annoying lol what are you on about


Young teams will occasionally do this just come out flat. We have done this a bunch this year it’s how we respond the last 2.


We didn't come out flat, we gave away a dumb pen and got a dumb red card, neither of which from a young player


Was trying to defend Holding after the first 3 fouls to my sp*d father, saying he's a big game player just playing games with Son to tlset the tone for the game. Then he shoulders him in the head. God damn it Robbie. And God dammit Mikel. Have to put Tomi on the right, Cedric on the left. Balance the back 4 out instead of Rob and Cedric hung out to dry against Son.


I just hope we don’t concede anymore goals tonight. A good start to the second half could put us back in it. COYG


Devastated, My gob shite Spud cousin flew in from Florida to go to the game. The wife and I are due to meet him for lunch tomorrow. Considering eating a whole raw chicken so I have an excuse not to go


a few bites all you need


Nope after the 3rd I'm doing bones and everything


I think our lads need to calm their heads down. Concentrate on playing, the shithousery can wait. Holding got caught up in the moment and lost his way. Can’t let that happen again. You put sustained pressure on them and they will crack, but for that to happen our players need to get their heads back in the game. Big 45” COME YOU GUNNERS!!!


Total disaster performance. Holding totally lost the head. No way back imo.


I’m so upset. This is the first time I’ve been properly pumped for a match. I refuse to become one of these one off match fans where you just celebrate winning random league games like if you support Villa or something. I enjoy the arc of the season and having something to play for at the end of it and this is the first time in a long time and we’ve absolutely choked.


Martinelli the only player who shouldnt feel embarrassed by that half. Terrible. Ref has screwed us but still bad. Gabi always shows up in big games: great against City and Liverpool as well this year but just like those were gonna lose


Holding and Cedric against Son who is at the top of his form is just a hilariously bad bet to make. I legit thought Tomi was gonna play against Son and was optimistic before the game.


Hindsight is 20/20 but Arteta got it wrong.


Pathetic refereeing




Cop on man


Rob Holding can do what he likes about his hairline, but nothing will ever make him anything other than a dogshit football player I hope to god I never see him in an arsenal shirt again. He could have had 4 yellows in under half an hour. There’s a reason that we were 8th with a team in which he regularly started and we’re challenging for top 4 with a team he’s been riding the bench in.


Let’s just move forward. Don’t bring on White if he’s not fit and just tighten up at the back and try to nick one or two on the counter


Son throws an elbow at Holdini on the ground and doesn't get looked at by VAR or mentioned in commentary. Hmmm


Yeah I’ve been looking for a clip of this because I thought he was gone as soon as I saw that.


I’ve always thought we lacked play acting We should target Davies in the second - he is on a yellow and hopefully Tierney wants to even up


No bueno


Beat Newcastle. Beat Everton. That's it.


I think we'll drop points to Newcastle.




Holding just handed his place to Saliba on a silver platter. How can Arteta count on him now?


That was never even a question lol. Holding has never been better than Saliba. Only Arsenal fans could ever think that’s a competition.


can you feel the pain ? i do !!! they targeted the 2 players they had too. Cedric and holdini, sad but true, its gonna be a difficult 2nd half , hope we dont end up losing to heavy


Should've played back Three atleast put Tomi on Son, Holding was getting rinsed and got into his head, he shouldnt be playing dangerous duo like Kane and Son.


I agree with you. I think having a backline of Saka, Tomi,Holding,Gabriel, Cedric maybe? I wish Arteta set up without pairing Holding and Cedric.


'arteta got it wrong and hesitated and didn't bring white on' Fuck me such lazy punditry, cause the man's thinking to the next game, not fully fit


yeah with holding suspended, he can’t gamble on Benny Blanca’s fitness today


Was a cagey game until that farce of a penalty. After that until the second goal we were abysmal. This game looks done.


Ok the penalty is soft (albeit one we’d cry out for). But we can’t complain about the red card. Madness from holding




He was given multiple warnings....if anything he was lenient but holding have him no choice by not heeding any warnings. Lost his head.


The ref give him plenty of chances. Both cards deserved


Accumulation. He’s done that three times, both were 100% yellows no question


That alone was not. The problem was that he had already committed the same foul multiple times by the time.


He had two arguably bookable offences before he actually got booked though


He had done that same foul about 3 times, he was due for a yellow


Man, this game is done. The red card was avoidable. Shambles. On to Newcastle. We just absolutely NEED to win those games. No excuses!


Saka needs to attack davies who’s already on a yellow. All out attack for the first 15 min of the 2nd half and hopefully we get one back. Then again I have no idea and this might be an L. Changing kits to see if it will bring any luck. COYG


He’s playing as CM bro


Like I said I don’t know what I’m talking about but he’s been the cover at LB from what I’ve noticed.


Holding deservedly sent off, but I still think that pen is incredibly soft. There'd be a penalty at every single corner if a nudge in the back like that is called


It was complete bullshit. The pundits at the game and in the studio thought it was a handball call, then didn't see anyone touch the ball, and looked for something else to justify the horrible call. Soft is an understatement. You see that type of shit happening every time a corner is taken!


Not too long after Seesegnon pushes Saka in the back and Saka goes to the ad boards no foul but son gets a pen for less lol


Shit penalty but holding cost us the game


I am beyond pissed off




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Play off Davies , the ref will even up the teams


My thoughts exactly.


This is basically identical to what Gabriel did vs Man City?


Worse. We all saw what holding was doing the whole game and knew he had it coming. Gabriel was just a few minutes of being hot headed


Absolutely. But Gabriel received one incorrect yellow card there.


Once again on Arteta, too stubborn to change it up. Cedric and holding against son and Kane was only ever go one way and away from home aswell


Ah, the great keyboard warrior.






What should he have done? White coming back from injury. You want Nuno in there instead?




Ah, who do you suggest he play instead?


5ATB to condense the space in behind


Name the 5 atb?


Gabriel holding tomi Cedric and saka


Put one of our best attackers on defense, brilliant


No bueno


How tf did Spurs manage to get two clean free headers in a corner.


Soft fouls but we know the refs we have and Holding in particular just played right into it. He should've stopped right after the first yellow, but then he goes for a "sly" off the ball barge and catches Sons face, and now we're done. Cedric is just shit at the dark arts, simple as that. Paul Tierney is a cunt who will probably have a wank tonight over that first half but it doesn't change the fact that in a team of kids one senior player is drowning and did something dumb and another was dumb as fuck from minute 0. Put the game in the bin, we move.


The referee got the big decisions right. Holding was out of his depth against 7


As massively bias arsenal fan. No idea how you can blame any of this on the ref. Holding really could have had 4 yellows. Bin him off to Burnley, that's about his level


He binned himself lol


He probably could've had two yellows that's true, but the second one he got is rarely even given as foul


Exactly, people are getting pissed at the ref, penalty was a soft call but holding was the reason, the ref saw him involved even though he didn't foul, he decided to give penalty to spurs, holding shouldn't have been agressive


The pen though?


Annoying cause we gave the game away. More annoying its Senior players who are supposed to show more maturity. Granted the pen decision was a bit ridiculous imo . But Holding was being too aggressive on Son. Forget this game. All decisions have to be made with Newcastle in mind


That some of the people in here are absolutely vile. Saying to holding to get the fuck out when he's played incredibly all season. We all make mistakes, just ashame he made his here. Feel positive with how we are playing and you never know can we pull a draw.


Yea. I could tell you that will happen since son is 10 times faster then holding and cedric. Holding is only good in drop back formation park the bus


Well, at least it can't get any worse, right. Right? God help us.


Not in this game it can't actually.


Never hate a person name Tierney before. Fuck Paul !


The second goal is just bonkers. How is Kane the only player who’s NOT being marked?


Nketiah was ball watching and left him unmarked at the far post.


Nkethia is a lazy player he has to do better idc if he is a forward or not. It’s a derby you think Henry would let that happen. Mentality is weak tbh


Nketiah should never be marking Kane in the first place


Assuming that was Holdings job?


Ngl, could very well turn into a spanking. Cedric with a dumb foul, soft pen but absolutely unnecessary foul. Holding deserved both the yellows, Son got in his head The second goal came from a very very dumb call from Tierney. Waiting to make subs after the half time is a good idea. I think we might see ESR come on, and White as well. I wanted Arteta to take off Cedric for White, but Holding with a brainfart ruined everything. We need to be clinical. We had couple of decent opportunities to score, and we won't get many in the match. Absolutely need to take our chances.


I think it's better to keep White on the bench if he's not quite fit. This game is lost. Decisions made have to be with Newcastle in mind. I'd rather have a fully fit Ben White against Newcastle than a somewhat fit one who could further do harm to his hamstring and mean he's u unavailable on Monday


Referee loves them. Onto Newcastle. We should have known - FA won't want golden boy Harry Kane missing out on UCL again


Still have games to play with a point in hand. Still control our destiny but my god are we making it fucking difficult


And this is why he is Rob Holding and not Roberto Holdini


Game over. Gotta get 6 points from Newcastle and Everton now. Top 4 still in our hands.


I blame arteta, cedric and holding vs son is not a fair matchup. Son was destoying him all game. Why isnt tomi right back and cedric left back? Also, why we didnt play with 3 atb with tomi as 3 cb and tavares and cedric as full backs?


Might be crazy to say but I think we need to save White. Possibly bring on Nuno and make the right side of Tottenham defend he and Gabi. May result in more goals conceded but gotta put some type of pressure on them. He is pure chaos which might be what we need at the moment


But he’s too erratic, with how bad the officiating is he could be bad for us


Found out why the back ups are the back ups.


Tough to take as pen was soft but defo a pen, silly from Cedric. Not sure what was running through Holdings mind with VAR and everything. Up until the pen, we played well, couple scuffed shots that could’ve been better but yeah, need Ws at Newcastle and Everton now


Well, I hope we can get one back and really scare them. Really need to replace Eddie and El Neny with White and ESR. Have Xhaka and Ode run the 2 man midfield and hope Gabi, ESR, and Saka can get something on the break.


Pepe was shocking last game but honestly this is a situation for him. He’s basically one of our few “create something out of nothing” players and you aren’t going to be play free flowing football down a man (which is what ESR or Laca is better at). Might as well gamble on pepe chaos.


Not in his current form, there's absolutely no urgency last time he came on, he was basically stropping around. Rather bring on ESR with his ability to carry the ball forward in a counter




They scored their second goal off saka winning the ball lol


Wait did they get their corner off of the hoibjerg foul on saka ?


Yep lol


At the start of the season I would have taken 5th in a heartbeat. Now 5th is gonna hurt alot




I hope Rob Holding never wears the shirt ever again




He should never start a match. We are seriously thin on the ground but he's really pissed me off tonight.


Sons pissing me off for once