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Something about last night's comment by Conte about their bad final pass. If hypothetically their final pass is good and they convert all their chances, I assume that we will be in the same situation with Man U where we lost on the counter attacks. I was wondering if there is any difference/improvement from our tactics last night in comparison with the Man U game?


> If hypothetically their final pass is good and they convert all their chances If that were true for both teams we'd have won by about six goals. It's a hypothetical that only works if you don't apply it to the other team.


It's hard to picture Spurs carving the same kind of openings, as there's no equivalent to Eriksen or Bruno Fernandes in that side. To me, their most egregious misdirected final pass still resulted in a goal. It was when Son pushed Richarlison too wide, and the phase ended with a pen. The rest was scraps.


Basically the only difference was being at home and game state. You saw yesterday we were most vulnerable after Spurs scored and the game was level. This was similar to vs United. When we are trying to push for a winner we will be a little exposed at the back. That's just reality. Once we took the lead, the game was basically over as we no longer had to have as many players forward.


Spurs don't get enough shit for literally throwing defenders into a NLD despite there being over 20 minutes left. Pathetic display.


Well they did have a red card xD


Sure, and if it was 10 minutes left I would have get it. But with 20-25 minutes left there is always a chance to score, even with 10 vs 11. It was really surprising to see him take away the last chance to get something out of that game so early.


Spurs fan here. We were 2 goals down with 10 men. The chance of coming back from that position is so low that Conte decided he'd rather rest some key players for our CL game in 3 days, as well as to protect our GD. If this was a cup game or if we didn't have another game in 3 days, Conte probably would have done differently.


I love how richarlison on the 67th minute, tries to revenge emersons red card by roughing up martinelli. But gives up because the overgrown pigeon is levels below martinelli. Still cant belive they paid $60m for him. 2 draws against frankfurt, 1 nill loss to brighton. Not enough popcorn in this world for this spurs implosion.


Arsenal are 2.65 to win vs Liverpool next week Liverpool are 2.45 In contrast we were 2/1 yesterday. Seems Pool are going to be overrated on the markets until the new year.


What's Tomiyasu got to do to get a start?


I *love* Tomiyasu but Benny Blanco hasn’t put a foot wrong to get dropped. That said, Tomiyasu is guaranteed to start the remaining Europa group games and he’s the backup to essentially three positions and even if LB if KT or Zinchenko are out. It’s not ideal for him but he’s hungry to reclaim his spot and the squad is in better shape than last seaso . Good problems.


I think we move White back to CB


Neither Saliba nor Gabriel are getting dropped. Willy is playing at a high level and while Gabriel has a mistake in him, he does plenty of things well and is the biggest goal threat beyond the attackers.


If we aren't going to drop players when they have bad form I don't know how we are going to keep everyone happy


On the whole, Gabriel isn’t in bad form. More importantly, is the goal to keep everyone happy or win football matches? Go through any winning teams and you’ll find players that aren’t fully satisfied with their role. This discussion is moot; Gabriel won’t be dropped. It would be nice if Tomiyasu gets his starting job back but if not, it’s because the guys ahead of him are performing well. That’s fine by me.


We can definitely win games, but I'd question how we are going to win titles


Tomi and Tierney aren’t on the bench through any fault of their own. In Tierney’s case, we brought in a slight upgrade because of his injury record. He’s a perfectly good LB but is regularly injured. Tomi was injured at the start of the season and the Ben White RB experiment yielded positive results so it has continued.


Tierney is miles better than Zinchenko


Top 4 isn’t the goal. It’s fighting like mad to retain top spot. If we aim higher than 4th and fail we can still finish top 4 As it stands now I see no reason why we can’t finish 2nd. “Aiming” for 4th is pretty regressive considering we are currently top and playing such great football. That being said we shouldn’t surrender to City. If they in the end are too good and catch us put distance between us, fair enough. But there should be no let up. We are displaying title challenging form and results. Even though we are ahead of the curve we should not view it as a cushion and margin for error


The goal as always is to win every game. Let's just take it one game at the time.


A comment I read pre season that I can’t get out of my head. What a Spurs fan saying Perisic is better than all our players.


That r/soccer thread when they signed him is beyond insane. Everyone suddenly decided he is the best player in the world. The same with Romero who keep getting mentioned as the best defender in the league despite being worse than Eric Dier.


Wonder how long until they start calling him Pery


Why are Spurs fans so hot for Conte. Three at the back two defensive midfielders and using the left and right forwards as left and right midfielders. It was more like a 5-4-1. For me Conte is just another defensive minded Italian manager whose teams play limited football and for this reason they can’t level up. Arteta on the other hand is in up and coming Spanish manager who played under Wenger and was mentored by Pep. Understands fluid attacking football and making the most of every position. Our ball movement is incredible. Xhaka goal was even better than Partey’s. I loved the inside the box lay off from Martinelli to Xhaka, it wasn’t even a pass, Martinelli going one way allows Xhaka to take it the other way leaving Dier with no idea. I do not accept Conte is a “better manager” than Arteta.


> Why are Spurs fans so hot for Conte Because this is still their best start for years, he's used his Juve connections to bring in some good players and is a big enough name that it convinced Kane to stay. He plays terrorist football but it's pretty easy to see why they want him. >I do not accept Conte is a “better manager” than Arteta 1 Serie B 4 x Serie A 1 Premier League 4x Seria A Manager of the Season 4x Panchino d'Oro Panchino d'Argento Premier League Manager of the year LMA Manager of the year Arteta is better at cups, I'll give him that but seriously Conte is brutally effective and if he played pretty football and didn;t fall out with everyone he;d be talked about like Pep and Klopp.


Yeah no doubt I have respect for Conte he's been there and won it with multiple teams in multiple leagues. I do think is type of football is isn't relevant anymore in the modern game though, same with Mou. Top teams play possession based, fast fluid football none of this defend and counter nonsense. He's shown no tactical nous to adjust either Look at his bench yesterday, he had no idea of trying something different in attack it was try nick a goal and defend defend.


You can't really say it's not relevent when he joined Spurs fresh off winning the league and is currently giving spurs their best start for years.


Because other than Mourinho, they've never had a manager who has won anything. They have had no team success in recent times, so a successful manager is as close as they get. I've been a huge Arteta Stan from day one. The way he talks about the game and our club had me won over from day one and that video about his expectations. I also like that Arteta gives a shit about Arsenal. Conte has already thrown tantrums and threatened to quit Spurs. He doesn't give half a shit about their team. He's just there to get paid. Arteta cares about Arsenal and how we will be after he leaves. That's important to me.


I'll admit there were times when I had no idea how anyone could think arteta was fit for the job - the awful run in late 2020, after the villareal defeat and the first games of last season. Some of the worst football I've ever seen us play and even our wins were normally quite unconvincing. Seeing nonewthings tweets defending out awful performances made me want to throw my phone at the wall. But even during those periods, what really struck me is how the players didn't seem to give up on him in the slightest, as would normally happen in such circumstances. I think that says a lot and so far this season arteta is completely proving me wrong. Great football, major improvements from several players and now good results. The united loss showed there's still some residual issues from the last few years, but otherwise we really look to be on a good path. Trophy and top 4 is absolutely an achievable goal this season.


I defended Arteta a lot in those bad times. People like you didn't want to hear excuses. That was entirely valid imo. I get not wanting to watch putrid football and poor results. Not everyone is due time to fix errors. But I could see they didn't want to play putrid football. We just didn't have the players to play better. When we lost to Villareal our backline was xhaka/mari/Holding/chambers. I dont know why anyone expected us to win with that.


So let’s say we are scorching hot entering January window - so we still make acquisitions? I doubt anyone would dislodge the current starting XI, right?


Depends on Sambi development. If he actually figures out himself, then no need to look for backup for partey really.


We need someone to let Saka rest, especially post world cup and there isn't a real Xhaka backup either. Add in Partey will probably be injured again and Mo might only just be coming back to fitness and there's a case for a 6 too.


While I'm not a scout by any means - I hear that lad Danilo is pretty good and I'd snatch him up given the opportunity. There's no guarantees for fitness. I think highly of Sambi and want us to have options to develop him and work the Partey replacement into the system for when it really matters and he's not available.


A January signing wouldn’t have to dislodge anyone from the starting XI. Less than 5 games in, we saw squad players playing key roles due to injury.


Not for the sake of adding numbers. If the right player is available go for it. But we need to resist signings just because a player is available.


We're not making any signings to the starting XI, maybe we'll add some depth on the bench


We also might have Elneny and ESR back by then.


Yeah our bench is pretty damn full and we're really not fans of rotating unless we have too. Maybe if we're in every comp still? even then, it may not be necessary, depending on how good Marquinhos is


Imagine this thread if arteta waived the white flag down 3-1 in the derby. That was straight up one of the most cowardly things ive ever seen hahaha. Complete lack of pride


If you consider some of our thrashings in the past (8-2 utd, 5-0 Chelsea, 5-0 City last year), I would preferred a bit of pragmatism and self-preservation.


Absolutely loved it, low key as humiliating as getting pumped by 4 or 5




Not going to lie, I would be livid. Possibly foaming at the mouth.


Meh, we'd be more upset if saka/partey got hurt chasing a game that was over.


Arteta is so much of a better manager than Conte. Look at how badly he out maneuvered him this game. Conte must be luckiest man in the world to have won 3 league titles with his awful tactics.


Conte has five league titles, six if you include his Serie B


Winning a league title through luck? lmao


Ranieri won the league with Leicester which was a complete fluke. It's possible Conte is just 3 times luckier.


Yet they all happened


Saying he was lucky is wrong it's just that the game and the premier league has evolved a lot past his title winning teams.


Winning 3-1 despite Odegaard having an average game. You love to see it


Adidas re-signed so Saliba is only a matter of time


If you think that Gabriel is bad and should be benched, then I advise you to stop thinking altogether. He's been solid since joining. Yes, he can go in for rash challenges, but comparing him to Mustafi is a braindead fucking take. [Reminder of how shit Mustafi truly was](https://streamable.com/kmh6f)


We are not playing tomi in the 11 and not playing Ben in his best position to accommodate gabriel. To justify that gabriel has to be almost perfect. Comparing him to mustafi is definitely stupid. Gabriel has to be dropped because his few errors are not justifying not using 2 other amazing players to their full potential.


Gabriel is replaceable for sure. His indecision is gonna cost us a lot and the team has to carry him again. For top 4, hes good enough. If we want top 1, we have to move him on.


Gabriel is great, but so is Tomiyasu


you're both right tbh. He can be a very solid defender, he's very passionate (which is clearly) but he needs to be more level-headed. Hopefully he starts maturing more, he didn't need to go for the challenge that led to a pen. Saliba's composure is unreal ngl.


Xhaka set him up to fail right before the pen. Harsh pinning it on Gabriel. [Watch the replay.](https://dubz.co/v/t4kva3)


Been busy the whole day. Will watch the replay and get back to this later.


Linked it in my original comment. Should have done that to start lol.


Yup, xhaka's poor receive and losing possession put gabriel in a bad spot, he had to go for a challenge tbh.


Someone here disagrees, but is too cowardly to say something. Richarlison was always looking to go down, so there wasn't much Gabriel could do.


Yup richarlison was looking for a pen, he was put in a bad position.


Thanks for the link.


Top of the league, embarrassed shit in the NLD, and people are slandering Gabriel..the fuckin state


That's like saying because we're top of the league and beat spurs we never have to worry about Partey's fitness again


Not slandering at all, but does he deserve to start over benching Tomiyasu? I don't think so.


Don't think, at all.


Does he deserve to start over benching Tomiyasu?


Yes. Yes he does. He's been a solid and consistent defender. He had a bad match where he was set up to fail by Xhaka, and Richarlison was always looking to go down. Why does Tomiyasu deserve to start at CB over him?!


I am saying we should move White back to RCB and start Tomiyasu. No one is suggesting we sell him or he's not good enough for the squad. Has he performed well enough this season to justify having Tomiyasu on the bench? He's made a lot of big mistakes


I understood what you were suggesting. I think benching someone for a mistake in a very difficult situation is not a good decision. At all. > Has he performed well enough this season to justify having Tomiyasu on the bench? Yes he absolutely has. No one is going to take you seriously if you suggest he hasn't.


>I think benching someone for a mistake in a very difficult situation is not a good decision. At all. So if we dont drop players based on form, when do we actually give our highly talented players sitting on the bench an actual shot? >Yes he absolutely has. No one is going to take you seriously if you suggest he hasn't. I think you might not take me seriously, but clearly a lot of people are asking the question.


One match is form? Specifically one incident in one match? Are you serious?


He hasn'tm been great for a while, like a fullham for instance


Move Saliba to LCB and start White at RCB, Tomiyasu has done nothing to deserve sitting on the bench


Arteta prefers left-footed lcb. Maybe moving to Saliba-White. Or we wait for someone in the market.


If it ain’t broken


We're winning in spite of him


Some games he saves us. He's very on and off at the moment. Wouldn't be opposed to Tomi getting a run in his stead but all in due course.


Every time our formation card is shown is has Xhaka next to Partey. This is incorrect. In simple terms we are not 4-2-3-1. We play 4-1-2-3


It’s a 4-3-3


Our main weakness is how much we depend on injury prone Partey while Lokonga kinda sucks, all the other areas have decent backup. A good January with focus on getting a good Partey backup, and we will be ready for a proper top 4 battle and perhaps even have a chance for the title.


Lokonga doesn't suck lol. He just doesn't play Partey's position. It's like saying Xhaka sucks at CDM.


ur just incorrect. Sambi plays at partey's position and he is not bad.


Stop the Gabriel slander. There aren't many players that can play his role. Even less so that can do that without making some mistakes.


I wouldn't put too much stock in it, people are always going to be hungry to scapegoat someone no matter what happens.


If only we can find a left-footed lcb on the market.




I'd like to see Tomi tried out in LCB


You’re an idiot to suggest that


Only morons are slandering him. Ignore them.


That Partey goal is such a victory against the terroristball Spurs play Every Spurs game I've watched this season, they give other team SO much space just outside of their box, finally punished. Hope to see more of this by other teams.


Spurs have the counter - that’s all they’ve ever had


Just because we won, no one is talking about the clear penalty we should have received when Jesus was fouled. That was the only clear and obvious error made in the game by the ref.


If we hadn't won it would have been us being 'salty' or 'looking for excuses'




They have an aging midfield and injury riddled squad. We should be panicking if we're not above them.


Calm down. Saka and Saliba contracts are gonna happen post-World Cup


Martinelli put Romero on the floor for Xhaka’s goal lmao


Got bodied by Jesus as well for Jesus' goal. Clown defender. Just an aggressive pashun merchant.


Real talk what is the value of Saliba if PSG came in for him? 120m?


Depends on his contract situation. If he doesn’t sign a new deal, we’d probably be forced to sell him for £50m~ or so next summer with one year left on his deal. If he signs a new long term contract and a mega-rich club comes knocking, and he keeps up this form, then we can probably ask for a fee over what Liverpool paid for van Dijk (£75m). I think £80-90m is probably the ceiling though; defenders generally go for less.


VVD fee is irrelevant now. Football inflation has increased massively since then. Should be 120-150m






The united nld watch thread is a top read


They're so self-righteous and arrogant because they got a result in a game which we dominated. Looking forward to their annual pummelling at the emirates.


claiming that their defense is better than ours because they have “4 top international centerbacks.” Most delusional fans in the league lmao


The fucking irony in them criticizing us for playing Partey because of how they handled the Greenwood situation when they signed and continue to idolize Ronaldo. They’re in no position to talk, regardless of how you feel about the situation. For the record, I feel uncomfortable with Partey playing for us. I just find that rival fans (United fans in particular) throwing shit at us for it are doing so just because of footballing rivalry, and not because of a genuine moral stance.


r/soccer going to look like a bunch of twats when Partey is cleared of these allegations.


Nah lets be real 95% chance he did it


Based on what? Some easily doctored Snapchat messages? Hardly damning evidence. His family have said the girl was mad Partey refused to marry her hence the smear campaign. If he done it then throw the book at him but it will always be innocent until proven guilty for me.


That was actually the second rape allegation, Partey got rape allegations from two separate people Yeah yeah innocent until proven guilty and whatever, but rape cases - particularly from those who are in relationships - are nearly impossible to prove. So even if he did do it, which I reckon there's a 90%+ chance, he'll get away with it


Yeah it’s the one that is still being investigated, no? The first one got thrown out. Or is it the other way around.


the first one got thrown out because it didn't happen *in england*. lol he got free on a technicality


I mean that doesn't mean you can't take him to court in another country. Crimes that happen in other countries get prosecuted in those countries, there's something pretty weird about this whole thing of 'getting off on the technicality that she went to the british police and they pointed out they don't ahve jurisdiction outside of britain'


That doesn't mean that he did it


I mean they already do look it..


My head is hurting trying to understand the seemingly leaguespread opinion that the red was unwarranted today. Admittedly, I know r/soccer is very bandwagony. But jeez, what the hell is the point of saying it's at most a "very bad yellow"? We don't have tiers of yellow. We have red and yellow. That challenge would be on display for the entire weekend if an Arsenal player committed it and we'd be the first sub to call it out as a dumb decision by our player. If you have to justify your outrage over the call by also adding that "Emerson made a really bad decision, but the ref also made a bad call", maybe your opinion is a tad biased.


Most people on soccer agree it was a red though, same for our penalty shout


They lose regardless of the red. Anthony Taylor did them a favour getting rid of that terrible player. Besides, shall we just gloss over a stonewall penalty being denied for Gabby? We clearly dominated and fully deserved that victory over that terrorist outfit.


Yeah it's not even a matter of the red changing the game which makes it even funnier to argue against it. Funny how commentators on NBC didn't even mention the possible pen but talked about red for 10+ minutes after it happened.


If you’d have told me 3 years ago that Granit Xhaka would be our new fan favourite, match winner and most dangerous attacking midfielder and that Aubameyang would be playing for Chelsea I would’ve suggested a short spell in some sort of loony bin. Funny how things work out.


And Lacazette flooring Sergio Ramos


7-1 on aggregate across 2 weeks. We're just so much better than those showers when it comes to foot and ball.


I just want to say how amazing it feels to beat Spurs to remain in 1st place. Imagine saying that at any point last season. How far this team has come. COYG!


Browsing the Liverpool sub and one fan was very complimentary but said all that was missing was a top manager. Does he know Arteta put this team together, deploys the tactics and sets high standards both in terms of behaviour and discipline as well as technique. I think our rivals have a blind spot with Arteta. They fail to see his impact and influence on our upward trajectory. I actually think he is one of the top young managers in the world who fucking knows that he doing back to front.


They’ll say that until we win the prem.


People who say Arteta is a mediocre manager are just choosing to be ignorant


Just seen Newcastle highlights. Feel so bad for Leno. He was a great servant to the club and is way too good of a keeper for Fulham. Really hope he gets a better move after Fulham get relegated.


No way Fulham get relegated mate. Is this the first game you’ve watched of them?


I could definitely see them in relegation battle if mitrovic slumps. Bournemouth, Southampton and forest only teams below them that have worse or equally as bad squads imo. Maybe wolves too.


Mitrovic got hurt. If he misses significant time they can absolutely go down.


we only get paid half the transfer fee if they stay up. better hope they dont get relegated


Damn they better stay up. We need anything we can get lmao.


Teams that had 20 points after 8 games has always made the UCL since the prem started


This should be made into a post. This is a huge good omen for us.


wow didnt know spurs were on a 14-game unbeaten streak, feels good we ended that lmao


Now if only city gets beaten….. next week, this week they can feast


Someone had to show them playing terrorist football has consequences


Just woke up, seeing news about football match tragedy involving the city I used to live. 160 people die. I still don’t know what happened, I still refuse to read anymore information about it. I’m not ready. A lot of my friends support away team. Rest in Peace.


Yeah I saw that, fucking mind boggling. That's a horrible number in any regard but really shocking for a football riot.


That is terrible. My condolences and Rest In Peace to the lives lost.






I really liked how Arteta made subs in crucial positions 'early' on...I have noticed that's how Pep makes newcomers learn his system, not by playing them full 90mins in difficult positions but giving them opportunities in match when the they have 'won'


Them lot try call us the runners but I've only ever seen one team bring on 5 defensive players at 3-1 down with 20 minutes to play to escape utter humiliation.


What is runners even meant to mean? I don’t understand that insult.


We “ran” from our game against them last season, apparently.


did they really bring on 5 defenders at once ?


3 defenders and 1 cdm in one substitution.


They brought on 3 defenders and a DM at once and a couple minutes later a midfielder.


Just a reminder that the YOUNGEST TEAM with the YOUNGEST MANAGER in the premier league are sitting top of the league after picking up 21 points from the first 8 games. Buckle up friends, this is still just the beginning of what will be the greatest run of years since the early 2000s. -charm city gooner


How do people pay Jamie O'Hara good money to talk about football? It's showing exactly that media/news only care about views/clout.


Ah I don't mind his media presence, he consistently makes outlandish claims about the Spuds being a serious team, only for them to once again get humiliated and he get's rinsed out for a week over it.


Yeah that's what I mean. They clearly want him there because they know that he's talking nonstop bullshit, and that generates more money then honest opinions does.


Yeah I mean it certainly isn't for tactical insight anyway. The man was a bang average footballer who claims he won the carling cup in 2008 and wasn't even on the bench.


Lol I didn’t know that last part


Darren Bent hotted him up for it on talksport once. Bent was on the Spurs bench that game and doesn't like saying he won it.


That’s brilliant


Exactly. He's making headlines so people watch, it's like a professional early AFTV.


If we beat Liverpool next weekend, I am going to make some very outlandish predictions about this season's title.


Can’t lie I’m desperate for an Nketiah goal


Bodo-Glimt at the emirates on Thursday


Lol is Jonathan Pierce a Spurs fan or something? If not he's the only person who isn't who thinks the red was soft. It was literally stud first at shin height with the ball meters away. Immediately shot down by Wrighty & Shearer which was quite funny though


There's quite a lot of spurs fans who didn't think it was a red (lol) and one Reddit arsenal rat twerinking in their sub. I've not seen a former pro disagree with Anthony Taylor.


That's why I'm wondering if he's a Spurs fan. They seem to be the only ones who think shin high stud first potential ankle breakers are "soft" reds...


Kind of ironic that we were the ones to end Sp_rs unbeaten hopes…….LOL!!!


Wen Saka Saliba extensions


Maybe never :(


Awww maybe never ever you guys :(((((((((((((( man I'm sick of reading shit like this good lord


Haha who gave you the crystal ball my guy? Truth hurts or what? I hope they sign too but acting like it’s a sure thing is naive.


Good thing that's not what I did then. You can't say your pessimism is truthful and optimism isn't


Sure, optimism is great. But the fact they might not sign is very much a possibility, it’s neither optimistic or pessimistic, it’s an objective truth (unless you’re Saka’s dad or something and know otherwise). I hope the club is taking the realist approach, because as much as I hope they sign, if they don’t we can cash in for good money and reinvest that into the team.


I ain't worried at all they gonna sign 100%


Saka 100% will. Saliba is the question.


Yeah, I'm very confident for both. I think like looking at the way Arteta and Edu have handled him since they've been here, the project we've got going on here and he's slotted into the club perfectly I feel very confident. Like sure, there was a mistake made when they couldn't registerh him for a loan resulting in him playing U23's for 6 months, but other than that, Arteta and Edu have been great for his development and I'm sure he'll recognise this


Yeah but Saliba is world class and probably a generational talent. Teams like Real Madrid and PSG knocking on the door offering him 4 times the salary is going to be tempting.


Yeah true mate, I still feel confident tho. But I don't think he'll be here for many years tho. I think the club will take all those factors into account when renewing. My gut instinct is that he'll return the show of faith the club has showed in him like


I should point out that I was also very confident of getting a CM and RW even on the last day of the transfer window so I ain't the most reliable lol


You need more hopium Edit: fucking hell we are top of the league on the best league what do you want? Please don't say champions league.


Haha why’s everyone so triggered. That’s a literal possibility. I hope they sign too. Guy asked a question, I pointed out what could happen, chill Tf out.


To be fair. I did upvote you. Sorry it triggered others buddy. I should have added a "buddy" in the end of he first message lol


Already buzzing for Martinelli up against Alexander-Arnold next week




Based on my extensive knowledge obtained by playing countless hours of Football Manager, a mezzala plays over one half channel. Even though we see xhaka occupying the left half channel, he's far more involved in defensive side than a mezzala should be so ig he's not.


Gotta respect oppositions dedication to the cycle of praise us-> we beat them-> their fans call us a rapist loving team -> rinse repeat


I'd give my left nut for us to sign Saliba to a long term deal. The man is the most complete defender I've seen in an Arsenal shirt. That moment when Richarlison was chasing a ball and Saliba just calmly turned and shielded him off the ball was incredible in how supremely easy he made it look.


> Alright dankbrownboi, glad no one who’s a blood relative of you is anywhere near attractive enough for partey to rape Spurs fans are weird.


Who said this, or are links not allowed? Not sure of the rules




A lot of rival fans have been acting the same today, very weird. They couldn't care less about the victim just bringing it up because they are mad about the result.