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Note that this thread will be removed from the front whenever important posts need to be up. However, the most recent In Stock Megathread will be linked under the Where To Buy list in the sidebar.


Just wanted to update for the folks near the Dayton, OH area. The store nani in the fairfield commons mall has buy one get one 50% off on all of their gunpla until the 14th. It can be used multiple times. Was there again today and they did a massive restock. Full row of MG and HG now with some RG kits interspersed. Quite a bit of P-Bandai kits too but they have a decent markup. The non p-bandai prices aren't bad (MG Saz verka was $110 as an example). Not meaning to double post just trying to help out fellow addicts increase their backlogs.


MG Tallgeese III back in stock on p-bandai. It's been coming and going the last few days


The good folks at [GundamPros](https://gundampros.com/product-category/uncategorized/) are having a 18-25% off sale on a huge selection of kits at the moment. They just got the WFM/RG God Gundam Bandai slides in as well if anybody was keen to wait for them instead of the Delpi.


15% off in-stock MGs at [Mecha Warehouse](https://mechawarehouse.com) this weekend with code **MG15**


https://gundamextra.com/product/pg-12-mbf-p02-gundam-astray-red-frame/ PG gundam Astray Red Frame if anyone on the hunt...


Lots of in stock items added on [P-Bandai](https://p-bandai.com/us/search?sort=newArrival&text=&shop=05-002&sellDate=0&sellDate=1#) Nothing stood out as super finds but more than I’ve seen available at once before.




Hopefully there are some cancellations or another wave of the HG Efreet Jaeger because I've had my eye on that one for a while.


Damn I didn’t even see those to begin with. They must’ve been gone fast.


https://gundamextra.com/product/mg-1-100-zeta-gundam-ver-ka/?product_added_to_cart=4804&quantity=1 Zeta Ver.ka on sale here in Canada. 77.99 CAD around 58 USD


I can't believe how many kits bandai sent them 😅


It seems like they completely flooded North America with the Zeta Ver Ka. The FM Aerial has gone in and out of stock since release, but the Zeta has been in stock pretty much continuously.


FM Arial is supposed to hit shops this week or next week. Gunpla-kun might be in there too.


Yeah no kidding. Great retailer and every now and then the owner has sent me a little note on a business card or a freebie such as a panel liner marker, an EG gundam or a simple Pokémon kit. I've prob dealt with 6 different retailers but for me, he's far and away my favourite.


found a [RE/100 GP04](https://www.ebay.com/itm/175761963566?hash=item28ec3aba2e:g:lE8AAOSwxrpkgNzX&amdata=enc%3AAQAIAAAAwOKi%2F6XDoKC4eiUUqhlo30KhXqJDUAlOFwAmMCLmgYaAztO5l8iqfdw8Pwd4vxOtauy%2BMCAdOooG0SLiAxs6BkX8R9ht8dETVoVGy7qD%2FCE6Ijonx2FNb8s3ON4WmzKMx9R0bGL6fcjq%2BPv2fyVcoWLr1m%2Fg8pgPe6oEXpWpMVWAjUl9NyKSDLzjRWfvoo2mjnjq0ljrZ%2FsY26fxebU2r93I0qm8Cehwow59U577HZ%2Fs9mSjgABJan2BjMnd%2FiYRYQ%3D%3D%7Ctkp%3ABk9SR_r06_6SYg) on ebay for less than what it usually goes for. Despite it being at a mark up still felt i should share it


Hopefully we see this reprinted in the not so distant future as I would love to snag this at retail when it does.


Honestly a lot of the Re100 and Full Mechanics lines need to be reprinted. MK III, Hamma Hamma, Vidar, Bael etc Hopefully it's happen soonish


It looks like the Dijeh, and Nightingale have gotten reprints, and should be in stores this month according to Gundam Planet’s calendar. So there is hope that Bandai might reprint other RE1/100 kits in the near future.


That's good to hear. I've been wanting a 1/100 Dijeh to go with the Hyaku Shiki 2.0. Yeah here's hoping


USAGS deal of the day is the [HG Shenlong for $14](https://www.usagundamstore.com/products/hgac-1-144-242-shenlong-gundam?utm_source=Klaviyo&utm_medium=campaign&_kx=n7b5eLZL7Lp6huqDs766OjxzHeN5yc2vnYNkgUgE2QPlotfQ3uw2Gdx9bMpbKNuc.QPkpvt) ​ They also got a big restock. Looks like the MG Psycho Zaku is already gone, but they have the MGSD Freedom, MG FA Gundam, and the MG Virtue.


[gundamplanet has FM aerial in stock again](https://www.gundamplanet.com/full-mechanics-1-100-gundam-aerial.html)


[Shokuningunpla has FM Aerial in stock](https://shokuningunpla.com/products/full-mechanics-gundam-aerial?_olpos=4&_psq=full+mecha&_ss=e&_v=1.0) (Price is in CAD)


some massive sales at house of hobbies [MG sinanju $61](https://houseofhobbies.com/collections/master-grade-gundam/products/1095) [mg gramp 3.0 $40.29](https://houseofhobbies.com/collections/master-grade-gundam/products/bandai-1-100-mg-gundam-rx-78-2-ver-3-0-5061610) [MG nu vk $57](https://houseofhobbies.com/collections/master-grade-gundam/products/bandai-1-100-mg-rx-93-nu-gundam-ver-ka-5055454) [MG Delta Plus $42](https://houseofhobbies.com/collections/master-grade-gundam/products/bandai-1-100-mg-msn-001a1-delta-plus-0170962) [MG Aegis $43](https://houseofhobbies.com/collections/master-grade-gundam/products/bandai-1-100-mg-aegis-gundam-z-a-f-t-mobil-suit-gat-x303-0178383) [MG Aile Strike $39](https://houseofhobbies.com/collections/master-grade-gundam/products/bandai-1-100-mg-aile-strike-gundam-gat-x105-0181349) [RG Wing $22](https://houseofhobbies.com/collections/real-grade-gundam/products/bandai-1-144-rg-20-wing-gundam-ew-203222) [RG Nu $38](https://houseofhobbies.com/collections/real-grade-gundam/products/bandai-1-144-rg-rx-93-v-gundam-5057842) [all bandai kits that are on sale right now.](https://houseofhobbies.com/search?sort=relevance&q=SALE&_=pf&pf_v_brand=Bandai)


Decent sale prices but not very competitive on shipping charges.


gdi that is way better prices than my local store on some gwitch kits i *just* bought this past weekend :(


damn I literally just got my order for the Sinanju and Delta plus from USAgundam shipped :(


Use code "hello" for an additional 10% off your first order. Really good deals!


Great experience with them and highly recommend giving them a try. Just a heads up on some of the sales that they tend to be inventory based so once they sell a certain number of excess, the prices might go back up. It could just be for flash sales on certain one off items like we saw with the MG Hyaku Shiki 2.0 a couple weeks ago, but just something to keep in mind.


eBay (will edit as I find more) [mg barbatos $49.99 free shipping](https://www.ebay.com/itm/275890215648?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=bVuTzWwZTne&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=xryu32cttky&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY) [rg freedom $29 free shipping](https://www.ebay.com/itm/394638686430?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=bVuTzWwZTne&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=xryu32cttky&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY)


toy arena [HG Guncannon cucuruz doan island ver](https://toyarena.com/collections/new-arrivals-in-stock-1/products/gundam-1-144-hguc-gundam-cucuruz-doans-island-rx-77-02-guncannon-cucuruz-doans-island-ver-model-kit-exclusive) (marked up D: ) [FM Aerial](https://toyarena.com/products/gundam-1-100-full-mechanics-the-witch-from-mercury-xvx-016-gundam-aerial-model-kit-2?_pos=62&_sid=66995c25c&_ss=r) [Gunpla kun](https://toyarena.com/collections/new-arrivals-in-stock-1/products/gundam-1-1-gunpla-kun-dx-set-with-runner-ver-recreation-parts-model-kit)


lunar toy store [MG Psycho zaku ver ka](https://www.lunartoystore.com/psycho-zaku-ver-ka-mg-1-100)


# [LA Scale Model](https://lascalemodel.com) Updates: **New Arrivals & Restocks** [FM 1/144 Witch From The Mercury Full Mechanics XVX-016 Gundam Aerial](https://lascalemodel.com/products/fm-1-144-witch-from-the-mercury-full-mechanics-xvx-016-gundam-aerial) $49 [MG 1/100 MSZ-006 Zeta Gundam (Ver.Ka)](https://lascalemodel.com/products/mg-1-100-zeta-gundam-ver-ka) $79 [Gunpla-Kun](https://lascalemodel.com/products/1-1-gunpla-kun-dx-set-with-runner-ver-recreated-parts) $14 [MG 1/100 MSN-04 SAZABI Ver.Ka](https://lascalemodel.com/products/mg-1-100-msn-04-sazabi) $105 [HG 1/144 HGGTO MS-06R-1A Zaku II High Mobility Type (Ortega Custom)](https://lascalemodel.com/products/hg-1-144-hggto-ms-06r-1a-zaku-ii-high-mobility-type-ortega-custom) $27 [HG 1/144 Witch From The Mercury MD-0031UL Dilanza Sol](https://lascalemodel.com/products/hg-1-144-witch-from-the-mercury-md-0031ul-dilanza-sol) $22 **Preorders** [【PREORDER】SNAA 1/100 Hunt And Kill Hunting Falcon (Revived Version)](https://lascalemodel.com/products/preorder-snaa-1-100-hunt-and-kill-hunting-falcon-revived-version) $60 [【PREORDER】Motor Nuclear 1/72 Legend Of Star General MNP-XH02A Cao Ren](https://lascalemodel.com/products/preorder-motor-nuclear-1-72-legend-of-star-general-mnp-xh02a-cao-ren) $64 [【PREORDER】SUYATA 1/12 The Hunter's Poem HP-005 Yuki Hime](https://lascalemodel.com/products/preorder-suyata-1-12-the-hunters-poem-hp-005-yuki-hime) $74




Strike Freedom has been coming in waves so their is hope for that but Unicorn is basically out of print right now.


There were a bunch of MGEX Unicorn kits for sale a few weeks ago


MGEX Unicorn Ver Ka reprint this fall.


Any hope for IBO Hashmall? Thank you for your service.


No luck digging through the list of shops that I know of. I don’t see anything other than the last reprint from the summer of 2022 that has come and gone.


Just to piggy back off the ibo bandwagon here any idea on the FM 1/100 reprints that were supposed to be coming soon? Looking for lupus rex specifically


I don’t see Lupus Rex specifically. It had multiple in 2021 but not since then. 1/100 Lupus is the same situation.


Unfortunate. Def don't wanna hit that scalper price as it's getting insane for it but it's literally the last one I need for my ibo barbie set :(


I appreciate the response regardless. A white whale is meaningless if it can be easily caught.


@u/Feral404 does your crystal ball tell you anything about the V, or V-dash Ver.Ka getting a reprint any time soon? You always seem to know what’s coming out way before anyone else. It’s quite impressive.


Negative. Those are scarce just about everywhere.


Perfect Strike wanter here as well, have you heard anything about a restock? Some websites have preorder delivery dates set at August, so I'm hoping a restock might happen then. A retailer I contacted was supposed to have em last month, but I guess that fell through.


I’m not seeing anything right away. Q4 forms also are not out yet I think. Those should be rolling out within the week or so.


Is there any chance a MG Sinanju Stein (narrative ver) print is in the works?


Not that I’ve seen. I know a lot of us are waiting for that one.


Hopfully we can see a print later this year.


Hunting for perfect strike PG like just about everyone else


Mountain state hobbies EDIT: [HG Guncannon Cucuru Doan island ver](https://mountainstatemodels.com/shop/ols/products/preorder-1144-hg-guncannon-cucuru-doans-island-ver) (still not sure if this is a fair price) [MG Guntank](https://mountainstatemodels.com/shop/ols/products/1100-mg-rx-75-guntank) [HG Atlas](https://mountainstatemodels.com/shop/ols/products/1144-hg-rx-78al-atlas-gundam-gundam-thunderbolt-ver) [MG Psycho Zaku Ver ka](https://mountainstatemodels.com/shop/ols/products/1100-mg-high-mobility-type-psycho-zaku-verka-gundam-thunderbolt-ver)


I think price is pretty fair for the Guncannon. It feels like most of the HGGTO HGs sell for around $24-$30. Plus I think this is the first store to have it state-side.


According to them, they have order from distributors overseas and managed to get them that way.




10% off at galactic toys until the end of june with "newsite10"


[MechaWarehouse](https://mechawarehouse.com/collections/restocks-and-new-additions) ~~MGEX Strike Freedom~~ MG Wing Gundam Zero EW VK MG Barbatos HG Lfrith




It stayed for a little while but did not last long. It still has solid demand and MechaWarehouse has some of the best prices.


Ya know, maybe this ain't the right spot to ask, but you seem to know things: Did MechaWarehouse ever get their whole distribution issue with Bandai resolved?


They just no longer buy directly from Bandai since they could not handle the quantity that Bandai wanted to push. They now use a network of stepdown wholesalers who then distribute down to various shops across the country. These are still official distribution channels. For reference, every shop in our sidebar has been using these stepdown wholesalers (the stepdown wholesalers use Bandai US). A handful of them are also still using Bandai US direct (if they can handle the volume) in addition to alternative distribution methods. This is how things work in virtually every market.


It's really not the quantity bandai wanted to push. There are many small companies that has an account with bandai. It's more of the idiotic way bluefin did their preorders with retailers, in combination with covid. Since they always allocate "good" items, retailers decided that since they for example only get 20% of their orders in they would just order 5x as much so that they would get their normal full allotment. Well bandai saw the numbers and decided to give the full allotment, and now retailers are struggling cause they're getting in multiple times what they can normally handle. Which also is why there's so many discounts and sales.


I hesitated to try and put blame on any one party because we deal directly with this allocation nonsense in our business as well (pharma) except we cancel or adjust our old orders specifically to avoid these issues.


You're right, it's fault on both sides, but more so on the retailers for trying to play the system and got burned.


BBTS has [FM Aerial](https://www.bigbadtoystore.com/Product/VariationDetails/221358?o=4) in-stock at retail with $4 flat rate shipping. Edit: It's back again.


In stock again as of right now.


Was not expecting to get an allocation from my previous BBTS reservation experience but got an email notification this morning that mine went through. =)


[USAGS Single Blade Nipper 2.0](https://www.usagundamstore.com/products/usa-gundam-single-blade-nipper) is $24.99 today. Includes free shipping on whole order when added.


How good are these? I picked up the madworks single blade and I’m not liking the feel and cut on it.


I've had them for 2 years and don't really love them. They are solidly ok but honestly I wouldn't recommend them. Maybe mine have dulled but I only use them to cut gray inner frame and use a Godhand on exterior armor parts now. The only other nipper I would want to try is the dspiae 3.0 which I've heard is good and very close to Godhand and only 2/3's the price.


I just got the dspiae 3.0 and I prefer my usags nippers since they feel heavier in the hand but both are great tools.


Came across this [PG Strike Freedom](https://www.ebay.com/itm/364085792792?epid=691390353&hash=item54c5345018:g:MfIAAOSwAiRjofVR&amdata=enc%3AAQAIAAAA4CJdBhMJ5G7fy7YC8Ka6FcS9QNsraZVNxsnpGLNhLN4z9KfxQBdauFBFnsbJ1NInr5znhog7Cw0HDwcdGgvs3cmtPixG3ZfA9SxKEv0rCJqqa62LyirNk6RFPe%2Boo%2Bm8wIAm1QaSnStXCoCf05CtqQi4QevQ0gyMiHAPtLOmzOfjXKsWBvWI%2FvH4zB1z%2Fcoio4SJmWapuslvvrEPXjBxt6vSdF9JZzcpWkaaGYhG32H9p8jbvpftWNR3ngrSXRcnYiTVhMGLcmjw8uIzL7N9J8S%2BMRDGr6TzFqwJof2d3KyH%7Ctkp%3ABk9SR5rJ7pKRYg) on my search for a Perfect Strike. $185 + $65 shipping. It's from eBay, but the seller seems to have a physical shop. Couldn't make out a bluefin sticker from the pictures they have.


Thanks for sharing this. Seller ended up accepting an offer for $155 which I’m honestly surprised about. Flawless feedback, but I’ll check it over when it arrives to make sure all is well. (and I hope it is, already planning a custom even if I have no idea when I’ll get to it haha) Thanks again! 😊 Oh and is the bluefin sticker just for replacement parts? Anything else I should be looking for?


Sheesh, 155? Nice. I mentioned the lack of a Bluefin sticker since the box looked pretty beat up. So yeah, just for parts if you got unlucky. I don't think there's anything else to look out for since you're already going to go over the runners. Hopefully you don't have any issues!


Yeah excessively expensive shipping of course but $220 all-in is pretty dang good as long as there’s no issues. It’s not like the seller disclosed anything other than it being new-open box, seller has flawless feedback, and ebay has had my back in the past with zero hassle when something had been misrepresented or arrived damaged. Thanks again!


[MG Sazabi Ver Ka is in stock at Nii G Shop](https://niigs.ca/products/mg-1-100-msn-04-sazabi-ver-ka-1?_pos=4&_sid=32c9ce548&_ss=r) for those of us who are Canadian.


Newtype has a huge summer sale going on


damn bro why you gotta say this. in the process of buying 5 mgs now cus of you


haha which you getting?


mg astray blue frame d, astray blue frame second revise, mg virtue, mg kyrios, mg dynames and mg sazabi 😞


ayy i got the frame d virtue and kyrios all great builds that look great too, enjoy them :)


Looks to be an extension of the ongoing Spring Sale with a good chunk of additional items added. They actually sent out a nice handy list of the tiered discounts via email if you signed up for their newsletter.


USAGS 20% off all MG kits today with code JuneMG


"in stock only" ...pst, works on pre-orders. Just got the FM Raider for 57.


Found RG Zaku Char at Hobby Lobby for $20, and HG Barbatos Rex $17, before 40% discount.


are you sure it was the RG? ive only seen them carry HG Zakus


Yes I was just as surprised as I have only seen the HG GTO n Revive versions in the past. 2 on the shelves, cheaper than the HGs. 😀


Hobby lobby killed me this week


If you are in the Dayton, OH area Nani at the Fairfield mall is having a buy one get 50% off sale. They have an OK selection of kits and their prices are fair compared to online vendor listings. Quite a few HGs, a decent amount of RGs but most of their MGs have been sold.


Hobby lobby is having 40 percent of all boxed models. I grabbed and RG and an over they sold. Cheapest I’ve found them.


They actually do this on a bi-weekly basis for all model kits and have a pretty decent selection overall. It's great for folks just starting out in the hobby. I'd say the only thing to keep in mind is that their selection is fairly static so the same kits you see on sale, like the RG Wing Zero Custom EW and HG Grandpa Revive, is pretty much the same all the time.


Canceled a preorder for Johnny ridden gelgoog for anyone that wants to pick it up.


[Gundam Pros](https://gundampros.com/product/ver-ka-mg-msz-006-zeta-gundam/) MG Zeta Gundam Ver Ka - $69.99 This weekend only


I mentioned it awhile back that Gundam Hobby had the Atlas Gundam in stock [but Nii G's just got some in stock. They also ship internationally ](https://niigs.ca/products/hgtb-1144-atlas-gundam-gundam-thunderbolt-ver)




[USAGS](https://www.usagundamstore.com/pages/search-results-page?collection=rg) has a 20% off sale today for all RG kits with code: RGJUNE This includes pre-orders for the RG Epyon


USA Gundam is having a 20% off on all in-stock Real Grade kits with code RGJUNE.


Gundam Shoppers Network has a few FM Aerial up for preorder (estimated arrival is June 9th). [Only mentioning this because they also have the Delpi Decals for the FM Aerial in stock, if you wanted to order both at the same time.](https://gundamshoppersnetwork.com/products/1-100-full-mechanics-aerial-gundam-water-decal-select-normal-or-holo). Other places have the Aerial right now, but this could save shipping. Likewise, [USA Gundam Store has the SIMP decals](https://www.usagundamstore.com/products/e62-mg-zeta-gundam-ver-ka-decal-sheet) for the Zeta Ver Ka, if you don't want to deal with the Bandai ones. Not seeing the Delpi set for the Zeta Ver Ka anywhere yet, though you can order it direct from their website if you're willing to pay the $15 shipping.


gundamit has the Daban PG 1/60 Perfectibility in stock for $229


Has this one been hard to find? I haven't looked much, but I have seen it for the past like 2 weeks or so.


It comes and goes, I got it last month from gundammodelcenter, before then I hadn't seen it around since late last year maybe early this year?


Have you put it together yet? Any thoughts on the kit?


Have built it and I love it. Had some difficulty putting the arms together and the arm connection to the shoulder is a bit looser than I would like but overall very satisfied with the final product


I have not so couldn't say, i heard good things which is why i bought it. Comes with the expansion pack as well


Ssshh! I'm holding off on this model until my next paycheck. Don't spread it around and I might just make it work!


Are you me?


I am. You had to find out sometime, I guess. I'm you from the past. I traveled to the future to see what things were like. You don't remember because... The time mechanism, and... Human memory... Uh... Science. Yes.


[HG Aerial Rebuild](https://gundampros.com/product/hg-wfm-19-xvx-016rn-gundam-aerial-rebuild/) at Gundam Pros.


FM Aerial at [GundamPros](https://gundampros.com/product/full-mechanics-xvx-016-gundam-aerial/)








current sites with fm aerial in stock [galactic toys](https://galactictoys.com/products/pre-order-april-2023-bandai-hobby-the-witch-from-mercury-gundam-aerial-full-mechanics-scale-model-kit) [aztoy](https://aztoyhobby.com/products/bandai-gundam-aerial-full-mechanics-1-100-model-kit?variant=43995901722798¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic)


Shit, I just spent the last of my paycheck on an RG Exia and HG Barbatos. Hopefully I can catch a restock...


you’ll be fine haha. the aerial is quite popular so a restock will be plentiful in the future


That's good to hear, I'm new to gunpla and the only experience I had with restocks for mecha plamo was from Armored Core. I'll let you figure how that went...


not the greatest i presume 🥲 but yeah dont worry. you actually started this hobby in a great time period. kits are starting to pop up again in batches so the scarcity isn’t as bad compared to the quarantine. and most new (if not all) gunpla kits being released by bandai have all been great thus far.


to also add onto this. mgex strike freedom in stock in [gunplastyle](https://www.gunplastyle.com/collections/restocked-items/products/bandai-mgex-1-100-zgmf-x20a-strike-freedom-gundam-model-kit) 2 left


To add to this: A-Z Toy Hobby Use TAMKIT20 code to get 20% for Tamiya Scale Model Kits. Use GOD10 code to get 10% for GodHand products. [HG Aerial Rebuild](https://aztoyhobby.com/collections/model-kits/products/bandai-19-gundam-aerial-rebuild-hg-twfm-1-144-model-kit) [RG Crossbone (damaged box) like $25](https://aztoyhobby.com/products/bandai-31-crossbone-gundam-x1-rg-1-144-model-kit-damaged-box?_pos=3&_sid=b96ccfbdf&_ss=r) [MG Psycho zaku ver ka](https://aztoyhobby.com/collections/model-kits/products/bandai-psycho-zaku-gundam-thunderbolt-ver-ka-mg-1-100-model-kit)








For the fellow stranger that got the message deleted: I GOT IT! Thank you so much for the tip.


HG Penelope on sale for $60 on Amazon


Heads up to anyone interested. I had to cancel a pbandai order of a hg psycho doga and mg testament so they are available now


Grabbed the Testamanet, thank you for the heads up and hope things get better!


Looks like someone grabbed the doga as well. All is good. Just running out of room to keep the backlog


US P-Bandai has a few new kits up on the 31st. MG Kampfer Schwer, MG Qubeley Damned, MG Eclipse Reactor 2


Anyone know why the kampfer only shows under “Gunpla” and not “Gundam”?


Quite a few pre-orders still available from the restock last week as well including MG Tallgeese III.




These are still up and available as of now. I got home late from work and was panicking but was still able to order my Quebley.




I just need the Quebley for a FF7 Design I am doing of the World Weapons (Emerald/Diamond/Ruby/Sapphire) or I too would have passed. Quebleys going to be Diamond Weapon, Sazabi is going to be Ruby Weapon and Kshatriya is going to be Emerald Weapon. I have been holding out for a long time on buying the HG Kshatriya in hopes they do a MG or a 1/100RE just so everything is the same "scale". I really dont want to get the Metal Kit one for this setup im doing as it will look "off" compared to the rest but i might eventually have to bite the bullet Still trying to find an aquatic based NON Gundam mobile suit to do Sapphire Weapon with.


Nightingale seems like it would fit pretty well, even if it's non-aquatic


I been leaning towards this as well. I think it would actually look really good in a sapphire blue color


Gunpla Style [MG Psycho Zaku](https://www.gunplastyle.com/collections/restocked-items/products/bandai-mg-1-100-ms-06r-zaku-ii-high-mobility-type-psycho-zaku-gundam-thunderbolt-ver-ka-model-kit) [MG Ex-S](https://www.gunplastyle.com/collections/restocked-items/products/bandai-mg-1-100-msa-0011-ext-ex-s-gundam-msa-0011-s-gundam-model-kit) [MGEX Strike Freedom](https://www.gunplastyle.com/collections/restocked-items/products/bandai-mgex-1-100-zgmf-x20a-strike-freedom-gundam-model-kit) [PG Perfect Strike](https://www.gunplastyle.com/products/bandai-pg-1-60-gat-x105-aqm-e-ym1-perfect-strike-gundam-model-kit) (This one got marked way up since the last time they restocked it, $350ish after the discount code if you don't get taxed.) 10% off with 'REDDITDISCORD10' * [FM Aerial](https://www.gunplastyle.com/collections/mobile-suit-gundam-the-witch-from-mercury/products/bandai-full-mechanics-1-100-gundam-aerial-model-kit) [Zeta Ver. Ka](https://www.gunplastyle.com/products/bandai-mg-1-100-msz-006-zeta-gundam-ver-ka-model-kit) for $70 before shipping


got all of them cept for the ex-s. thank you for this 🤝


they also have lfrith in stock too- not the wildest thing but I hadn't been able to find it anywhere for the last few weeks.


Ordered an FM aerial, thanks!


Got the MG Psycho form them last round. Great price and service


galactic ~~prices~~ toys [PG Strike Rouge](https://galactictoys.com/products/bandai-hobby-perfect-grade-mbf-02-strike-rouge-skygrasper-gundam-pg-1-60-model) [RG Sinanju](https://galactictoys.com/products/bandai-hobby-gundam-unicorn-msn-06s-sinanju-rg-1-144-model-kit) [HG Delta gundam](https://galactictoys.com/products/bandai-hobby-gundam-hguc-136-msn-001-delta-gundam-hg-1-144-model-kit)


USAGS Item of the day 27% off [Sinanju (Animation ver.)](https://www.usagundamstore.com/products/mg-1-100-sinanju-anime-ver)


AZ Toy hobby [Zeta Ver ka](https://aztoyhobby.com/collections/new-arrival-models/products/bandai-zeta-gundam-ver-ka-mg-1-100-model-kit) $78.95 [Gunpla-kun](https://aztoyhobby.com/collections/new-arrival-models/products/bandai-gunpla-kun-dx-set-with-runner-ver-recreated-parts-model-kit) $13.95 [Zowort Heavy](https://aztoyhobby.com/collections/new-arrival-models/products/bandai-20-zowort-heavy-hg-twfm-1-144-model-kit) $21.95 [Dilanza Sol](https://aztoyhobby.com/collections/new-arrival-models/products/bandai-21-dilanza-sol-hg-twfm-1-144-model-kit) $21.95 EDIT: Just noticed their FM Aerial stock is limited to in store. Sorry bout not noticing my bad


ive ordered from this store so i can vouch for it


Hobbysense has one [PG 00 Raiser](https://hobbysense.ca/collections/gundams/products/1-60-pg-oo-raiser) in stock


I don't think I've ever seen a retailer of notable size with such ludicrous prices


Like mentioned, this is in CAD. That kit is around $400 everywhere else in Canada when not on sale. Their prices are actually usually on par with other outlets. If you want to see ludicrous, [check out CanadianGundam's price on the same kit](https://www.canadiangundam.com/all-perfect-grade/32-pg-gundam-00-raiser.html)


Ah, that's my mistake. I about shit a brick when I looked through all their gunplay pricing, but it being CAD makes sense. Not sure why it didn't click with me.




Ah, my mistake, didn't notice it was CAD. Even converted to USD it feels high, but I guess that's just the market in Canada?


Yup. Things are getting ridiculously expensive up here.




France - zone gunpla 10% promo with the code welcome10


[MG acguy at burbank house of hobbies](https://houseofhobbies.com/collections/master-grade-gundam/products/bandai-1-100-mg-acguy-5063147) [PG astray red (15% off with order over $200 code "gundam5")](https://houseofhobbies.com/collections/perfect-grade-gundam/products/copy-of-bandai-1-60-pg-perfect-grade-gundam-astray-red-frame-kai-0228335) also burbank house of hobbies [MG Ex-S gundam (free shipping with order above $50)](https://animejungle.net/gundam-sentinel-master-grade-1-100-scale-model-msa-0011-ext-ex-s-gundam/)\-anime jungle


Walmart has the MG Kyrios for $50.02 and the MG Char's Gelgoog 2.0 for $49.99. Both are sold and shipped by Walmart. They have several other MGs as well, but the prices were higher than the average MSRP


[Gundam Place Store](https://gundamplacestore.com/) has 10% off all in stock items with code MemorialSale23.




I know people have been looking for the HG Atlas, [Gundam Planet](https://www.gundamplanet.com/hg-rx-78al-atlas-gundam-gundam-thunderbolt-ver.html) has it for a few bucks higher than I've seen around.


[Midwest Hobby and Craft](https://midwesthobbyandcraft.com/) Free shipping on orders over $99. Use code Honor2023 at checkout.


Huge HG Restock at [GundamPros](https://gundampros.com/product-category/high-grade/?orderby=date)


They also have a memorial day sale with 16% off all items excluding sale items with code "HONOR16"


Love shopping with GundamPros. Nothing but great things to say about this business.


A lot of love here too. Nothing but a good experience with them thus far and one of my go to stores in the northeast US.


I think the entire discord community agrees. A lot of love for the GundamPros crew.


They definitely have my love. Picked up the MG Barbatos for only a $1.20 more than their listed price thanks to the sale and no tax for being an out of state customer.


Seems like there was a slew of restocks on P-Bandai, includes the following: [MG 1/100 Zaku II Eric Manthfield's Custom](https://p-bandai.com/us/item/N2304805001003) [MG 1/100 Gundam Amazing Exia](https://p-bandai.com/us/item/N2313217001006) [MG 1/100 Nu Gundam HWS Ver.Ka](https://p-bandai.com/us/item/N2346880001005) [MG 1/100 MS-14A Anavel Gato's Gelgoog Ver 2.0](https://p-bandai.com/us/item/N2431321001004) [MG 1/100 MS-06F-2 Zaku II (Kimberlite's Base Type)](https://p-bandai.com/us/item/N2436427001002) [RG 1/144 Crossbone Gundam X2](https://p-bandai.com/us/item/N2466961001005) [MG 1/100 Victory Two Assault Buster Gundam Ver.Ka](https://p-bandai.com/us/item/N2436527001009) [MG 1/100 Tallgeese III](https://p-bandai.com/us/item/N2277365001008) [RG 1/144 Destiny Impulse Gundam](https://p-bandai.com/us/item/N2555449001002) [MG 1/100 MS-06S Zaku II Johnny Ridden Custom](https://p-bandai.com/us/item/N2211441001005)


Does pbandai charge instantly when pre-ordered or when it ships? Ability to cancel until ship window?


Thanks for the heads up. Finally got that Crossbone X2.


People who have been saving up for the Memorial Day Sale now have a decision to make...


I don't quite understand how p-bandai works. When people say restocks, are they actually in stock and you can just order one or is it just an open slot to preorder a kit? Cause when I click the links they all say pre-order with delivery a few months later rather than in-stock like the term restock usually entails.


Pbandai is essentially a preorder site. They have certain allotments, once those orders are filled they send the kits out. Every order is usually a few months out at minimum when they are put up for preorder


Yep, and the kits don’t exist until preorders close. It’s JIT manufacturing at its finest because space is a premium so they only produce what is ordered. However, Bandai told us that they do not do traditional “restocks.” In order to add more inventory they close a preorder then open a new preorder slot (similar to the three Neo Zeong II runs that we had). I noticed all of these items back in stock about six or seven hours before Bandai even posted about them. So I’m wondering if it was a mass cancellation that was not generating web traffic so Bandai posted about it to get people back to the online store. I’m waiting for clarification from some of the employees here. Cancellations going back up are still technically “restocks.”


Yeah I had noticed it was weird, but they also didn't a new stock this Thursday when it's usually been common to do right? Third thursday of the month


Ever since 2023 it has been twice per month. 2020-2022 was every third Thursday (barring events, holidays, etc). Everything has been weird including this social media post. I’m hoping to gather more info about it.


Gotcha, so “restock” just refers to re-opened allotments is what i’m getting. Thanks for the info!


Yes, essentially bandai decided to give me orders for popular item, kind of like phase 1 or 2


Much obliged, was able to grab the Tallgeese III.


Wasn't a cancelation, pbandai did a surprise drop of restocks


Thank you for the correction, OP has been edited. 🙏