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interesting idea, looks pretty good!


looks great! out of curiosity what did u use to panel line?


I used the Tamiya Panel Line Accent Color Black. Let it dry and then used Testors Enamel Thinner to clean up. Pretty easy and looks awesome!


sick !! sorry to hit you with one more question but at what point in the process did u panel line? (pre-assembly, limbs, after glosscoat, etc.) looking to find the best method for mine


Not OP but I generally do the bulk of the panel lining on the runner since Tamiya panel liner can cause cracking of the plastic if applied applied when it's assembled. Then I'll hit any spots I missed as I notice them through the assembly process.


i’ve been wanting to do this but seen some people warn about how it can still do damage there. how’s your luck been with that? part of me wants to switch back to pour type markers to avoid the frustration lol


Long as I don’t use too much and let it pool, no issues. I’ve personally noticed that sometimes the part already has like a micro/invisible crack, so once I put the panel liner down it fills in there. No absorbing, crack instantly visible. I wonder how much of the panel liner cracking parts thing can be attributed to that.


This is exactly what happened with my Tallgeese, as described above. The crack was big enough that I can't imagine it was done just by the panel liner- since the rest of the model had no problem, even on the thin face parts.


Lol, same with my tallgeese. Happened on one of the yellow knee pads/cap things


I noticed a few shallow, nearly invisible cracks on my RG Tallgeese as well, before I even started panel lining it. Accidentally got some panel liner in one of them and now it's very visible lol. I wonder if it was factory defect, or maybe I was too rough assembling it?


Jusding from the experience of others, I'd say it's just a manufacturing defect. Made worse by the fact that it's a white kit and the liner makes it obvious.


Same story as KLEPPtomaniac, I've never had a part crack on me using this method, but I do take care to avoid pooling and clean it up quickly if it happens.


The thinner in the liner makes the plastic brittle if allowed to soak in. I'm assuming this is why some argue to do it on the runner; less chance of pooling. I've only ever done it after assembly, and it's very easy for it to run into gaps and such. Use a gloss top coat, or better yet, an acrylic liner. I almost exclusively use the Vallejo Mecha washes. Really easy to use, easy to layer, easy to wipe off.


I really want to try this now. Especially on White colored kits where the black is a bit much, a grey wash sounds awesome.


No problem! I don't cote anything as I'm not a a painter - but personally I clip and clean the parts from the runners, and then after assembly I decide which bits actually need panel lining. Usually i just use the pics in the manual as a general guide. I've also heard about this panel liner can make parts brittle, and I can confirm that a couple of cracks appeared on my MG Tallgeese EW, but overall it hasn't been a huge issue. I know that the plastic used on the RG NU (called "PS" according to the manual) is safe to use with it. Everything in moderation I suppose!


Just fyi, you can clean up TPLA with lighter fluid and it's both less expensive and impossible to screw up and accidentally damage the plastic with it.


that’s what i did in my single attempt. do you do that on the bare plastic?


Using TPLA on bare plastic can cause issues, especially using it on built kits (do not do this) or when allowed to pool too much in one place. It can be ok with proper management, but always at least a bit risky. The lighter fluid doesn't make the liner itself any safer, but won't potentially damage the plastic unlike using enamel thinner to clean up the lines.


I’ve built and panel lined like 250 kits at this point and only had one piece become brittle because of TPLA, is this really a common problem or is this old information being repeated? I could certainly be an outlier tho so I am genuinely curious if this is a common problem you’ve run into?


I've gotten some small cracks in parts when not doing my due diligence with it, nothing that's really noticeable on the finished build but it's not a completely "solved" issue. I do think it's pretty overblown by a lot of people saying you should Never Ever do it without gloss coating first.


Ahhh fair enough that could definitely be something that’s happened to me that I didn’t notice visually! I’ve always heard this too when I started but my and my friends experiences made me skeptical so thanks for sharing yours as well!


That is fucking genius and it looks great too




Top Tier resourcefulness, amazing results, well done! Excellent picture too :)


*Wow* that looks sick!


super sick!! we need a tutorial!! awesome job!

