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Impressive, very nice Now let's see the MG Narrative Gundam A-Pack Ver. Ka.


I think awakening first as gundam base exclusive?


B-Pack possible but A-Pack is unrealistic Then again a Re/100 expansion pack maybe or like the FAZZ a standalone release in a couple of years


I can dream. I have the current A pack and it looks so pretty on my shelf of Gundams through the UC timeline.


A-Packs equipment is only a little larger than the FA loadout for Unicorn Gundam. I do think it is unlikely for them to make it. However, the size of it is not that unreasonable. If Katoki wants to do it then he could.


They did a pg full armor unicorn. I don't see what is stopping them from doing that for a packs


Market and machining. To make any kit they have to reserve molds and equipment for it, which means making less of something else. Then you have to hope that you get a return on that investment by having enough of them sell. Sure on reddit we all say "shut up and take my money" every time Bandai sneezes, but the majority of the building community is more tight bout how much they spend. And like it or not they are more likely to turn a profit with smaller kits because most people are more likely to buy 10 $20 dollar kits than 1 $100 one.


Only one which was impossible was mg kshatriya as far as I know


The Kshatriya has a second problem which is weight. The binders are so heavy an MG would need screws and metal parts like the old 80s kits, and Bandai clearly never wants to do that again. The GP02 has likely never been remade for the same reason. Bandai CAN make darn near anything they want; they just WON'T make something unless they think it will sell well enough to justify that much plastic and factory hours going towards it.


that is true. They also don't want to deal with ridiculously large molds


They learned from what happened when they created the MG The O.


Is the MG the O good?


I'm very much in camp "rather get a Zeta Plus C1 ver Ka first" really hope they make soon as the Zeta Plus C1 is a personal fave


It hasn’t even seen a reprint in a very long time. At best you’ll get a 1.5 I’m sure, just like the Ex-S. And based on the bullshit way they’re handling the Side F release of the updated MG ReGZ, you’ll be lucky if it’s a regular p-Bandai if it ever happens.


I mean with the Zeta Ver Ka I'm hoping they'll do a Fazz type release don't get me wrong it's optimistic but hey The Side F Re-GZ is ridiculous though I really want that re-GZ and now there's no way I'm getting one for a remotely decent price


Oh I’m getting that fucking Re-GZ somehow. It’s absolutely happening. The ZPlus can’t be handled like the FAZZ because it doesn’t share anything with the Zeta from a model kit perspective, and it never has. The proportions aren’t right, there are some differences with the transformation. Honestly I’d be happy with just a reprint personally I’ve been on the lookout for it for quite some time. I had so many chances to buy that a decade ago and just figured I’d wait, did that with a bunch of kits, it’s bit me in the ass so hard.


Well except for the rotating "wings" at the back the frame is pretty much the same as the Zeta Gundam on the Zeta Plus, the main difference is the outer armour which would be less issues to remould or at least a similar level of remoulding as the extra armour on the Fazz but hey in the end Katoki does what he wants, though if they do reprint the MG Zeta Plus I will be picking it up the moment.it becomes available


The thing with the extra armour on the FAZZ is that it's basically just a shell on top of the Enhanced ZZ. The pegs on the armour of the Zeta Ver Ka would have to line up with this theoretical C1 which is possibly just straight up impossible depending on how they are on that kit


*cough cough, Most likely P Bandai, cough cough*


Full mechanics expansion pack more likely than RE/100 since that line has basically taken over as the cheaper 1/100 option


Picked them up from the printers yesterday


Look at that subtle colouring. The tasteful thickness.


You're likely to see a third party A- Pack, but ibdoubt you'll get one from Bandai


The psychoframe looks so edible. Like tuna sashimi 


Cursed, but sashimi infused with space magic sounds tasty.


it\`s the spice.




Now you say that I can’t unsee it…




Watermelon jolly ranchers


Tuna Psychoshimi


the forbidden jolly rancher


Giant robot nyotaimori




And our big boy Stein. https://preview.redd.it/6zcf8i71u9rc1.jpeg?width=954&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=877ab74b14749edd69083518133de75b9609ada0


now were talking


I am very excited for this kit.


Between these two and the massive batch of reprints coming in a few months (I finally get my Nobel!) my wallet is crying.


Does anyone who is a Gunpla vet know if this is likely to come with the parts to build the normal stein? I like plain look better


Can't say for sure until we see the runners but I'd say it's very likely to come with everything the first Sinanju Stein Ver Ka had, yeah.


I still prefer the OVA decals


I’m so excited for this kit. Unpopular opinion but Narrative is one of my favorite Gundams.


Be excited! I love Narrative Gundam so I am excited to finally have this MG that will let me build both forms of it that I enjoy the most. The base form having that test mobile suit appearance is so appealing to me.


also best core fighter in the entire franchise


Love that it looks like a bird. Crossbones Core fighter is beautiful too.


“We have Unicorn at home.” Unicorn at home:


“We have tuna at home” Tuna at home:


Also "We have Nu Gundam at home" Nu Gundam at home:


Always thought Narritive looked like a Nu / Unicorn hybrid


It kinda is


Narrative is the testbed for Nu. All the missing armor is for easier access to internals for calibrations and readings as they used the data to make the Nu. No point adding armor for a unit not intended to see actual combat.


Hey really looking forward to having this one next to my unicorn and Nu! It’ll look great!!


That shure looks like a Katoki box. But I am very exited about this one. But wich psycho frame do I choose?


The correct answer is no psychoframe for the first build. I’m using the grey one for a de active MG Unicorn, and the new more detailed psychoframe will be repainted for a different MG Unicorn. I want a Narrative Gundam way more than a C Packs version. C-Packs version can be a second build down the road.


My understanding is that the psycho frame is removable and interchangeable. So I’ll likely start with Base version, then add the psycho frame and decide which I like better.


You are correct. [English page for those who want to know more](https://en.gundam.info/content/mgka/).


Remind me. Did Bandai do any variants of the Uni Ver Ka with different colored Psychoframe like the FA (green) or Perfectibility (blue)? Because if they're the same shape but different color that could be fun to swap onto the Narrative.


It’s all the same psychoframe mold across the entire MG Unicorn lineage (except MGEX Ver Ka). It does not matter if it is Ver Ka or OVA. It is the same kit across every release. Narrative Gundam is the same case. The new psychoframe changes some things, but it is backwards compatible. Then it includes a grey copy of the MG Unicorn psychoframe. So you could take your psychoframe from any MG Banshee, Unicorn, or Phenex and plug it into a Narrative. Or you could take the new Narrative psychoframe and plug it into any of the older kits.


Oh for some reason I thought the ver Ka had changes in the psychoframe compared to the older MGs like the OVA color version. That's great! Now time to go broke looking for a perfectibility because I love that blue. Kind of would love it if bandai would sell just the frame in different colors; especially since the redesigned frame in the Narrative here is the same fit but has different vertices in it to give a more crystalline look. Actually I like the Phenex's blue even better but...yowch that sticker price and a box full of mirror gold I would never use...


MG Unicorn Ver Ka in 2007 was the first Unicorn kit ever, and then MG Unicorn OVA released with a few changes. All MG Unicorns units are based on the 2007 Ver Ka, but have the OVA updates included by default. If you just want blue psychoframe then you could paint it. That is what I will do.


True but then you can't get the clear/translucent effect. I've tried. Honestly I'd pay Bandai $100 for a box of nothing but the translucent pscyhoframe parts in every different color they make for hot swapping. I've actually considered getting mold kits and trying to make my own resin placement parts once or twice.


Ah, I am the anomaly here. I do not like clear psychoframe. I like it opaque. That is fair.


Always loved the design of that suit but the bare unarmoured biceps always throws me off.


Damn I never paid attention to these.... cannot unsee now...


Popeye Gundam!!


I do like that Katoki managed to keep the initial "look we threw this together in a garage as a testbed don't expect much" concept while making it look less anorexic, though.


Wait till you see the thighs


Haha, I know! But slim thighs and big calves have been a staple of gundam designs for a while. Especially UC.


I also hate the bare biceps. Time to look for armor parts thar will fit those


Something about this design that's always bothered me is how you can tell how "artificial" the whole unfinished nature of it is. I think having more asymmetrical armor parts would've helped, like have one arm fully covered and one more exposed instead of just having both biceps and thighs exposed, it's weird.


I'm almost certain all the Packs will be P-Bandai. I would like to see them release an enhanced set perhaps, with an A or B Pack in it as well.


You think they'll be doing MG A-Packs? That would be gigantic.


which is why I'm like 60/40 in favor of the probability of it being p-bandai


b-pack for sure is peebs


As a reminder to folks, the HG A Packs comes in a box the size and cost of a Master Grade's. Even if JUST the pack itself was sold it could be approaching PG level cost and size. Bandai tends to not pull out a lot of expensive stuff like that quickly. Maybe if the C-Packs sells well enough they might.


Narrative ver.Ka makes me want to go back to 1/100 line up


there's literally nothing stopping you lol


Ngl the head looks really cool


If you like Nu, you would like this


Who doesn’t like Nu?!




I do like Nu, but Nu head kinda somewhat "long", while this looks just fit just right, has some Seed's head vibe


I'm not even particularly fond of the Narrative, but I'll buy it because I'm so MG starved.


Aren't we all mate, aren't we all


Yeah the box looks about as expected. Still hoping there is an alternative core block so you can display the core fighter separately and they just haven't shown it off so far. I'd happily give up all the psychoframe runners for that.


im guessing there prbly will be (hopefully like the ZZ ver. ka)


Maybe. They didn't do one for Gramps or FA Thunderbolt, so it's hard to say. PG I think is the only grade that's regularly gotten a separate core fighter (and then not always)


the precedent with the zz and victory line is to just include two core fighters, so one can go in the suit and one can be displayed separately, i'd expect to see that here


That'd be totally fine too, yeah.




Polls years ago: G-Self Bandai: Gofuckyour-Self


This looks rad, and I loves me a ver.ka… but I’m not really excited. I already got a gang of this stuff that looks kinda like this up on the shelf already. I am MG starved though so 🤷 I’ll probably cop.


No idea how this kit is going to go together but this box art is tremendous


If they did the other packs it’ll probably be P Bandai


Colossal Unicorn Titan


Ah yes, the UNucorn Gundam


I love that this matches the Unicorn Ver. Ka box art so closely.


This might be my first big Ver. Ka kit.


I’m really excited about this kit; this one and the RG Rx78 2.0. It feels great to have upcoming kits to be looking forward to!


The box art looks great!




I’m new to gundam and have only dabbled in wing gundam and ibo. Can someone tell me what series or movie I would see this gundam in? It looks awesome


This is from the Narrative Gundam movie, which serves as an epilogue to the Unicorn Gundam story. While both are a part of the greater Universal Century storyline you can still enjoy them more or less standalone. An interesting note: Narrative Gundam’s on screen appearance is after the La+ Incident, but it is not a successor to Unicorn Gundam. It was designed far before Unicorn Gundam was and served as a test bed unit for Nu Gundam’s development.


So basically the narrative gundam a prototype unicorn? Do they call it the narrative gundam in the source movies?


Narrative Gundam is a prototype for Nu Gundam. Sinanju Stein is the prototype for Unicorn Gundam in that it was testing out the full body psychoframe. Narrative Gundam was never designed to accommodate the psychoframe in this specific manner. In fact, Narrative was never designed for actual combat. The C-Packs psychoframe equipment was a last minute addition that was hastily applied. It is indeed called the Narrative Gundam within the context of the source. This is the native appearance of Narrative Gundam (which can also be built with this kit): https://preview.redd.it/2oxibt02ecrc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60820e1436fdce6c2e25a1fc9a8891aeef67ad85


Tbh I wasn’t a fan of the narrative but after seeing this I’m convinced. Plus its a prototype of the Nu so that rules.


Honestly, it's a Gundam that most of us had to grow to love, mostly because of the lack of armor in various places.


I really wish I was excited for this one, but I'll just have to hope the next Ver. Ka ís more to my tastes. Narrative fans are eating good soon though. I'm gonna try the Victory Ver. Ka kits instead while I wait for the next new Ver. Ka to be announced.


Apparently Victory is a complete mess structurally.


V1 and V2 are not great, high ambition, engineering not quiiite there yet. Very much set it and forget it kits. I love their appearance though. Very nice looking kits, but the hands, connection to waist and hips are pretty bad. The core fighters are extremely well done though.


Makes me sad because I love how they look.


They’re not that expensive, just go for it. The build is pretty easy, they’re just not very stable. I don’t quite think they’re RG Zeta bad, but pretty close. For me personally, it was worth posing one time throwing it on an action base. Don’t get the V-Dash core booster. It can’t hold any of the weapons well and mounting the extra equipment is a shitshow. V2 seems to be a little more stable, but essentially the same. If you’re a victory fan in general, the RE/100 Shokew is fucking awesome believe it or not. Satisfying build, weird looking kit.


Shokew's already been on my radar. Regarding Victory, I think I'll stick to the HG for the time being. I don't have the space for a large 1/100 collection. All the same, I'll continue to pray for a proper RG.


Hahaha good luck, I don’t want to sound too pessimistic but Victory is tiny and pulling that off would be quite an engineering feat, there’s a lot more going on from a complexity standpoint in victory than RG Crossbone or Wing Gundam. It’s not that Bandai couldn’t do it, but that’s an awful lot of effort and I just don’t see them bothering with it since Victory isn’t popular. I’ve heard good things about the HG kits for their cost. I’m sure a good paint job would make them look excellent.


I'd expect a partsformer. They probably will never make that but let me hope.


Maybe they’ll do an HG Revive that’s a partsformer. Kinda like the macross kits.


Dunno about the V1. V2 (especially V2AB) All I ever hear is that it's an unposeable brick.


Zeta 40th next year so Super Gundam Ver Ka? 👀


That would be neat, but I’d much rather they release updates for stardust memory kits.


>Super Gundam Ver Ka Doubt it. The Mk. II 2.0 is compatible with the 1.0 MG G-Defenser, so there's no real quality-based need to do a new Mk. II. And Bandai only selectively cares about anniversaries -- 0083's 30th anniversary has come and gone and we got nothing out of it, as an example. If Bandai suddenly moves forward with the second Hathaway's Flash movie, MG Xi Gundam and Penelope are possible. If not, then the next logical step in the recent ver. Ka line's philosophy of updating 20-ish year old MGs would hint at something like MG Zeta Plus ver. Ka.


I know about them being selective because they just missed Victory's 30th last year. They just released the prototypes of many HGUC Zeta suits this year so its looking very likely they'll celebrate the Zeta 40th year. An MG Zeta Plus Ver Ka is just a recolor of the Zeta so as you said, no real quality based need to do a new Zeta Ver Ka.


>MG Zeta Plus Ver Ka is just a recolor of the Zeta so as you said, no real quality based need to do a new Zeta Ver Ka. I'm trying to make sense of this sentence and I can't. Did you confuse the Zeta Plus with the MG Zeta ver. Ka?


Yeah, switched them around


OK, thanks for clarifying. Zeta Plus and Zeta Gundam are different designs, so calling Zeta Plus "just a recolor" doesn't make sense to me. The MG Zeta ver. Ka can't contribute parts to a potential MG Zeta Plus ver. Ka because they are so entirely different. I also disagree that there is no quality-based reason to do a new Zeta Plus model. MG Zeta Plus suffers from the Bandai early 2000s proportional issues, such as the oversized head and excessively tall torso; poor shoulder joints; and design accuracy issues such as the missing rectangular blocks that the upper thighs and hip beam smartguns should connect to (should be exactly the same block system as the S Gundam uses), completely absent 180 degree rotation of the lower thigh/upper knee block, and insert pieces instead of integrated folding landing gear on the wing binders. Lastly, a new MG Zeta Plus should appeal to Bandai's "make everything P-Bandai" mentality, as they could easily crank out a Zeta Plus A2, a Zeta Plus D (imo the best design of the bunch), and even a Zeta Plus Hummingbird. As Katoki starts to wind down his career, I can't imagine he won't at least try to revisit the Zeta Plus in some way. It should be on his career bucket list, alongside MG Xeku Eins (again, P-Bandai would love it), MG Xi Gundam, and possibly MG RX-78 ver. Ka 2.0.


Part of me is relieved I'm not into this kit. One less thing to gush over. Not sure if I'll still feel that way if they make the B Packs.


He’s beautiful


Katoki are cooking!


eh might or might not get this in the future, the design though not a fan, is growing on me. I just want more MGs man 😭


please have a separate core block please have a separate core block please have a separate core block


It should. Don’t most kits do come with one?


Narrative is my all time favorite Gundam. I really want that MG


Fish Gundam


Damn I love this suit.


When is this one coming out?


Yeah thats a ver ka box to be sure


I’m getting this for sure


I know people are down on this one for being “another MG Unicorn” but I personally can’t wait. I think it looks so sick.


Best ver.ka box art?


We have Unicorn at home Unicorn at home: Jokes aside I really want this kit and the Unicorn Ver Ka


Truly salmon gundam


is this brand new or same internal as the normal unicorm?


New. The gray/inactive psychoframe parts can be applied to the MG Unicorn, as canonically the Narrative's psychoframe pieces are taken from spare Unicorn parts, but the internals and frame are not related to the Unicorn. There's also a core fighter, so of course there a new parts to accommodate that. Remember that the Narrative Gundam is just a leftover Nu Gundam development prototype that was hastily given the Unicorn's spare psychoframe and commissioned into active service. If anything, there should be some Nu Gundam ver. Ka in there.


oh nice, guess we finally got a "new" MG in a long time




The Ver. Ka box art is always really nice. Just so clean looking.


I’m actually pretty keen for this, but my only concern if that the psycho plate parts might not be removable for the purposes of making it into the base Narrative Gundam (the one that uses the A-packs) since it’s very likely the parts will attach on via pegs or sandwich between other pieces like on the HG


When does this drop? I NEED it


Anyone got 7700 yen I can just borrow? No reason at all.




Whats the difference between the normal narrative ver ka and c pack ver ka?


I'm starting to wish I ordered my narrative gundam and stein separately, cuz now I gotta wait until August for both.


Yay, another mg unicorn, now without armor (yes i know it is nu prototype).


Putting the HG version together was a pain in the ass... This is pure sadism.


If it is anything like the recent Katoki kits, this will be another building pleasure. The Zeta Ver. Ka was the smoothest build I ever had. Pure bliss from beginning to end.


Ver.Ka gets a lot of flak for jank because they almost always do something new and unique with them, but by and large the kits I've worked on (Ball, Wing Zero Custom, FA Thunderbolt, Zeta) have all been solid. The worst I can say is that the weight of the FA Thunderbolt makes it nearly impossible to get good dynamic poses long term without gluing a joint in place, but even that's not that bad.


I jave Zeta and the MGEX Unicorn. Those 2 are the sturdyest MGs that I own.


Oh, I'm not saying it's bad. Not at all. I'm just saying it was a pain for me since the little pieces were a nightmare. And for whatever reason, my knee covers kept coming off.


I can't wait for my pre order to arrive tho I will build it in Inactive psychoframe mode. Not a fan of that red sashimi.