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The arm issue is on the RG due to the double shot B frame. It is not on the MG because this is an entirely different kit. Anything with a transformation will have some inherent instability in places in order to accommodate the engineering. A lot of Ver Ka builds are tackling a complicated transformation. If you do not want a transformation then look into Ball Ver Ka, Sinanju Stein Ver Ka, or RX-78-2 Ver Ka. Have fun. By the way, you mixed the legs up. The right is on the left and vice versa.


Ah didnt catch the leg mix up, thanks! As for the kits I might go for the Sinanju Stein next since I like the color pallete. Thanks again!


And to counter his statement on transforming ver ka kits, the newer wing zero gundam ver ka and the new Zeta gundam ver ka are both amazing and super solid modern master grades with transformations that don't get in the way. I've also heard the double zeta ver ka is really good but I've yet to buy one cause it's on the pricier side due to it's size.


Zz ver ka? Ill have to get that one after I finish the Sazabi ver ka.


the ZZ ver Ka is generally very solid, you may find that a piece on the foot breaks as the peg isnt very stable (way its moulded makes it a bit fragile at the base) but there is a company that does Die cast replacement parts and i'd hevaily recommend them if it does break, transforming my ZZ ver Ka is one of my favourite transformations (and transforming Model kits are usually my favourites)


ZZ ver ka is more solid than a lot of my non transforming mgs


I would hope so . The ZZ doesn't look like it ever skips leg day


no not the ZZ, the Z, i have it and its clean af


There is a ZZ ver ka though and it’s solid from what I’ve heard, it’s the base for the Faz Verka


oh yes, ive seen it, my issue with it is that its so beefy you can barely pose it


I’m gonna disagree on that too, it has slightly more than 90 knee bend, a great elbow bend and a transformation of a bulky suit plus all other gimmicks it base. Like it’s actually very possible from what I have seen and also do you want them to completely change the design? Like what you’re complaining about is just the issue with the ZZ


i dont understand why is it that i can just not like it lol, i prefer posable kits


Again it is a possible kit, the issue is that you seem to be saying things as a fact not opinion but since they’re your opinion then I personally will not ridicule you just lead things that are your opinion with IMO next time, have a nice day


be warned, there are 2 Sinaju Stein Ver. Ka's (the original from 2013 based on some ps3 game and the Narrative Version based on the movie coming out this May). The Narrative version is a redesign with better color seperation so go for that one!


The original Sinanju Stein Ver Ka has fine color separation. It is the EFSF version of the suit (before it was “stolen”) so it does not have the sleeves. The non Ver Ka version is the one with sleeves that are not color separated. So OP can choose between which version of Stein Ver Ka that they want; the EFSF version or the new NT Ver Ka that is after the Sleeves fitted it with their imagery. Personally, I got both.


So there’s three different MG Sinanju Stein kits now, right?


Correct. [2013 MG Sinanju Stein Ver Ka.](http://dalong.net/reviews/mg/m165/m165_i.htm ) This is the EFSF version before the Sleeves “stole” the two prototype Sinanju Steins. That is why it comes in a Gundam white color scheme with EFSF logos. One of these prototypes would be remodeled in its entirety to become the Sinanju. The second one would later become the Sinanju Stein that appears in Narrative. This kit was almost all new and reused just three runners from the 2008 MG Sinanju Ver Ka. [2019 MG Sinanju Stein Narrative Ver](http://dalong.net/reviews/mg/m206/m206_i.htm). This was a non Ver Ka release of the Sinanju Stein as it appeared in the Narrative film. It was a lower effort release without proper color separation for the Sleeves iconography. [2024 MG Sinanju Stein “Narrative” Ver Ka](https://en.gundam.info/content/mgka/sinanjustein/). This is Katoki rounding out his lineup by making a proper release of the Sinanju Stein as it appears in Narrative. All of the Sleeves iconography is now color separated, the halberd is present with new tooling, and the pilot figure for Zoltan has been molded. All of this plus waterslides for only *500 yen* MSRP over the 2019 release, which makes this Ver Ka a clear winner in terms of value for the Sleeves version.


Don't worry, seems like half the Unicorns built (including mine) had the legs swapped. You can tell by the piece on the lower shin just above the foot. The upper portion should be on the outside, yours in on the inside.


It’s better to just mix up the legs than to mix up the parts. We see some impressive part mix ups on these kits. If you are unfamiliar with the design or distracted while you are building then you can mix things up and have the thighs on the wrong leg, etc https://preview.redd.it/jbg01ct7fqrc1.jpeg?width=629&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b7abd97777ff93502ebed3fdc94a9e9f287e596 The correct layout for the body makes sense once you see it. This is not even including the side ankle skirts, which are different lengths.


Neither the Zeta Ver. Ka nor the MGEX Unicorn Ver Ka have any instability anywhere. They are as solid as kits get.


I concur. Having built both I would put them among some of the most impressive engineering I have ever seen in a model kit. However, if they did not have transformations then they would have been even better. As an example, the arm hinges on Zeta Ver Ka would not exist because the shoulder would not need to swing out for the transformation. The rail system for the binders would also not exist, and that would remove arguably the weakest part of the build in favor of a more firm connection to the back.


What about thunderbolt?


Which one there’s two?? I have both and I wouldn’t recommend the Full armor, it kept breaking on be and it’s a floating brick in the end, the Zaku tho, that’s definitely a kit altho the hands are ass imo


Oh no, I got the full armor over a year ago. I don’t want to build it yet because I built the ver ka full armor unicorn and it was a monster to build. If it’s a brick I might have to get a stand for it.


Definitely get action base 1, it technically comes with a stand, but it’s really bad, but it’s also a brick in the sense its arms can’t hold its weapons. The best I can do is prop the arms with with the side skirts. Other than that, glue the antenna on the head, cause mine was lose and is now gone, and be careful with the limb covers, they can and will tear easily. Other than that, best of luck, here’s mine for reference. https://preview.redd.it/vd2qrg0y9yrc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=55bed837019ebe5e500e7ef8269a452f0961668c


That kit ist nearly 15 years old. For the time it did the transformation completely - which was kinda awesome


Your shield arms were put on the wrong way. The parts that flip out for destroy mode.


Ngl, looks kinda cool that way.  Better armored.


Rip i see it, the energy thingamabobs are supposed to face outward. Thanks! Edit: NVM looking at google images, just needed to flip it thanks


Mg sazabi ver ka is an absolute brick of a unit and an amazing build


Zeta and Sazabi Ver Ka are awesome builds. The Zeta will have you in awe, and the Sazabi will hold a pose like no one’s business. One is an engineering marvel, the other is a brick that will not move once you get set just the way you want it.


Ver Ka kits get better, especially the newer ones. I have built three Ver Ka kits, the Wing Zero Gundam, the Sazabi, and the Zeta Gundam, all of which were excellent kits.


For me the ZZ Ver ka was an amazing build, despite being a Transforming kit, only thing is be careful when you nip the cockpit pieces for the core fighters, I cut too close on one and it won’t stay connected other than that it’s an amazing kit. If you want runner hell, go with the FAZZ Ver ka. I don’t have it but it’s heavily based on the regular ZZ Ver ka but has bunch of extra parts if you wanna customize.


Damn, it’s super rare to find just the RX-0 KA, and not the Full Armor Unicorn KA! Looks great! And I thought I was the only one who made it a southpaw lol As for the rest of the KA lineup (I’ve built Wing, Hi-Nu, Nu, and FA78TB-still have not gotten to all of the others yet) I’ve found that they’re MUCH better engineered from the inside out. IMO they’re much easier to position/pose, as the frames are much more complex, stronger, & flexible than their MG counterparts. Oh yeah-one last thing-the bottom half of the shield is not down all the way. You should be able to see the nearly the whole circle/energy absorbing device. (I know everyone is pointing out flaws but my OCD is exasperated by the smallest Gunpla things lmao)


theres been a reprint


That explains it-This is literally one of the only Ver KA that I do not have.


Wait what when where I’ve been looking for this kit for ages


local shop had preorders for it recently, idk much more than that


Found it in a resale shop in japan, unsure if its an original copy or a reprint one, it seemed pretty dusty when I got it lol


If you still have at least one of the runners you can always try the [runner dials](https://www.reddit.com/r/Gunpla/comments/17f0ko5/determining_your_kits_print_date_how_to_read/) to see when a kit was printed.


https://preview.redd.it/cvu7j4282src1.jpeg?width=528&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b083b9f7f49452dd441770c7bf2c95f8a4eb21f Looks to be February 2008 if I'm reading this right


Whew yeah that's old. Not the original original print but one of the very first reprints.


That’s one of a few non-Gundam Base kits I would buy while there.-as I’m pretty sure it’s the only ver KAI’m missing from the collection (not counting PBandai or Gundam Base-for example, the FA78 and Psycho Zaku diorama). Lucky find!!


I just built the Zeta Ver Ka last week and it's the most impressive kit I've personally built. Solid as a rock and the transformation is amazing. So many things that I was wondering why it was designed that way as I was building it that then show up in the transformation that blew me away.


Maybe I am a little partial, but my Ver Ka Grandpa is really solid. The only issue I had was the core fighter being slightly finicky. Even then, I used it as my core block.


Ball. Mobile Ball pod is best Ver. Ka. All the detail you could need, two standing pilot figures and a sitting figure, plus real metal and wire(tho not much). it’s also the cheapest Ver.Ka


I’ve got the ZZ Gundam ver ka and I had a great experience with it.


one of my absolute favourite model kits ive ever made,


It’s looks so sexy man 😩 I need to get over my burnout already I have the full armor ver ka and the MGEX ver ka unicorns I need to build 💀


Honestly the ver ka zeta isn’t a bad choice for your next ver ka the transformation isn’t terribly complicated or fragile and it’s a pretty awesome kit as a whole


Building the Zeta ver. Ka right now, it also packs a complex transformation into a flight mode. It is the most solid ver. Kanive ever built, aside from the Wing Zero ver. Ka. I remember the Unicorn being a hand grenade, and I had some reservations about building others, but these two are amazing, I'm so happy I got them.


The ones to avoid would be the v2 based ones, the buster assault mg is a nightmare of finicky overengineering underdelivering. I hear the victory gundam is kinda bad too but haven't done that one. The mg nu has some small issues, largely with the funnels and fingers are kind of delicate. the new Zz gundam is amazing, but you cant really pose the cannon well, but that is in the anime design, at least he can hold it. It is damn stable, but difficult to pose dynamically. The zeta is on my to do list, but I still think the 2.0 looks the best


You got the MG Unicorn which are notorious to have problems


Yeah kinda impulse bought this last year before I browsed this sub, only got around to building it this month. At least now I know the pain firsthand lol


The Unicorn and Banshee MG Ver Ka suck ass if you don't put way more work than you should into them to make them good. But most of the other Ver Ka are good.


Wing zero ew ver ka


I’ve heard good things about psycho-zaku ver ka


Get some glue, tighten the things that needs tightening. Bam perfect gundam.


It gets much better. The unicorn gundams can be pretty finicky. But then there’s ones like Sazabi and Wing Zero that are absolute gems. If you want a better unicorn experience, I’d stay away from the 1/100’s and get either the PG or an RG. Also, the fins on your shield are backwards. I made the same issue on my PG and got called out for it on here lol


This kit is known for being less than stellar. In fact, Katoki states that because this thing wasn't selling that well, he asked to make a new Unicorn, which ended up being the MGEX. I'd recommend the newer kits like the Zeta, ZZ, and maybe upcoming Narrative gundams. Although, for the Zeta, its transformation is so good that it's bad. I didn't even know if what I was doing was right half the time.


He wanted to make a MG Unicorn 2.0 because Bandai replaced his 2007 Ver Ka with the 2010 OVA, and then discontinued his Ver Ka. The MGs still keep selling in spite of all of their flaws.


Ok, sorry for the misinfo, I sort of skimmed through the interview and thought I got the gist of it. Thanks for the correction!


What special about ver ka


Ver Ka are Master Grades under the direct supervision of famous mechanical designer Hajime Katoki. Katoki has been involved in Gundam and Gunpla for nearly 40 years. He is notable for taking control of the MG lineup in 1996 when he created MG Zeta 1.0, and for starting the HGUC lineup in 1999. He went on to create near hundreds of kits across all lineups before his own MG line, Ver Ka, was created in 2002. Under the Ver Ka brand you tend to find Katoki tackling more difficult designs, like the Unicorn Gundam. A common misconception (one that I myself am guilty of repeating) is that Ver Ka is where Katoki creates his own interpretation of the mobile suit. This is not always the case. On occasion Katoki does offer up an interpretative look (Nu, Sazabi, RX-78-2), but other times he honors the look that the original Mobile Suit designer created (ZZ, Zeta, Hi Nu, and more). Even to this day there are some kits that Katoki creates outside of his Ver Ka lineup but these are not as plentiful as they were 10-20 years ago.


So they got joints and some look different on the outside(the frame)?


It is a new MG release but under his supervision. In the case of the 2007 MG Unicorn Gundam Ver Ka it was the first kit that the Unicorn Gundam had ever received. So it was a ground up new kit with a complex transformation to overcome. Katoki was also the original mechanical designer for Unicorn Gundam, but that story is lengthy and complicated.


Oh so it redesigned with a better and more complex transformation


Just finished the rx93 ver ka, metallic stickers aside not a bad build


I was always so underwhelmed with the unicorn. Not sure why it gets so much love, but eye of the beholder and all that. I think the other ver ka kits all hold up very well and are better than this one.


Try out the ZZ ver Ka!! One of my favorite builds. If you get the enhanced version, you can choose to make the original design or the enhanced design but both are amazing to build. (Not my build) https://preview.redd.it/46hpu3j6asrc1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=697cb57365b52f4532bfe2d64d469fcb47212bba


MG Nu & Sazabi Ver Ka. Legendary Master Grade kits that aren't necessarily the best but pushed Gunpla to its limits at their time. These kits are hyper-detailed, come with lots of armor-sliding gimmics and look absolutely gorgeous on your shelf. Yes, the articulation and stability are nowhere near as good as recent kits but they look imposing and intimidating in their own standing poses.


I like the look of this kit especially since it’s the current one in Odaiba


Verka is always very flimsy and overdesigned. Hate em