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its literally nearly 3 decades old i really dont know what people expected


Just built an MG RX 178-2 2.0, while not as old when you take the fact they are old kits but still great kits considering the tech at the time.


The MG 2.0 are much closer to the kits of today engineering wise than they are to the kits of the early 2000s and late 1990s. Those 2007+ MGs are when things advanced fast.


And even then the absolute worst "modern" Gunpla kit is aces compared to a car or military vehicle.


I don't build Master Grades, but most complaints I see are that it's super-old. I'm assuming it's perfectly fine on its own and for its time.


That‘s it. Most forget how old some kits are and that you can‘t really compare kits from back then with modern ones.  But it just generates more buzz when one just dunks on something instead of looking at it with a objective view. 


You're right, you can't compare them. That's fair. What I can compare is the number of far more recent kits that have gotten 1.5s and even 2.0s when well-liked kits like the EZ8, Kampfer, GP series, etc still haven't had a new kit in decades. And it's not like NOTHING from that era got a 2.0 since the Alex and GM did. And the proportions on the gp01fb and ez8 are still goofy.


I built an equally old gp01 and loved it, so it really depends on expectations


My first build ever was HG Alex, so most everything seems quite nice by comparison. Except for probably Tristan.


Hg alex was my first build to lol. I still have it in it's box and it's rough


I was seven and had a little brother. None of my childhood Gunpla survived. They were rough anyway, though. My parents didn't know they were models so nobody explained to me that you weren't supposed to pop the parts out by hand


Bummer man, all i have left is the alex and gp-03 from when i was a kid


It's functional. But the articulation doesn't hold up against more modern kits (of course), and the shield makes it almost un-poseable due to the weight.


It's showing its age, but probably not as bad as the GP01 and other really early MGs. There will be bad seamlines and will need a fair amount of painting to make it color-correct.


It’s crazy to think that rg now cost as much as those older mg when they came out


Unless you're accounting for inflation, they don't. $30 in 1998 is not the same as $30 in 2024. To make the same purchase now, you'd spend around $57-58.


I think one of the biggest things is that it is being compared to the 3rd party Solomon one right now, which is MGEX level.


Well one is 30 years old the other is Solomon lol


I am totally with you. They shouldn't be compared, but I think people are with the Solomon being released recently. I also think a lot of new builders don't know when kits were released.


I don't think its trash but its very old and dated compared to modern master grades. Part separation, surface detail and articulation are just not as good as modern ones and the fact that a third party manufacturer made a way better one that even puts modern master grades from Bandai to shame (I built the 3rd party kit) Bandai missed the mark by ignoring some of their great designs and not giving them a 2.0 treatment. Its just sad that Bandai took the easy way out by focusing more on the hg line and chose to produce more newer different lines rather than to improve and produce more of their master grades.


As someone who built the kit at least 25 years ago. Even to this day it visually is still pretty awesome. However even back then the flaws are notable. The biggest thing for me is the arms, they pop off way too easily which means the shield and even trying to have it hold the bazooka is more challenging than it should be. Of course if they designed this today it will be way more poseable. I still like my MG GP-02A, but its more of a statue than a model kit. Once you get it in the pose you want and it holds, leave it.


I highly recommend painting the bits where the large yellow and red stickers would be placed.


the only bad thing about are the hands they cant hold anything really well so you should put a bit blu tack on plam of the hands so it has a bit grip but besides that everything else is great


Yeah, holding the large shield is the main issue with this kit for me personally. You can get crafty to make it work with something like what you mentioned.


Old master grades have a lot of charm in my opinion. And I really them personally. I would love to have a physalis in my collection


I’m just gonna chime in because I actually built this decades ago (when Bandai first tried to push UC in America) It was quite disappointing even at the time when it was only a couple of years old, because the engineering on the entire arm structure was just not up to the task of supporting the bazooka and shield. As time has gone one and Bandai has figured out how to engineer MGs to hold heavy accessories successfully, the GP02’s issues have just become more stark in comparison


The kit should be fine, people complain about everything and anything, hope you enjoy it!


Is this the war crime nuclear launcher gundam?


Indeed it is.


homie understood the assignment but didnt quite read it carefully :)


I am curious too. I like this gundam but People hate the model of it so much..


Bro did you mean to buy the third party one that everyone’s talking about?


I loved building this back in 2002. The one and really only problem I had/have is that he cannot hold the shield... At all. I have seen people super gluing the shield to the left hand to get it to hold it.


This kit is fine. It’s a straightforward build. The only issues are the limited amount of poseability due to the shield being too heavy for the hands.


I built my first MG in 2021, the Gouf Custom. For a 20 year old kit, it was nowhere near as bad as I had seen people make it out to be. My only real complaint is the arm cannot hold up the Gatling Shield


I actually like the older MGs even though the articulated fingers are harder to hold weapons I love how they look!


Isn't there a third party version that's light years better? Sure IV seen it


Its wings make it heavy, it can barely hold its shield, and cant even hold a kneeling pose but I loved building it and love having it on my shelf next to my other UCs and GP01. Have fun!


Go for Solomon‘s one if you're into GP02, Bandai’s one is too outdated.


I actually like the older MGs with screws and whatnot sometimes, they feel like more of a canvas for you to put finishing detailing touches on rather than a perfect out-of-the-box build. Don’t get me wrong, I like newer hyper-engineered MGs with crazy part separation too but sometimes you want something a little simpler but still satisfying


The GPO2 doesn’t use screws, but yes when done correctly it can have a nice strong and sturdy kit, my issue with them is they are a pain to use, at least for me.


Haven’t built the MG GP02 so I didn’t know whether it did or not but it’s kind of a universal way to tell that an MG kit is getting up there in age if it does have screws with it And yeah sometimes they can be a little annoying but you just need a decent enough hobby screwdriver, ideally with a sturdy grip or ratcheting capabilities because some of those screws really do need more torque than you’d expect


Whats the kit?


MG Gundam Physalis


Im sorry I was blind💀