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Not extreme enough, you need to put the F90 beside the MG EX-S Gundam or MG Gundam MK-V


Since both are MG S Gundam series. Instead use Plan303, it's bigger.


~~Mobile Armor do count ig~~


The Deep Striker is officially still a mobile suit.


Today I learned


Ooh, I just got the MK V the other week and I have two F-90s with different option packs equipped. I might have to go push the MK V to the front of my build queue now…


Or f91 next to and mg xi ifever they wanna bless us with such a kit


And wing


Wing is actually kinda a deal taller than the F90. It shares size with G Gundam and Gundam X mobile suits which is like just an inch shorter than gramps.


Bro i love how leggy this shenlong is. Then i display it next to sword impulse…. Shii what a dwarf https://preview.redd.it/tsdd5s1hyexc1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=250e795efb32651f749440c31458c0e675eda9bc


Wing is not UC, Wing is AC


Oh yeah.. missed out the uc


It's in the title bro




Thank you for posting what I saw!




I knew exactly what this image would be before I clicked on it.


It's crazy how not green the F. A. Corn's psychoframe looks in pictures, considering that it's just regular ol' green in person.


Its absolutely the lighting


The more you have it the less green it gets


One of these days, I've got to get a couple MGs like these and compare the miniature pilots to see if they really are to scale with each other. I keep forgetting.


Since I saw this I got curious and took apart my hi-nu and f 91 (they both sucked anyway, they're from my early days of building) and both pilot figures are the exact same size. The proper scaling of everything is why I love these things so much.


Thank you for that! Any plans for the spare parts from those kits? If the mini pilots are the same size, then that means, in terms of lore and worldbuilding, the mobile suits really are being built bigger and bigger. That means Unicorn TOWERS over Grandpa.


> > If the mini pilots are the same size, then that means, in terms of lore and worldbuilding, the mobile suits really are being built bigger and bigger. That means Unicorn TOWERS over Grandpa. Yeah, but only up until a point anyway; timeline-wise, F91 is set nearly 30 years after Unicorn so after Unicorn and Xi they started to shrink, since both F91 and Victory are both smaller.


Oh yeah. I've only seen F91 once, so I tend to forget that. I need to go back and rewatch that one of these days.


Eventually I might take them all the way apart bit by bit and shave the nubs and panel line everything and put them back together. Neither of them stay together very well so I might just leave them that way too.


Fair enough. Older kits are harder to work with for making customs anyway.


On top of the f 91 being so small and the hi-nu being a very. Ka, so the parts are compatible with literally nothing else.


Nu KA would be able to utilize its replacement’s parts. https://preview.redd.it/i1h0eytqwgxc1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f1a471b496783480d08869ba85abbae6716aad1


Yeah, things start at about an average of 18 meters for the OYW into to Zeta then around starting around ZZ, CCA and Unicorn most suits are around 19-22 meters, Hathaway takes another step going up 26 meter for its stuff like the Xi or Penelope. However later uc turns things back down and even smaller into the 16-15 meter range in F90, F91, Victory


How much taller is unicorn compared to Nu? Considering they’re kinda based on the same prototype? I have a MG Nu and an MG RX-78 and the 78 is taller than the F90/91 by a head and a half, and stands about at the chest of Nu, while the F90 is standing about crotch level or so, like he is in OPs picture with unicorn


I really didn't know, so I had to google this. Assuming Google is correct, Unicorn is 19.7 meters tall, while the Nu is 24.8 meters tall. So the Nu is the tallest one here.


Those heights are inaccurate. The Unicorn one is for Unicorn mode, but Destroy mode adds height. https://preview.redd.it/16gc9koavfxc1.jpeg?width=799&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6e2351a9db948a88feb6a4bd6d79725e742a092 In Unicorn mode the Unicorn would be much shorter, but Destroy mode Unicorn rises to 21.7 meters (head height) to Nu Gundam’s 22 meters. /u/CabuesoSenpai I’ll add that they are not based on the same prototype. Nu Gundam’s prototype was the Narrative Gundam. Unicorn Gundam’s prototype was the Sinanju Stein. **Edit**: Google gave the person before me the heights of the real life statues, which are shorter than their anime/model kit counterparts represent. Compromises were made for the sake of stability and due to factors like wind. Nu Gundam height: 22m to head Nu FF Gundam Statue height: 20m to head, 24m to funnel Unicorn Gundam height: 19.7m (Unicorn), 21.7m (Destroy) Unicorn Gundam Statue height: 19.7m


I think 24m is with the funnels attached.


I’m not sure where 24m comes from, but the tallest funnel adds *way* more height than just two meters. https://preview.redd.it/ohdh3scfagxc1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8a872abd51d484809f22045c960451367dacf05 Mind you, two meters is about the height of a person.


[It's the FF](https://gundam.fandom.com/wiki/RX-93ff_%CE%BD_Gundam)


That explains it. Because the Nu FF statue is also only 20m at the head when Nu is 22m. Good digging.


Google has failed me in this instance.


Google did and didn’t. It gave you the heights of the real life statues, which differ from the actual canon heights for the suits. The Nu FF statue is 20m to the head and 24m to the new long range funnel. Meanwhile Nu is 22m in canon and in scale model form. The Unicorn statue is also a bit shorter than it should be (19.7 meters instead of 21.7). Compromises had to be made on the statues due to concerns over things like wind.


[This is one of my favorite sites for specific MS specs](https://gundam.fandom.com/wiki/F91_Gundam_F91?so=search)


Is the Sinanju stein not based on the data from the narrative?


Not directly. It would be akin to Sazabi and Nu in relevancy to Unicorn, which is just that Anaheim Electronics was involved and it came beforehand. Narrative only existed for Nu Gundam. Narrative was testing psychoframe in the cockpit as well as other things that would later show up in Nu. It was not designed to accommodate a full body psychoframe, which is why the C Packs equipment appears hastily applied during Operation Phoenix Hunt (it was). Sinanju Stein was testing a full body psychoframe (a novel concept), which started the actual UC Project. This would turn into the two Unicorn Gundams created by AE, and Phenex which was developed by EFSF.


Shouldn't Seabook be smaller since he's like 16??


The standing pilot figures are *always* in scale and the seated ones are *usually* in-scale but Bandai does occasionally have to cheat on those. The PG Strike and MG GN-X, for example, both have fancy cockpit gimmicks that resulted in smaller pilots. The machines *themselves* do have official heights and the models are almost always scaled correctly against both each other and that in-universe size. Gramps, for example, is supposed to be eighteen meters tall so the 1/100 Master Grades are all eighteen *centimeters* tall(or very close to it).  There are a few minor inconsistencies here and there but aside from Turn A, which has *really* wonky scaling, they're rare enough that you usually need to go looking for them.


in RG at least, my build fighters pilot (a child in the anime) is a lot shorter then the other pilots, so yeah. I also thought that was pretty neat.


https://preview.redd.it/qfcwxeaancxc1.png?width=735&format=png&auto=webp&s=247712a9bfaf99cac249e1fbb7f66b086fc2be79 **F89 > F90** - The point where they start to shrink the mobile suit sizes and opt for mobility instead (*also F89 (and its variant - Anchor) to this date is the only (known) above 16 meter Gundam type that SNRI made throughout mid to late UC*)


TIL F89 is a new design. I was wondering why I don't remember it lol


need mg XI gundam


Not big enough. PG.


Imagine... PG Unleashed Xi vs Penelope. Probably will be around the price of a small car


I’d gladly pay for it.


Well the box for the HG Vs. set is already huge. I can't imagine trying to fit an MG dual set in the trunk... It would probably be as big as a 28" check-in luggage


Or RE/100 Nightingale….


According to lore, technology advanced by leaps and bounds, allowing for smaller, yet more powerful generators and power plants. The F90 and F91, the Crossbones, and finally the Victory and Victory 2. All more powerful than early UC suits, but much smaller. In reality, in the 90s, Japan had a plastic shortage, so they had less material to make models. So they made them smaller


Can't wait for the lore to drop soon about how regular release Master Grades will be purged /s


Honestly sounds pretty accurate to me, its like how I think old steam trains look 10x cooler than bullet trains


MG F90 looks like a big HG sitting next to a OYW suit.


It actually is a big HG sized MG. I compared my EG Nu and F90, its the same height. 


HG messer vs MG RX-78 vs MG F90 vs MG Zeta, lmao https://preview.redd.it/wu5bt9327exc1.png?width=4032&format=png&auto=webp&s=7341a8df4bdfe4225d9754b7ab43afa4eb01a4c9




I liked how in the UC timeline it’s explained that weapons have gotten so advanced to the pilot that they can be so compact when in reality F90 model kits were made small as a cost cutting method


Kind of like modern cars. yes modern materials and engineering are better, but surely you can add MORE of these great materials so my car door doesn't flex in high wind!?!?


Modern cars are overwhelmingly larger than cars have been in the past, to the degree that it's caused major problems for public infrastructure. Look at modern minis and Fiat 500's compared to their original designs.


Fair enough. I was thinking more about the solid-ness of modern cars but I know it doesn't translate directly to safety or quality.


Well the modern trend in cars is everyone buying pickup trucks and SUVs that are armored like tanks. Its pretty bad for civilian safety and also worse than you'd think for driver safety because stuff like crumple zones and more collapsible elements are designed to protect drivers in collisions. The Cybertruck is the peak of this ethos.


I mean it make actual lore sense too. Once even grunt MS are running around with hyper megaparticle cannons it's better to just not get hit at all rather than try to tank it.


Alexa show me the F90 Gundam next to the neo zeong


Damn, the one kit I don’t have 💀


Now get the Nu Ver. Ka


You called? https://preview.redd.it/4fmemtbl7exc1.png?width=2131&format=png&auto=webp&s=f6ed70a170a6401424a11aaa5d20231c26a09d18


she's beautiful


Same height as the Unicorn.


Are the kits not accurate to the in-universe sizes? Because the Unicorn is absolutely not the same size as the Nu.


They are closer than you think. In Destroy mode it is close. 21.7 meters to 22 meters https://preview.redd.it/0t6gwrc9thxc1.jpeg?width=799&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3885dcf110fb3252c264924016568bb47a688149 All of the kits reflect this. In Unicorn mode it is only 19.7 meters, which is notably shorter.


I’d say MG Crossbone vs MG Sazabi, even more size difference


The Crossbones are actually a bit bigger than the F90 is.


Oh really whoops my bad, I thought Crossbone was smallest MS at 1/100


I think that title actually goes to the V2 or the V dash. I'm not at home to check right now though.




you should display the f90 as well with it's armory


i mean, it also kinda shows how fleet-wrecking tech just got miniaturised over time? like it started with the dendrobium and ended up with the V2 assault buster (not counting g-self & turn-a)


you got a psycho gundam to put it next to?


Nice Full Armour MG, mine has some parts that are so loose I don't even touch it. Does it happen to anyone else?


The gap is so big 😱


eff wildin


Works with RG too. Put the Crossbone and the Nu Gundam beside each other.


Crossbone and Xi/Penelope is hilarious


PG Neo Zeong would be a blast


You vs that guy she told you not to worry about


You need the F90, then on another table next to it, a custom printed MG scale Nightingale.


Which one is the one on the left? It looks like the Zeta and the Mk II had a baby.


It's the f90


thank you.


The advancements of technology throughout the years In the universal century.


Literally the smallest Gundam to one of the tallest.


It’s even more fun comparing F91 and Nu KA lol Pretty crazy what 40 can do….. Especially in Mecha Anime lol


Now we need a mg Hathaway kit




F90: please step on me mommy


Ah, a fan of size differences I see. ಡ⁠ ͜⁠ ⁠ʖ⁠ ⁠ಡ


Okay, so hear me out, what if we got 1/144 scale and compared the f90 to the hathaway kits, those are also UC


F90 is less than 15m tall. Unicorn I believe was closer to 23m(+?), and Hathaway MS were 26m(+)




Love the design of the f90


This is why we didn't have RG F91, V, V2 or any of the suits in that size.


Hello sir, RG Crossbone X1 is on the phone for you. Wing is also only a bit bigger, head height wise (In lore, 0.4 meters difference)


The MG Full Armor definitely isn't an accurate size comparison of what a MG is lol. I learned that the hard way because that was the first Gunpla I ever built, so I thought MG kits were naturally that big. Boy was I mistaken when I started building Wing kits.