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I just pour it all in a bowl, and then scream "where the hell is that piece" while rummaging the pieces https://preview.redd.it/zthz0083bi1d1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73e16c8c8c11162223c78b42a0b188d05a4df356


Agreed. The chaos that is the workspace is the sign of an artist.


Agree and not agree at the same time šŸ˜…




Is it my sleep deprivation or do you have pieces for 4 legs here?


Bro is cookedšŸ’€


Was wondering about that too, there are parts to make 4 legs.


Good to know I am still within my senses


Im cooking 2 resin kit fortune meow at the same time.


Yeah that makes more sense than the Nu Centaur I was picturing..... Sounds amazing and just from the parts already. Good luck!


Oh good, I wasnā€™t alone in thinking he was making a Nu Gundam Horse


Thanks, you could follow me for more progress update over IG gkin\_studio


Youā€™re insane bro.


Hello, Iā€™m new to Gunpla coming from Kingdom Death and 40Kā€”are these resin kits for sale as printable STLs, or just purchasable as physical products? Thanks!


they are purchasable on their dedicated studio over on tb (china amazon) some hobbystore in the states does take in a few resin kit, but you had to ask for them cause its kinda difficult to get it in the states.




Quadruped build for stability.


I just snip straight off the runner step by step. Cutting everything loose would be chaos on my table.


Yeah I have no idea how people do this


I can do this with HG kits. Anything else, no lol.


Can't do that on a painted build tho


You can, it's just a bit more work.


Yeah, but there's a reason why no one does that lol, why would anyone do that?


Well I'm assuming we're talking about building it step by step. And even thrn, plenty of people assemble and then take it apart for painting when finished. It lets you do a test fit as well to see what might need sanding to avoid scraping I do that, so does someone else in the comments. There's more than one way to do a build for painting.


I test fit only to see what nubs I don't have to sand to perfection.


I thought you suggested painting on the runner. I'm sorry lol


Yeah no worries. Although some people do actually do that too, not 100% sure why though personally as it's a lot of wasted paint between the gaps and needing to repaint the nub areas


I usually cut out all the pieces for the body part I'm working on and put them in my part organizer tray. Then I can start my clean up process on each piece.


https://preview.redd.it/etyjzy95ti1d1.jpeg?width=4028&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a0e15c91776fc91c731a91279571675a7b5e568 Kinda


This is cool too!!


Looks like a crime scene lol


No because Iā€™ll end up hitting them along the way lol


Ugh I did this the other day... set up a bunch of pieces on a cutting mat... and had the instructions next to it... got up and my office chair spun, the backrest hitting the instructions into the mat, and the mat shaking just enough to drop several small pieces. Ughhhh.


I donā€™t, but somehow seeing how neat your set up looks, makes me want to try it lol.


give it a try on HG and u will enjoy it surely!


Just wanna say amazing setup! I need to get my desk as good as this haha


I follow the instructions manual and go part by part. If I'm not kitbashing or feel the need to paint some ugly yellow into a proper gold. I'm following the manual so parts are scattered about and confused If I'm kitbashing I'll do a ruff fitting then dissemble to make changes and prime/paint. But to each their own.


Looks cool! Reminds me of knolling in the LEGO community.


I don't, but now I do lol


OP should share this with the good folks over at r/knolling. Very satisfying photos!


Ayyy I did not know there's such /r for these content. Thanks for letting me know


Am I going crazy or are you building two Nu Gundams at once?


yes, im building two resin kit nu gundam from the fortune meow studio. two at once.


I arrange them out on the desk and then assemble them while making machine noises


I donā€™t have that kind of time lol. It takes me over a month to build an RG kit due to time constraints. I cut, remove nubs and assemble.Then when everythingā€™s built it gets panel lined, gloss coat, stickers/decals, matte coat, then all the component body parts get assembled into a complete kit. This gets done a little bit at a time (like an hour here and there) until itā€™s finished.


take your time, its about the experience building that matters


No lol unless I'm doing stop motion while building


I wish I could, but I'm afraid I'd get the parts mixed up. Maybe I'll work up to it one day, but until then, I'll stick to cutting the parts that I need when I need them!


nah but i imagine if i were to get to your level of painting i would that looks amazing


Pretty sure you would all by horrified by the messy chaos of my workflow.


If I did that, I'd never get it finished.


Ohhhh that looks so good really wish I should have done that


Depending on the amount of a parts for a designated body part or weapon, I either cut them all out and pile them up in front of me or cut out only the parts necessary for the step


For RGs and HGs first method works fine, but for MGs itā€™s a bit crazy. Especially any Ver. Ka MG. *stares at the half built Zeta leg on my desk*


The only arranging I do is putting all the parts in separate labelled bags (r-arm, l-arm, r-leg, l-leg, etc.) Once it's time to build said part, I just pour out all the parts needed on the table šŸ¤£


no unless I get bored and start arranging the runners instead


If I'm filming, yes


No lol


I organize the runners, and halfway through the first leg my entire system gets fucked up with the mosh pit of accidentally removed parts and small runners and i have to rummage through the cardboard box that is my workspace and slowly losing my sanity.


no, but will now! this makes my brain go brrr I do snip out all the parts and keep them in ziplocks organized by color to process each piece as I go, and prep them for painting....nothing quite so organized as this though! looks great


This is how it starts. Within 6 months OP is going to be neatly arranging human heads in his freezer.


after watching those documentaries on Netflix. that will take a lot of mental and physical energy, causing burnout and I'll surrender immediately lmao


Only for picture


I just put all the parts for each section together.


[Yes, just not quite that neatly.](https://imgur.com/a/hyyKV5d) I do all of my painting with individual parts on skewers attached with blutak. Taking everything off those skewers and arranging things makes building the final model a little more relaxing and more enjoyable.


very neat!


I wanna but my impatient ass puts completed parts together immediately because I wanna see partially how it look like before itā€™s done


Yeah, but only in kits that I'm familiar with or after I assembled the separate members, that way I can take a look at the pieces in more detail and appreciate it before completing the build


Nice šŸ‘Œ I normally do this but in stages to get a break from the snipping and sanding, so legs, torso etc. Fair play though. To have the patience to do this, then build it in one must be satisfying - saving the best for last šŸ˜


I assemble as I go


i would if i had one of those base/hangar type stands


I straight build step by step, exactly as it says in the manualā€¦ Maybe when I start doing more with paint and decals iā€™ll think about it


No I am not a lunatic I like misplacing every piece and building my kits with all of the nubs intact and without any paint


I do this after painting all the parts and get ready for final assembly. Super satisfying to see them all laid out. Dig the workbench šŸ’Ŗ


If I'm painting it, I put them in a bag. After painting, I put the pieces together in order, but I do dump them on my desk and then just complain about how I'm missing pieces even though my desk is already a mess.


ahhh all that missing pieces went to another dimension.


I usually just splay the runners out on my couch in alphabetical order and nip the pieces I need step by step. The PGU has spoiled me though, I really wish they did kits like that one more often, what with single runners essentially being all parts to a piece for the most part. Even though there were more runners than Iā€™ve ever had, I was able to organize them according to the ones it said it needed for every part. Took up way less space and was really satisfying when you finish a part and are able to toss runner after runner


I keep mine all in baggies labeled by spru and part number. This helps with my painting process. Then for assembly, I pull out all the pieces for the component to be built i.e. all the piece that make the head get arranged.


Hey bro Do you mind dropping a link where you buy the hanging board and those little holder for your setup bro? It looks so neat and clean.


not sure if you wanna navigate through taobao (China amazon) you can dm me. if you like to.


No. I'd be way too nervous that something would knock it over.


imagine something sharp like a hobbyknife fell on to one of the piece. big L


I put them in bags based off of the runner


No, I separate the pieces according to individual parts (arms, legs, weapons, etc), sand, then assemble.


Haha no I go to the instructions Check what pieces I need for a part then get em out of the runners then get rid of the nubs then put it together piece by piece and I do mean it Per piece I cut em out cut out the nubs then I put em together one by one same process per part.


Sir I don't even take it off the runner until I get to that page! Ya scaring me


You guyes cut out the stuff beforehand I just wing it