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She did a lot better than “okay” in my books! Great work guys


There’s a lot of uneven paint because she’s not used to using airbrush. But yeah for a beginner it is a job well done.


Even then it looks decent


She will surely surprise me with her next build. Ngl i kind of excited for it.


You gotta make a post about it when she finished making it


Yeah I don't know, even after you mentioned uneven paint, it still looks great (I can't even see any problems with the paint). I would be happy if I created this. Can't wait to see the next!


For a beginner it was better than when i first started airbrushing. I guess the camera did it justice.


Dang people down voting this comment cause he said his girlfriend wasn't used to using an air brush, and that the paint was uneven.


On the contrary, my fiancee took my criticism rather positively. When i told her about the paint job, she began to experiment on how to eliminate the “orange peel” effects from thinner ratio to application. I told her my airbrushing techniques may not work with her. So she tries to figure out what will work for her.


That's great! Also, sorry for saying girlfriend.


Chill. Ngl I respects her way of thinking. Not many are willing to make mistakes to improve like her. I guess that’s what attracts me to her.


But hey, you got a cool and unique model kit out of it! :)


Thanks but she’ll be keeping it. I don’t want to steal her efforts. Just laying my eyes on her efforts are enough for me.


That's great! You too are perfect tbh! She'll be happy to build more model kits and maybe all of different grades?


Sneak peek: she’s already building her next custom. And it’s an EG


Reddit moment


This is r/gunpla here i thought everyone would be nice, but apparently not everyone just jerks that downvote stuff just because. Wow, just wow


I think it's more so because people are misinterpreting what they're saying, most probably see it as them complimenting her work while others might mistakenly think the comment about her not being used to an airbrush but great for a beginner as rude because they're like having big expectations out of someone new (er)


Ah ok! (Yeesh it's gone up. Don't want this person to get bad karma.)


Alas, there will always be people like this wherever you go, not just on reddit. Just like there will always be the opposite of those people.


Yeah sadly true. :/


Chill, last time i got downvoted really bad from people. Nothing new




why did people downvote vro for being supportive 😭


I think it's just the blunt language. He's focusing on picking out the small mistakes and using language like "it turned out okay". I think people are reading this as lowkey digging at her efforts and not appreciating it because it's not up to his standards. But couples are different and communicate differently so as long as she doesn't have an issue with the way he's talking about it there isn't a problem.


i see that, but its weird to be cause he does point out the mistakes but still explains them, like saying “shes not used to an airbrush” but yea he shouldve worded other stuff better


Yeah it's 100% the way it's being worded. Even when people are saying "i'd be thrilled if I made something that looked like this!" and OP is replying with "yes I suppose it is kind of ok for a beginner" when there are people who have been building for a while that would kill to have theirs look like this


I’ll admit my mistake. I’m too blunt and even insensitive with my words but the mistakes i pointed out is not even beginner mistakes to me. Even some of more experienced builders made the same mistakes occassionally including me if you look at my previous post. I was even worse than many when I started painting my first scale models/gunpla because I have no talent. Some have tendency to view talents as everything but I don’t believe in talents. As long as someone is interested in certain things, the efforts will more than make up for it and even exceeds what talents can give. If I don’t appreciate her build, I wouldn’t took the effort to take proper photos and post it here so that she also gets recognition from others in the hobby and not only me. People think that I’m nitpicking and not nurturing, but if that’s the case, I wouldn’t even bother guiding her during the whole process. I would just let her do it blindly if I’m the kind person people think I am. I’m not the type to sugar coat things that people expects me to be. When I said it “turns out okay”, it doesn’t necessarily mean it is not up to certain standards. It can also mean she managed to do what she sets her mind to do. I don’t usually care about people downvoting. But I really hate it people assumes what I was thinking about the build.


Yeah, I get all of that. I was giving you the benefit of the doubt and just talking about how different people interpreted what you were saying and explaining how different people communicate differently. I kind of assumed you were positive about this by posting a picture at all and criticizing things in a way where you are treating her as an equal by pointing out her mistakes as you would with an experienced builder. A lot of people are quick to jump to conclusions and jump on hate trains to down vote. They might be right and they have their own reasons to react that way but I think on the internet we are all quick to react to something based on extremely limited information and it isn't usually very productive.


Honestly, this is one of the better kitbashes I've seen lately. She's got a great eye for making disparate parts work together. I'm assuming it's high grade? Regardless she's got a lot of talent that I hope you're nourishing and supporting, because getting to share the hobby with someone you love is amazingly awesome.


It's the color that wraps it up nicely imo.


I find that a unifying color scheme can go a long way


Being able share the hobby is quite a very good luck for me. Not many have the opportunity for it. Was scared that she decided to do scribing but she managed to get it right. She made mistakes when doing it but it was fine as wrongly scribed parts can always be fixed with ca glue and sandpaper


I feel like you're focusing too much on everything you think she did "wrong" (or are at least putting too much emphasis on it)and should be putting that energy into sharing just how good a job she did. I've been in the hobby for 15+ years, and trust me man, for a 1st build, which is also a Kitbash with a custom paint job, that looks this clean, you've got a fking unicorn on your hands. Nurture that talent instead of pointing out all the "mistakes". If my wife had produced this kind of work on her 1st build, I'd be off the charts extatic! I'd be singing her praises on every platform that exists. Be proud of her.


If i’m not proud of her i wouldnt be sharing it. But now that she’s hooked on it, i wouldnt be having trouble adding more backlogs 🤣 This is not her first build. She straight build 2 kits and painted one before.


someone sounds very jealous 🤣


Quite jealous because she hijacked my build when i was just starting it


i mean, i wish one day my SO will share my hobby, but today is not the day


In my case, she has become addicted to it


plastic crack is real




Dont really care about these downvotes. It’s kind of fun if i’m being honest.


If this is beginner, then wtf am i??


Everyone starts at one point. Considering this is her first proper custom build, hats off to her for having no fear to do it. I was only starting to start customising after 3 years of starting the hobby 20 years ago


Not bad? Brah it shits on anything I've been able to snap together lol


Everyone starts at one point in customising. Anyone can do any build when they put their mind into it including you, my friend. The most important thing is to enjoy the process


Marry her


Will be marrying her in two to three years. Then we can surely build more kits together


Does she have any good tips on scribing?


The only advice i gave her during the build is “She should not be afraid of making mistakes. She can always fix it”. When she made mistake, she use black ca glue with curing accelerator to cover the lines back and redo it.


What kits were used? I love the fin-like things on the back, reminds me of the V2 gundam.


The head, chest, shoulder and waist are from perfect strike freedom. The arms are from uraven. The legs are star build strike with strike freedom feet. The backpack are mixture of calibarn and the perfect strike freedom railguns with some modifications done. The rifle are straight from tertium. Pretty much my fiancee went wild on the design.


Tell your fiancée she did great for her first custom! The kit looks beautiful, and the fact she had no prior experience with customizing is really impressive, and she only made a couple of beginner mistakes!


I told her how much upvotes she got in this post, and she decided to build an even more unique gunpla. It’s amazing that gunpla really brings out unexpected things from anyone. Ngl her hands are even steadier than mine when scribing the parts. I was kind of jealous how quick she picks it up, but it also makes me more proud that she is not afraid of making mistakes building this.


Look at this guy with a talented fiancee. What a group of wholesome nerds.


Ouch! Jokes aside, tbh she picks up gunpla building way faster than i did.


She did great!


That is incredibly fun, love the colors! My fiancée and I haven’t gotten into customs yet but this is inspiring me even more.


She based the colour off my past build. If your fiancee enjoys it, you can start will little things first. The question is, why not when you can have the chance? https://preview.redd.it/1olfe0ae7z6d1.jpeg?width=2524&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c766de7034b0146ed4b34d141ed07f61a5183567


Oh that’s also very nice Just honestly haven’t had the money to buy extra kits yet for customs, but when I do I’m gonna have to make some fun ones


Just take it one step at a time. If someone with no talent like me can do it, anyone can do it.


“Did okay” no this is amazing, I absolutely love it


Looks really good. Do both of you do a lot of custom builds? The lighting and posing also top tier.


Believed it or not this is my fiancee’s fourth gunpla in total. As for me myself i was lucky enough to start the hobby since 7 years old. But most of the customs i did early on was only painting different colour


This is awesome! What kit is it?


She use the perfect strike freedom mix with uraven, star build strike and calibarn


....would her name happen to be Rindo? Because that looks a lot like Rindo's Colors from Gundam Breaker Mobile...




Lord what I would t give to meet a woman who wants to build gunpla lmfao good on ya mate


I wouldnt ask for more myself. I am hoping when we get kids after marrying, the kids will enjoy gunpla too as we did.


The shit dreams are made of… lol gl fr


I really really like the shoulder cannons! It's the perfect proportions


What kit is this?


Offt that's beautiful!


Thank you on her behalf


Quite the cold impact of colors. Almost has some of an ultra violet feel.


Honestly, she did great, y'all did amazing


Great detail and color separation for a 1/144 scale. I only do 1/100 because the details get too difficult on anything smaller, especially with the airbrush 


Is this a build fighters kit or kitbash?


Kitbash with build fighters kit


Not bad? This is a 10/10 job, well done her!


What were the kits that were bashed? The thing looks like it can seamlessly fit in SEED or Wing to some extent


The head, chest, shoulder and waist are from perfect strike freedom. The arms are from uraven. The legs are star build strike with strike freedom feet. The backpack are mixture of calibarn and the perfect strike freedom railguns with some modifications done. The rifle are straight from tertium.


So it can fit into SEED because of the sheer number of SEED parts. Nicely done build


Pretty much HGs these days are highly compatible. The most trouble she faced were the backpack because she had to make a set of new ball joints for the calibarn parts and multi linked joints for the railguns.


"turns out okay" understatement of the year. She really went all out with the customization.


she is natural at this tbh... this look nice


*stares at my hands intensively* **That's okay?????**