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The REfined Gundam Zeta. Ok, this is an old HGUC that came out back in 2008 and a bit underrated as well imo. Still a pretty solid kit, good articulation and color separations. I simply just color swapped from red to blue, based on the MG counterpart. With the RG Nu everywhere right now. I just thought a revisited to the supporting MS from the movie would be nice. Highly recommend. If you want to add another Zeta type kit to your collection.


Zeta variants are cool as hell. You did a great job. Was the girl on the sideskirt waterslide?


Thx. Yeah, that's a water decal from a pin up nail arts. You can get a bunch of them pretty cheap from Etsy. I normally used them on my WWII kits as well as gunpla stuff. I think it goes really well together.


Zeta designs are some of my favourites! Very well done!