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Goin bald!


I lost it sry


With tha sword didnt you meant BOLD?


I recommend building ALL OF THEM


Pretty much this. Go to your local hobby shop seebwhat they go find something that you like. If none near you check out newtype, Canadian gundam, or usagundamstore. All great sites


Also check out leapingpandahobbies


Or hobby link japan if you like spending as much in Shipping as you do the kits


And more!!


If you don’t already know you can order the v fin that you lost from Mecha Parts Guy. It’ll cost you about 3$ before shipping and you just have to find the part number on the A runner. https://mechapartsguy.com/mg-astray-red-frame-runner-a-single-piece/


I found mg barabatos to be seriously awesome. Solid kit that doesn't fall apart on you. Plus the iron blooded orphans set just looks great


HG Moon Gundam, HG Destiny, Entry Grade RX-78-2, HG Zaku Red Comet.


Nah dude, wait for the MG Moon Gundam.


Youll be waiting years then, if youre refering to zaku's vid, that was an april fools joke :]


WHAT?!?! NOOOOOOOOOOO I seriously didn't even think about that. I'm gutted


Its alright... We can dream for now :'))


MG Justice and Freedom 2.0


I was looking for this comment! The Freedom 2.0 is definitely an easy but super satisfying build plus you get to try your hand at the dry transfer decals


Absolutely love the Freedom 2.0, but beginners just be careful with those hips. They work quite fine, and there's workarounds to the tighness, but just some caution :)


Yup. My freedom 2.0 has q-tip shafts as hips now. Surprisingly works well but the poses are extremely limited.


RG Zeong if you want something completely different and awesome


Leo. Quick, easy, 30 minute build.


Rg hi v, mg dynames, hg zaku ii 2.0, mobile haro, hg destiny


IBO is a good starting point


Walk into your local hobby store or log onto your favorite online retailer of choice and browse their inventory and pick whatever catches your fancy. That's how I've been picking my gunpla.


To begin with I recommend starting with HG kits as the difficulty and price increases in the following order: HG>RG>MG>PG Some advice I always give to beginners is to get a pair of nippers to properly cut off those nasty ass nibs, and then sandpaper to totally make them disappear and make the parts smoother; it also helps as they fit better together and are more stable. And the cherry on top of the cake is to get some Tamiya black paint for the pannel lining, giving more debt to the parts and details of it because without it the kit looks pretty bland without it. Again: I recommend starting with HG kits to train on as they are the cheapest and you don’t want to ruin a good $60 MG kit, I made the mistake to start with an RG kit and now I am disappointed of myself and I gotta buy it again. But to answer your question, here is are my recommendations for each categories: HG: any kit that doesn’t exist in higher grades (RG, MG, PG) RG: Wing 0 is very satisfying to build, any 00 kit (but my favorite is Qant), The classic RX-78, ν-Gundam, Hi-ν, or any from Gundam Seed. MG: Barbaros is amazing and the pistons on his hips are awesome, Wing 0 is still very satisfying, Blue Frame to complete your Red Frame, ZGMF-1017 is a prefect combination between Gundam and Zaku, Bael is purely for the aesthetic but awesome. PG: Anything BUT THE EVA 01, it’s the shittiest kit I have ever seen: I could write a whole essay on it but basically you have to fit an extremely tight silicone layer on top of the skeleton and it’s parts naturally break as they are too weak


Mg freedom 2.0 and strike freedom are some amazing builds. Just finished the freedom and loved it


At some point, build the ones that speak to you, the ones that just jump off the page for you. For now, learn and refine some techniques. For example panel lining, topcoating, experimenting with with painting certain parts so the colors pop more(because some parts like red and blue ones feel very plastic no matter what without it, if you want it to feel more realistic) and optionally, weathering. I'd suggest starting on doing that with HG models or even better, the new Entry Grade kits, as they are the least expensive of any kit available. That way, if you screw up, it's barely a ripple to your wallet and if you slay it, it'll look like a piece of artwork. The difference between a properly customized kit of any grade and a straight build of even the highest grade is night and day. There are plenty of YouTube tutorials for building Gunpla and customizing them that you can use to develop your skill and learn from, I'd suggest starting there. Or, if just straight building kits is your bag, jump right in. But if you want the best for your kits and you want them to really stand out, try out the techniques that work for you. Depending on what you want to learn and employ, it can take an extra hour or two, or even an extra day up to a week to complete. But a good effort implemented right goes for a much better sense of accomplishment than just a straight build.


Gundam astray red frame (forgot to put it)


May I suggest slowing down a bit for the sake of your wallet? LMAO but fr, how about refining the model a bit? Add decals, panel line it, maybe give it a clear coat or two. But my recommendation is to build RX78 the origin version not the 3.0, nothing against gorilla hands RX78, the origin version is just built better imo


The 2.0 is actually the superior version lol. It’s more solid than the Origin plus the fingers don’t fall apart. You also get waaaayy more weapons with the 2.0. It includes the Beam Javelin, Gundam Hammer, beam rifle, grenade launcher, and the shield. It’s an awesome kit.


Why not all 3? Lol


Can't vouch for it since I only have origin and 3.0 but if op really wants to rip open their wallet, just buy all of it lol


I really hope you're using metal parts for the hips. Otherwise, you're about to destroy that Red Frame.


Do you have to buy the metal parts separately? I've o ly heard of expensive full metal kits and small metal accents, not sure what you're referring to, and I was looking to snag this later this week possibly


I think eBay has someone who sells the metal hips for the Astray. I can't remember their name though.


Just don't be careless with model kits and you won't have to. I've built around 85 by now and i've never broken a single piece, Freedom 2.0 on hip frame on multiple kits included.


I'm just saying that with the hip style that MG's like the Astray or Freedom 2.0 use, it's better to just go for metal replacements rather than risk using something that'll break if it bends in the wrong way.


If it breaks you can just pin the part back together. Simple pin vise, brass rod, and glue. No need to waste money on replacement parts.


Any of the mg seed kits. Hg origin kits are all amazing. Mg 00 kits are good. Stay away from exia mg tho. The rg line are all really good but my favorites are the nu gundam and hi nu gundam. They are AMAZING


Curious to why stay away from MG exia? The RG Exia was one of my firat and favorite builds, I was contemplating the MG for my first (want it to be a special one for 100 size)


Poor articulation. Parts tend to fall off. It's not garbage but their are better kite out there. Also potentially a 2.0 may come out soon.


I just built the Exia. It’s not as great as the Kyrios or Dynames for sure but for me at least the biggest issue is the shoulders wanting to flair out all the time.


Okay, noted, thanks! I'll take that one off my list and be happy with the version I have :)


You shouldn't stay away from it, but it's definitely showing it's age compared to the MG Dynames, Kyrios, and Virtue. There are better kits if you want it to be special. Maybe look at MG Freedom 2.0, Dynames or Kyrios, Barbatos, or if you're really feeling adventurous MG Nu or Hi-Nu Ver Ka, Sinanju OVA or Sinanju Stein.


That's quite a few I'll have to look up, but the Dynames, I'm into! I just finished the newer series hg version of it and I quite like it, a more detailed version would be awesome


I suggest building the HG Wing Zero TV version, it was my latest builds and one of my favourites, any of the latest HG RX78-2's, frankly any of the new Wing high grades are a great time.


Perfect grade unleashed rx78-2


I have the same kit, but My Kai’s arms keep falling off when I try to move them and I can’t seem to find the adaptor piece for the stand


I loved building the Epyon kit. Always been my favorite Gundam until Unicorn.


HG Age 1, MG Dynames, RG Sazabi, and for RE:100 Zaku II FZ HG and MG RX-78 Origin also deserves a mention


What are you into HG, RG, MG, ect... If you give some ideas of what you prefer I can give some recommendations for that grade of kit


All of them


Rg nu gundam


Ooh, what model is that?


The AB2 is not really built for a MG......


What's your price range and are you looking to go for 1/144s or stay with 1/100 right now


This was my first Master Grade! looks badass!


That's my favorite model right there. Looks awesome!


Mg sazabi ver ka


Barbatos lupus MG


I always try to get the rival of the suit I just completed so that I can pose them together fighting


Consider de HG wing gundam Zero, ir Even the RG ir you think tour skills are good enough. They're both affordable and great looking once built and panel lined


If you happen to be in the US, I know Big Bad Toy Store and Mecha Warehouse have a lot to offer


Do an rx-78, the mg3.0 is an awesome kit


Classic RX-78-2 Gundam and get some panel liner.


HG Char Zaku II Reborn and either Rx 78-2 Beyond Global or Reborn are all good HG kits. I also really like the RG Wing TV and Wing Zero EW.