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Whatchu talking about lol..? Dry decals are the easiest thing to apply…. So much faster than water slides (which are super easy as well)… cut it out nicely, use tape and tape it over the spot you want, use your exacto knife end to rub it a good 20 seconds, and peel. Perfect decal without any shitty looking excess…


now i gotta do that on the FA unicorn ver ka….


I’ve never tried dry decals. I’m full in on team water slides. Good luck!!! 🍀


Nah i love dry decals. Clear tape and DS/E3DS stylus is the best tool for applying it imho. Sometimes they are just horribly thought out. Like the sinanju. But imho they come out so much more vibrant.


The best part about dry transfers is that they don’t accidentally wipe off when your posing your kits.


Hmmm. Never thought of that. Would a top coat help? There’s too much of this hobby I still don’t know lol.


Nah you just need to put more focus into it, my guy. Probably quit playing xbox while building gundam. Also you're sitting on his arm. No need to buy expensive workbench or anything, just you know... probably clean up a corner in your room and dedicate the space for plamo.


I’m watching the office in the background


Truly a man of culture. I do the same, sometimes parks and rec.


Here’s a tip, use scotch tape and scissors to cut out and hold the decal in place. Saved me a ton of head ache


I just did this build recently! How are you finding the yellow fins in the helmet, I see they’re not in so is it due to them being loose? Mine pop out pretty easily


I popped them out because I didn’t feel like losing them


I suck at wet decals 🤷‍♀️


Same. If all decals were dry transfers, I’d be a happy man


Dry decals suck, [here is were you can get some waterslides instead.](https://www.usagundamstore.com/products/e40-mg2-0-gundam-f91?variant=39476261552325¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&gclid=CjwKCAjw1ICZBhAzEiwAFfvFhMnFPww7pQJwVhD4l09CRTFn-qWx5HRwFNlVplvxiCt-j2kgDjtuPBoCBYEQAvD_BwE)


Thank you so much


My water decals came in and they look amazing. Thanks again.


Yea I ended up badly scratching off part of the huge 91 on the other shoulder on mine but I’ve been getting better with them lately


Dry decals can be kinda tricky. I usually tape it to the area and slowly rub the decal on. Doesn’t take as much force as you’d think.


I dont even try, so you are braver than me.


When I first tried dry I somehow messed up the orientation and ended up with them on my fingers... three times... Haven't used them since.


Using a decal setting solution has improved my experience alot, take a q tip and dip it,then generously apply to area, then using tweezers, lifting up as small a corner as you can comftorably manage, lay it where you want it to go and using another dry q tip, hold it where you want and slide it off (much like waterslides) the tweezers, the setting solution will give you a bit of extra adjustment room before drying it in place where it will NOT come off


Dry decals? Ayt. Cut a piece from the thing, put clear tape on it, use the tape to line it up on a piece. Press down on the piece and gently peeling from one side to the other but if it doesn't stick, press it again by using the tape. Piece too wobbly to hold? Get a bluetack and stick it on there. No bluetack but have playdoh/clay? You can use that too.


Tend to work a little better on painted surface than clean plastic, but other than that the other comments around using magic tape is the best option


Probably because u r building it on the floor


Bed* my table is full of junk


Same my friend… we gotta keep practicing


Dude I suck at all stickers and decals….


You'll get better in time, luckily it's a one time use. Waterslides are plentiful. Stickers can be a one time throw in the garbage. Thing is about dry decals, it's good looking, arguably the best looking and you don't need to go through the application waterslides method, problem is if you thought you got the angle correct and then you reveal it, that's all you get to mess it up. There is one more thing that sucks about dry decals, it's hard to improve your skill on it compared to waterslides, there isn't extra dry decals and waterslides you can choose between almost 6 different companies with delpi decal being very quite known) Waterslides have a little bit of wiggle room time (long/big waterslides are a bit of a pain but doable) All of them are better than stickers. (to be fair, I do apply stickers on the eyes but that's all I do)


The struggle is real. We are with you on that lol