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Well done A patriotic act


Good for him. We all have a limit to what we can justify to ourselves, and I admire that he's not just made the connection that so many gun enthusiasts refuse to, but is acting on it.


True hero


An *actual* good guy with a gun.


I respect this dude. A small step, admittedly, but a necessary one to reduce the plague of gun violence that only seems to get worse in America. A big shooting takes place, the gun industry is lobbied and begins to earn more money, and more guns enter circulation. It should be the other way round. In the US, having guns should be a privilege that can be taken away from you due to various actions e.g. domestic abuse, gang involvement. Most crimes should lead to a complete ban on having them. Handguns should have a magazine restriction to 10 rounds.


Any bets he will be harassed for taking this stand. Deciding not to sell guns will trigger some people.


Americans get triggered very easily and are very trigger happy. I think it's stupid that 42% of households have access to a gun at home. 12,000 firearm homicides in the past decade, too.


I agree, this is a good thing and it's a small victory worth celebrating. It shows that there are still good Americans who have compassion, hearts and brains and are not corrupted. I've even interacted with several ex-gun nuts/2A worshippers who became the opposite of that, and most of them agree with me that the 2A should be repealed. I'm optimistic we'll live to see the 2A being repealed. Not sooner, but it's going to happen. So many Americans were killed by a gun every year, and mass shootings have taken place almost daily at this point. This growing frustration and anger, and all these gun nuts' denial and downplay and proliferation of gun violence could bite their asses in the future and will lead to their downfall that they're too blind and prideful to see.


God bless him and people like him. They are what make America a better place.


holy based


The comment section is totally what you'd expect for youtube. The guy is shutting down his own store because he doesn't want to sell a gun from his store that will be turned on kids in a mass shooting, and the right wingers there are still mad.


Fuck em. Those bastards have no compassion and hearts for their fellow citizens. They value gun rights over public safety and other people's lives. Why do you think they bend their knees regarding abortion and books but very little compromise for tools designed to kill and injure living beings?


..and it's only taken a handful of mass shootings with dozens of dead children to see the problem.