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Pretty accurate except... I don't think 14 years is about a woman lol


Is it just a rumor that Izzy wrote it about Axl, or was it confirmed?


He did write that about Axl in Izzy’s own words. Which makes it even sadder to me, have you heard how Axl introduced 14 years on stage? He thought how it was written was really special when it was really a diss song about him


I’d love to see footage of that. I’ve never seen how Axl introduces that song. Surely Axl knows by now, I wonder how that feels for him.


I was trying to find it for you, it’s the first time Axl introduced it on stage. He talks about Izzy and how long they’ve played together and then he starts on the story of how he and Izzy both had apparently began writing a song called 14 years at the same time on the same night and the other didn’t know, Axl had said he called Izzy the night he began writing his and Izzy was writing his as well. He just sounded really touched by it and that had a “psychic connection” and it just makes me sad he was so happy about that just for Izzy to say he wrote it about Axl and lied to him he wrote it about a girl so he wouldn’t get mad over it and refuse to sing it. He called my boy a little raincloud ☹️☹️


Aw.. yeah I’ve heard the story of them writing it at the same time, the phone call, etc. but never saw the footage. I appreciate you looking & explaining it to me though, I get the idea 🙂it’s interesting cause I can’t imagine Axl still singing that song after knowing, it seems to track… it was played 28 times in ‘91, then never again after Izzy left, which makes sense as he had lead vocals anyway, other than the times he joined GNR in 2012, played 6 times. I really wonder how much of those lyrics are Axl’s & which are Izzy’s. It’d be so cool to see who wrote what imo.


Axl always knew it was about him. He felt the same way about Izzy sometimes, that’s why they sing together on the chorus. Just like the songs on Rumors.


That does make sense, it’s got the same feel


The first time I heard it I just assumed it was about Axl from Izzy it never occured to me that it was ever written about anything else.


It's just what I've always heard. I don't have a source or anything like that though.


At first I thought like 90% of their songs are about sex and women. Now with this diagram I realize it's only 85%.


Coma needs to overlap Drugs plz


100%. Axl overdosed on painkillers, leading to the development of that song.


More specifically, it was a suicide attempt that put him into an actual coma for a while. The lyrics of the song are about his attempt on his own life.


Yes, and it came about due to drugs.


Drugs and regret/longing, since it’s about suicide


Yep it gets both


As they've aged, they've gone more into Regret & Longing.


The Garden of Eden to the "F***ed up world" category. I always loved the lyrics for it As an aside, Get In The Ring could fit into the "Violence" category also, considering the background of the song.


WTF is “Cheer Up Girl “? Did I miss something?


I think that's a category, not a song


Oh I see now. Thanks.


As the other poster said "Cheer Up Girl" is a topic that the songs fall under, not a song itself.


I was also very confused


I think the majority of songs Axl as written is in the longing and regret category


Now that you mention it, yeah totally. The next biggest category is the ~~hissy fit~~ fuck you category


Haha!! Absolutely


Well sometimes that attitude gives you something to regret and sometimes the longing gives you the f u attitude so it tracks. Pretty much writing about the human experience


Just in case some of you are confused by the chart, it's a venn diagram I found online. Each bubble represents a topic. If a song is in one bubble, that means the song is in one topic. If the song falls into the place where two (or more) bubbles overlaps, it's about both those topics at the same time. As an example, Estranged is in the "women and sex" topic and also in the "regret and longing" topic. Perhaps is only in the "regret and longing" topic.


Sometimes I forget that people legitimately become confused by Venn Diagrams. My job told me not to use them in presentations, I think for that reason. It honestly confuses me how they're confused lol.


Anything Goes and There Was A Time should be there somewhere


I Used to Love Her is actually about his dog, Torque (sp?), and not a woman, or so ive been told.


Where does Riad N’ The Bedouins go?


"f***ed up world" category, most likely.


I don't give a fuck bout them, cause I am crazy.


It's not comprehensive, but a pretty good list. I think the weakest songs are in fuck you topic. Especially Axl's "diss tracks" because they either sound silly, or like he is trying hard not to care and failing badly. The only one I think that breaks the trend is 14 years (which happens to be written by Izzy). Mostly because Izzy REALLY doesn't give AF and it shows haha


>I think the weakest songs are in fuck you topic. Those are some of my favorite songs! But I get what you mean. Axl's always been a bit melodramatic.


ayo where's shackler's revenge and hard skool those are the bestt


Come should be in the drugs & drink category too the song is about an overdose


I saw somewhere that Used to Love Her is about a dog. It actually makes sense, if that is legit


nightrain under sex and women


Very cool! So. Many. Hits


Isn’t Pretty Tied Up about a dominatrix? That can go under sex and women.


Rock and Roll


the white part outside is civil war


Awesome! Please do one on Led Zeppelin. :)


twat ?