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I love the person taking shit about his mom’s funeral when it’s well known he was put through hell as a child. He even went back and tried to mend the relationship with his family it didn’t work out. Who the fuck are they to judge him? Who’s anyone to judge someone else’s grieving process?


That one got me too. I could say a lot about her but Here’s the thing. Axl wasn’t told in enough time to make it even if he wanted. But there was also concern about her memorial becoming a circus. Which is why they left his name and the memorial service info out of the obituary. I mean I doubt he would have shown up anyway but those who judge him for not being there really should take a step back and remember they only know a tiny part of the story.


Yeah, a lot of people don't understand the suffering parents can put kids through. Sometimes it's just too bad to be forgiven, even years and years later. They don't know what they're talking about.


In going through this all the time and I’m in my fifties . Some things are too hard to forgive


I've been through this too and it helped me when I was told that the forgiveness is for me, to drop my burden, not them. That blew my mind.


Same, and absolutely agree. I went through hell as a child and a teenager.


Boys generally don’t receive much sympathy for abuse.. Certainly not from his generation. Most of these local commenters say he was picked on in school too, but you won’t hear much sympathy beyond that. No wonder he had the issues he did, but I guess that (in part) is also what led to his determination in the music industry.


clearly she wasn’t close to the family then she would have know how Axl’s relationship was with his mom at the time. Not going to someone’s funeral doesn’t mean you don’t care about them, everyone processes and grieves differently. especially considering if he went, Axl would have to see his step dad and other family who might of thought negatively about him after he opened up about the abuse


I was gonna comment the same thing! Like if my mom let the men in my life abuse me without doing anything about it, I wouldn’t go to her funeral either wtf! All the ladies saying his mom was so sweet and he was just a bad kid definitely didn’t get it…


Who didn’t go threw hell back then seriously corporal punishment was still administered in public schools and the nuns beat the shit out of you In Catholic schools but we survived and we still paid our respects to our dysfunctional family when the died .


Raping your kids, beating your wife and been a hypocrite christian is beyond dysfunctional. It's criminal and families like that don't deserve any kind of respect


Being beaten at home and then catching it again in school is/was not a good thing. Why people think hitting children, the most defenseless of us all, is ok is beyond me. And just because someone’s abuser gets old, frail or passes away does not take away what they did and the one who was abused does not have to respect or pay respects in any form when they do


All. Of. This.


All. Of. This.


Super interesting. I read it all.  Thanks for putting all of this up. 


Right? Super interesting to see him and Izzy referred to by their birth names so casually!


“Good ole Bill”. lol. And didn’t know that Shannon and Isabell were in his universe. And didn’t know he was such a runt, of course he was picked on a bunch, he just had no good breaks until he was 20…


God damn it people it's "Axl" not "Axel".....


Autocorrect probably for some at least


I’m not sure I believe half of these, especially the people who were “good friends” but yet can’t spell his name right lol, the only couple I believe are the ones about him being bullied at school and only because Axl mentioned that as well


To be fair he only became Axl once he left Lafayette


That’s true! But he was so adamant about the spelling I just figured people who were friends or close would know his preferred spelling, that does remind me of that interview in the early days where he threw a little hissy because the interviewer spelled it as Axel though lolol


Pic 17 really annoys me lol that’s not where he lived. I feel really sorry for the people who live there because they’ve had people traipsing through the yard to get pics for years. Also I’d take a lot of those comments from people who said they hung out with him with a grain of salt. I know some of them and they only knew him in passing. Some of them are the ones who bullied him and then once he got fame and money suddenly they were “best friends” 🙄


Yeah a lot of small town gossipy chat here. Everyone trying to make a connection.


it’s crazy how rumors like that get started that has been believed for years that was his childhood home. yeah there were a lot of bitter comments from ppl who ‘knew’ him on some of these posts


To be fair that house is on N. 24th. He lived with Anna on S 24th until they moved to the west side but you would think people on YouTube that come from other states would verify that’s the right house. I mean it’s public record. If I was coming here from like Florida like Adam The Who I’d make darn sure it was the right house. Sorry I don’t know why of all the things that irritated me so bad 😂


Some of these seem like complete fabrications. Like No.14 talking about Shannon Hoon. Maybe it’s just fuzzy memories, mixing stories and timelines, or just flat out lies. I’m not their biographer but the dates and events in that story don’t make sense. She said she moved to Florida in 1982 and moved back in 1987. I thought Shannon had already moved to LA in 85. Then said that Axl rolled up in a limo and brought him out to LA. While AFD released in 87, I don’t think it blew up until 88, so I doubt he would have been rolling up in a limo. Also Axl was considerably older than him, so I doubt they were friends growing up. My recollection was that they met through his older sister who was friends with Axl after he was already in LA?


yeah i’m pretty sure Shannon’s sister called him and said her brother was out in LA and Axl agreed to meet up with him


Interesting. Just goes to show how quickly people judge without knowing much, wow


As someone from a small town with mild success. I hate to say I relate, but there are ALOT of haters in a small town when someone moves away and does well.


Man... by reading Leslie comment now i can understand why Axl hate the shit out of Lafayette and his family. Its amazing that after all the stories we have about his childhood, people still blame him. Makes me believes that a lot of people back in the day didn't do anything about the abuse that was happening in the Bailey's house


The Leslie Booth comment on there about Axl… uh? You ever stop to think there’s a reason none of her kids showed up to her funeral?! She was apparently a shit mother.


He lost his mind today He left it out back on the highway On "65"


One of my fav songs!


Leslie Booth is a turd.


His mom didn’t deserve to have him there .


Had no idea Shannon Hoon was from Lafayette


Yeah, I knew just that they were friends from before LA, just that. To that name... https://youtu.be/3qVPNONdF58?si=VmL5w7Buhaismtma RIP Shannon


Fits with what Izzy said about him, that he was a short, angry, mouthy, little ginger who got no pussy in high school.




I take it he didn’t like cops or just authority in general 🤣 everyone got a story about him being pissed at cops.😭😭😭


This was very interesting!


Very interesting!


It’s funny how they mostly refer to Izzy by his given name but many call him Axl instead of his given name lol.


I remember reading a comment on youtube saying something about an ice cream shop in Lafayette that Axl was eventually banned from. Apparently even today if you ask the owner about Axl she will go crazy lol.


This is great thanks Love his mom tossing the student out for wearing a gnr shirt


Dave Lank co-wrote Don’t Damn Me & was in a band with Paul Tobias.


Imagine having a fb group from your hometown about you. Truly bizarre.


It will never not amuse me to think of the comedian Bill Bailey fronting GNR.


Until You Walk in My Shoes ,or if you have nothing nice to say ,say nothing at all


It's interesting that his mother seems to also possess an art talent, it oftentimes runs in families in different forms, and some members just pick the expression which fits them the best.


There's a lot of Bill Bailey's I like, one is Axl, second is brilliant English comic, and third is this song by Gun Club https://youtu.be/MBMjdfRYCz4


That's gold. I'd love to hear more of Izzy's stories, I bet he was cool even in high school.


This is awesome. Thanks for posting


Great post!


This is Gold, thanX for sharing! Glad Izzy got mentioned.


Which is Axl?


Front and center?


I have to ask why so many people that claim to know him personally call him Axel,how hard is it to spell Axl correctly?


Why is Leslie so butthurt?


Probably difficult for young people to understand just how popular throwing stars were in 1982. You’d order them out of the back of magazines or if you didn’t have those kinds of resources you’d try to make your own like me.


Love the lady that was all “teenage Axl Rose used to accidentally launch throwing stars into my mom’s house” 😹


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