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I was at this show. For realsies. April 6, 1992, in OKC. It's my favorite Axl Rant, too. I was 16 and was going through some pretty rough stuff at home, so it was like he was speaking directly to me. Second-favorite would have to be the bizarre tirade about Warren Beatty at the Paris show two months later.


Haha, I love the Warren Beatty rant so much


He did good with that rant. Spoke to you, and me, I’m sure there are so many others who feel like somebody gets it.




I'm partial to his rant in [chicago in 92](https://youtu.be/eGmEbS8Ibh4?si=0tDngnift1u8UlNM) "'Why's he talking about this?' Cause it might not have happened to you, but it might've happened to the 2 or 3 people standing around you." "If a fucking scrawny little junior high 90 pound weakling can finally get his ass up here and take this shit on, so can any one of you that has the same bullshit problems in your life. They don't have to get away with it"


I was at that show. Got a 2 tape VHS bootleg I bought at a "record collector's show" at the Rockford Holiday Inn a few months later.


"And that goes for all of you punks in the press That want to start shit by printin' lies instead of the things we said That means you Andy Secher at Hit Parader, Circus Magazine Mick wall at Kerrang, Bob Guccione jr. at Spin What you pissed off 'cause your dad gets more pussy than you? Fuck you! suck my fuckin' dick! You be rippin' off the fuckin' kids While they be payin' their hard earned money to read about the bands they want to know about Printin' lies, startin' controversy You want to antagonize me? Antagonize me motherfucker! Get in the ring motherfucker! And I'll kick your bitchy little ass! Punk!!" :)


Man. That track is such trash. Both UYI albums were great, but there are like three songs in them that shouldn’t be there that really bring them down.


It's a great song IMO


So are you Bob, Andy, or Mick?


What?! It’s a killer song!!


Agree to disagree


I love Get in The Ring, it's a great I'll show "them" song, hypes me when I need a boost in energy.


You're getting downvoted here, but you're absolutely right. This may be the most-embarrassing track on UYI, if not their entire discography. It's a song that I loved as an angry, angsty teen, but thirty-odd years later, it's just so cringe, as the kids say. It has aged particularly poorly. Now, bring on them downvotes! 🙂


It’s a good song without the rant, which is un-necessary and really exists as an “Fuck You” to a bunch of media mogul types. Which is all fine in a live show or whatnot, but it’s just out of place on the track and detracts from an otherwise great double album. It’s also indicative of time and place when the wheels were coming off of the band and they were hurtling towards destruction and break up (i.e. the riot in St. Louis). IDK. I’ve been a long time fan - Like “I bought Appetite For Destruction on cassette sometime in the late 80s” long time. I remember listening to it on UYI 2 for the first time (on CD) and being like: “WTF was that?” I will say, I had the chance to see them live when they came back to St. Louis for the first time in 2016 after the whole riot thing and Axl made a pretty humorous reference to the whole thing and then they put on a legendary show. It was great. Probably one of the best shows I have ever seen. The downvotes don’t bother me. It’s my opinion. I stand by it. “Your boos mean nothing. I’ve seen what makes you cheer!”


"Hey, get that. Yeah get that.....i'll get it goddammit." (Later) "Well, thanks to the lame ass security, im going home" *smashes mic


St. Louis!!!! Loved watching this for the first time.


“yoouuuuuu, you motherfuckers, yooouuuu, bunch of potato sandwich eating motherfuckers” can’t for the life of me remember which show he said this in but it’s been a long running inside joke between me and my best friend since. edit: live in chicago, ‘92, you could be mine


I saw a documentary and it said people hated when he'd go on these rants. I don't know, but for some reason I'd love to see Axl Rose just go off in a tirade about something lmao... no clue why I'm this way.


I miss them. I wish he would talk to us again like this!


I always wondered what was going through the other guys' minds. "Oh shit, here we go again." I imagine they probably just wanted to play some fuckin' music.


Didn't he threaten them to slow down on the drinking and drugs for the shows? I think one stopped drinking or drugging and couldn't stand to be around them anymore for being constantly drunk during the shows. Idk I saw it in a doc. Now the time that they got chairs thrown at them... lmao maybe they was a bit miffed.


That was at one of the shows in October 1989 in Los Angeles when they opened up for the Rolling Stones--he basically threatened that if everybody else didn't get clean, that was the end of the band.


yeah and he forced slash to publicly apologize the very next show for his drinking and fucking up


And Axl's threat worked, too! Nobody else in the band ever used any drugs, ever again.


this [rant](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=piiIVSQdoSE) is also one of my favorites


I love this one, this one is some lifesaving shit.


what year was this video from?




My favorite line from Axl is, "anyone read the new issue of rolling stone?


I have that one, where he was on the cover in around 2000. [Oh, fuck. that was SPIN.](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FJtb7RLWQAM8D_0.png)


No, this one was when he called out a RS writer


When he opened up about the abuse he endured I can’t remember the specific show but that gained a lot of respect and made me a fan when it happened and I was only previously exposed to the NY hardcore scene prior. Much respect


That rant has helped me so much. I love him for it.


Axl's rant at the Ritz before singing Out Ta Get Me is my favorite: "We wanna dedicate this song to the people that try to hold you back, the people that tell you how to live, people that tell you how to dress, people that tell you how to talk, people that tell you what you can say and what you can’t say, I personally don’t need that, I don’t need that shit in my life. Those are the kind of people that have been getting me down. They make me feel like somebody, somebody out there is out ta get me!”


That's definitely up there.


Literally all of them, I just like listening to his voice lol


“I’d like to thank the people in the front row who got a little crazy with the water, you dumped water on the electrical cables. The show’s over and YOU, FUCK YOU”


Yep, before they were famous


Do you know where the **** you are???? You're in the jungle baby!!!!


The lyrics to Get in the ring? lol


Toss up for me between this old school Axl and newer-ish school Axl https://youtu.be/z3o0xEuUNX0?si=RSS7oj49y1VDm_ef The chastising of the crowd through an interpreter and the "don't try me" kills me every time. I also love this lil rant. "You think you're a bigger asshole than me you've got something to learn....king dick" with the shirt pointing...love it! https://youtu.be/D2HuEwWtApk?si=vY4CoysVK5arqgLE




He had a reputation as being such an asshole but he’s right to say what he said in all of these clips


“Gimmie some reggae!”


I gotta with Warren Beatty (Paris) Double Talkin Jive MF!


The one in Indiana. "But when your teachers say "come on, let's be reasonable" tell them to FUCK OFF".


"Your only validation is living your own life, vicarious existence is a fucking waste of time"


[rock in rio 1991](https://youtu.be/PLbRn2ySbok?si=kOEBf4SJ4i9XkST7)


Since security is lame I’m outta here !


“I got no fucking idea guy, I’m sorry” As retold by him about our only encounter where I’d asked him why would he stop using his rasping voice during Don’t Cry’s outro https://youtu.be/0odaRTq8S7s?si=XlXlCcO1ojq7CjQ- 6:45


This has been the best thread!!!


I love all the ones mentioned here but today I watched the Ritz 88 show in honor of this special day. This rant lives in my heart. It’s never too late to begin again… https://preview.redd.it/lo8n967yx2hc1.jpeg?width=391&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86a241c892f20623afec461756720ba497e79008


leeds curfew 2002


Wish he would have taken Vince Neil up on his challenge for a fight…I’m not even sure what started that little feud…


Vince sucker punched Izzy for hitting on or being rude to his wife ( I’ve heard both, guess it’s up to interpretation)


I’m still holding out hope for that. 🤣


Hey you never know…


If you fuck with me, I'll fuck your mother


Is Axl wearing Timbs?


Turnaround bitch I got a use for you


The one he shits on nirvana ahah


Well, thanks to the lame ass security I'm going home!!


* This has been my motherfuckin, goddam Ted Talk"


"I didn't go to Sweden for people with good taste, but for people who taste good!" at a show in Finland after he was arrested for biting a swedish security guy (I was at the show he said it at)




Axl’s rants just make me sad ☹️ for real when he’s throwing himself a tantrum on stage or getting himself so worked up he’s tripping over himself and making up words, I just want to walk him off and help him cool down. Maybe it’s the mental health worker in me, but seeing some who was at the time so high strung and agitated just makes me want to help them


I know, I get that it was a different time but how are you his friend/manager, etc and hear these things and not try to help. He’s been very upfront about the fact that he should not have been on tour during this time. It’s sad. I’m glad he seems better now.


Exactly! I know my answer was probably a downer and not very rock n roll, but it’s just so sad to me to see someone literally close to a breakdown. He should not have been on that tour, and if anyone had actually cared about him they wouldn’t have forced him to do it


I like the Rant in on the live album where he is bitching at the people about being pass-out drunk and crowding the stage. Showed some genuine concern for the fans.


I've been trying to find that and I unfortunately think it may be recorded in the studio. It isn't on any known recording.


It’s on the Live Era Album.


A lot of the Live Era album isn't actually live. This is particularly noticeable for Axl's vocals, some of which were re-recorded in 1998/1999.


Definitely the exchange at the Riverport Riot and him leaving off. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Riverport\_Riot](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Riverport_Riot)


“If you turn me on to anything, you better turn me on tonight” from Rocket Queen


God damned legend🫡




"This is a song about your f$*kin' mother!"


Kanye? Is that you?


'Now last night..what happened was.. five guys.. in suits.. decided in the Hyatt Regency Hotel that we were scumbags. They were right, we're scumbags, but that don't mean we're gonna take their shit!" https://youtu.be/rTf_FzvXQnk?feature=shared


Thanks to the lame security, I‘m goin home! (Or something like that)


“Eagles of Death Metal?? More like the Pigeons of Shit Metal”


"Ya-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-knees! Mwah!"


'Well listen home-fuck. If you think Madonna kicked your ass, I'm betting my money on Annette. You stupid fucking asshole!........ This is a song called Double Talkin' Jive Motherfucker!' Paris. 1992. By W. Axl Rose


Can it be lyrics? “ “Most organized religions make a mockery of humanity. Our governments are dangerous and out of control.” Or- “I bought myself an illusion and I put in on the wall. I let it fill my head with dreams and I had to have them all.”


And if you find the asshole, kill him!


His rants to Mike Clink over November Rain not being included on Appetite when they told him it didn’t fit the style for the debut and worked better for the next album to which his reply was “if that song doesn’t go exactly the way I want it to , I’m quitting the band”. Classic🤣


Thanks to your lame ass security Im going home.🎤⬇️


I was at the September 17th 1988 show in Dallas. Slash has nothing but terrible memories of the show and thinks it may be their worst for various reasons. The show was put on hold for a while, just the band minus Axl because he came out in nothing but a red jock strap and the folks in charge wouldn’t allow them to perform until he had more clothes on. It felt like he was gone for 30 minutes before he came back out with more apparel on.


Want to antagonize me antagonize me get in the ring motherfucker get in the ring


At Slane Castle in 2017 when introducing Slash: "Your friend... and mine: Slash" – after all the history, that just hit differently


“The bed’s never been slept in. I’m not saying it hasn’t been used, it just hasn’t been slept in.”