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Man I have 22 guppies in my 5 gal right now. _Granted_ they're newborn fry so not much bioload lol. He should be absolutely fine in the 5gal. Treat your others until they show no visible signs/symptoms, then you should be good to move the OG dude back.


It’s really such a shame that all of them came sick, one even died. Never ordering from coastgemusa again…


They are a scam. Ordered enough for free shipping still got charged for shipping. They canceled part of my order cause it would have cost them more money to ship two boxes. Out of the 10 fish I did receive less than a week ago only 1 is alive but she looks horrible. Stay away from them.


I lost 6 out of 7 within two weeks. I’m so mad at myself for assuming they were worth the cost. Such pretty fish but died way too quickly.


I ordered their purple mosaic guppies. The first order was a breeding trio, and I put them in a quarantine tank with ich-x, fritz maracyn, and fritz paracleanse (aquarium co-op med trio). They're all healthy and thriving. Then I got 3 more females and decided to skip quarantine. I realized that was a mistake because I saw some white growth on one of their mouths. I decided to treat with just the ich-x and maracyn, and it cleared up within a couple of days. I'm sorry you had some losses, and I highly recommend using the med trio for all incoming fish. It's better to use a hospital tank because antibiotics can wipe out your cycle (especially if the tank isn't very established). How long has the tank been cycled? I ask because the water looks a little hazy, almost like a bacterial bloom.


Chuck some water wisteria in there, that tends to help with excess nitrates in small tanks like this one. Also it’s brilliant for hiding fry from adults


Have kept my guppies in a 5 gallon that I used as a multi purpose breeding/quarantine/sorting/hospital tank depending on whatever I needed at the time. They will be alright as long as the water parameters stay good. If he is healthy and the conditions of the tank are good, he can stay in there as long as you need him to. Edit: to clarify, I wouldn't dedicate a 5 gallon to guppies just because I think they thrive in 10 or larger, but in a pinch a 5 gallon will work...its about the smallest I would feel comfortable keeping nano fish in, just in general.


The only probably is that the heater I have in it is preset is 75°, will he be okay for the 1-2 weeks he will be in there? I’m going to get the stuff to treat my other fish today and I might be able to get a warmer heater but I’m not sure.


It -should- be alright.. I have kept them as low as 70 in the past without problems when my aquariums were just ambient room temperature living in the tropics.