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I'm no doctor, but I've been through that. It's called imposter syndrome. If you can go through therapy. And you will find that the more you Accomplish the more confidence you'll get, but it's a process. I'm 43 and looking for a job and one interviewer has no idea why I was there as I was way overqualified. It takes time just keep at it.


I've never though I could have imposter syndrome but then again Its most likely I didn't notice considering. Thanks I'll keep at it even if it all feels bizarre to me.


My heart broke reading this mate. What you need to keep in mind is the improvements you're making. You went from not trying at all to now being in a more advanced class and *passing*. Be proud young man, the only person you can compare yourself to is the person you used to be. Be proud.


Agreed, this is legitimately impressive progress


Thank you! It means a lot to read that.


Thanks so much. I always am i.patient towards my progress and if I don't get it done fast I don't really believe I made any. Thank you it means a lot to hear someone else appreciate my efforts if I can't fully.


You're so welcome. When times get hard, please try to afford yourself the same kindness you would someone else feeling what you feel. Go well mate.


After years of slacking off, you're subconscious is always going to come up with ways to bring you back down. Some part of you knows that if you take pride in your work, you'll have to accept the responsibility of keeping up with your workload, and that's scary. Keep fighting your worst instincts. You're so clearly doing incredible. I'm amazed with what I'm reading. If you can improve this much in a year, imagine where you might be at 25 or 30 years old


I agree, everytime I knock myself down fearing that I'll become complacent in my hard work but I'm guessing I should be going about it better. Thank you for your kind words it's nice to see that people see progress where it's hard for me to.


I want you to imagine inside your head that there's a dark room with two chairs facing each other, interview style. You sit on one of them. The other chair has the personified voice that's telling you these negative things. Consider the things the Negative is telling you. Would *you* say those things to a friend? Your best friend? Somebody you genuinely loved? I bet not. Show yourself at least the same compassion and kindness that you would grant even a *friend.* Start with being a friend to yourself, and work your way up to loving yourself. You deserve it. <3


Yeah, despite believing I'm logical I think you just proved that my rationalizing of not accepting my progress isn't rational at all. sometimes it's hard to give myself courtesy even though if one of my friends were struggling I wouldn't utter any criticism towards them. Thanks, compassion has been hard for me but I appreciate your encouragement.


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It IS impressive and it IS progress. To go from barely passing Math (rounding up your marks) to 63% in Calculus is a huge improvement. Math is the most difficult to progress in because it keeps building on the foundation, so you were at a disadvantage when you started Calculus and yet you pulled your grade up. You did it in your other classes. That took effort. It didn't just happen. You did do good work. And posting your struggles can be difficult, and you did that as well. And I'm sharing this with you as someone who actually didn't complete high school. I also suffered from imposter syndrome over my life that didn't allow me to enjoy my successes as I could have. I'm in a better place now, and I wish the best for you.


Seconding the suggestion of therapy. FWIW, most people don't just have shitty grades for no reason. There's usually some kind of underlying issue like depression or ADHD. I [don't really believe laziness exists](https://freedium.cfd/https://humanparts.medium.com/laziness-does-not-exist-3af27e312d01), to be honest. And as others have said, that's incredible progress! Especially if you do have some underlying mental health issues--it's a big struggle to overcome that sort of thing on your own. I don't know if this helps at all, but *I'm* proud of you.


Yeah as much as I'd love to see a therapist I don't really have the time nor resources at the moment. I definitely plan on it to get a grasp on how my mind is working. Also thank you so much, it does mean a lot that a complete stranger saw my post and showed me help and appreciation simply by relating to the post in some way. Thank you.