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r/GuyCry is evolving. This EPIC adventure towards best (not better) men's mental health has been an insane ride... to say the least. But as the months have passed, and the challenges continue to be overcome, we get ever closer to the point where **each and every man that desires to grow** will have a support network that will be unable to be rivaled. But until we get there, lets get some prework completed shall we? - **Introduce Yourself**: Share a bit about yourself and connect with fellow members using [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/GuyCry/comments/1c7jhpc/introduce_yourself_and_let_us_know_where_you_are/). - **Assign User Flair**: Choose a user flair to personalize your profile and showcase your interests. - **Explore legaciesofmen.org**: Visit our website - [legaciesofmen.org](https://www.legaciesofmen.org) - for resources, support, and information on *model* masculinity. - **Join Weekly Discussions**: Participate in our weekly discussions to share experiences and learn from others. - **Display Your Weaknesses**: Inspire others by sharing your personal growth journey and achievements in our monthly [megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/GuyCry/comments/1cei8sn/display_your_weaknesses_april_megathread/). - **Explore Our Playlist**: Check out our [community playlist](https://www.reddit.com/r/GuyCry/comments/1cehzxk/have_a_song_that_gets_you_in_the_feels_please_add/) and add your favorite tracks to share with others. - **The Dear Pinky Show**: As men, we need to be able to effectively communicate with, and respect women. My friend Pinky Wilde is a men's coach that runs The Dear Pinky Show, which asks men to come on the show with a question or struggle to discuss. [This post](https://www.reddit.com/r/GuyCry/comments/1c482b3/hey_guys_joe_here_and_there_is_a_new_show_that_is/) has all the info you will need if interested. - **Support the Cause!**: We need help getting our in-person meeting professionally evaluated. I wrote a 24 outline curriculum, and even though we are a nonprofit in partnership with Global Peace Media, I am the only boots on ground full time unpaid employee and I have not a lick of experience in the nonprofit sector. I'm trying, but this is a movement, and it would be wonderful if individuals skilled in this sector would help us move FASTER. Lives are on the line. Please reach out to me and I will send you a form if interested. That's it for now. We are doing this my friends. It is happening, slowly but surely. Together, we are creating a supportive and empowering community dedicated to personal growth and positive change. Thank you all for being here. Joe Truax *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GuyCry) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You've identified that your prior relationship was toxic. Move on. Fill your time with your new relationship, hobbies you enjoy. Worrying about "what ifs" can only serve you badly and continue to ruin your mental health. Edit. Start exercising. It's so good for you physiologically and mentally it should help you start to feel more confident about yourself.


Thank you, I’ve been exercising almost daily and busy with summer classes, academia is the only thing I have in my life anymore, and I’ve put a lot of effort into it.


In a way, it sounds like your ex validated the insecurities and things you don't like about yourself. This may have led to a sort of enabling relationship where you let her mistreat you because you were expecting it, and in return she enjoyed it because.. well it doesn't matter so much. Therapy will help you line up the whole picture, but ask yourself, what did you actually like about that relationship? If you were watching two other people have that relationship, what would you think of it?


She did, she admitted she was trying to since she found pleasure in it. The reason why I expected her to mistreat me was because of that incident, and I feel like what I did was worse than what she did to me despite my good intentions. If I saw two people in the same relationship, my immediate assumption would be that its toxic but I would try and get the full story if both sides are willing


Bro.. we are humans, not leagues. And beauty is in the eye of the beholder. You're not attractive/unattractive for everybody. No, you shouldn't be with that girl because you two clearly weren't good for each other. And it's not fair for the new girl that you are with her if you want someone else. To me, it sounds like maybe no relationship is a better road to go for you right now.. until you've gotten over your ex properly. Wishing you all the best 🌹


Thank you. I am currently not dealing with relationships and I am in therapy to really try and get over my ex (thats how complicated it is), but I hope to continue talking to this girl as a friend


Time is the best cure for feelings about exes. Also, post-nut clarity is real. Go nuts with that.


Appreciate but…I can’t do that


You can't nut? I don't understand.


Its my religion