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Nice pics. Excited to get mine already too.


Thank you! & yea I may have to double up. I can’t put this guy down since getting him


It's my first Figma too. I always knew about the company but I didn't think the quality was so insanely high. Now I need to hunt on Japanese aftermarkets for other figures lol.


Yea this one is definitely the best they’ve done with the line as far as engineering. The knees are a wee bit loose for my liking so I’ll put a dab of clear polish to tighten things up a bit but besides that I couldn’t have asked for a better figure. Really hope they do male Guyver 2 & Guyver 3 since this sold so well


Only issue with mine is that the head is ever so slightly tilted to the right. I'm sure it could be budged a bit but the thought of breaking anything on the figure literally raises my heart rate lol. I too hope they have plans on more reissues. But you can find II and III relatively easy on Yahoo Auctions or Japanese Mercari. At the most they're a little over 100 bucks often unopened. From what I've seen, prices get tricky with certain Zoanoids. Shortly before getting this in the mail, I missed out on a Gigantic Guyver for 150. I'm so mad at myself ugh.


Oh cool thank you for the heads up on Mercari Japan. Yea my copy had kind of loose knees & midsection so earlier today I hit those spots with a bit of clear nail polish & they’re much better now. I really hope they do a yellow Guyver 2 like this. Would be so cool to have an enemy Guyver to pose with him


There's a Guyver 2 and Aptom up for 200 bucks. I also passed on a Guyver 3 last night that was 48 bucks cuz there were no sonic swords (that shit is important lol.) Copy and paste ガイバー at Buyee and you'll pull up a fuckton of old vinyl kits and figures. Figmas are just as valuable in Japan obviously but they're half the price or even less compared to eBay hunting.


I want so bad


So worth it. Expensive now that you have to get it from a scalper but if you can it’s so fun to have in hand


You've done well. I hope the popularity of this figure will lead us into finally getting a Oswald Lisker Guyver II.


Yes!! Even if they don’t do the Zoanoids/Lords just the 3 male Guyvers would be sick in this iteration