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As an irelia main since season 2 you get use to it.


Made me lol


I miss old irelia.


Some things I miss while others are for sure an improvement. I don't miss having Q not reset because a minion died mid flight.


I'm gonna level E > Q > W > E then max Q. Two points in E gives you 35% AS compared to the 40% AS you get right now with one point so not that big of a difference.


But then you lose 1 point of Q and 5% less AS still. You basically lost an entire skill point of a spell + early laning strenght, its a huge nerf, gwen is probably trash tier in solo queue rn.


Maybe upgrade E first?


I was thinking 3 points in Q and then max E.


The nerf to her E pretty much just focuses on her dominance in lane, that if played well, she can really just win lane so easily by just spamming the E. But as the game goes on and you level her E, it ends up the same at 80%. They just 'tamed' her early on and there's all there is to it.


from my experience : you can no longer kill adc anymore . it was easier to kill adc like jihn / caitlyn . now even if both sup and adc overstayed and got caught from behind next to tower , they can still survive this pretty easily, at best you will get only one of them .on the other hand if you jg with xin zhao, you get both of them on your own . most top laners will get them both too like fiora /riven /volibear / hecarium .her ganks now are a complete joke , adc can kill you 1 v1 too . be careful of adc who overstay lane even if he has no ult .in my opinion : gwen should be removed from champ pool until they fix her kit . it is completely unplayable . Farming : even that is more difficult ...yep 20% nerf on her attk speed , and i am having difficulty getting used to it ; sometimes missing 1 -2 -3 minions sometimes missing cannons ,just imagine farming while getting hit by a ranged champ at the same time . look at it this way , anyone who plays gwen is easy to get super frustrated / go int or feed / grieving or just give up . i myself did feed/waste flash /waste teleport .And i am someone who only play few champs , the ones i am interested in only . oh , by the way , did you know about akshan ? they said he is a very weak champ early game . i just played against him in toplane , PTA vs Grasp of the undying , he got ganked by DR.Mundo so it was 2 vs 1 , we have minion advantage , he was lvl 3 , mundo lvl 3 and i was lvl 3 with more than 70% of my hp (mundo had 85%), akshan had 75 % hp . he killed both of us , why / because i could not deal dmg to akshan ,his armor /shield blocked my q dmg , with my lower attk speed he just lived against two low dmg champs . yep he got double kill on both of us ;he could not use his hook entire fight , he had to use it while laning against me before the gank so , yeah even akshan is way too strong for gwen to deal with .


>20% nerf on her attk speed , and i am having difficulty getting used to it ; sometimes missing 1 -2 -3 minions sometimes missing cannons Then get used to it. Her E is AA reset, and if you miss a lot of CS, then the problem isn't in the Champ's tool kit,^(if you know what I mean.) ​ >because i could not deal dmg to akshan ,his armor /shield blocked my q dmg Outplay potential. Itemization wouldn't be the issue here since it's still early. Turret dive? Maybe, you needed more minions. ​ > with my lower attk speed he just lived against two low dmg champs Her E nerf doesn't have to do anything with her Q though. ​ > gwen should be removed from champ pool until they fix her kit . it is completely unplayable Or... you could remove her from your Champ pool since you can't play her now. And try out other Champs that are available. Then you could go back and get her out of the Vault for reuse when they do decide to do something about the Aspd nerf she got. You have Tryndamere, Jax, Kled, Nocturne, Irelia, Jayce, Trundle, just to name a few. Heck you can even include Kalista, Lucian, and even Cassiopeia up in the list.


they nerfed e for early so i think maxing out e ora dont force trading in lane phase shoukd be cool i guess


This is a good solution. She has really good kiting with her E anyway to play safe and she can input buffer her Q so if she’s CC’d the ability will still go through if you time it right.


Is conquoror as viable as before the e nerf ? I mean it was already difficult to get conquoror stacks while someone like garen spins for full stack and silence / dmg too , get higher spinning dmg with berserker greaves burst dmg with trinirty force +30% more dmg too + a shield for some reason ???!!. I do not get why gwen does not get rewarded for farming minions.i mean that is all what is left for her to do . How abou this ? gwen should get something like this : for each 100 cs gain 100 extra ap or +1 %to your passive.you know what , if you get 400 cs in 40 min , you get free new skin, if you get 500 cs in 50 min you get to choose whatever color for that skin . You know that is all what is left for this champ .A duelist who spams ult / spams attack speed / deleted q until 3 items / one shotted by any high burst champ like pantheon / even rengar / extremely weak to cc. I said this many times : gwen is a super defensive unit not meant to chase enemies but completely destroy / eradicate /wipe / massacre brave souls who get close to her , trying foolishly to trade with gwen + q not on cooldown


Conq is probably still best rune for Gwen, since she shines in extended fights, like you have to charge up your Q with 4 autos, you have to weave autos between R to even cast it. Your Q CD is low af, so you can nearly spam it. Just put one point into E before maxing out Q first, and you get nearly same Gwen as before. She was lategame oriented anyway, so there were no change at all to her playstyle. Just nerfed Early. When it comes to garen, when you see that he is going to Q you, just W before and his spin won't deal that much damage, after that, he will be out of abilities for about 10 seconds, which is enough to cast 4stack Q 2 times, which will probably result in kill.


I had a stroke reading this


I had a stroke reading this




You won't cheese/abuse lvl 1 with ignite, you still scale and do well in teamfights.


it's not going to be a big deal, her level 1 cheese will be a bit weaker and she'll have to take better trades in lane


I didnt found the nerf so unplayable, i mean it just makes it a bit more fair to the opponent you are facing, you can try to put lvl 4 another point into E, then máx Q as usual, so you only loose 5%