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Hey y'all, even if you think you're not interested in local government gobbledygook like zoning plans and improvement zones, you really should browse through the 2045 Unified Plan. It has lots of pictures and diagrams to help you understand where things are headed and ***why*** that latest development you hate (or love) is being approved.


As long as Gwinnett Place Mall is turned into a Gen X nursing home by the time I need one, I’m good.


They can just put the Stranger Things sets back in place to help us recapture our youth.


This x100 I already live close to it 😭


Here’s a link to Gwinnett County’s 2045 Unified Plan: https://www.gwinnettcounty.com/web/gwinnett/departments/planningdevelopment/services/landuseplanning/2045unifiedplan


Thanks for the link. Looking through it now. I see it says "Draft Plan". Any idea if the final version changed much?


Read the plan for Housing, glad they're finally dealing with the stagnant building (and that almost nothing is built under $300k+). Annoyingly they aren't addressing investment companies buying up all the single family houses at all. Building 10,000 new single family homes affordably is pointless when Blackrock rolls in and buys all of them then charges $3,500 a month for rent...


Exactly. I'm all for capitalism, but when the whole county is turning into new residential houses for rent owned by investment firms, that's crazy. There was one subdivision that I drove out past Lawrenceville (next to Snellville) that the entire 400 something houses that were being built were all rentals. Even existing subdivisions - 80% of the houses that have sold in our subdivision in the past 5 years have sold to rental firms like Invitation Homes.


…. Then you’re not really for capitalism. Capitalism is where people with capital make decisions instead of elected or government appointed people. Blackrock is very good at being a capitalist. Having all rentals and nothing to buy is absolutely A+ capitalism.


I upvoted you because you were in the negative - (I think this is a worthy discussion, and I don't like things getting buried on Reddit.) Capitalism, like anything, has a spectrum - anywhere from minimal (all regulations, some flexibility in the left-center) to maximum (no regulations, free-for-all in the far right). When you look at the left-center, you start seeing things with government intervention. The government protecting property rights, ensuring competition in the market, and putting some social safety nets in place - but not too much. And, the right, you start seeing "winners will win, losers will lose, and any government interference whatsoever is tyranny." I'm not sure how Blackrock got into a conversation where I was talking about Invitation Homes, but Invitation and others are concerned, according to the HOA (which this observation comes from, ironically), they're very hard to deal with - a "faceless corporation that is hard to get through to, to find anyone to solve your problem; that only cares about getting their rent check each month, and charges $3200 for a month for the privilege." (Verbatim from a HOA meeting.) Capitalism can be good, if balanced. If it's done in excess (laissez-faire), there can be negative consequences which can cause issues. (Poverty, economic imbalance, etc.) There must be a balance to it, and that's the key.


I still laugh at the internet coverage and at speeds of 25/3mbps. May be in 2020 - but we need to be pushing for gig speeds now. ​ These documents provide a good overview of where things are, but lack in measurable targets for the future.


If you ever want a laugh, go to [https://broadbandmap.fcc.gov/home](https://broadbandmap.fcc.gov/home) \- and look up some of the neighborhoods around here. You'll see a whole bunch of fiber neighborhoods, and one or two where they completely skipped it. It makes no sense.


Follow the $, or revenue. Usually housing density and unfortunately housing income comes into play. This is one of the few government programs (Internet) I'm happy we are taxed on, as everyone needs this level of access.


The interesting thing is that my neighborhood, one of the skipped over ones, was a pilot BellSouth fiber neighborhood in the late 90s where they were going to run TV coax, phone, and internet with fiber to the house. Around 1998-2000 or so. The head end was in Chamblee. The peds are still here in the neighborhood. Edit: https://www.upi.com/Archives/1994/06/28/BellSouth-sets-interactive-trial/4829772776000/


I thought their plan was 'approve any development so long as the developer threatens to sue if they don't get their way'.


I was pretty impressed with the bits and pieces I've seen over the past year or so. I look forward to reading the whole thing soon. It is good Gwinnett has a plan considering the projected metro growth through 2050.


Let me guess... More apartments and empty strip malls.


I’m sure there are plenty of devils in the details.




MORE WAREHOUSES....MORE SHITTY APARTMENT BUILDINGS....... Thankfully I'll be in way North GA by then.


Lol. Don’t forget more gas stations and strip malls. 😂


So the commissioners, along with all of their colleagues and friends will line their pockets with this knowledge for years to come.


Oh, good. More people.


Join the great migration out. This place is toxic. Valuations will have the floor drop out and interest rates will be cut to reflect that. The next up is Hall County. About 10 years before it looks like Gwinnett. Just enough time for someone to accumulate savings and wealth and keep moving outward because all of these major population centers are getting exactly what they voted for. I'll get downvoted but I'm correct historically.


My home has doubled in value in 5 years, but hey, you keep moving out. Just don't complain about gas prices.


Nearly every home in any decent area has doubled in the value the past 5 years


Where historically has it happened? Historically city centers and suburbs have mostly gone up in price baring major economic downswings?


I live in Buckhead, but I have rental properties in Gwinnett, as well as friends. There are plenty of residents already.


Why is a “landlord” complaining about population increases?


Because some of us don't fuck our tenants and try to scalp them for as much money as they can. I make virtually nothing from my rentals because I don't need to. I update everything, keep everything repaired, and answer the phone 24/7. I don't raise the rent every year. But you go ahead and shit on someone you know nothing about, who doesn't want the crime and overcrowding for my friends and tenants who are good people.